

名称 【精品解析】四川省泸州市合江县马街中学2023-2024学年高三上学期1月期末考试试英语试题
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资源类型 试卷
科目 英语
更新时间 2024-03-22 15:32:52


1.(2024高三上·期末)Who is the man probably talking to
A.A shop assistant. B.His wife. C.His co worker.
【解析】【听力原文】M: Your gold necklace is so nice. I want to buy one for my wife.
W: Thanks. I think it can hold its value well. I bought it ...
M: Shush! Mr Longman is coming towards us with the meeting papers.
【分析】题意: 这个男人可能在和谁说话 根据听力内容M: Shush! Mr Longman is coming towards us with the meeting papers. 嘘!朗曼先生拿着会议文件向我们走来。可知选项His co worker.符合题意;故答案为 C。
【点评】考查短对话。注意听前认真阅读问题和选项去预测可能听到的内容,听时注意抓关键句Shush! Mr Longman is coming
towards us with the meeting papers.来选出正确选项。
2.(2024高三上·期末)Why can the woman sing well
A.She learned singing by herself.
B.She used to be a music teacher.
C.She got some training as a student.
【解析】【听力原文】M: I never knew you had such a lovely voice. You are like a professional singer.
W: Thanks. I wouldn't say I'm professional, but I did receive some training at school. My music teacher used to be a professional singer.
【分析】题意:为什么这个女人唱得好 根据听力内容I wouldn't say I'm professional, but I did receive some training at school. 我不敢说我是专业的,但我确实在学校接受过一些培训。可知选项She got some training as a student.符合题意;故答案为C。
【点评】考查短对话。注意听前认真阅读问题和选项去预测可能听到的内容,听时注意关键句 I did receive some training at school来选出正确选项。
3.(2024高三上·期末)What time is it now
A.9:00. B.8:30. C.8:00.
【解析】【听力原文】M: I can come to your house and pick you up in half an hour. Is that all right
W: Sure. That means you will be here at 8:30.
【分析】题意:现在几点了? 根据听力内容 I can come to your house and pick you up in half an hour. 我可以半小时后去你家接你。That means you will be here at 8:30. 也就是说你八点半到这里。可知选项8:00.符合题意;故答案为C。
【点评】考查短对话。注意听前认真阅读问题和选项去预测可能听到的内容,听时注意抓关键词 pick you up in half an hour和关键句 be here at 8:30来选出正确选项。
4.(2024高三上·期末)Who might the speakers be
A.A lawyer and his client.
B.A policeman and a crime victim.
C.A passenger and a pedestrian.
【解析】【听力原文】M: So, after the man's car hit yours, you hit your head on the wheel
W: That's right. It's all there in the police report. Do you think we have a good case
M: Yes, but it depends on who had a green light.
【分析】题意:说话的人可能是谁 根据听力内容M: So, after the man's car hit yours, you hit your head on the wheel 所以,在那个人的车撞到你的车之后,你的头撞到了方向盘上 W: That's right. It's all there in the police report. Do you think we have a good case 没错。警察报告里都写着呢。你觉得我们的案子好判决吗 可知选项A lawyer and his client.符合题意;故答案为 A。
【点评】考查短对话。注意听前认真阅读问题和选项去预测可能听到的内容,听时注意抓关键词 a good case和关键句after the man's car hit yours, you hit your head on the wheel 来选出正确选项。
5.(2024高三上·期末)What are the speakers concerned about
A.The price. B.The food. C.The environment.
【解析】【听力原文】M: I won't be coming for dinner at this restaurant again, even if it is cheap. They use throwaway plastic cups and straws.
W: I don't understand why they still do that sort of thing when they know how bad it is for the planet.
【分析】题意:说话者关心的是什么 根据听力内容They use throwaway plastic cups and straws. 他们使用一次性塑料杯和吸管。W: I don't understand why they still do that sort of thing when they know how bad it is for the planet.我不明白为什么他们明明知道这对地球有多糟糕,还在做那种事。可知他们关心环保,选项The environment.符合题意;故答案为 C。
【点评】考查短对话。注意听前认真阅读问题和选项去预测可能听到的内容,听时注意抓关键词和关键句 I don't understand why they still do that sort of thing when they know how bad it is for the planet.来选出正确选项。
(2024高三上·期末) 听对话,回答题。
6.What does the man want the woman to do
A.Offer him ideas for a possible website.
B.Tell him something about her website.
C.Prepare some pages for a new website.
7.What does the woman promise to do
A.Repair the notebook right away.
B.Set up websites for the man.
C.Help the man next week.
【解析】【听力原文】M: Hi, Rose. I'm glad I ran into you. I've been wanting to ask you a favor.
W: Right
M: As you know, I've been working on a website idea. It's for people interested in history, wildlife, er, for them to study here.
W: Sounds interesting but I'm not sure how I can help.
M: Well, you do know a lot about websites. I wondered if you could take a look at what's online already and tell me how user-friendly those websites are.
W: But when do you want it done I'm pretty busy at the moment.
M: It's not urgent, in fact.
W: OK. My notebook is under repair but hopefully it won't let me down next week.
M: Mm, thanks.
【点评】考查长对话。注意听前认真阅读问题和选项去预测可能听到的内容,听时注意抓关键句 I've been working on a website idea来选出正确选项。
6.题意:男士想让女士做什么 根据听力内容 M: As you know, I've been working on a website idea. It's for people interested in history, wildlife, er, for them to study here.你知道,我一直在做一个网站的想法。是给对历史,野生动物感兴趣的人,呃,让他们来这里学习。M: Well, you do know a lot about websites. I wondered if you could take a look at what's online already and tell me how user-friendly those websites are. 嗯,你对网站确实很了解。我想知道你是否可以看看网上已经有什么,告诉我这些网站对用户有多友好。可知选项Offer him ideas for a possible website.符合题意;故答案为A。
7.题意:女人承诺要做什么 根据听力内容W: OK. My notebook is under repair but hopefully it won't let me down next week. 好的。我的笔记本正在修理,但希望它下周不会让我失望。 可知女士答应下周笔记本修好就帮助他;选项Help the man next week.符合题意;故答案为 C。
(2024高三上·期末) 听对话,回答题。
8.What does the man like best in the new cafe
A.Coffee. B.Atmosphere. C.Book.
9.What does the woman plan to do this weekend
A.Check out some books.
B.Make blueberry muffin.
C.Explore the cafe with the man.
【解析】【听力原文】M: Hey Emily, have you had a chance to check out that new cafe downtown
W: Oh, not yet. Is it any good
M: Absolutely! It has this cozy corner with soft chairs – perfect for getting lost in a good book. The atmosphere is fantastic, but what attracts me most is the coffee itself.
W: Really I'm always on the lookout for a good coffee spot and a quiet place to read. What else do it have
M: Well, besides the coffee, it offers a variety of snacks. The blueberry muffin is really amazing.
W: Yum! I'm sold. Let's check it out this weekend.
M: Great idea! We can grab a coffee, enjoy some blueberry muffin, and catch up.
【点评】考查长对话。注意听前认真阅读问题和选项去预测可能听到的内容,听时注意抓关键句 what attracts me most is the coffee
itself. Let's check it out this weekend.来选出正确选项。
8.题意:在新咖啡馆里,男人最喜欢什么 根据听力内容The atmosphere is fantastic, but what attracts me most is the coffee
itself. 气氛很棒,但最吸引我的还是咖啡本身。可知选项Coffee.符合题意;故答案为 A。
9.题意: 女士这个周末打算做什么 根据听力内容M: Well, besides the coffee, it offers a variety of snacks. The blueberry muffin
is really amazing. 嗯,除了咖啡,它还提供各种小吃。蓝莓松饼真的很好吃。W: Yum! I'm sold. Let's check it out this weekend.
Yum !我要卖。我们这周末去看看吧。可知选项Explore the cafe with the man.符合题意;故答案为C。
(2024高三上·期末) 听对话,回答题。
10.What does the man want from the woman
A.A video. B.A computer. C.A science paper.
11.What does the man have to do today
A.Go running. B.Fix something. C.Finish a project.
12.How does the man feel in the end
A.Upset. B.Anxious. C.Grateful.
【解析】【听力原文】M: Could you help me, please
W: Yes, what do you want
M: Could I borrow your computer for a couple of days
W: What's wrong with yours Has somebody stolen it
M: No, it's been running really slow the last few days. Last night the screen just went black and I couldn't get it to work again.
W: What are you going to do
M: I'll take it to the repair shop tomorrow and get it fixed. The problem is that I'm in the middle of doing a science project, which I need to finish today.
W: OK, but I'm watching a video on my computer now. It's homework from my teacher. I can bring it over to you around noon.
M: OK, that will be great. Thank you so much.
W: I'm glad to help. That's what friends are for.
【点评】考查长对话。注意听前认真阅读问题和选项去预测可能听到的内容,听时注意抓关键词need to finish today和关键句Thank you so much.来选出正确选项。
10.题意:男人想从女人那里得到什么 根据听力内容M: Could I borrow your computer for a couple of days 我可以借你的电脑用几天吗 可知选项A computer.符合题意;故答案为B。
11.题意:男士今天必须做什么 根据听力内容The problem is that I'm in the middle of doing a science project, which I need to finish today. 问题是我正在做一个科学项目,我今天必须完成。可知选项Finish a project.符合题意;故答案为C。
12.题意:男人最后感觉如何 根据听力内容M: OK, that will be great. Thank you so much. 好的,那太好了。非常感谢。可知选项Grateful.符合题意;故答案为C。
(2024高三上·期末) 听对话,回答题。
13.What is the man doing
C.Preparing for a meeting.
14.How does the woman sound after learning the man's weight loss
A.Serious. B.Surprised. C.Happy.
15.How does the man get to work now
A.By train. B.By bus. C.By bike.
16.What will the man do to help the woman
A.Make salads for her.
B.Go jogging with her.
C.Lend a book to her.
【解析】【听力原文】W: That smells good. What are you making
M: My breakfast for tomorrow. I've got a very early start tomorrow morning.
W: What are you going to do
M: I've got a meeting at my company's head office. If I don't prepare, I know I'll end up eating something unhealthy at the train station. I've also made a salad to take with me for lunch.
W: Wow! You're very serious about losing weight, aren't you
M: I am. And I'm happy to say it's working!
W: Oh, really
M: Yes, I've lost six pounds since I started at the beginning of the year. I weighed 180 pounds when I started in January.
W: That's amazing, and in only four months! Have you been exercising too
M: Yes. I used to take the bus to work, and now I ride a bike instead.
W: Maybe I should try to learn from you!
M: You don't need to lose any weight!
W: I may be slim, but I eat too much junk food. And I drive everywhere, even when it would be easy to walk.
M: Well, I can lend you the book that inspired me.
W: That would be great! Thanks.
【点评】考查长对话。注意听前认真阅读问题和选项去预测可能听到的内容,听时注意抓关键词 lend you the book 和关键句 I
used to take the bus to work, and now I ride a bike instead. 来选出正确选项。
13.题意:这个男人在做什么 根据听力内容What are you making 你在做什么 My breakfast for tomorrow.我明天的早餐。 可知选项
14.题意:听到男士减肥的消息后,女士听起来怎样 根据听力内容 M: I am. And I'm happy to say it's working!是的。我很高兴地说,这是有效的! W: Oh, really 哦,真的吗 可知选项Surprised.符合题意;故答案为B。
15.题意:男士现在怎么去上班 根据听力内容 I used to take the bus to work, and now I ride a bike instead. 我过去常常乘公共汽车上班,现在我骑自行车代替。可知选项By bike.符合题意;故答案为C。
16.题意:男士会做什么来帮助女士 根据听力内容 Well, I can lend you the book that inspired me. 嗯,我可以把给我灵感的那本书借给你。可知选项Lend a book to her.符合题意;故答案为C。
(2024高三上·期末) 听下面一段独白,回答以下问题。
17.What will the weather be like in the Northeast of England
A.Dry and cold. B.Warm and windy. C.Misty and rainy.
18.What will the temperature be in Wales
A.Around six or seven degrees.
B.Around three or four degrees.
C.Around ten or eleven degrees.
19.What will the weather be like in the Midlands
A.Hot. B.Fine. C.Windy.
20.What will the lowest temperature be in Northern Ireland
A.Minus ten. B.Minus five. C.Minus four.
【解析】【听力原文】 Here's the weather forecast for the next twenty-four hours. I'll divide the country into four, starting with the Northwest and the Northeast of England. Well, there'll be some early morning mist, and after that it'll be mainly dry and sunny, with a temperature of around six or seven. It should stay dry all day, but there'll be quite a wind.
And now the Southwest and Wales. You can expect some rain in the morning and in the afternoon. There might be some storms, as well, with thunder and lightning. The temperature will be lower than yesterday, around three or four degrees. I don't think you'll see much sun. Cloudy all day, I'm afraid.
The Southeast and the Midlands will see the best of today's weather. It'll be warmer than yesterday, no wind and sunshine nearly all day, with the temperature around ten or eleven, so it's quite warm for this time of year.
In Scotland and Northern Ireland, however, there'll be a heavy rain and maybe some snow during the afternoon, and on the hills the temperature will drop to below freezing, minus four or five, and on the highest spots it may drop to minus ten. And that's all from me. Thank you for listening.
【点评】考查独白。注意听前认真阅读问题和选项去预测可能听到的内容,听时注意抓关键词no wind and sunshine nearly all day,minus ten和关键句The temperature will be lower than yesterday, around three or four degrees.来选出正确选项。
17.题意:英格兰东北部的天气会怎么样 根据听力内容I'll divide the country into four, starting with the Northwest and the Northeast of England. It should stay dry all day, but there'll be quite a wind. 从英格兰的西北部和东北部开始。天气应该会干燥一整天,但是会有很大的风。可知选项Dry and cold.符合题意;故答案为A。
18.题意:威尔士的气温会是多少 根据听力内容The temperature will be lower than yesterday, around three or four degrees. 气温将比昨天低,大约三到四度。可知选项Around three or four degrees.符合题意;故答案为B。
19.题意:中部地区的天气会怎么样 根据听力内容The Southeast and the Midlands will see the best of today's weather. 东南部和中部地区将迎来今天最好的天气。no wind and sunshine nearly all day,没有风而且一整天都阳光明媚;可知选项Fine.符合题意;故答案为B。
20.题意:北爱尔兰的最低气温是多少 根据听力内容and on the highest spots it may drop to minus ten. 最高的地方可能会降到零下十度。 可知选项Minus ten.符合题意;故答案为A。
(2024高三上·期末) 阅读理解
Visiting the Met
Masters and Masterpieces: Chinese Art from the Florence and Herbert Irving Collection (January 30—June 5)
An outstanding selection of Chinese art gifted to the Met by Florence and Herbert Irving is the focus of this exhibition. Beginning in the early 1970s, the Irvings built one of the most comprehensive collections of Chinese art in the world. The approximately 120 works on display cover almost all major categories of Chinese art.
P.S. Art 2021 (January 23—June 5)
P.S. Art is an annual celebration of achievement in the arts in New York City public schools. This exhibition showcases the creativity of 152 prekindergarten through grade 12 students from all five boroughs.
Baseball Cards from the Collection of Jefferson R. Burdick (June 3—November 22)
The Burdick collection of baseball cards tells the history of popular printmaking in the United States, In 1947, Jefferson R. Burdick began to give away his baseball cards to the Met. This exhibition features over one hundred cards produced between the 1880s and the 1950s.
Relative Values: The Cost of Art in the Northern Renaissance (January 23—August 7)
Bringing together sixty-two masterpieces of sixteenth-century northern European art from the Met collection and one important loan, this exhibition centers around questions of historical worth, exploring relative value systems in the Renaissance era.
Sunday—Tuesday, and Thursday: 10:00—17:00
Friday and Saturday: 10:00—21:00
Closed Wednesday
Closed Thanksgiving Day, December 25, January 1, and the first Monday in May.
$25 for adults; $17 for seniors; $12 for students; free for children under 12.
21.What do "Masters and Masterpieces" and "Baseball Cards" have in common
A.They end in the same month.
B.They focus on the same theme.
C.They get their exhibits for free.
D.They have the same number of exhibits.
22.Which exhibition suits those who favor students' works
A.Masters and Masterpieces. B.P.S. Art 2021.
C.Baseball Cards. D.Relative Values.
23.When can you attend an exhibition in the Met
A.10:00—17:00 Saturday. B.18:00—21:00 Thursday.
C.18:00—21:00 Tuesday. D.10:00—17:00 Wednesday.
21.细节理解题。根据An outstanding selection of Chinese art gifted to the Met by Florence and Herbert Irving is the focus of
this exhibition. 佛罗伦斯·欧文和赫伯特·欧文赠予大都会博物馆的优秀中国艺术品是本次展览的重点。In 1947, Jefferson R. Burdick
began to give away his baseball cards to the Met. 1947年,杰斐逊·r·伯迪克开始向大都会博物馆赠送他的棒球卡。可知他们的展品是免费获得的。 故答案为C。
22.细节理解题。根据P.S. Art is an annual celebration of achievement in the arts in New York City public schools. This exhibition
showcases the creativity of 152 prekindergarten through grade 12 students from all five boroughs. P.S. Art 是纽约市公立学校一年一度的艺术成就庆祝活动。本次展览展示了来自五个行政区的152名学前班至12年级学生的创造力。可知P.S. Art 2021适合那些喜欢学生作品的人;故答案为B。
23.细节理解题。根据Open: Sunday—Tuesday, and Thursday: 10:00—17:00;Friday and Saturday: 10:00—21:00;可知在这个时间段10:00—17:00 Saturday可以去大都会博物馆看展览; 故答案为A。
(2024高三上·期末) 阅读理解
The Kite Runner by Khaled Hosseini is one of the best books I have read in years. This is a page turner with complex characters and situations that will make you think hard about friendship, good and evil, betrayal, etc. It is intense and a great book by many measures.
On one level, The Kite Runner is the story of two boys in Afghanistan and Afghan immigrants in America. It is a story set in a culture that has become of increasing interest to Americans since the September 11, 2001 attacks. It also explores the history of the rise of the Taliban in Afghanistan. On this level, it provides a good way for people to learn more about Afghan history and culture in the context of the story.
Looking at The Kite Runner as a story about culture, however, misses what the book is really about. This is a novel about humanity. This is a story about friendship, loyalty, cruelty, longing for acceptance, redemption(救赎), and survival. The core story could be set in any culture because it deals with issues that are universal.
The Kite Runner looks at how the main character, Amir, deals with a secret in his past and how that secret shaped who he became. It tells of Amir's childhood friendship with Hassan, his relationship with his father and growing up in a privileged place in society. I was drawn in by Amir's voice. I sympathized with him, cheered for him and felt angry with him at different points. Similarly, I became attracted by Hassan and his father. The characters became real to me, and it was difficult for me to put the book down and leave their world.
I highly recommend this book, especially for book clubs. For those of you who are not in a reading group, read it and then lead it to a friend. You are going to want to talk about it when you finish.
24.The underlined words "a page turner" probably mean that the book is ____.
A.exciting B.easy C.ridiculous D.abstract
25.The greatest charm of The Kite Runner lies in ____.
A.the beauty of language B.the history of the Taliban
C.the reflection of humanity D.the culture of immigrants
26.According to the passage, which of the following is true
A.The story is set in the September 11, 2001 attacks in America.
B.The author always feels sympathy for the main character, Amir.
C.The story can provide inspiration for readers of various cultures.
D.The secret helped Amir to grow up in a privileged place in society.
27.What type of writing is the passage
A.A review of a book. B.An outline of a book.
C.A summary of a book. D.An advertisement of a book.
24.词义猜测题。根据上文The Kite Runner by Khaled Hosseini is one of the best books I have read in years.哈立德·侯赛尼的《追风筝的人》是我近年来读过的最好的书之一。以及下文with complex characters and situations that will make you think hard
about friendship, good and evil, betrayal, etc.复杂的人物和场景会让你认真思考友谊、善与恶、背叛等问题。可知 a page turner的意思是:令人兴奋的,令人激动的; 故答案为A。
25.细节理解题。根据 Looking at The Kite Runner as a story about culture, however, misses what the book is really about. This is
a novel about humanity. Looking at The Kite Runner as a story about culture, however, misses what the book is really
about. This is a novel about humanity. 可知这本书最大的魅力在于对人性的反映; 故答案为C。
26.推理判断题;根据I highly recommend this book, especially for book clubs. For those of you who are not in a reading group
, read it and then lead it to a friend. You are going to want to talk about it when you finish.我强烈推荐这本书,尤其是在读书俱乐部。对于那些没有参加阅读小组的人,读一读,然后把它带给朋友。当你完成后,你会想要谈论它。可知这个故事可以为不同文化背景的读者提供灵感;故答案为C。
27.推理判断题。根据每段的主题句:The Kite Runner by Khaled Hosseini is one of the best books I have read in years. 哈立德·侯赛尼的《追风筝的人》是我近年来读过的最好的书之一。On one level, The Kite Runner is the story of two boys in Afghanistan
and Afghan immigrants in America. 在某种程度上,《追风筝的人》是两个阿富汗男孩和美国阿富汗移民的故事。Looking at The Kite Runner as a story about culture, however, misses what the book is really about. This is a novel about humanity. 然而,把《追风筝的人》看作一个关于文化的故事,却忽略了这本书的真正意义。这是一本关于人性的小说。The Kite Runner looks at how the main character, Amir, deals with a secret in his past and how that secret shaped who he became. 《追风筝的人》讲述了主人公阿米尔如何处理他过去的一个秘密,以及这个秘密如何塑造了他。I highly recommend this book, especially for book
clubs. 我强烈推荐这本书,尤其是在读书俱乐部。可知本文是一篇书评; 故答案为A。
(2024高三上·期末) 阅读理解
Many farmers in China are exploring new career paths. From drone (无人机) operators to social media influencers, new types of occupations taken on by Chinese farmers not only bring higher incomes but also put new life into China's rural area.
In April 2016, Yu Xiaojun, 28, founded an agricultural machinery services cooperative in partnership with his friends to provide services including sowing, crop protection and harvesting for large farms with drones.
The cooperative now has over 100 sets of machinery and equipment and more than 20 staff members. Many young people ask Yu to teach them how to fly drones.
As a short-video craze sweeps China, many farmers are becoming enthusiastic about sharing their lives online. Livestreaming has become a new farming tool, allowing farmers to reap the benefits of selling goods directly to urban consumers.
Holding a plate of dried sweet potatoes, Zhang Chuanfeng stood in front of a mobile phone to introduce the local products. The 40-year-old farmer is 1.4 meters tall and was worried about his future after struggling in various jobs because he is too short. However, his transition has been a success.
With the support of the local government, Zhang rented a stall and opened his online business. To improve his marketing skills, he attended training courses and learned from other online streamers.
In April 2020, Zhang started livestreaming sales. The products received positive feedback from the market, and that encouraged Zhang to include more types of local specialties in his sales.
His hard work paid off. Now Zhang has over 90,000 followers on the Douyin short-video platform. He made 5 million yuan from sales of local specialties last year. He also volunteered to help locals sell other products including honey, organic eggs and fish through livestreaming.
"Through my efforts, I have lifted my family out of poverty, which was unimaginable before," Zhang said. "Compared to professional livestreamers, we are just at the primary stage. I hope more professionals will join us and we can build our brand."
28.What does Yu Xiaojun most likely agree with
A.Traditional farms should be enlarged in China.
B.Farmers should have their own modern machines.
C.Operating drones is popular among young farmers.
D.Farming needs the support of science and technology.
29.What was a barrier to Zhang Chuanfeng's career
A.His knowledge. B.His identity.
C.His height. D.His background.
30.Which word can be used to describe Zhang Chuanfeng
A.Easy-going. B.Warm-hearted. C.Well-educated. D.Strong-minded.
31.What can be the best title for the passage
A.Social Media Is Taking Over
B.Farmers Are in Need of Technology
C.Drones Are Getting Popular in China
D.Farmers Are Creating New Career Paths
28.推理判断题。根据In April 2016, Yu Xiaojun, 28, founded an agricultural machinery services cooperative in partnership with
his friends to provide services including sowing, crop protection and harvesting for large farms with drones. 2016年4月,28岁的于晓军与朋友合作成立了一家农业机械服务合作社,用无人机为大农场提供播种、作物保护和收获等服务。可知他赞成农业需要科学技术的支持; 故答案为D。
29.细节理解题。根据Holding a plate of dried sweet potatoes, Zhang Chuanfeng stood in front of a mobile phone to introduce
the local products. The 40-year-old farmer is 1.4 meters tall and was worried about his future after struggling in various
jobs because he is too short. However, his transition has been a success. 张传峰端着一盘红薯干,站在手机前介绍土特产。这位40岁的农民身高1米4,因为太矮而在各种工作中挣扎,他担心自己的未来。然而,他的过渡是成功的。可知他的身高成为了他曾经找工作的障碍; 故答案为C。
30.推理判断题。根据He also volunteered to help locals sell other products including honey, organic eggs and fish through
livestreaming. 他还自愿帮助当地人通过直播销售其他产品,包括蜂蜜、有机鸡蛋和鱼。可知他是一个热心肠的人,很愿意帮助别人; 故答案为B。
31.主旨大意题。根据文章的结构:总分,由第一段Many farmers in China are exploring new career paths. From drone (无人机) operators to social media influencers, new types of occupations taken on by Chinese farmers not only bring higher incomes but also put new life into China's rural area. 中国许多农民正在探索新的职业道路。从无人机(无人机)操作员到社交媒体网红,中国农民从事的新型职业不仅带来了更高的收入,还为中国农村地区带来了新的生活。可知这篇文章主要讲中国农民正在创造新的职业道路;故答案为D。
(2024高三上·期末) 阅读理解
When romantic partners argue over things like finances, jealousy, or other interpersonal issues, they tend to employ their current feelings as fuel for a heated argument. But thinking about the future helps overcome relationship conflicts, according to a University of Waterloo study just published online in Social Psychological and Personality Science. Alex Huynh, a doctoral candidate in psychology is the lead author of the study, which he published with Igor Grossmann from the University of Waterloo, and Daniel Yang from Yale University.
Previous research has shown that third-perspective reasoning can be a positive strategy for reconciliation (调解) of interpersonal struggles. Huynh and his collaborators investigated whether similar benefit can be induced by simply thinking about the future. Study participants were instructed to reflect on a recent conflict with a romantic partner or a close friend. One group of participants were then asked to describe how they would feel about the conflict one year in the future, while another group was asked to describe how they feel in the present.
The team examined participants' written responses through a text-analysis program for their use of pronouns — such as I, me, she, he. These choices of pronouns were used to capture participants' focus on the feelings and behaviour of those involved in the conflict. Written responses were also examined for forgiveness and reinterpreting the conflict more positively, both of which implied the participants' use of reasoning strategies.
The researchers found that envisioning future relationship affected both participants' focus on their feelings, and their reasoning strategies. As a result, participants reported more positivity about their relationship altogether, especially when study participants extended their thinking about the relationship a year into the future.
"Our study demonstrates that adopting a future-oriented perspective in the context of a relationship conflict — reflecting on how one might feel a year from now — may be a valuable coping tool for one's psychological happiness and relationship well-being," said Huynh.
32.What do romantic partners do in face of most disagreements
A.They lose faith in their future.
B.They focus on their present feelings.
C.They look forward to a fierce conflict.
D.They care more about financial problems.
33.What does the underlined word "induced" in Paragraph 2 most probably mean?
A.Caused. B.Explained. C.Reduced. D.Improved.
34.What do we know about the study
A.All the study participants described how they felt both in the present and in the future.
B.Study participants described their recent relationship with their romantic partners or friends.
C.A text-analysis program was employed to examine participants' use of negative words.
D.The reasoning strategies in participants' written responses were well worthy of note.
35.What can be the best title of the text
A.You have a year to solve your interpersonal problems!
B.Thinking about future is essential for relationship maintenance!
C.Your current feelings are the real cause of your heated arguments!
D.Beneficial reasoning is a positive strategy for reconciliation!
32.细节理解题。根据When romantic partners argue over things like finances, jealousy, or other interpersonal issues, they
tend to employ their current feelings as fuel for a heated argument. 当浪漫的伴侣因为财务、嫉妒或其他人际关系问题而争吵时,他们往往会把当前的感觉当作激烈争论的导火索。可知他们专注于当下的感受。 故答案为B。
33.词义猜测题。根据上文Previous research has shown that third-perspective reasoning can be a positive strategy for
reconciliation (调解) of interpersonal struggles. 先前的研究表明,第三视角推理可以成为人际斗争调解的积极策略。以及 whether
similar benefit是否同样的好处, by simply thinking about the future通过思考未来,可知 induced 的意思为:产生,引起; 故答案为A。
34.推理判断题。根据The researchers found that envisioning future relationship affected both participants' focus on their feelings, and their reasoning strategies. As a result, participants reported more positivity about their relationship altogether, especially when study participants extended their thinking about the relationship a year into the future.研究人员发现,设想未来的关系会影响参与者对自己感受的关注,以及他们的推理策略。结果,参与者对他们的关系总体上更加积极,尤其是当研究参与者将他们对未来关系的思考延长一年的时候。可知参与者书面回答中的推理策略值得注意; 故答案为D。
35.主旨大意题。根据文章的结构:分总,由最后一段 "Our study demonstrates that adopting a future-oriented perspective in the context of a relationship conflict — reflecting on how one might feel a year from now — may be a valuable coping tool for one's psychological happiness and relationship well-being," said Huynh."我们的研究表明,在关系冲突的背景下,采用面向未来的视角——反映一个人一年后的感受——可能是一个有价值的应对工具,可以让一个人的心理幸福和关系健康,"黄恩说。可知这篇文章主要是讲思考未来是维持关系的关键 ! 故答案为B。
(2024高三上·期末) 根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多余选项。
Anyone can book a trip, but not everyone can plan the best adventure that is affordable and fun. If you want to do it better, the places to stay in for the nights must be chosen carefully.  36.  
Check distances on a map. It's common for hotels to slightly exaggerate (夸大)their closeness to attractions around town. They will not tell you the true distance. If being close to a particular airport is important for your trip, you'd better confirm the distance on Google Map before you book a hotel.
 37.   A little niceness goes a long way, especially with the hotel staff who have to deal with difficult guests on a regular basis. When you check in, simply say hello to the cleaning staff when you pass them in the hall. This is not only common politeness, but it also increases your chances of getting incidental benefit during your stay.
Give up the package deals(套餐)To appeal to new guests, some hotels will offer themed package deals.  38.   Sometimes these packages include things you don't want or need and the special prices could be higher than the regular ones.
Ask about parking.  39.   You'd better look for a hotel offering free parking. If you have to afford the expensive parking, apps like Best Parking can help you find nearby parking lots at lower prices. As parking costs really go up, if not necessary, we suggest you take a taxi or a bus from the hotel to travel around the city rather than travel in your own car.  40.  
A.Be polite to the staff. B.Pay attention to difficult guests. C.They are quite cheap but taste bad. D.In this way you can save much money. E.In a self-driving travel, parking may cost a lot. F.They are attractive but may not be good value for money. G.Here are some tips about hotels that we'd like to share with you.
36.根据上文 If you want to do it better, the places to stay in for the nights must be chosen carefully. 如果你想更愉快的旅行,就必须仔细选择住宿的地方。可知空白处需要承上启下的过渡句:这里有几个关于酒店的建议可以同你分享; 选项Here are some tips
about hotels that we'd like to share with you.这里有一些关于酒店的建议,我们想和你分享。符合题意;故答案为G。
37.根据下文 A little niceness goes a long way, especially with the hotel staff who have to deal with difficult guests on a regular
basis. 一点友善会有很大的帮助,尤其是对于那些经常要和难相处的客人打交道的酒店员工。可知空白处需要主题句:对员工要有礼貌; 选项Be polite to the staff.对员工要有礼貌。符合题意;故答案为A。
38.根据上文主题句Give up the package deals放弃套餐; Sometimes these packages include things you don't want or need and the special prices could be higher than the regular ones.有时候这些套餐里有你不想要或不需要的东西,特价可能比普通的价格要高。 可知空白处需要过渡句:它们可能不是你真正想要的,你可以不花这笔钱;选项They are attractive but may not be good
value for money.它们很有吸引力,但可能不值得花钱。符合题意;故答案为F。
39.根据上文Ask about parking. 询问停车问题。 以及下文You'd better look for a hotel offering free parking.你最好找一家免费停车的旅馆。可知空白处需要过渡句:解释文明市民要询问停车场,停车场停车要花钱; 选项In a self-driving travel, parking may cost
a lot.在自驾游中,停车可能会花费很多。符合题意;故答案为E。
40.根据上文 If you have to afford the expensive parking, apps like Best Parking can help you find nearby parking lots at lower
prices. As parking costs really go up, if not necessary, we suggest you take a taxi or a bus from the hotel to travel around the city rather than travel in your own car. 如果你不得不支付昂贵的停车费,像Best parking这样的应用程序可以帮助你以更低的价格找到附近的停车场。由于停车费用确实会上涨,如果没有必要,我们建议您从酒店乘坐出租车或公共汽车游览城市,而不是自己开车。可知空白处需要结论:这样做可以省钱的; 选项In this way you can save much money.这样你可以省很多钱。符合题意;故答案为D。
(2024高三上·期末) 阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的A、B、C和D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。
People may misunderstand what they used to be familiar with. I remembered a 41. professor was invited to our school, teaching stress management principles in a school hall 42. with students.
As she 43. a glass of water, every one of us expected we'd be asked the 44. "glass half-empty or glass half-full" question. 45. , with a smile on her face, the professor asked, "How 46. is this glass of water I'm holding "
All of us shouted out answers ranging from eight ounces to a couple of pounds.
She replied, "From my perspective, the absolute weight of this glass doesn't matter. It all 47. how long I hold it. If I hold it for a minute or two, it's fairly light. If I hold it for an hour straight, its weight might make my arm 48. a little. If I hold it for a day straight, my arm will likely cramp up and feel 49. numb (麻木的) and paralyzed, 50. me to drop the glass to the floor. In each case, the 51. of the glass doesn't change, but the longer I hold it, the heavier it feels to me."
As the whole class 52. our heads in agreement, she continued, "Your 53. and worries in life are very much like this glass of water. Think about them for a while and 54. happens. Think about them a bit longer and you begin to ache a little. Think about them all day long, and you will feel specially numb and paralyzed— 55. of doing anything else 56. you drop them."
It's important to remember to 57. your stresses and worries. No matter what happens during the day, as early in the evening as you can, put all your burdens down. Don't 58. them through the night and into the next day with you. If you still feel the weight of 59. stress, it's a strong sign that it's time to put the 60. down.
41.A.physics B.psychology C.chemistry D.literature
42.A.filled B.decorated C.connected D.compared
43.A.raised B.pointed C.took D.drank
44.A.interesting B.meaningful C.typical D.personal
45.A.Therefore B.Besides C.Then D.Instead
46.A.heavy B.thin C.clean D.large
47.A.happens to B.agrees on
C.contributes to D.depends on
48.A.bend B.injure C.sour D.ache
49.A.slightly B.surprisingly C.completely D.regularly
50.A.inviting B.forcing C.turning D.joining
51.A.shape B.appearance C.weight D.size
52.A.shook B.hung C.nodded D.lifted
53.A.joys B.stresses C.laughs D.thrills
54.A.everything B.something C.anything D.nothing
55.A.ashamed B.incapable C.nervous D.competent
56.A.since B.after C.if D.until
57.A.let go of B.keep in mind
C.fall back on D.take part in
58.A.carry B.forget C.enjoy D.avoid
59.A.last year's B.yesterday's C.today's D.this year's
60.A.ability B.duty C.glass D.attempt
41.句意:我记得一位心理学教授被邀请到我们学校,在一个满是学生的学校大厅里教授压力管理原理。根据teaching stress management principles 教授压力管理原理; 可知这位教授是叫心理学的; 选项A:physics物理现象;B:psychology 心理学;C:chemistry化学;D:literature文学;故答案为B。
42.句意:我记得一位心理学教授被邀请到我们学校,在一个满是学生的学校大厅里教授压力管理原理。根据下文All of us shouted out answers ranging from eight ounces to a couple of pounds. 我们所有人都喊出了答案,从8盎司到几磅不等。可知学校大厅里坐满了学生来听她的心理课讲座; 选项A:filled充满;B:decorated装饰;C:connected连接;D:compared比较;故答案为A。
43.句意:当她举起一杯水的时候,我们每个人都预料到自己会被问到典型的"半杯空了还是半杯满了"的问题。根据下文From my perspective, the absolute weight of this glass doesn't matter. 在我看来,这个杯子的绝对重量并不重要。可知教授举起了杯子才能感知杯子的重量; 选项A:raised举起;B:pointed指着;C:took拿;D:drank喝;故答案为A。
44.句意:当她举起一杯水的时候,我们每个人都预料到自己会被问到典型的"半杯空了还是半杯满了"的问题。根据句意作者们都能猜到的常被问到的问题,可知这是一个典型的问题; 选项A:interesting有趣的;B:meaningful有意义的;C:typical典型的;D:personal个人的;故答案为C。
45.句意:相反,教授面带微笑地问:"我拿着的这杯水有多重 "我们所有人都喊出了答案,从8盎司到几磅不等。根据下文教授问的问题不是学生们预想的问题,可知刚好相反教授问了另外一个问题; 选项A:Therefore因此;B:Besides还有;C:Then然后;D:Instead相反;故答案为D。
46.句意:相反,教授面带微笑地问:"我拿着的这杯水有多重 "我们所有人都喊出了答案,从8盎司到几磅不等。根据下文All of us shouted out answers ranging from eight ounces to a couple of
pounds. 我们所有人都喊出了答案,从8盎司到几磅不等。可知教授问的问题于重量有关; 选项A:heavy重的,沉的;B:thin薄的;C:clean干净的;D:large巨大的;故答案为A。
47.句意:这完全取决于我拿着它多久。根据上文From my perspective, the absolute weight of this glass doesn't matter. 在我看来,这个杯子的绝对重量并不重要。可知心理教授想说我们感知的杯子重量与我们举杯子的时间长度有关系,我们感知的重量取决于我们举的时长; 选项A:happens to碰巧;B:agrees on同意;C:contributes to贡献;D:depends on取决于;故答案为D。
48.句意:如果我连续拿着它一个小时,它的重量可能会让我的手臂有点疼。根据上文 If I hold it for a minute or two, it's fairly light. 如果我拿着它一两分钟,它就很轻了。可知举着杯子保持一个小时,我们举杯的手臂会有点痛的; 选项A:bend弯曲;B:injure受伤;C:sour酸的;D:ache疼痛;故答案为D。
49.句意:如果我连续拿着它一天,我的手臂可能会抽筋,感觉完全麻木和瘫痪,迫使我把玻璃杯扔到地板上。根据句意同一动作把杯子举一天, 可知我们举杯的手会完全麻木的; 选项A:slightly轻微地;B:surprisingly令人吃惊地;C:completely完全地;D:regularly经常地;故答案为C。
50.句意:如果我连续拿着它一天,我的手臂可能会抽筋,感觉完全麻木和瘫痪,迫使我把玻璃杯扔到地板上。根据句意"如果我连续拿着它一天,我的手臂可能会抽筋,感觉完全麻木和瘫痪" 可知到了这种时候,身体本能回迫使我们扔掉杯子; 选项A:inviting邀请;B:forcing迫使;C:turning旋转,转动;D:joining连接,接合;故答案为B。
51.句意:在每种情况下,杯子的重量都没有变化,但我拿着它的时间越长,我就觉得它越重。根据上文句意"在我看来,这个杯子的绝对重量并不重要。这完全取决于我拿着它多久" 可知拿的时间越长,感到杯子的重量越重; 选项A:shape形状;B:appearance外表;C:weight重量;D:size大小;故答案为C。
52.句意:全班同学点头表示同意。根据在肢体语言里点头表示同意,学生表示赞同, 可知他们都点头了; 选项A:shook摇晃;B:hung垂落;C:nodded点头;D:lifted举起;故答案为C。
53.句意:她接着说:"你们生活中的压力和烦恼就像这杯水。"根据第十七空后面的your stresses and
worries, 可知心理教授把生活中的压力和烦恼比喻成这杯水; 选项A:joys高兴;B:stresses压力;C:laughs大笑;D:thrills兴奋,激动;故答案为B。
54.句意:想了一会儿,什么也没发生。根据短暂的想压力和担忧,就像短时的举杯,没什么不好的事情发生; 可知一切还好,无事发生; 选项A:everything一切,万事;B:something某事,某物;C:anything任何事物;D:nothing没有什么;故答案为D。
55.句意:整天想着它们,你会感到特别麻木和瘫痪——除非你把它们扔掉,否则你什么也做不了。根据上文句意"如果我连续拿着它一天,我的手臂可能会抽筋,感觉完全麻木和瘫痪,迫使我把玻璃杯扔到地板上。" 可知当我们成天想着那些烦心事,我们最后只有瘫痪,什么也不能干了 选项A:ashamed感到羞愧;B:incapable不能胜任的,什么也干不了;C:nervous神经紧张的,担忧的;D:competent能胜任的;故答案为B。
56.句意:整天想着它们,你会感到特别麻木和瘫痪——直到你把它们扔掉,否则你什么也做不了。根据句意"如果我连续拿着它一天,我的手臂可能会抽筋,感觉完全麻木和瘫痪,迫使我把玻璃杯扔到地板上。" 可知直到你扔掉这些烦恼,你才可以做事; 选项A:since自从;B:after以后;C:if如果;D:until直到;故答案为D。
57.句意:重要的是要记住释放你的压力和担忧。根据上文 you drop them你把它们扔了; 可知作者很赞成心理教授的思想,要释放压力和担心; 选项A:let go of放手,释放;B:keep in mind牢记;C:fall back on后退;D:take part in参加;故答案为A。
58.句意:不要把它们带过一夜,带到第二天。根据上文No matter what happens during the day, as
early in the evening as you can, put all your burdens down. 不管白天发生了什么,在傍晚的时候,尽可能早地放下你所有的负担。可知作者希望当日事当日结,必要带到第二天;尤其是烦恼的事不过夜; 选项A:carry携带;B:forget忘记;C:enjoy喜欢;D:avoid避免;故答案为A。
59.句意:如果你仍然感受到昨天的压力,这是一个强烈的信号,是时候放下杯子了。根据上文句意"不要把它们带过一夜,带到第二天" 可知有人今天依然感受到昨天的压力; 选项A:last year's去年;B:yesterday's昨天;C:today's今天;D:this year's今年;故答案为B。
60.句意:如果你仍然感受到昨天的压力,这是一个强烈的信号,是时候放下杯子了。根据上文心理教授的观点,只有放下让你麻木瘫痪的杯子,你才能开始做事, 可知作者这里也是把烦恼压力比喻为装手的玻璃杯子; 选项A:ability能力;B:duty职责;C:glass玻璃;D:attempt尝试;故答案为C。
(2024高三上·期末) 阅读下面短文,在空白处填入1个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。
A small village in Yunnan Province is  61.   (wide) known as the Dai paper factory. There are nets for  62.   (dry) paper all over the village and inside villagers' houses. Dai paper  63.   (make) for over 800 years there up to now.
One of the best papermakers is Yan, who was already interested in Dai paper at an early age. Taught  64.   his grandparents to be a papermaker at 16, Yan was quickly able to complete  65.   production independently.
Unlike ordinary papermaking where trees need to be cut down, Dai paper is environmentally friendly. This is  66.   its raw material is the recyclable bark of a kind of trees unique to the area. Dai paper' production process is still used today. In a workshop, Yan demonstrated 11 different papermaking  67.   (process) to us.
Although Dai paper carries the culture and  68.   (believe) of the Dai people, the crafting of it is faced with great challenges.  69.   (address) the problems, Yan improved Dai's papermaking technology, thus saving production time and reducing labor costs. And then he  70.   (start) teaching the villagers his new papermaking process for free.
【答案】61.widely;62.drying;63.has been made;64.by;65.the;66.because;67.processes;68.belief/beliefs;69.To address;70.started
61.句意:云南省的一个小村庄以傣族造纸厂而闻名。根据修饰谓语动词 is known as要用副词,可知空白处需要形容词wide 的副词形式widely ;故答案为widely。
62.句意:村里到处都是晒纸的网,村民们的房子里也有。根据分析句子结构,空白处需要动名词作介词for的宾语, 可知空白处需要动词dry 的动名词 drying;故答案为drying。
63.句意:傣族纸至今已有800多年的历史。根据时间副词 up to now要跟现在完成时,主语Dai paper(单数名词)与make之间是被动关系; 可知空白处需要动词make的现在完成时has been made ;故答案为has been made。
64.句意:16岁时,他的祖父母教他成为一名造纸工人,他很快就能独立完成制作。根据分析句子结构,空白处需要介词,表示"被,由" 可知 空白处需要介词by;故答案为by。
65.句意:16岁时,他的祖父母教他成为一名造纸工人,他很快就能独立完成制作。根据分析句子结构,严能完成的生产特指傣族纸的生产, 可知空白处需要定冠词 the;故答案为the。
66.句意:这是因为它的原材料是该地区特有的一种可回收的树皮。根据上文Unlike ordinary papermaking where trees need to be cut down, Dai paper is environmentally friendly. 与需要砍伐树木的普通造纸不同,傣族纸是环保的。可知作者这里解释傣族纸与其他纸不同的原因,空白处需要连词because ;故答案为because。
67.句意:在一次工作坊中,他向我们展示了11种不同的造纸过程。根据11种流程, 可知空白处需要名词process 的复数形式processes ;故答案为processes。
68.句意:虽然傣族纸承载着傣族人的文化和信仰,但傣族纸的制作却面临着巨大的挑战。根据and前后一致, 可知空白处需要动词believe 的名词形式belief(共同的信仰)/beliefs(不同的信仰);故答案为belief/beliefs。
69.句意:为了解决这些问题,严改进了傣族的造纸技术,从而节省了生产时间,降低了劳动力成本。根据分析句子结构,空白处需要不定式做目的状语; 可知空白处需要动词 address 的不定式To address ;故答案为To address。
70.句意:然后他开始免费向村民传授他的新造纸工艺。根据分析句子结构,空白处需要谓语,上下文时态一致上文谓语 improved 是一般过去时态, 可知空白处需要动词start 的过去式started;故答案为started。
71.(2024高三上·期末) 假定英语课上老师要求同桌之间交换修改作文,请你修改你同桌写的以下作文。文中共有10处语言错误,每句中最多有两处。每处错误仅涉及一个单词的增加、删除或修改。
注意:1. 每处错误及其修改均仅限一词;2. 只允许修改10处,多者(从第11处起)不计分。
Responsibility is one of the most important human quality. Responsible people can be trusted, and this benefits to both the person and the people counted on him. No one can become successful without good sense of responsibility.
What does responsibility mean for we students Firstly, being responsible means making our own choices, attending classes on time, and cleaning our own rooms regular. Secondly, being responsible means caring about others in social communication. Therefore, we should help them when they were in need of help. Finally, we are all members of our country, that implies we need to obey the laws, regulations and rules of the country. Beside, we need to do some voluntary work for our community.
All in all, being responsible surely enable us to contribute to the world. Let's be responsible.
【答案】①quality →qualities ②删除to ③counted →counting ④without后添加a ⑤we →us ⑥regular →regularly ⑦were →are ⑧that →which ⑨Beside →Besides ⑩enable →enables
(1)句意:责任是人类最重要的品质之一。根据分析句子结构,该句考查了固定搭配:one of + 复数名词, 可知需要将quality 改为复数名词qualities ;故答案为quality →qualities 。
(2)句意:负责任的人是值得信任的,这对他本人和他所依赖的人都有好处。根据动词benefit 表示"使……受益"是及物动词,后面直接接宾语,可知需要将其后的介词 to去掉;故答案为删除to。
(3)句意:负责任的人是值得信任的,这对他本人和他所依赖的人都有好处。根据分析句子结构,短语count on him作定语修饰the people,他们之间是主动关系; 可知counted需要改为counting ;故答案为counted →counting 。
(4)句意:没有良好的责任感,没有人能成功。根据分析句子结构,该句考查了固定搭配:a good
sense of一种良好的……意识/感;可知句子中少了不定冠词a ;故答案为without后添加a。
(5)句意:责任对我们学生来说意味着什么 根据介词for后面接宾语, 可知主格代词 we 需要改为us ;故答案为we →us。
(6)句意:首先,负责任意味着做出自己的选择,按时上课,定期打扫自己的房间。根据修饰谓语动名词短语 cleaning our own rooms需要副词,可知形容词 regular 需要改为 regularly ;故答案为regular →regularly 。
help(应帮忙)含情态动词的谓语相当于将来时, 可知该句主将从现的原则,从句要用一般现在时 were 需要改为are;故答案为were →are 。
(8)句意:最后,我们都是国家的一员,这意味着我们需要遵守国家的法律、法规和规章。根据分析句子结构,哲思一个主句和一个定语从句构成的复合句,that不能引导非限制性定语从句, 可知that 需要改为which ;故答案为that →which 。
(9)句意:此外,我们需要为我们的社区做一些志愿工作。根据句意,该句补充说明有责任的表现, 可知需要过渡词Besides,Beside 需要改为Besides ;故答案为Beside →Besides。
(10)句意:总而言之,负责任肯定能使我们为世界做出贡献。让我们负起责任来。根据动名词作主语当单数名词看待, 可知谓语 enable 需要改为enables ;故答案为enable →enables。
72.(2024高三上·期末)在高中生涯中的毕业典礼上,你被要求做一个感恩演讲,感恩你的英语老师Mr. Li三年来的付出,
【答案】How time flies! We are going to graduate from the school soon. It is a great honor to speak here to express my thanks to Mr Li.
Back in Senior Two, I had great trouble in learning English. Absent-minded in class, I was never really involved in the learning. Naturally, I performed poorly in the exams, and as a result, I was upset and discouraged. Having noticed everything, you offered encouragement and began to tutor me after class.
Thanks to your help, I became more confident and spent more time reading English. The efforts paid off and now English is my favorite subject. Thank you for getting me back on track and I will always remember what you have done for me.
Wish you all the best!
【点评】书面表达要求要点齐全,上下文连贯,并使用一定数量的句式结构How time flies!(运用了感叹句),(运用了),(运用了), It is a great honor to speak here to express my thanks to Mr Li.(运用了非谓语中的不定式作主语),Naturally, I
performed poorly in the exams, and as a result, I was upset and discouraged.(运用了并列句),Having noticed everything,
you offered encouragement and began to tutor me after class.(运用了现在分词短语作状语),让句子更加生动丰满,同时能够运用一些高级词汇 tutor,discouraged和固定短语graduate from,have trouble( in) doing,be involved in, as a result,pay off,提高文章的档次,体现对英语的熟练的驾驭能力。
1 / 1四川省泸州市合江县马街中学2023-2024学年高三上学期1月期末考试试英语试题
1.(2024高三上·期末)Who is the man probably talking to
A.A shop assistant. B.His wife. C.His co worker.
2.(2024高三上·期末)Why can the woman sing well
A.She learned singing by herself.
B.She used to be a music teacher.
C.She got some training as a student.
3.(2024高三上·期末)What time is it now
A.9:00. B.8:30. C.8:00.
4.(2024高三上·期末)Who might the speakers be
A.A lawyer and his client.
B.A policeman and a crime victim.
C.A passenger and a pedestrian.
5.(2024高三上·期末)What are the speakers concerned about
A.The price. B.The food. C.The environment.
(2024高三上·期末) 听对话,回答题。
6.What does the man want the woman to do
A.Offer him ideas for a possible website.
B.Tell him something about her website.
C.Prepare some pages for a new website.
7.What does the woman promise to do
A.Repair the notebook right away.
B.Set up websites for the man.
C.Help the man next week.
(2024高三上·期末) 听对话,回答题。
8.What does the man like best in the new cafe
A.Coffee. B.Atmosphere. C.Book.
9.What does the woman plan to do this weekend
A.Check out some books.
B.Make blueberry muffin.
C.Explore the cafe with the man.
(2024高三上·期末) 听对话,回答题。
10.What does the man want from the woman
A.A video. B.A computer. C.A science paper.
11.What does the man have to do today
A.Go running. B.Fix something. C.Finish a project.
12.How does the man feel in the end
A.Upset. B.Anxious. C.Grateful.
(2024高三上·期末) 听对话,回答题。
13.What is the man doing
C.Preparing for a meeting.
14.How does the woman sound after learning the man's weight loss
A.Serious. B.Surprised. C.Happy.
15.How does the man get to work now
A.By train. B.By bus. C.By bike.
16.What will the man do to help the woman
A.Make salads for her.
B.Go jogging with her.
C.Lend a book to her.
(2024高三上·期末) 听下面一段独白,回答以下问题。
17.What will the weather be like in the Northeast of England
A.Dry and cold. B.Warm and windy. C.Misty and rainy.
18.What will the temperature be in Wales
A.Around six or seven degrees.
B.Around three or four degrees.
C.Around ten or eleven degrees.
19.What will the weather be like in the Midlands
A.Hot. B.Fine. C.Windy.
20.What will the lowest temperature be in Northern Ireland
A.Minus ten. B.Minus five. C.Minus four.
(2024高三上·期末) 阅读理解
Visiting the Met
Masters and Masterpieces: Chinese Art from the Florence and Herbert Irving Collection (January 30—June 5)
An outstanding selection of Chinese art gifted to the Met by Florence and Herbert Irving is the focus of this exhibition. Beginning in the early 1970s, the Irvings built one of the most comprehensive collections of Chinese art in the world. The approximately 120 works on display cover almost all major categories of Chinese art.
P.S. Art 2021 (January 23—June 5)
P.S. Art is an annual celebration of achievement in the arts in New York City public schools. This exhibition showcases the creativity of 152 prekindergarten through grade 12 students from all five boroughs.
Baseball Cards from the Collection of Jefferson R. Burdick (June 3—November 22)
The Burdick collection of baseball cards tells the history of popular printmaking in the United States, In 1947, Jefferson R. Burdick began to give away his baseball cards to the Met. This exhibition features over one hundred cards produced between the 1880s and the 1950s.
Relative Values: The Cost of Art in the Northern Renaissance (January 23—August 7)
Bringing together sixty-two masterpieces of sixteenth-century northern European art from the Met collection and one important loan, this exhibition centers around questions of historical worth, exploring relative value systems in the Renaissance era.
Sunday—Tuesday, and Thursday: 10:00—17:00
Friday and Saturday: 10:00—21:00
Closed Wednesday
Closed Thanksgiving Day, December 25, January 1, and the first Monday in May.
$25 for adults; $17 for seniors; $12 for students; free for children under 12.
21.What do "Masters and Masterpieces" and "Baseball Cards" have in common
A.They end in the same month.
B.They focus on the same theme.
C.They get their exhibits for free.
D.They have the same number of exhibits.
22.Which exhibition suits those who favor students' works
A.Masters and Masterpieces. B.P.S. Art 2021.
C.Baseball Cards. D.Relative Values.
23.When can you attend an exhibition in the Met
A.10:00—17:00 Saturday. B.18:00—21:00 Thursday.
C.18:00—21:00 Tuesday. D.10:00—17:00 Wednesday.
(2024高三上·期末) 阅读理解
The Kite Runner by Khaled Hosseini is one of the best books I have read in years. This is a page turner with complex characters and situations that will make you think hard about friendship, good and evil, betrayal, etc. It is intense and a great book by many measures.
On one level, The Kite Runner is the story of two boys in Afghanistan and Afghan immigrants in America. It is a story set in a culture that has become of increasing interest to Americans since the September 11, 2001 attacks. It also explores the history of the rise of the Taliban in Afghanistan. On this level, it provides a good way for people to learn more about Afghan history and culture in the context of the story.
Looking at The Kite Runner as a story about culture, however, misses what the book is really about. This is a novel about humanity. This is a story about friendship, loyalty, cruelty, longing for acceptance, redemption(救赎), and survival. The core story could be set in any culture because it deals with issues that are universal.
The Kite Runner looks at how the main character, Amir, deals with a secret in his past and how that secret shaped who he became. It tells of Amir's childhood friendship with Hassan, his relationship with his father and growing up in a privileged place in society. I was drawn in by Amir's voice. I sympathized with him, cheered for him and felt angry with him at different points. Similarly, I became attracted by Hassan and his father. The characters became real to me, and it was difficult for me to put the book down and leave their world.
I highly recommend this book, especially for book clubs. For those of you who are not in a reading group, read it and then lead it to a friend. You are going to want to talk about it when you finish.
24.The underlined words "a page turner" probably mean that the book is ____.
A.exciting B.easy C.ridiculous D.abstract
25.The greatest charm of The Kite Runner lies in ____.
A.the beauty of language B.the history of the Taliban
C.the reflection of humanity D.the culture of immigrants
26.According to the passage, which of the following is true
A.The story is set in the September 11, 2001 attacks in America.
B.The author always feels sympathy for the main character, Amir.
C.The story can provide inspiration for readers of various cultures.
D.The secret helped Amir to grow up in a privileged place in society.
27.What type of writing is the passage
A.A review of a book. B.An outline of a book.
C.A summary of a book. D.An advertisement of a book.
(2024高三上·期末) 阅读理解
Many farmers in China are exploring new career paths. From drone (无人机) operators to social media influencers, new types of occupations taken on by Chinese farmers not only bring higher incomes but also put new life into China's rural area.
In April 2016, Yu Xiaojun, 28, founded an agricultural machinery services cooperative in partnership with his friends to provide services including sowing, crop protection and harvesting for large farms with drones.
The cooperative now has over 100 sets of machinery and equipment and more than 20 staff members. Many young people ask Yu to teach them how to fly drones.
As a short-video craze sweeps China, many farmers are becoming enthusiastic about sharing their lives online. Livestreaming has become a new farming tool, allowing farmers to reap the benefits of selling goods directly to urban consumers.
Holding a plate of dried sweet potatoes, Zhang Chuanfeng stood in front of a mobile phone to introduce the local products. The 40-year-old farmer is 1.4 meters tall and was worried about his future after struggling in various jobs because he is too short. However, his transition has been a success.
With the support of the local government, Zhang rented a stall and opened his online business. To improve his marketing skills, he attended training courses and learned from other online streamers.
In April 2020, Zhang started livestreaming sales. The products received positive feedback from the market, and that encouraged Zhang to include more types of local specialties in his sales.
His hard work paid off. Now Zhang has over 90,000 followers on the Douyin short-video platform. He made 5 million yuan from sales of local specialties last year. He also volunteered to help locals sell other products including honey, organic eggs and fish through livestreaming.
"Through my efforts, I have lifted my family out of poverty, which was unimaginable before," Zhang said. "Compared to professional livestreamers, we are just at the primary stage. I hope more professionals will join us and we can build our brand."
28.What does Yu Xiaojun most likely agree with
A.Traditional farms should be enlarged in China.
B.Farmers should have their own modern machines.
C.Operating drones is popular among young farmers.
D.Farming needs the support of science and technology.
29.What was a barrier to Zhang Chuanfeng's career
A.His knowledge. B.His identity.
C.His height. D.His background.
30.Which word can be used to describe Zhang Chuanfeng
A.Easy-going. B.Warm-hearted. C.Well-educated. D.Strong-minded.
31.What can be the best title for the passage
A.Social Media Is Taking Over
B.Farmers Are in Need of Technology
C.Drones Are Getting Popular in China
D.Farmers Are Creating New Career Paths
(2024高三上·期末) 阅读理解
When romantic partners argue over things like finances, jealousy, or other interpersonal issues, they tend to employ their current feelings as fuel for a heated argument. But thinking about the future helps overcome relationship conflicts, according to a University of Waterloo study just published online in Social Psychological and Personality Science. Alex Huynh, a doctoral candidate in psychology is the lead author of the study, which he published with Igor Grossmann from the University of Waterloo, and Daniel Yang from Yale University.
Previous research has shown that third-perspective reasoning can be a positive strategy for reconciliation (调解) of interpersonal struggles. Huynh and his collaborators investigated whether similar benefit can be induced by simply thinking about the future. Study participants were instructed to reflect on a recent conflict with a romantic partner or a close friend. One group of participants were then asked to describe how they would feel about the conflict one year in the future, while another group was asked to describe how they feel in the present.
The team examined participants' written responses through a text-analysis program for their use of pronouns — such as I, me, she, he. These choices of pronouns were used to capture participants' focus on the feelings and behaviour of those involved in the conflict. Written responses were also examined for forgiveness and reinterpreting the conflict more positively, both of which implied the participants' use of reasoning strategies.
The researchers found that envisioning future relationship affected both participants' focus on their feelings, and their reasoning strategies. As a result, participants reported more positivity about their relationship altogether, especially when study participants extended their thinking about the relationship a year into the future.
"Our study demonstrates that adopting a future-oriented perspective in the context of a relationship conflict — reflecting on how one might feel a year from now — may be a valuable coping tool for one's psychological happiness and relationship well-being," said Huynh.
32.What do romantic partners do in face of most disagreements
A.They lose faith in their future.
B.They focus on their present feelings.
C.They look forward to a fierce conflict.
D.They care more about financial problems.
33.What does the underlined word "induced" in Paragraph 2 most probably mean?
A.Caused. B.Explained. C.Reduced. D.Improved.
34.What do we know about the study
A.All the study participants described how they felt both in the present and in the future.
B.Study participants described their recent relationship with their romantic partners or friends.
C.A text-analysis program was employed to examine participants' use of negative words.
D.The reasoning strategies in participants' written responses were well worthy of note.
35.What can be the best title of the text
A.You have a year to solve your interpersonal problems!
B.Thinking about future is essential for relationship maintenance!
C.Your current feelings are the real cause of your heated arguments!
D.Beneficial reasoning is a positive strategy for reconciliation!
(2024高三上·期末) 根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多余选项。
Anyone can book a trip, but not everyone can plan the best adventure that is affordable and fun. If you want to do it better, the places to stay in for the nights must be chosen carefully.  36.  
Check distances on a map. It's common for hotels to slightly exaggerate (夸大)their closeness to attractions around town. They will not tell you the true distance. If being close to a particular airport is important for your trip, you'd better confirm the distance on Google Map before you book a hotel.
 37.   A little niceness goes a long way, especially with the hotel staff who have to deal with difficult guests on a regular basis. When you check in, simply say hello to the cleaning staff when you pass them in the hall. This is not only common politeness, but it also increases your chances of getting incidental benefit during your stay.
Give up the package deals(套餐)To appeal to new guests, some hotels will offer themed package deals.  38.   Sometimes these packages include things you don't want or need and the special prices could be higher than the regular ones.
Ask about parking.  39.   You'd better look for a hotel offering free parking. If you have to afford the expensive parking, apps like Best Parking can help you find nearby parking lots at lower prices. As parking costs really go up, if not necessary, we suggest you take a taxi or a bus from the hotel to travel around the city rather than travel in your own car.  40.  
A.Be polite to the staff. B.Pay attention to difficult guests. C.They are quite cheap but taste bad. D.In this way you can save much money. E.In a self-driving travel, parking may cost a lot. F.They are attractive but may not be good value for money. G.Here are some tips about hotels that we'd like to share with you.
(2024高三上·期末) 阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的A、B、C和D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。
People may misunderstand what they used to be familiar with. I remembered a 41. professor was invited to our school, teaching stress management principles in a school hall 42. with students.
As she 43. a glass of water, every one of us expected we'd be asked the 44. "glass half-empty or glass half-full" question. 45. , with a smile on her face, the professor asked, "How 46. is this glass of water I'm holding "
All of us shouted out answers ranging from eight ounces to a couple of pounds.
She replied, "From my perspective, the absolute weight of this glass doesn't matter. It all 47. how long I hold it. If I hold it for a minute or two, it's fairly light. If I hold it for an hour straight, its weight might make my arm 48. a little. If I hold it for a day straight, my arm will likely cramp up and feel 49. numb (麻木的) and paralyzed, 50. me to drop the glass to the floor. In each case, the 51. of the glass doesn't change, but the longer I hold it, the heavier it feels to me."
As the whole class 52. our heads in agreement, she continued, "Your 53. and worries in life are very much like this glass of water. Think about them for a while and 54. happens. Think about them a bit longer and you begin to ache a little. Think about them all day long, and you will feel specially numb and paralyzed— 55. of doing anything else 56. you drop them."
It's important to remember to 57. your stresses and worries. No matter what happens during the day, as early in the evening as you can, put all your burdens down. Don't 58. them through the night and into the next day with you. If you still feel the weight of 59. stress, it's a strong sign that it's time to put the 60. down.
41.A.physics B.psychology C.chemistry D.literature
42.A.filled B.decorated C.connected D.compared
43.A.raised B.pointed C.took D.drank
44.A.interesting B.meaningful C.typical D.personal
45.A.Therefore B.Besides C.Then D.Instead
46.A.heavy B.thin C.clean D.large
47.A.happens to B.agrees on
C.contributes to D.depends on
48.A.bend B.injure C.sour D.ache
49.A.slightly B.surprisingly C.completely D.regularly
50.A.inviting B.forcing C.turning D.joining
51.A.shape B.appearance C.weight D.size
52.A.shook B.hung C.nodded D.lifted
53.A.joys B.stresses C.laughs D.thrills
54.A.everything B.something C.anything D.nothing
55.A.ashamed B.incapable C.nervous D.competent
56.A.since B.after C.if D.until
57.A.let go of B.keep in mind
C.fall back on D.take part in
58.A.carry B.forget C.enjoy D.avoid
59.A.last year's B.yesterday's C.today's D.this year's
60.A.ability B.duty C.glass D.attempt
(2024高三上·期末) 阅读下面短文,在空白处填入1个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。
A small village in Yunnan Province is  61.   (wide) known as the Dai paper factory. There are nets for  62.   (dry) paper all over the village and inside villagers' houses. Dai paper  63.   (make) for over 800 years there up to now.
One of the best papermakers is Yan, who was already interested in Dai paper at an early age. Taught  64.   his grandparents to be a papermaker at 16, Yan was quickly able to complete  65.   production independently.
Unlike ordinary papermaking where trees need to be cut down, Dai paper is environmentally friendly. This is  66.   its raw material is the recyclable bark of a kind of trees unique to the area. Dai paper' production process is still used today. In a workshop, Yan demonstrated 11 different papermaking  67.   (process) to us.
Although Dai paper carries the culture and  68.   (believe) of the Dai people, the crafting of it is faced with great challenges.  69.   (address) the problems, Yan improved Dai's papermaking technology, thus saving production time and reducing labor costs. And then he  70.   (start) teaching the villagers his new papermaking process for free.
71.(2024高三上·期末) 假定英语课上老师要求同桌之间交换修改作文,请你修改你同桌写的以下作文。文中共有10处语言错误,每句中最多有两处。每处错误仅涉及一个单词的增加、删除或修改。
注意:1. 每处错误及其修改均仅限一词;2. 只允许修改10处,多者(从第11处起)不计分。
Responsibility is one of the most important human quality. Responsible people can be trusted, and this benefits to both the person and the people counted on him. No one can become successful without good sense of responsibility.
What does responsibility mean for we students Firstly, being responsible means making our own choices, attending classes on time, and cleaning our own rooms regular. Secondly, being responsible means caring about others in social communication. Therefore, we should help them when they were in need of help. Finally, we are all members of our country, that implies we need to obey the laws, regulations and rules of the country. Beside, we need to do some voluntary work for our community.
All in all, being responsible surely enable us to contribute to the world. Let's be responsible.
72.(2024高三上·期末)在高中生涯中的毕业典礼上,你被要求做一个感恩演讲,感恩你的英语老师Mr. Li三年来的付出,
【解析】【听力原文】M: Your gold necklace is so nice. I want to buy one for my wife.
W: Thanks. I think it can hold its value well. I bought it ...
M: Shush! Mr Longman is coming towards us with the meeting papers.
【分析】题意: 这个男人可能在和谁说话 根据听力内容M: Shush! Mr Longman is coming towards us with the meeting papers. 嘘!朗曼先生拿着会议文件向我们走来。可知选项His co worker.符合题意;故答案为 C。
【点评】考查短对话。注意听前认真阅读问题和选项去预测可能听到的内容,听时注意抓关键句Shush! Mr Longman is coming
towards us with the meeting papers.来选出正确选项。
【解析】【听力原文】M: I never knew you had such a lovely voice. You are like a professional singer.
W: Thanks. I wouldn't say I'm professional, but I did receive some training at school. My music teacher used to be a professional singer.
【分析】题意:为什么这个女人唱得好 根据听力内容I wouldn't say I'm professional, but I did receive some training at school. 我不敢说我是专业的,但我确实在学校接受过一些培训。可知选项She got some training as a student.符合题意;故答案为C。
【点评】考查短对话。注意听前认真阅读问题和选项去预测可能听到的内容,听时注意关键句 I did receive some training at school来选出正确选项。
【解析】【听力原文】M: I can come to your house and pick you up in half an hour. Is that all right
W: Sure. That means you will be here at 8:30.
【分析】题意:现在几点了? 根据听力内容 I can come to your house and pick you up in half an hour. 我可以半小时后去你家接你。That means you will be here at 8:30. 也就是说你八点半到这里。可知选项8:00.符合题意;故答案为C。
【点评】考查短对话。注意听前认真阅读问题和选项去预测可能听到的内容,听时注意抓关键词 pick you up in half an hour和关键句 be here at 8:30来选出正确选项。
【解析】【听力原文】M: So, after the man's car hit yours, you hit your head on the wheel
W: That's right. It's all there in the police report. Do you think we have a good case
M: Yes, but it depends on who had a green light.
【分析】题意:说话的人可能是谁 根据听力内容M: So, after the man's car hit yours, you hit your head on the wheel 所以,在那个人的车撞到你的车之后,你的头撞到了方向盘上 W: That's right. It's all there in the police report. Do you think we have a good case 没错。警察报告里都写着呢。你觉得我们的案子好判决吗 可知选项A lawyer and his client.符合题意;故答案为 A。
【点评】考查短对话。注意听前认真阅读问题和选项去预测可能听到的内容,听时注意抓关键词 a good case和关键句after the man's car hit yours, you hit your head on the wheel 来选出正确选项。
【解析】【听力原文】M: I won't be coming for dinner at this restaurant again, even if it is cheap. They use throwaway plastic cups and straws.
W: I don't understand why they still do that sort of thing when they know how bad it is for the planet.
【分析】题意:说话者关心的是什么 根据听力内容They use throwaway plastic cups and straws. 他们使用一次性塑料杯和吸管。W: I don't understand why they still do that sort of thing when they know how bad it is for the planet.我不明白为什么他们明明知道这对地球有多糟糕,还在做那种事。可知他们关心环保,选项The environment.符合题意;故答案为 C。
【点评】考查短对话。注意听前认真阅读问题和选项去预测可能听到的内容,听时注意抓关键词和关键句 I don't understand why they still do that sort of thing when they know how bad it is for the planet.来选出正确选项。
【解析】【听力原文】M: Hi, Rose. I'm glad I ran into you. I've been wanting to ask you a favor.
W: Right
M: As you know, I've been working on a website idea. It's for people interested in history, wildlife, er, for them to study here.
W: Sounds interesting but I'm not sure how I can help.
M: Well, you do know a lot about websites. I wondered if you could take a look at what's online already and tell me how user-friendly those websites are.
W: But when do you want it done I'm pretty busy at the moment.
M: It's not urgent, in fact.
W: OK. My notebook is under repair but hopefully it won't let me down next week.
M: Mm, thanks.
【点评】考查长对话。注意听前认真阅读问题和选项去预测可能听到的内容,听时注意抓关键句 I've been working on a website idea来选出正确选项。
6.题意:男士想让女士做什么 根据听力内容 M: As you know, I've been working on a website idea. It's for people interested in history, wildlife, er, for them to study here.你知道,我一直在做一个网站的想法。是给对历史,野生动物感兴趣的人,呃,让他们来这里学习。M: Well, you do know a lot about websites. I wondered if you could take a look at what's online already and tell me how user-friendly those websites are. 嗯,你对网站确实很了解。我想知道你是否可以看看网上已经有什么,告诉我这些网站对用户有多友好。可知选项Offer him ideas for a possible website.符合题意;故答案为A。
7.题意:女人承诺要做什么 根据听力内容W: OK. My notebook is under repair but hopefully it won't let me down next week. 好的。我的笔记本正在修理,但希望它下周不会让我失望。 可知女士答应下周笔记本修好就帮助他;选项Help the man next week.符合题意;故答案为 C。
【解析】【听力原文】M: Hey Emily, have you had a chance to check out that new cafe downtown
W: Oh, not yet. Is it any good
M: Absolutely! It has this cozy corner with soft chairs – perfect for getting lost in a good book. The atmosphere is fantastic, but what attracts me most is the coffee itself.
W: Really I'm always on the lookout for a good coffee spot and a quiet place to read. What else do it have
M: Well, besides the coffee, it offers a variety of snacks. The blueberry muffin is really amazing.
W: Yum! I'm sold. Let's check it out this weekend.
M: Great idea! We can grab a coffee, enjoy some blueberry muffin, and catch up.
【点评】考查长对话。注意听前认真阅读问题和选项去预测可能听到的内容,听时注意抓关键句 what attracts me most is the coffee
itself. Let's check it out this weekend.来选出正确选项。
8.题意:在新咖啡馆里,男人最喜欢什么 根据听力内容The atmosphere is fantastic, but what attracts me most is the coffee
itself. 气氛很棒,但最吸引我的还是咖啡本身。可知选项Coffee.符合题意;故答案为 A。
9.题意: 女士这个周末打算做什么 根据听力内容M: Well, besides the coffee, it offers a variety of snacks. The blueberry muffin
is really amazing. 嗯,除了咖啡,它还提供各种小吃。蓝莓松饼真的很好吃。W: Yum! I'm sold. Let's check it out this weekend.
Yum !我要卖。我们这周末去看看吧。可知选项Explore the cafe with the man.符合题意;故答案为C。
【解析】【听力原文】M: Could you help me, please
W: Yes, what do you want
M: Could I borrow your computer for a couple of days
W: What's wrong with yours Has somebody stolen it
M: No, it's been running really slow the last few days. Last night the screen just went black and I couldn't get it to work again.
W: What are you going to do
M: I'll take it to the repair shop tomorrow and get it fixed. The problem is that I'm in the middle of doing a science project, which I need to finish today.
W: OK, but I'm watching a video on my computer now. It's homework from my teacher. I can bring it over to you around noon.
M: OK, that will be great. Thank you so much.
W: I'm glad to help. That's what friends are for.
【点评】考查长对话。注意听前认真阅读问题和选项去预测可能听到的内容,听时注意抓关键词need to finish today和关键句Thank you so much.来选出正确选项。
10.题意:男人想从女人那里得到什么 根据听力内容M: Could I borrow your computer for a couple of days 我可以借你的电脑用几天吗 可知选项A computer.符合题意;故答案为B。
11.题意:男士今天必须做什么 根据听力内容The problem is that I'm in the middle of doing a science project, which I need to finish today. 问题是我正在做一个科学项目,我今天必须完成。可知选项Finish a project.符合题意;故答案为C。
12.题意:男人最后感觉如何 根据听力内容M: OK, that will be great. Thank you so much. 好的,那太好了。非常感谢。可知选项Grateful.符合题意;故答案为C。
【解析】【听力原文】W: That smells good. What are you making
M: My breakfast for tomorrow. I've got a very early start tomorrow morning.
W: What are you going to do
M: I've got a meeting at my company's head office. If I don't prepare, I know I'll end up eating something unhealthy at the train station. I've also made a salad to take with me for lunch.
W: Wow! You're very serious about losing weight, aren't you
M: I am. And I'm happy to say it's working!
W: Oh, really
M: Yes, I've lost six pounds since I started at the beginning of the year. I weighed 180 pounds when I started in January.
W: That's amazing, and in only four months! Have you been exercising too
M: Yes. I used to take the bus to work, and now I ride a bike instead.
W: Maybe I should try to learn from you!
M: You don't need to lose any weight!
W: I may be slim, but I eat too much junk food. And I drive everywhere, even when it would be easy to walk.
M: Well, I can lend you the book that inspired me.
W: That would be great! Thanks.
【点评】考查长对话。注意听前认真阅读问题和选项去预测可能听到的内容,听时注意抓关键词 lend you the book 和关键句 I
used to take the bus to work, and now I ride a bike instead. 来选出正确选项。
13.题意:这个男人在做什么 根据听力内容What are you making 你在做什么 My breakfast for tomorrow.我明天的早餐。 可知选项
14.题意:听到男士减肥的消息后,女士听起来怎样 根据听力内容 M: I am. And I'm happy to say it's working!是的。我很高兴地说,这是有效的! W: Oh, really 哦,真的吗 可知选项Surprised.符合题意;故答案为B。
15.题意:男士现在怎么去上班 根据听力内容 I used to take the bus to work, and now I ride a bike instead. 我过去常常乘公共汽车上班,现在我骑自行车代替。可知选项By bike.符合题意;故答案为C。
16.题意:男士会做什么来帮助女士 根据听力内容 Well, I can lend you the book that inspired me. 嗯,我可以把给我灵感的那本书借给你。可知选项Lend a book to her.符合题意;故答案为C。
【解析】【听力原文】 Here's the weather forecast for the next twenty-four hours. I'll divide the country into four, starting with the Northwest and the Northeast of England. Well, there'll be some early morning mist, and after that it'll be mainly dry and sunny, with a temperature of around six or seven. It should stay dry all day, but there'll be quite a wind.
And now the Southwest and Wales. You can expect some rain in the morning and in the afternoon. There might be some storms, as well, with thunder and lightning. The temperature will be lower than yesterday, around three or four degrees. I don't think you'll see much sun. Cloudy all day, I'm afraid.
The Southeast and the Midlands will see the best of today's weather. It'll be warmer than yesterday, no wind and sunshine nearly all day, with the temperature around ten or eleven, so it's quite warm for this time of year.
In Scotland and Northern Ireland, however, there'll be a heavy rain and maybe some snow during the afternoon, and on the hills the temperature will drop to below freezing, minus four or five, and on the highest spots it may drop to minus ten. And that's all from me. Thank you for listening.
【点评】考查独白。注意听前认真阅读问题和选项去预测可能听到的内容,听时注意抓关键词no wind and sunshine nearly all day,minus ten和关键句The temperature will be lower than yesterday, around three or four degrees.来选出正确选项。
17.题意:英格兰东北部的天气会怎么样 根据听力内容I'll divide the country into four, starting with the Northwest and the Northeast of England. It should stay dry all day, but there'll be quite a wind. 从英格兰的西北部和东北部开始。天气应该会干燥一整天,但是会有很大的风。可知选项Dry and cold.符合题意;故答案为A。
18.题意:威尔士的气温会是多少 根据听力内容The temperature will be lower than yesterday, around three or four degrees. 气温将比昨天低,大约三到四度。可知选项Around three or four degrees.符合题意;故答案为B。
19.题意:中部地区的天气会怎么样 根据听力内容The Southeast and the Midlands will see the best of today's weather. 东南部和中部地区将迎来今天最好的天气。no wind and sunshine nearly all day,没有风而且一整天都阳光明媚;可知选项Fine.符合题意;故答案为B。
20.题意:北爱尔兰的最低气温是多少 根据听力内容and on the highest spots it may drop to minus ten. 最高的地方可能会降到零下十度。 可知选项Minus ten.符合题意;故答案为A。
21.细节理解题。根据An outstanding selection of Chinese art gifted to the Met by Florence and Herbert Irving is the focus of
this exhibition. 佛罗伦斯·欧文和赫伯特·欧文赠予大都会博物馆的优秀中国艺术品是本次展览的重点。In 1947, Jefferson R. Burdick
began to give away his baseball cards to the Met. 1947年,杰斐逊·r·伯迪克开始向大都会博物馆赠送他的棒球卡。可知他们的展品是免费获得的。 故答案为C。
22.细节理解题。根据P.S. Art is an annual celebration of achievement in the arts in New York City public schools. This exhibition
showcases the creativity of 152 prekindergarten through grade 12 students from all five boroughs. P.S. Art 是纽约市公立学校一年一度的艺术成就庆祝活动。本次展览展示了来自五个行政区的152名学前班至12年级学生的创造力。可知P.S. Art 2021适合那些喜欢学生作品的人;故答案为B。
23.细节理解题。根据Open: Sunday—Tuesday, and Thursday: 10:00—17:00;Friday and Saturday: 10:00—21:00;可知在这个时间段10:00—17:00 Saturday可以去大都会博物馆看展览; 故答案为A。
24.词义猜测题。根据上文The Kite Runner by Khaled Hosseini is one of the best books I have read in years.哈立德·侯赛尼的《追风筝的人》是我近年来读过的最好的书之一。以及下文with complex characters and situations that will make you think hard
about friendship, good and evil, betrayal, etc.复杂的人物和场景会让你认真思考友谊、善与恶、背叛等问题。可知 a page turner的意思是:令人兴奋的,令人激动的; 故答案为A。
25.细节理解题。根据 Looking at The Kite Runner as a story about culture, however, misses what the book is really about. This is
a novel about humanity. Looking at The Kite Runner as a story about culture, however, misses what the book is really
about. This is a novel about humanity. 可知这本书最大的魅力在于对人性的反映; 故答案为C。
26.推理判断题;根据I highly recommend this book, especially for book clubs. For those of you who are not in a reading group
, read it and then lead it to a friend. You are going to want to talk about it when you finish.我强烈推荐这本书,尤其是在读书俱乐部。对于那些没有参加阅读小组的人,读一读,然后把它带给朋友。当你完成后,你会想要谈论它。可知这个故事可以为不同文化背景的读者提供灵感;故答案为C。
27.推理判断题。根据每段的主题句:The Kite Runner by Khaled Hosseini is one of the best books I have read in years. 哈立德·侯赛尼的《追风筝的人》是我近年来读过的最好的书之一。On one level, The Kite Runner is the story of two boys in Afghanistan
and Afghan immigrants in America. 在某种程度上,《追风筝的人》是两个阿富汗男孩和美国阿富汗移民的故事。Looking at The Kite Runner as a story about culture, however, misses what the book is really about. This is a novel about humanity. 然而,把《追风筝的人》看作一个关于文化的故事,却忽略了这本书的真正意义。这是一本关于人性的小说。The Kite Runner looks at how the main character, Amir, deals with a secret in his past and how that secret shaped who he became. 《追风筝的人》讲述了主人公阿米尔如何处理他过去的一个秘密,以及这个秘密如何塑造了他。I highly recommend this book, especially for book
clubs. 我强烈推荐这本书,尤其是在读书俱乐部。可知本文是一篇书评; 故答案为A。
28.推理判断题。根据In April 2016, Yu Xiaojun, 28, founded an agricultural machinery services cooperative in partnership with
his friends to provide services including sowing, crop protection and harvesting for large farms with drones. 2016年4月,28岁的于晓军与朋友合作成立了一家农业机械服务合作社,用无人机为大农场提供播种、作物保护和收获等服务。可知他赞成农业需要科学技术的支持; 故答案为D。
29.细节理解题。根据Holding a plate of dried sweet potatoes, Zhang Chuanfeng stood in front of a mobile phone to introduce
the local products. The 40-year-old farmer is 1.4 meters tall and was worried about his future after struggling in various
jobs because he is too short. However, his transition has been a success. 张传峰端着一盘红薯干,站在手机前介绍土特产。这位40岁的农民身高1米4,因为太矮而在各种工作中挣扎,他担心自己的未来。然而,他的过渡是成功的。可知他的身高成为了他曾经找工作的障碍; 故答案为C。
30.推理判断题。根据He also volunteered to help locals sell other products including honey, organic eggs and fish through
livestreaming. 他还自愿帮助当地人通过直播销售其他产品,包括蜂蜜、有机鸡蛋和鱼。可知他是一个热心肠的人,很愿意帮助别人; 故答案为B。
31.主旨大意题。根据文章的结构:总分,由第一段Many farmers in China are exploring new career paths. From drone (无人机) operators to social media influencers, new types of occupations taken on by Chinese farmers not only bring higher incomes but also put new life into China's rural area. 中国许多农民正在探索新的职业道路。从无人机(无人机)操作员到社交媒体网红,中国农民从事的新型职业不仅带来了更高的收入,还为中国农村地区带来了新的生活。可知这篇文章主要讲中国农民正在创造新的职业道路;故答案为D。
32.细节理解题。根据When romantic partners argue over things like finances, jealousy, or other interpersonal issues, they
tend to employ their current feelings as fuel for a heated argument. 当浪漫的伴侣因为财务、嫉妒或其他人际关系问题而争吵时,他们往往会把当前的感觉当作激烈争论的导火索。可知他们专注于当下的感受。 故答案为B。
33.词义猜测题。根据上文Previous research has shown that third-perspective reasoning can be a positive strategy for
reconciliation (调解) of interpersonal struggles. 先前的研究表明,第三视角推理可以成为人际斗争调解的积极策略。以及 whether
similar benefit是否同样的好处, by simply thinking about the future通过思考未来,可知 induced 的意思为:产生,引起; 故答案为A。
34.推理判断题。根据The researchers found that envisioning future relationship affected both participants' focus on their feelings, and their reasoning strategies. As a result, participants reported more positivity about their relationship altogether, especially when study participants extended their thinking about the relationship a year into the future.研究人员发现,设想未来的关系会影响参与者对自己感受的关注,以及他们的推理策略。结果,参与者对他们的关系总体上更加积极,尤其是当研究参与者将他们对未来关系的思考延长一年的时候。可知参与者书面回答中的推理策略值得注意; 故答案为D。
35.主旨大意题。根据文章的结构:分总,由最后一段 "Our study demonstrates that adopting a future-oriented perspective in the context of a relationship conflict — reflecting on how one might feel a year from now — may be a valuable coping tool for one's psychological happiness and relationship well-being," said Huynh."我们的研究表明,在关系冲突的背景下,采用面向未来的视角——反映一个人一年后的感受——可能是一个有价值的应对工具,可以让一个人的心理幸福和关系健康,"黄恩说。可知这篇文章主要是讲思考未来是维持关系的关键 ! 故答案为B。
36.根据上文 If you want to do it better, the places to stay in for the nights must be chosen carefully. 如果你想更愉快的旅行,就必须仔细选择住宿的地方。可知空白处需要承上启下的过渡句:这里有几个关于酒店的建议可以同你分享; 选项Here are some tips
about hotels that we'd like to share with you.这里有一些关于酒店的建议,我们想和你分享。符合题意;故答案为G。
37.根据下文 A little niceness goes a long way, especially with the hotel staff who have to deal with difficult guests on a regular
basis. 一点友善会有很大的帮助,尤其是对于那些经常要和难相处的客人打交道的酒店员工。可知空白处需要主题句:对员工要有礼貌; 选项Be polite to the staff.对员工要有礼貌。符合题意;故答案为A。
38.根据上文主题句Give up the package deals放弃套餐; Sometimes these packages include things you don't want or need and the special prices could be higher than the regular ones.有时候这些套餐里有你不想要或不需要的东西,特价可能比普通的价格要高。 可知空白处需要过渡句:它们可能不是你真正想要的,你可以不花这笔钱;选项They are attractive but may not be good
value for money.它们很有吸引力,但可能不值得花钱。符合题意;故答案为F。
39.根据上文Ask about parking. 询问停车问题。 以及下文You'd better look for a hotel offering free parking.你最好找一家免费停车的旅馆。可知空白处需要过渡句:解释文明市民要询问停车场,停车场停车要花钱; 选项In a self-driving travel, parking may cost
a lot.在自驾游中,停车可能会花费很多。符合题意;故答案为E。
40.根据上文 If you have to afford the expensive parking, apps like Best Parking can help you find nearby parking lots at lower
prices. As parking costs really go up, if not necessary, we suggest you take a taxi or a bus from the hotel to travel around the city rather than travel in your own car. 如果你不得不支付昂贵的停车费,像Best parking这样的应用程序可以帮助你以更低的价格找到附近的停车场。由于停车费用确实会上涨,如果没有必要,我们建议您从酒店乘坐出租车或公共汽车游览城市,而不是自己开车。可知空白处需要结论:这样做可以省钱的; 选项In this way you can save much money.这样你可以省很多钱。符合题意;故答案为D。
41.句意:我记得一位心理学教授被邀请到我们学校,在一个满是学生的学校大厅里教授压力管理原理。根据teaching stress management principles 教授压力管理原理; 可知这位教授是叫心理学的; 选项A:physics物理现象;B:psychology 心理学;C:chemistry化学;D:literature文学;故答案为B。
42.句意:我记得一位心理学教授被邀请到我们学校,在一个满是学生的学校大厅里教授压力管理原理。根据下文All of us shouted out answers ranging from eight ounces to a couple of pounds. 我们所有人都喊出了答案,从8盎司到几磅不等。可知学校大厅里坐满了学生来听她的心理课讲座; 选项A:filled充满;B:decorated装饰;C:connected连接;D:compared比较;故答案为A。
43.句意:当她举起一杯水的时候,我们每个人都预料到自己会被问到典型的"半杯空了还是半杯满了"的问题。根据下文From my perspective, the absolute weight of this glass doesn't matter. 在我看来,这个杯子的绝对重量并不重要。可知教授举起了杯子才能感知杯子的重量; 选项A:raised举起;B:pointed指着;C:took拿;D:drank喝;故答案为A。
44.句意:当她举起一杯水的时候,我们每个人都预料到自己会被问到典型的"半杯空了还是半杯满了"的问题。根据句意作者们都能猜到的常被问到的问题,可知这是一个典型的问题; 选项A:interesting有趣的;B:meaningful有意义的;C:typical典型的;D:personal个人的;故答案为C。
45.句意:相反,教授面带微笑地问:"我拿着的这杯水有多重 "我们所有人都喊出了答案,从8盎司到几磅不等。根据下文教授问的问题不是学生们预想的问题,可知刚好相反教授问了另外一个问题; 选项A:Therefore因此;B:Besides还有;C:Then然后;D:Instead相反;故答案为D。
46.句意:相反,教授面带微笑地问:"我拿着的这杯水有多重 "我们所有人都喊出了答案,从8盎司到几磅不等。根据下文All of us shouted out answers ranging from eight ounces to a couple of
pounds. 我们所有人都喊出了答案,从8盎司到几磅不等。可知教授问的问题于重量有关; 选项A:heavy重的,沉的;B:thin薄的;C:clean干净的;D:large巨大的;故答案为A。
47.句意:这完全取决于我拿着它多久。根据上文From my perspective, the absolute weight of this glass doesn't matter. 在我看来,这个杯子的绝对重量并不重要。可知心理教授想说我们感知的杯子重量与我们举杯子的时间长度有关系,我们感知的重量取决于我们举的时长; 选项A:happens to碰巧;B:agrees on同意;C:contributes to贡献;D:depends on取决于;故答案为D。
48.句意:如果我连续拿着它一个小时,它的重量可能会让我的手臂有点疼。根据上文 If I hold it for a minute or two, it's fairly light. 如果我拿着它一两分钟,它就很轻了。可知举着杯子保持一个小时,我们举杯的手臂会有点痛的; 选项A:bend弯曲;B:injure受伤;C:sour酸的;D:ache疼痛;故答案为D。
49.句意:如果我连续拿着它一天,我的手臂可能会抽筋,感觉完全麻木和瘫痪,迫使我把玻璃杯扔到地板上。根据句意同一动作把杯子举一天, 可知我们举杯的手会完全麻木的; 选项A:slightly轻微地;B:surprisingly令人吃惊地;C:completely完全地;D:regularly经常地;故答案为C。
50.句意:如果我连续拿着它一天,我的手臂可能会抽筋,感觉完全麻木和瘫痪,迫使我把玻璃杯扔到地板上。根据句意"如果我连续拿着它一天,我的手臂可能会抽筋,感觉完全麻木和瘫痪" 可知到了这种时候,身体本能回迫使我们扔掉杯子; 选项A:inviting邀请;B:forcing迫使;C:turning旋转,转动;D:joining连接,接合;故答案为B。
51.句意:在每种情况下,杯子的重量都没有变化,但我拿着它的时间越长,我就觉得它越重。根据上文句意"在我看来,这个杯子的绝对重量并不重要。这完全取决于我拿着它多久" 可知拿的时间越长,感到杯子的重量越重; 选项A:shape形状;B:appearance外表;C:weight重量;D:size大小;故答案为C。
52.句意:全班同学点头表示同意。根据在肢体语言里点头表示同意,学生表示赞同, 可知他们都点头了; 选项A:shook摇晃;B:hung垂落;C:nodded点头;D:lifted举起;故答案为C。
53.句意:她接着说:"你们生活中的压力和烦恼就像这杯水。"根据第十七空后面的your stresses and
worries, 可知心理教授把生活中的压力和烦恼比喻成这杯水; 选项A:joys高兴;B:stresses压力;C:laughs大笑;D:thrills兴奋,激动;故答案为B。
54.句意:想了一会儿,什么也没发生。根据短暂的想压力和担忧,就像短时的举杯,没什么不好的事情发生; 可知一切还好,无事发生; 选项A:everything一切,万事;B:something某事,某物;C:anything任何事物;D:nothing没有什么;故答案为D。
55.句意:整天想着它们,你会感到特别麻木和瘫痪——除非你把它们扔掉,否则你什么也做不了。根据上文句意"如果我连续拿着它一天,我的手臂可能会抽筋,感觉完全麻木和瘫痪,迫使我把玻璃杯扔到地板上。" 可知当我们成天想着那些烦心事,我们最后只有瘫痪,什么也不能干了 选项A:ashamed感到羞愧;B:incapable不能胜任的,什么也干不了;C:nervous神经紧张的,担忧的;D:competent能胜任的;故答案为B。
56.句意:整天想着它们,你会感到特别麻木和瘫痪——直到你把它们扔掉,否则你什么也做不了。根据句意"如果我连续拿着它一天,我的手臂可能会抽筋,感觉完全麻木和瘫痪,迫使我把玻璃杯扔到地板上。" 可知直到你扔掉这些烦恼,你才可以做事; 选项A:since自从;B:after以后;C:if如果;D:until直到;故答案为D。
57.句意:重要的是要记住释放你的压力和担忧。根据上文 you drop them你把它们扔了; 可知作者很赞成心理教授的思想,要释放压力和担心; 选项A:let go of放手,释放;B:keep in mind牢记;C:fall back on后退;D:take part in参加;故答案为A。
58.句意:不要把它们带过一夜,带到第二天。根据上文No matter what happens during the day, as
early in the evening as you can, put all your burdens down. 不管白天发生了什么,在傍晚的时候,尽可能早地放下你所有的负担。可知作者希望当日事当日结,必要带到第二天;尤其是烦恼的事不过夜; 选项A:carry携带;B:forget忘记;C:enjoy喜欢;D:avoid避免;故答案为A。
59.句意:如果你仍然感受到昨天的压力,这是一个强烈的信号,是时候放下杯子了。根据上文句意"不要把它们带过一夜,带到第二天" 可知有人今天依然感受到昨天的压力; 选项A:last year's去年;B:yesterday's昨天;C:today's今天;D:this year's今年;故答案为B。
60.句意:如果你仍然感受到昨天的压力,这是一个强烈的信号,是时候放下杯子了。根据上文心理教授的观点,只有放下让你麻木瘫痪的杯子,你才能开始做事, 可知作者这里也是把烦恼压力比喻为装手的玻璃杯子; 选项A:ability能力;B:duty职责;C:glass玻璃;D:attempt尝试;故答案为C。
【答案】61.widely;62.drying;63.has been made;64.by;65.the;66.because;67.processes;68.belief/beliefs;69.To address;70.started
61.句意:云南省的一个小村庄以傣族造纸厂而闻名。根据修饰谓语动词 is known as要用副词,可知空白处需要形容词wide 的副词形式widely ;故答案为widely。
62.句意:村里到处都是晒纸的网,村民们的房子里也有。根据分析句子结构,空白处需要动名词作介词for的宾语, 可知空白处需要动词dry 的动名词 drying;故答案为drying。
63.句意:傣族纸至今已有800多年的历史。根据时间副词 up to now要跟现在完成时,主语Dai paper(单数名词)与make之间是被动关系; 可知空白处需要动词make的现在完成时has been made ;故答案为has been made。
64.句意:16岁时,他的祖父母教他成为一名造纸工人,他很快就能独立完成制作。根据分析句子结构,空白处需要介词,表示"被,由" 可知 空白处需要介词by;故答案为by。
65.句意:16岁时,他的祖父母教他成为一名造纸工人,他很快就能独立完成制作。根据分析句子结构,严能完成的生产特指傣族纸的生产, 可知空白处需要定冠词 the;故答案为the。
66.句意:这是因为它的原材料是该地区特有的一种可回收的树皮。根据上文Unlike ordinary papermaking where trees need to be cut down, Dai paper is environmentally friendly. 与需要砍伐树木的普通造纸不同,傣族纸是环保的。可知作者这里解释傣族纸与其他纸不同的原因,空白处需要连词because ;故答案为because。
67.句意:在一次工作坊中,他向我们展示了11种不同的造纸过程。根据11种流程, 可知空白处需要名词process 的复数形式processes ;故答案为processes。
68.句意:虽然傣族纸承载着傣族人的文化和信仰,但傣族纸的制作却面临着巨大的挑战。根据and前后一致, 可知空白处需要动词believe 的名词形式belief(共同的信仰)/beliefs(不同的信仰);故答案为belief/beliefs。
69.句意:为了解决这些问题,严改进了傣族的造纸技术,从而节省了生产时间,降低了劳动力成本。根据分析句子结构,空白处需要不定式做目的状语; 可知空白处需要动词 address 的不定式To address ;故答案为To address。
70.句意:然后他开始免费向村民传授他的新造纸工艺。根据分析句子结构,空白处需要谓语,上下文时态一致上文谓语 improved 是一般过去时态, 可知空白处需要动词start 的过去式started;故答案为started。
71.【答案】①quality →qualities ②删除to ③counted →counting ④without后添加a ⑤we →us ⑥regular →regularly ⑦were →are ⑧that →which ⑨Beside →Besides ⑩enable →enables
(1)句意:责任是人类最重要的品质之一。根据分析句子结构,该句考查了固定搭配:one of + 复数名词, 可知需要将quality 改为复数名词qualities ;故答案为quality →qualities 。
(2)句意:负责任的人是值得信任的,这对他本人和他所依赖的人都有好处。根据动词benefit 表示"使……受益"是及物动词,后面直接接宾语,可知需要将其后的介词 to去掉;故答案为删除to。
(3)句意:负责任的人是值得信任的,这对他本人和他所依赖的人都有好处。根据分析句子结构,短语count on him作定语修饰the people,他们之间是主动关系; 可知counted需要改为counting ;故答案为counted →counting 。
(4)句意:没有良好的责任感,没有人能成功。根据分析句子结构,该句考查了固定搭配:a good
sense of一种良好的……意识/感;可知句子中少了不定冠词a ;故答案为without后添加a。
(5)句意:责任对我们学生来说意味着什么 根据介词for后面接宾语, 可知主格代词 we 需要改为us ;故答案为we →us。
(6)句意:首先,负责任意味着做出自己的选择,按时上课,定期打扫自己的房间。根据修饰谓语动名词短语 cleaning our own rooms需要副词,可知形容词 regular 需要改为 regularly ;故答案为regular →regularly 。
help(应帮忙)含情态动词的谓语相当于将来时, 可知该句主将从现的原则,从句要用一般现在时 were 需要改为are;故答案为were →are 。
(8)句意:最后,我们都是国家的一员,这意味着我们需要遵守国家的法律、法规和规章。根据分析句子结构,哲思一个主句和一个定语从句构成的复合句,that不能引导非限制性定语从句, 可知that 需要改为which ;故答案为that →which 。
(9)句意:此外,我们需要为我们的社区做一些志愿工作。根据句意,该句补充说明有责任的表现, 可知需要过渡词Besides,Beside 需要改为Besides ;故答案为Beside →Besides。
(10)句意:总而言之,负责任肯定能使我们为世界做出贡献。让我们负起责任来。根据动名词作主语当单数名词看待, 可知谓语 enable 需要改为enables ;故答案为enable →enables。
72.【答案】How time flies! We are going to graduate from the school soon. It is a great honor to speak here to express my thanks to Mr Li.
Back in Senior Two, I had great trouble in learning English. Absent-minded in class, I was never really involved in the learning. Naturally, I performed poorly in the exams, and as a result, I was upset and discouraged. Having noticed everything, you offered encouragement and began to tutor me after class.
Thanks to your help, I became more confident and spent more time reading English. The efforts paid off and now English is my favorite subject. Thank you for getting me back on track and I will always remember what you have done for me.
Wish you all the best!
【点评】书面表达要求要点齐全,上下文连贯,并使用一定数量的句式结构How time flies!(运用了感叹句),(运用了),(运用了), It is a great honor to speak here to express my thanks to Mr Li.(运用了非谓语中的不定式作主语),Naturally, I
performed poorly in the exams, and as a result, I was upset and discouraged.(运用了并列句),Having noticed everything,
you offered encouragement and began to tutor me after class.(运用了现在分词短语作状语),让句子更加生动丰满,同时能够运用一些高级词汇 tutor,discouraged和固定短语graduate from,have trouble( in) doing,be involved in, as a result,pay off,提高文章的档次,体现对英语的熟练的驾驭能力。
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