人教版(2019)必修 第二册Unit 1 Cultural Heritage单元检测基础卷(无答案)


名称 人教版(2019)必修 第二册Unit 1 Cultural Heritage单元检测基础卷(无答案)
格式 docx
文件大小 28.0KB
资源类型 教案
版本资源 人教版(2019)
科目 英语
更新时间 2024-03-27 10:57:28



必修二 Unit 1
1. 遗产 n._______________
2. 抗议vt. & vi. _______________
3. 部;司;科 n._______________
4. 保护;保存vt. & n.____________
5. 宣布;公布vt. _______________
6. 文件;公文 n. ____________
7. 下载 vt._______________
8. 过程;进程;步骤 n._______________
9. 限制限度vt. & n. _______________
10. 原谅;宽恕vt. & vi._______________
11. 数码的 adj._______________
12. 各处;遍及 prep. _______________
13. 值得的 adj. _____________
14. 游行;检阅n._______________
15. 消失,灭绝vi._______________
1.create vt.创造;创作→_____________ adj.创造性的;→__________ adv.创造性地→__________ n.创造;创作→_____________ n.创造力;创造性
2. ____________ vt.促进;提升→___________ n.促进;提升
3.apply vi.申请→___________ n.申请人→___________ n.申请(表);用途;运用;
4.__________ v.建议;计划;打算→__________ n.提议;建议
5.lose vt.损失→____________n.丧失;损失→____________adj.损失的;失去的
6. ____________ vt.建立;创立→_____________ n.建立;创立→established adj确立已久的
7. ____________vi.& vt.调查;研究→____________n.调查;研究
8.____________ vt.(尤指向慈善机构)捐赠;赠送;献(血)→____________n.捐赠→____________ n.捐赠者
9. ____________ n.职业;行业→____________ adj. 专业的;n.专业人员;职业选手
10. tradition n.传统;传统的信仰或风俗→____________ adj.传统的→____________adv.习惯上;传统上
11. ____________ vi.& vt.比较;相比→____________ n.比较;相比
1. 提出建议________________
2. 阻止;不准___________________
3. 在世界各地_________________
4. 筹资_________________
5. 进行试验_________________
6. 在…入口处_________________
7. 历史遗产_________________
8. 求职申请_________________
9. 参加(某活动)_________________
10. 让步;屈服_________________
11. 保持平衡_________________
12. 导致_________________
13. 向老师求助_________________
14. 确保;设法保证______________
15. 向……捐赠……________________
1. 新旧更替的时代已经到来,在走向未来的过程中,我们不可能将过去的一切都保存下来。。
_________________________the old must give way to the new, and _____________________to preserve everything from our past as we move towards the future.
2. 这些国家不仅找到了一条不以牺牲古迹为代价的未来发展之路,而且明白了多个国家合作创造美好未来的可能性。
_________________________________________that did not run over the relics of the past, but they had also learnt that it was possible for countries to work together to build a better tomorrow.
3. 人们和建筑都不会持续到永久,但陈磊的照片能帮助我们记住它们。
__________________________ last forever, but Chen Lei's photos can help us remember them.
4. 这使得它不仅是中国的重要文化遗产,也是全世界人民的重要文化遗产。This_______________________ not just for China, but for all people around the world.
5. 总而言之,参观这个展览是值得的,因为它将使你深入了解中国的艺术文化。
All in all, _____________________________________to the show since it will offer you a deep insight into Chinese art culture.
6. 在发现与文化遗址保护之间找到恰当的平衡点并加以保持,这可能是一项巨大的挑战。
_________________________________________between progress and the protection of cultural sites can be a big challenge.
7. 寺庙和其他文化遗址被一点点拆开。
Temples and other cultural sites____________________________________.
8. 它被认为是巨大的成功
9. 近年来,政府采取了各种措施来保护当地文物免于遭受破坏。(protect)
Various measures have been taken to________the local cultural relics __________________________.
10. 我试图提供解决问题的办法。(attempt)
I______________________________________________________ the problems.
With the economy developing all over the world, it is 1. ________________ (challenge) to keep the balance between progress and the 2. ________________ (protect) of cultural sites. However, the Egyptian government set a good example for us on how 3. ________________ (save) the cultural relics. In the 1950s, the Egyptian government wanted to build a new dam but it 4. ________________ (meet) many problems that seemed impossible to deal with. At last, they turned 5. ________ the United Nations for help. As a result, problems led to 6. ________________ (solution). Experts from around the world conducted full research and made a 7.________________roposal(propose) for saving the buildings. Temples and other cultural sites 8. ________________ (take) down piece by piece, and then moved and put back together again in a place 9. ________________they were safe from the water. After 20 years' hard work, the project ended, which was considered 10. _____ success. Nowadays, the spirit of the Aswan Dam project is still alive.
1.___________ 2. ___________ 3. ___________ 4. ___________ 5. ___________
6. ___________ 7. ___________ 8. ___________ 9. ___________ 10. ___________