人教版(2019)选择性必修 第四册Unit 1 Science Fiction同步练习(2份打包,无答案)


名称 人教版(2019)选择性必修 第四册Unit 1 Science Fiction同步练习(2份打包,无答案)
格式 zip
文件大小 63.0KB
资源类型 教案
版本资源 人教版(2019)
科目 英语
更新时间 2024-03-25 13:32:39


Unit 1 Science Fiction (Reading and Thinking)基础知识检测
Task I Fill in the blanks according to the Chinese meaning.
The saleswoman moved to a job with a higher ___________ (薪水).
I’ve made an appointment with Mary to lend her my science ____________ (小说).
3. Every purchaser for a pound of coffee received a box of cookies as a ______________ (意外收获、奖金、红利).
4. Instead of losing _____________ (尊严), you would gain the respect for bravely admitting your mistakes.
5. The manager told me he would inform me ahead of time in case he had to cancel our _________________ (约会).
6. His mother was ill, and to make matters worse, he himself was _________________ (解雇).
7. He has a reputation for ______________ (诚实正直) in his business dealings.
8. The saleswoman was painting her _________ (指甲) when the boss came in, so she was dismissed.
9. The boss _____________ (宣布) that he would give Mary a rise in salary because of her excellent performance.
10. When I came into the old man’s room, I saw a picture was      _____________ (悬挂) on a nail on the wall.
11. It seems quite ____________ (荒唐的) to expect anyone to drive for 3 hours just for a 20-minute meeting.
12. It is ridiculous to allow a robot to decide whether a person is __________ (有罪的) or innocent of a crime.
13. The teacher _____________ (计算) the average mark of the class.
14. _____________ (女董事长) of the three enterprises launched a campaign to help the earthquake-stricken area.
15. He managed to ______________ (说服) his parents to agree with him .
Task II Fill in the blanks to review the words, phrases and sentence patterns in the passage.
Kate __________ as secretary last month. Now she is making an _______________ with the marketing manager. (appoint)
I felt guilty ____________ my conflict with my dear friend and I must apologize to him.
Some AI researchers say that it won’t be long ________ AI can win at almost everything.
We are going to meet there __________ a regular basis.
Just dismiss those thoughts _________ your mind—they’re crazy and not worth thinking about.
By the side of the temple _________ (stand) an old tree.
Spain ____________ (declare) war on Britain in 1796.
The price of pork has dropped in comparison ________ that of last year as pork production continues to recover.
He suggested that the method ___________ (adopt) to solve the problem, and the result suggested his advice _________ (be) very useful.
Women deserve to be treated ________ dignity and they should make their voices heard by the world.
Whoever disobeys the company’s regulations and causes huge economic losses for the company will be dismissed     ________ the job.
Her daughters and sons _____________ (accompany) her through the festival, which made her feel the ___________ (warm) of family.
The ferry service ________________ (suspend) for the day because of bad weather.
I have made an appointment ________ my dentist to have my tooth pulled out this afternoon.
At the exit, the cold wind reminded him _______ his gloves.
The kindergarten teacher took the crying child ______ her arms and comforted him with a nursery rhyme.
The officers had run the risk of _______________ (dismiss).
Mencius was a thinker whose teachings were very similar ________ those of Confucius.
Just now, the church clock __________ (strike) twelve.
The rainforests are disappearing at an _______________ (alarm) rate.
Task III Translate the following sentences into English.
我们计划每周见面来讨论我们这个项目。(on a ... basis) ________________________________________________________________________________________________________
3. 网络使得我们与朋友联系更方便。(make+复合结构)
________________________________________________________________________________________________________4. 回想起我这段时间的所作所为,我为自己沉溺于手机感到内疚。
____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________Unit 1 Science Fiction (单元基础知识检测)
Task I Fill in the blanks to review the content of the passage.
It was at ten o’clock today _1_________ my first Time Machine began its career. After _2__________ (sit) in the leather seat, I pushed the starting lever and looked around.Then my eyes settled on the clock. It was _3_____________(believable)! Just now, it was a minute or so past ten; now it was nearly half past three! I pushed the lever further. Night _4___________ (fall) as if a lamp was being turned out, and in another moment came the day.
I found _5______ hard to explain the strange and unpleasant feeling of time travelling. I felt I was being driven fast on a _6_________ (wind) road. As my pace grew faster, all of _7______ sudden, the walls of the laboratory fell away, and I found I was left in the open air. The whole surface of the earth was _8___________ (constant) changing before my eyes. I thought that I was being pushed through time at _9____________ (hundred) of years a minute.
I had a strong urge _10_______ (look) at things that were flashing before my eyes! I knew I would be _11______ risk if I stopped the Time Machine. As long as I travelled _12_________ maximum speed, I would be safe and sound. But if I stopped, I would be forced together with something _13_________ (occupy) the same space and we would explode like a bomb!
I pulled the lever backwards, and then I _14_________ (throw) through the air. I was stunned for a moment and then I found myself _15___________ (sit) in the rain next to the machine.
Task II Write down the proper form of the words according to their Chinese meaning.
The government is making efforts to narrow the ___________ (差异) between rich and poor.
I'm a bit ___________ (模糊的) about that.
Reference books, stationery, and a reading ________ (灯) are all arranged properly on his desk.
They were __________ (震惊) by the view from the summit.
When selecting boots, a pair of fine and quality ___________ (皮革) ones will be a wise investment.
A bomb ____________ (爆炸) outside a hotel near the town square yesterday, injuring at least ten people.
He told me he would leave to _________ (拿来) the tools and asked me to stay where I was.
8.We need to accelerate the __________ (步伐) of development in our country.
9. I had a sudden ______________ (冲动) to resign and travel around the world.
10. The camel's feet, well adapted for dry sand, are useless in ____________ (泥).
11. It is required that everyone should put a ___________ (手帕) over their nose and mouth when they sneeze.
12. People who are doing physical _____________ (劳动) here have to wear leather gloves because it is too cold.
13. After entering the room, the old man lit the lamp and began to pace ______________ (向后) and forwards.
14. Our products are _______________ (更好的) in quality and moderate in price, which is our advantage.
15. According to the rule, the panel is selected at __________        (随机的) from the representatives.
16. I think they may also have personality differences which can cause ______________ (冲突).
17. Both of the ___________ (销售人员) acted patiently and showed her nearly all the hats in the shop.
18. In the video, she mixed the ______________ (面粉) and water to a smooth paste.
19. Here's how to _____________ (计算) your interest charges.
20. A _______ (每周的) event happens or appears once a week.
Task III Fill in the blanks to review the words, phrases and sentence patterns in this unit.
The satellite enables us ______________ (calculate) our precise location wherever we are.
Images can be shown ______________ (random) or in the order you specify.
We ______________ (stun) by the sudden news that he had won the championship.
We should treat others ________ dignity.
It was when I got back to my apartment ________ I first came across my new neighbors.
We have an urge _____________ (give) advice immediately to make the person feel better or try to fix the problem.
These results conflict __________ the earlier findings, which indicates that the plan can't be carried out.
It was midnight _______ I finally fulfilled the task.
Just as I bent over to pick up the lever, the machine _______________ (explode) behind me.
Every year, ___________ makes the most beautiful kite will win a prize in the Kite Festival.
New equipment is _______________ (urgent) needed.
I don't think _______ possible to master a foreign language without much memory work.
In London, missing a bus means __________ (wait) for another hour.
With the air pollution ________ (become) increasingly serious, we need to take quick action to deal with it.
It is of great ____________ (urge) that we need to make the relative laws with the rapid growth of online shopping.
The inscription on the stone tablet has become ___________ (blur) with the passage of time.
With the help of the local government, they set _______ a wildlife reserve to protect animals.
This model is technically superior _____ its competitors.
The second blind man grasped one of the elephant's tusks and said, “He’s more like a spear _______ anything else.”
Don’t be taken _________ by his handsome appearance and sweet words.
Task IV Translate the following sentences into English.