人教版(2019)必修第三册Unit 1 Festivals and Celebrations Reading and Thinking 教学设计


名称 人教版(2019)必修第三册Unit 1 Festivals and Celebrations Reading and Thinking 教学设计
格式 docx
文件大小 362.4KB
资源类型 教案
版本资源 人教版(2019)
科目 英语
更新时间 2024-03-23 19:20:25



Unit 1 Festivals and Celebrations reading and thinking Why Do We Celebrate Festivals
Analysis of Teaching Materials(教材内容及分析)
Period 2: Reading and thinking
Text type: argumentation
Theme context :
Human and society
Main content:
This article introduces the reasons why people celebrate festivals, focusing on the "similarities and differences" of festivals. Festivals are a common cultural phenomenon throughout the world. Although the origins of festivals are different, their spirits of sharing joy, gratitude, love, or peace is common in all festivals.
Analysis of Students(学情分析)
learning attitude: They have enough enthusiasm for the topic
Present level: Students have certain reading comprehension ability to obtain information
Presupposed problems:
not familiar with some key words and phrases haven’t fully mastered the reading strategies
unable to grasp the in-depth theme of the text
Teaching Objectives(教学目标)
1. Learning ability:To employ different reading strategies, such as predicting the contents of the text, skimming for topic sentence of each paragraph, careful reading for detailed information.
2. Language ability:
① to know the words and expressions about the festivals.
② to know the common spirit and significance of festivals .
③ Be able to write essays about the protection of traditional festivals.
3. Thinking capacity:
①Be able to infer the author’s attitude towards commercialization of the festivals.
② Students thinking ability are able to be cultivated by thinking about the reason why people celebrate festivals.
4. Cultural awareness:Enhance students' cultural confidence. Not only should ss pay respect to foreign festivals but also carry forward our brilliant traditions and customs.
Teaching Theories(设计思想)
The whole teaching design is based on the new curriculum standard, especially the English Subject Core Competences. The activity-based approach to English learning advocates that students learn English through a series of integrated, relevant, and practical theme-based activities, where they undergo learning processes such as perceiving and understanding, applying and practicing, and transferring and creating. Within these activities, students use their existing knowledge, explore the meaning of texts of different types, and analyze and solve problems.
Thus the students make progress in learning language knowledge, developing language skills, deepening their cultural understanding, developing multiple thinking skills, forming positive values, and utilizing learning strategies. This process is not only an integrated development process of learning language knowledge and language skills, but also a continuous process of enhancing cultural awareness, improving thinking capacity, and improving learning ability.
Teaching Focus and Difficulties(重难点)
Teaching Focus: Employ different reading strategies to find the answer of the question “Why do we celebrate festivals?” and know how to find the main idea of each paragraph by finding the topic sentence.
Teaching Difficulties:
Grasp the in-depth theme; Output what we learned by polishing the writing.
Teaching Aids(资源与工具)
Textbook & worksheet Projector slides Multi-media device Blackboard
Teaching Procedures(预设过程)
Step 1. Lead-in
(videos and pictures)Why do you think people celebrate different festivals Purpose: Use a video and several questions to arouse students’ interest and activate their existing knowledge to prepare for the output.
Step 2. Pre-reading( make a prediction according to the title)Purpose: Guide students to achieve learning ability by employing reading skill of prediction to predict the content of the passage.Step 3. While-reading
(1)Fast reading(Identify the main ideas( 主 旨 ) of each paragraph)
Purpose: Guide students to achieve learning ability by employing reading skill of skimming for main idea. At the same time, students are able to identify the main idea of each paragraph with the help of the topic sentence.
(2) Careful reading
Para 1
Purpose: Guide students to know the common spirits and different origins of festivals all around the world.
Para 2:
Purpose: Guide students to know different ways, times and reasons to celebrate the harvest festival in different countries with the help of the mind map.
Para 3:Pair-work
How do you feel about the phenomena of the old traditions fading away
Purpose: Students are guided to know the changes of customs and brainstorm the reasons for this phenomenon to cultivate their open-minded thinking capacity.
Para 4: Inference
What is the writer's attitude towards the commercialization of festivals
Purpose: Guide students to explore the author’s attitude, which will help students to improve their learning ability of inferring information .
Para 5
Thinking about the significance of festivals can cultivate students' cultural awareness that different cultures have a lot in common.
1) Summary
Purpose: To summarize what we learned today. The shape of the lantern also deepens students' cultural confidence.
2) Finding out the answer to the title
To help reflect on what we learned today. and lay a solid foundation for the writing task. 3)Discussion
Purpose: To inspire students to carry forward our brilliant culture and lay a solid foundation for the writing task.
Step 4. Writing
3、阐明保护传统文化的意义文章不少于 100词,可以适当增加细节。
Purpose: To apply what they have learned to the composition and cultivate students' cultural awareness of protecting our tradition.
Step 5. Homework
1.Polish writings after class.
2.Accumulate some relevant useful expressions.
Purpose: Apply and practice what they have learnt
Step 6. Blackboard Design(板书设计)
潜移默化中发展语言、文化知识,获得语言技能和学习策略,培养英语核心素养。针对节日与庆祝这一主题,考虑到高一的学生已经具备一定的背景知识,设计了相关的活动来激活相关知识。读后环节的输出难度较大,和课后作业相结合,让学生在打磨的过程中应用本堂课所学并提升文化自信。教学反思:迁移创新类活动在能力向素养的迁移方面还渗透不够。在迁移创新的阅读课堂上,今后要立足语篇拓展延伸,将主题思想与日常生活紧密相连,促使学生迁移主题,提高文化品格。具体问题体现在学生基础薄弱,还没有养成用英语思维的良好习惯,在导入环节不能很快的融入课堂,这表现为 Discussion 环节表达内容单一,这要求老师提前充分准备,搜集大量相关信息,在学生遭遇困难时予以及时有效的帮助,促使学生获取足够多的背景知识,为顺利阅读做准备。另外在探讨写作输出上也出现困难,需要老师适当引导,这些都是需要在今后的教学中关注的。