人教版(2019)必修第一册 Unit 1 Teenage Life Assessing Your Progress & Project 教学设计


名称 人教版(2019)必修第一册 Unit 1 Teenage Life Assessing Your Progress & Project 教学设计
格式 docx
文件大小 23.0KB
资源类型 教案
版本资源 人教版(2019)
科目 英语
更新时间 2024-03-25 18:36:25



Assessing Your Progress* Project教学设计
Assessing Your Progress :* Project
Assessing Your Progress 是本单元的测评板块,由三部分组成:第一部分设计了两个活动来检测学生对于本单元课标词和语法结构的掌握情况。第二部分是反思与单元内容评价,通过若干个问题让学生反思与评价本单元重点内容的掌握情况,以便及时有效地调控自己的学习。第三部分是项目活动,旨在通过让学生完成项目活动的方式综合考查学生对本单元所学的内容的掌握情况。
本单元项目活动的目的在于让学生找到自己的兴趣点,充分发挥创造性思维能力,创建一个自己的校园社团。教科书中的活动1给出了七个俱乐部的名称,例如: Calligraphy Club 、 Debate Club 、 Chess Club 等供学生选择。学生也可根据兴趣自主发挥,创建新的社团。活动2从 Club name 、 Slogan 、 Aim 、 Activity 、 Requirement 、 Meeting time and place *↑细节提示。活动3和活动4需要学生给社团设计一张海报(包括 logo ),并在学生集会上介绍、宣传该社团,以吸引其他学生参加。四个活动是一个整体,先从创建什么样的社团入手,接着是如何创建这样的校园社团,最后是如何宣传该社团。学生通过该活动能加深对校园社团的认知,从而更好地规划自己的高中生活。
2.独立完成 Reflecting 部分的自我反思与评价,有效了解自己对本单元重点内容的学习掌握情况,总结学习效果,及时发现问题,调控、优化自己的学习策略。
在 Assessing Your Progress 板块,学生先完成语言知识的检测,核对答案,然后聚焦语篇后的问题,自由发表观点。在 Reflecting 部分,教师可让学生选择讨论全部问题或其中的部分问题,以了解学生的语言运用能力、信息加工能力和思维能力的发展情况。在* Project : Set up a student club 部分,教师引导学生从自身的兴趣及特长出发,从关键词 club (内容视角)开始,先确定校园社团的名称及主要活动,再制作宣传海报及完成宣传文稿,最后介绍并展示。
Activity 1: Finish the first two activities in Assessing Your Progress and check the answers.
Finish Activity 1 and check the answers.
Read the passage in Activity 2. Underline the phrases and state their functions.
Discuss the question " Do you agree with the writer ' s opinion Why " in class .
Activity 2: Discuss the questions in Reflecting .
Activity 3: Discuss the club that others may be interested in and talk about the activities this club may have.
Work in groups . Decide on a club to be chosen or created .
Talk to each other about possible interesting activities .
Activity4: Set up a club and work out the details of the club.
Join a group with the same interest and decide on the club to be set up .
Discuss the details of the club ( Club name , Slogan , Aim , Activity , Requirement , Meeting time and place ) in groups . One group member takes notes .
Activity 5: In groups design a club poster and prepare an introduction to your club .
Discuss and design a poster with an eye - catching logo , a powerful slogan and a beautiful layout with words and pictures .
Write an inviting introduction to your club to recruit new members during a school assembly .
设计说明:教师鼓励学生充分发挥想象力,设计出有特色的标识( logo )和标语( slogan ),并应尽量做到图文并茂。
Activity 6: Sharing the club poster and introduction .
One member from each group presents the poster in front of the whole class .
The teacher or the student from another group gives comments .
The audience asks the presenter one or two questions about the club .
Students vote for the best poster and presentation .
Improve the club posters and put them up in the classroom .
Video Time教学设计
I .教学内容
* Video Time : Learning Across Generations
II .教材分析
* Video Time 板块由 Before You Watch 的内容预测、 While You Watch 的内容理解与语言感知及 After You Watch 的问题讨论构成。该板块的视频展现了南非约翰内斯堡的一对母女的工作、学习和生活。两代人的成长环境不同,价值观也不同。如何与父母相处、如何增进两代人之间的理解,256|普通高中教科书教师教学用书英语必修第一册丨这是世界各国青少年普遍面临的问题。该视频在为学生提供语言学习素材的同时,也拓展了青少年成长过程中应该学会换位思考,理解并愿意与父母进行积极、有效的沟通这一重要主题意义。
III .课时目标
通过预测、视听、讨论并理解视频内容,了解高中生 Mamorena 在生活与思想方面与其母亲 Tandi 之间的异同。
能够借助视频内容及所学语言,谈论自己与 Mamorena 在学习与生活上的异同。
IV .教学思路
观看视频前,学生先观察标题、视频简介及两幅图片,了解主要角色及其关系。学生预测 Before You Watch 中信息的正误并说出依据,然后观看视频验证预测。学生第二遍观看视频后,整理视频内容的基本信息,完成 While You Watch 部分的问题。学生第三遍观看视频后,展开讨论,比较自己与 Mamorena 的生活,并探讨和分享与长辈进行有效沟通的方法。
V .教学过程
Activity 1: Predict before watching the video according to the title , introduction , and the pictures .
Guess the relationship between Mamorena and Tandi , and where they are from .
Guess whether the statements are true or false in Before You Watch , and give your reasons .
设计说明:对相关内容进行预测有助于学生更好地理解视频内容。教师可以引导学生关注四个句子之间的联系,并说出预测的依据。 Activity 2: Watch the video , check the predictions , and have a discussion .
1.Watch the video and check your answers for Before You Watch .
2.Free talk . Share with the class whatever information you get from the video .
Activity 3: Watch the video again and get some details .
1. Use the following worksheet to take notes while watching .
Detail Mamorena Tandi
Place they grew up
Life style
2.Circle the correct word ( s ) in While You Watch .
Activity 4: Watch the video for the third time and discuss the following questions .
●What does Tandi want Mamorena to learn ( She wants Mamorena to learn about the past , and the poor today .)
●What does Tandi do every week ( She takes Mamorena to her old neighbourhood in Johannesburg ,) Why ( She wants her to always remember who she is .)
●Do your parents or teachers have similar or different hopes for you What do you think of their hopes
Activity 5: Have an extended discussion about teenagers ' life style and better ways to communicate with parents .
●In what ways is your own life similar to or different from that of your parents when they were young
●When problems arise , how can you better communicate with your parents