人教版六下Unit4 Then and now单元整体设计
第一部分 单元教学设计总思路
(一) 单元主题意义分析 项目 内容
主题意义 ◎交往 √ ◎感情 ◎态度
育人价值 了解世界的变化,为守护地球家园做力所能及的事情。
(二) 教材分析 本单元的学习主题是谈论过去和现在的变化,学生学习、理解和运用一般过去时、一般现在时和一般将来时三种时态描述事物和人物的变化。通过单元大任务“Changes around us”,引导学生感受变化无处不在,感受自身的变化,感受社会的变化,引导人要积极应对变化,享受变化。单元话题内容设计了五个语篇,分别是一节对话课,一节词汇课,一节对话词汇融合,一节读写课和一节故事课,围绕单元子话题“Changes of the school”“Changes in me”“Changes of the world”展开,引导学生积极看待自己以及身边的变化,从而认识自我、完善自我以及丰富自我,了解世界的变化,为守护地球家园做力所能及的事情。 语篇一属于一节小学生日常对话课,教材通过吴斌斌爷爷与孩子们交流学校过去的情况展开学习。吴斌斌的爷爷作为客人回来探望学校,发现现在校园变化很大,于是跟孩子们分享以前的学校没有图书馆,教学楼也只有山上的一栋,并且当时没有电脑和网络,学生都是通过看书和上课了解知识,当时还可以在学校看到夜晚的星星,Sarah听后分享自己长大要去月球。学生在对话学习的过程中,了解学校的今昔对比,并渗透人类首次登月和中国探月史的相关信息。 语篇二是本单元的第二课时,是一节简单的词汇课,教材通过吴斌斌和他爸爸继续讨论学校的变化展开学习。二十年前,吴斌斌爸爸没有体育馆,经过时代的发展,如今的学校焕然一新。四年前,学校有了饭堂;两年前,学校配备了电脑是;去年还新建了图书馆,体育馆也在上个月建成了。 语篇三是B部分的一节融合课,内容丰富,教材主要通过Chen Jie,John,Wu Binbin去拜访Mike,在Mike家看到老照片展开对话学习。他们围绕照片谈论自己的变化,Mike以前比较内向,但是现在变得开朗了许多,John分享自己以前比较矮,不会骑自行车,现在每天都骑,Wu Binbin也分享了自己已经不喜欢冬天,所以不会汽车,现在不仅喜欢冬天,还爱上了滑冰。孩子们在分享交流中学会正确看待自己的变化,同时也尊重他人的变化。 语篇四一节阅读教学课,语篇继续围绕着子话题“Changes in me”展开学习,教材内容通过Wu Binbin的梦境展开学习。Wu Binbin和爸爸以及Max有一场赛跑,但是Wu Binbin跑的不快,他非常担忧,Robin给他喝了一瓶水后感觉好多了,他在第二场比赛中跑的跟猎豹一样快,他马上就要赢得比赛了,突然他绊倒摔了下去,他醒了,原来这就是一场梦,他跟妈妈分享了他的梦境,妈妈也跟Wu Binbin分享了她的一个好梦。 语篇五是一节故事课,故事内容简单、有趣。语篇通过Zoom和Zip在讨论杂志上面有关烹饪、环境和鲸鱼的历史变化展开学习。以前的人们吃生肉,不用煮熟就吃,而现在的社会有各种各样的烹饪方式以及烹饪厨具,未来社会将会有机器人代替做家务;以前的地球上有很多绿植,现在却被高楼大厦代替了,我们应该巩固守卫家园,保护环境;鲸鱼远早于人类生活在地球上,但是现在鲸鱼的数量却越来越少,人们应该要学会和动物和谐共存。
本刚上 六年级的学生学英语已经三年了,六年已形成较好的英语学习习惯,绝大多数的学生掌累了一定的词汇、句型,以及了解一些常见的语法,具备了基本的英语听、说、读、写技能。大部分学生对英语有着浓厚的学习兴趣,也掌握了学习英语的方法,但仍有些学生在英语学习上由于基础薄弱和态度不好,造成英语学习困难重重。当然他们也喜欢引起别人的注意,重视老师的表扬,不怕犯错,很少有羞怯感。他们的记忆力好,形象思维好,但缺乏理性思维,逻辑思维不强。他们爱玩、爱唱、爱游戏、爱活动,这一切都是小学生身心发展的特点。当然六年级个别学生还存在顽劣和懒惰倾向,上课爱搞小动作,作业完成不及时的坏毛病,学习效率也较差。 逻辑
本单元通过三子话题“Changes of the school”“Changes in me”“Changes of the world”进行展开学习,诠释了单元主题“Changes around us”单元中的各个语篇与单元主题之间相互关联,而各语篇之间相互递进,相互促成,构成五个语篇内容,单元各语篇之间进行关联分析与整合利用,从学生认知发展的逻辑及“学习与理解-应用与实践-评价与迁移”出发,重新整合了单元教学内容,促进学生核心素养的融合发展,使学生在不断循环复现的主题语言和不断丰富的主题信息、视角中发展深度理解并能够连贯、有逻辑地表达主题意义地能力。本单元的学习通过感受变化无处不在,感受自身的变化,感受社会的变化,引导学生积极看待自己以及身边的变化,从而认识自我、完善自我以及丰富自我,了解世界的变化,为守护地球家园做力所能及的事情。
1.通过语篇学习,学会运用There was.../ There were...描述某地过去的状态,初步感知时代的变迁和社会的进步,产生对母校的怀念与热爱。 2.通过语篇对话学习,能运用所学词汇描述某个地方的过去和现在,引导学生热爱自己的学校,并了解唐朝人的生活状态和条件。 3.通过语篇对话学习,学会利用核心句型谈论或描述自己与他人在性格、爱好、行为等多方面的变化,并引导学生简单描述对变化的感受,正确看待自己的变化和尊重他人的变化。 4.理解文本内容,完成读后的读写任务,并结合实际,基于语言提示,写一写自己的梦境,引导学生积极与他人交流自己的心理变化。 5.通过阅读趣味故事内容,复习和巩固本单元所学内容,了解世界的变化,从我做起,为“保卫我们的地球”做力所能及的事情.
第二部分 分课时教学设计
【第 1课时】
教师 授课内容 A Let’s talk&learn
课时文本分析 [What]主题意义和主要内容 本课时属于一节小学生日常词汇对话课,教材通过吴斌斌爷爷与孩子们交流学校过去的情况展开学习。吴斌斌的爷爷作为客人回来探望学校,发现现在校园变化很大,于是跟孩子们分享以前的学校没有图书馆,教学楼也只有山上的一栋,并且当时没有电脑和网络,学生都是通过看书和上课了解知识,当时还可以在学校看到夜晚的星星,Sarah听后分享自己长大要去月球。学生在对话学习的过程中,了解学校的今昔对比,并渗透人类首次登月和中国探月史的相关信息。 [How]文本结构和语言修辞 本课时的情景突出,学生通过观看视频“The changes of school”进入本课时的话题学习,学生完成听力任务,了解对话内容,运用There was.../There were...描述吴斌斌爷爷以前学校的状态,掌握核心句型的语用和语义功能,在图片、视频和教师的引导下关注人类首次登月和中国现代探月史的发展,拓展学生的视野。最后迁移创新,鼓励学生小组合作交流自己学校的发展变化,在分享交流中培养学生热爱学校的情感。
教学重点 完成相关的听力任务,理解对话大意,掌握核心句型“There was.../There were...的运用”,并能向他人介绍和描述自己学校的变化。
教学难点 在语境中理解个别生词的语用和语义,如:one day, look it up, in my time, Internet等,正确朗读对话内容,在实际情景中运用核心句型向他人介绍和描述自己学校的变化。
教学环节 教师活动 学生活动 设计意图
Pre- task Greeting Let’s enjoy Greeting to the teacher
While-task 1.Think and say S1:There is a ... 本部分通过融合A,B部分的内容创设情景,让学生能在一个连贯的语境中理解和学习新词。
2.Look and say S1: There is a new gym in our school. 通过观察图片,发现信息,引出新词的学习,让学生能更直观的感知。
Listen and judge There is a ... 通过找规律引出本节课的重点单词,学生对这种方式更感兴趣,同时也增加了学生的视觉、听觉的语言输入,为后面输出打下基础。
Read and answer Dinning hall 通过思考,加深对对话的理解
Post-task 1.Watch and answer S1:There were no... 训练学生的听力和图文匹配能力,提高学生对新词的理解能力,同时也是检验学生的学习方式。
Let’s learn Draw and talk S1:...
6.Homework 分层作业,自主拓展,有利于学生的语言表达和写作能力的发展。
Unit 4 Then and now
Part A
Let’s talk&learn
Let’s enjoy
How do you feel after watching the show
Think and say
Many things changed a lot, so did the school.
Children, today, there is a guest visiting our school.
Look and say
Who is he
He is Wu Binbin’s grandpa.
Listen and judge
Wu Binbin and his grandpa have the same school, They are talking the school.
Listen and judge
Did the school change a little
Miss White: Children, please welcome Wu Binbin’s grandfather to
the class.
Class: Welcome!
Grandpa: Wow! The school is very different from my old
school. There were no computers at all before.
Mike: Really How did you learn
Grandpa: We listened to the teachers and read lots of books.
Could grandpa use computers when he was at school
Read and answer
How did grandpa learn in his old school
Miss White: Children, please welcome Wu Binbin’s grandfather to
the class.
Class: Welcome!
Grandpa: Wow! The school is very different from my old
school. There were no computers at all before.
Mike: Really How did you learn
Grandpa: We listened to the teachers and read lots of books.
Think and say
How do you learn in the school now
Watch and answer
Are there any other differences
Watch and answer
Watch and answer
Are there any other differences
_______________ before.
_______________ now.
There was no library
There is a library
Wow, a library! There was no library in my old school.
There was only one building
What other differences
There are some buildings
Look and say
Look and say
What can you see in this old school
Could they see stars at night
Yes, they could.
Did they like stars
Yes, they did.
Look and say
Could you see stars at night
Yes, I liked the stars.
Me, too. One day I’m going to visit the moon.
visit the moon
When did human visit the moon at the first time
Good to know
1969. July. 16th 13:32:00 launched
1969. July. 20th 20:17:43 landed
The Americans took about five days to get there in 1969.
How long did the Americans take to get to the moon in 1969
Good to know
1969. July. 16th 13:32:00 launched
1969. July. 20th 20:17:43 landed
The Americans took about five days to get there in 1969.
Listen and answer
How did Wu Binbin know that
How do you know that
He ____________________
Listen and answer
How did Wu Binbin know that
How do you know that
He ____________________
looked it up on the Internet.
Easy, I looked it up on the Internet.
looked up
Think and answer
Did Grandpa have computers or Internet in his time
No, he didn’t.
Ah! There were no computers
or Internet in my time.
Think and answer
Think and answer
What was Granpa’s school like
There was no library.
There was only one building on a hill.
People can see many stars at night.
There was no computers or Internet.
Listen and imitate
Wu Binbin:
Wu Binbin:
Wu Binbin:
Wow, a library! ________________ in my old school.
Tell us about your school, please.
_________________________ on a hill.
Could you see stars at night
Yes, I liked the stars.
Me too. One day I’m going to ____________.
The Americans took about five days to get
there in 1969.
Easy, _______________________.
Ah! _______________________________
in my time.
Memory challenge
There was no library
There was only one building
visit the moon
How do you know that
I looked it up on the Internet
There were no computers or Internet
There was no library before.
There is a big library now.
There was only one building before. There are some buildings now.
dinning hall
Are there other differences
Watch and say
dinning hall
Watch and say
There was no gym
Are there other differences
There is a big gym
Watch and say
dinning hall
Let’s learn
There was no gym in my school thirty years ago.
Now there is a new one in our school.
thirty years ago 三十年前
Let’s learn
Now there is a new one in our school.
There was no gym in my school thirty years ago.
... year(s) ago 几年以前
... month(s) ago 几个月以前
... week(s) ago 几个星期以前
...days/hours/minutes/seconds ago
What other differences
There was no dinning hall in my school many years ago.
Look and say
Now there is a new dinning hall.
dinning hall
Let’s learn
What other differences
There was no grass in my school many years ago
Look and say
Now you can see grass in our school.
dinning hall
Let’s learn
Listen and imitate
Look and say
six months ago
There were no apples on the tree six months ago
Now there are many apples on the tree
ten minutes ago
Look and say
There were many birds in the sky ten minutes ago
But there is only one bird in the sky now.
Look and talk
35 years ago
There was/were/is/are (no)...
People could/can (not)
Find mistakes
This is a picture about Tang dynasty(唐朝).
What mistakes can you find
At that time, there were no gyms. People didn’t go by bus. People couldn’t use the Internet.
What other mistakes can you find
At that time, there was/were (no) ...
Peoplde didn’t ...
People couldn’t ...
Find mistakes
At that time, there were no Motels(汽车旅馆) .
At that time, there were no cinemas, Cafes, post offices and dinning halls.
Find mistakes
At that time, there were no bikes. People didn’t go by bike.
At that time, there were no lights. People couldn’t use lights.
5 years ago
There was ...
There were...
There is ...
There are...
What was your school like five years ago
Was it like now
Draw and talk
What have we learned today
1. 重点单词: dinning hall grass gym
... years ago ... months ago
2. 重点句型:
There was/were no ... before/ ... years ago.
There is/are ... now.