人教版(2019)选择性必修 第二册Unit 5 First Aid Reading And Thinking教学设计(表格式)


名称 人教版(2019)选择性必修 第二册Unit 5 First Aid Reading And Thinking教学设计(表格式)
格式 docx
文件大小 115.3KB
资源类型 教案
版本资源 人教版(2019)
科目 英语
更新时间 2024-03-25 15:56:58



Unit5 First Aid
Reading and Thinking
基本信息 科目 英语 年级册次 高二选择性 必修二 Unit 5
教材分析 主题语境,人与自然 子主题:安全常识与自我保护 语篇类型:说明文 本语篇介绍了烧/灼/烫伤的原因、类型、特征及急救措施。从保护受伤皮肤的角度出发,提高学生对烧/灼/烫伤的应急处理,树立防范意识。
学情分析 话题熟悉度:学生对急救的概念有一定的了解,由于文本阅读难度不大,学生把握大意没有太大问题。 思维层次:学生对于现实生活息息相关的话题感兴趣,有兴趣思考和表达自己的观点。他们希望通过学习本课,了解更多关于急救的知识,并能够用英语进行表达。 学习策略:学生从阅读中判断语篇类型,掌握说明文特点的能力有待提升。
教学目标 1.获取与梳理出关于烧/灼/烫伤的原因、类型、特征及急救措施的相关信息。 2.描述解释不同类型的受伤程度及对应的急救措施。 3.理性表达自己的感受,加深对主题意义的理解。
教学重难点 重点: 1.获取与梳理出关于烧/灼/烫伤的原因、类型、特征及急救措施的相关信息。 2.描述解释不同类型的受伤程度及对应的急救措施。 难点: 1.用自己的语言解释文中一些生词和短语。 2.理性表达自己的感受,加深对主题意义的理解。
教学资源 多媒体,黑板
教学过程 活动形式及步骤 活动意图 时间
Step1. Before Reading Help VS Ignore When walking on the street leisurely,you hear someone is injuring. Help or not help,that is a question. You decide... But how to help when others is injuring Step2. While-reading learn more knowledge about burn To treat a burn,you should A,Apply some oil to it. B,Hold the burnt part under cold running water. C,Cover it with bandage . Answer B Read for main idea Task 1:What is the text type of the passage A. advertisement B.blog post C.newspaper article D.hospital leaflet Answer D Task2: What is the main idea of the passage A.It’s about the type of burns. B.It’s about the treatment of burns. C.It’s about the burns and the first-aid treatment. Answer C Match each paragraph with its main idea. 1 A First-aid treatment 2 B Causes of burns 3 C Three types of burns 4 D The functions of the skin 5 E Characteristics of burns Answer 1 D 2 B 3 C 4 E 5 A Read for details Q1 What’s the functions of the skin 1.act as a barrier against disease,toxins,and the sun’s ray 2.prevents your body from losing too much water 3.gives you the sense of touch 4.control your body temperature 5.warns you when things are too hot or cold Q2 Causes of burns Three types of burns Match the characteristics of burns First-aid treatment Place burns under cool running water Dry the burnt area with a clean cloth Remove any clothes using scissors if necessary Cover the burnt area with a loose cloth There is an urgent need to hospital if it is second or third- degree burns. Step 3. Post-reading True or false 1 Your skin gives you protection from many dangerous things.
2 A first-degree burn has this name because it is the most serious.
3 Second-degree burns can be the most painful kind of burn.
4 lt is important to use cool water to stop the heat from remaining in the wound regardless of the degree of the burn.
5 Putting butter or oil on burns helps because it may reduce swelling and ease discomfort. Answer 1 T 2 F 3 T 4 T 5 F Choose the best answers How can we judge first,second, or third-degree burns according to the text By seeing whether the burns are dry, red or mildly swollen. By seeing whether the burns are red or swollen. By seeing which layers of the skin are burnt. D. By seeing whether the tissue under the burns can be seen. 2.Which of the following is not the reason for cooling burns A.Stopping the burning process. B.Reducing the pain. C.Reducing the swelling. D.Preventing breaking any blisters. 3.If someone gets burnt and his hands get black and white,it belong to A.the first degree B.the second degree C.the third degree D.none of the above Answer D D C Step4 : Discussion 教师抛出问题学生讨论 1.What steps can be taken to help prevent these burns 2.How are people most likely to get burnt 3.What other advice do you know of about first aid for burns Is it good advice or bad advice Why Step 5 Homework If someone you know suffered a burn, what would you do 以此为话题让学生根据文本内容给出建议。 读前热身活动,提出问题,探索学生已知情况 学生通过三项阅读训练了解文本大意和结构 通过三项活动掌握细节内容,获取出关于烧/灼/烫伤的原因、类型、特征及急救措施的相关信息。 在学习理解的活动基础上,引导学生围绕主题形成新的知识结构,开展对主题相关的问题进行深层次的探讨。 学生利用所学语言知识和文化知识进行多元思维,实现深度学习,促进能力想素养的转化。 3mins 10mins 10mins 7mins 10mins
板书设计与教学反思 Unit5 First Aid Reading and Thinking Activity 1 What you have to know Activity 2 Read for main idea Activity 3 Read for details of burns Activity 4 Practise Activity 5 Discussion 课后反思: 本节课在文本解读上由表层信息,逐渐过渡到深层信息。在活动设计上体现了教学理论与教学实践相结合。在学生核心素养培养上,通过阅读,获取信息,处理信息,传达信息,提高学生的语言能力。通过运用预测,猜测,快速阅读等策略提高学生的学习能力。通过讨论,思考,推断等问题的设计,提高学生的思维品质,把语言知识学习与获取信息结合起来。 课堂活动的设计旨在学生批判性思维,给学生创造机会去分析对与错。但是,在讨论的过程中,只有固定几个人在表达,不是大范围学生参与,但是值得说的是他们讨论的过程还是很热烈的。此环节对学生有难度,学生们只能找到课文的位置,提炼总结表达能力还是有差距的,因此尽量给他们时间小组讨论,让他们进行知识互补。