人教版(2019)必修第一册Unit 3 Sports and Fitness 复习导学案(含答案)


名称 人教版(2019)必修第一册Unit 3 Sports and Fitness 复习导学案(含答案)
格式 docx
文件大小 32.4KB
资源类型 教案
版本资源 人教版(2019)
科目 英语
更新时间 2024-03-27 15:41:46



B1U3 Sports and Fitness --Reconstruction
Name____________ Group_________ Class__________ Evaluation___________
【Learning aims】
1. Reconstruct and consolidate the key language points of U3 about sports and fitness.
2. Apply key language points of this unit flexibly and solve your problems by discussion.
3. Do some extensive reading and complete a passage about how to keep fit.
【Overall Perception】
【Self-construction】Construct the key language of the whole unit.
Language in use
1. honor n.荣誉;尊重;荣幸 v. 尊敬,尊重;给予表扬(或奖励、头衔)
(1) It’s a great honour to do... (对某人来说) 很荣幸做某事
(2) in honour of 为纪念某人/为像某人表示敬意
(3) be honored to do 很荣幸做某事
2. determination n.决心,果断,坚定 determine v. 决定;使…下定决心
determined adj. 坚决的;下定决心的; 有决心的
determine to do= be determined to do决定/决心做某事
3. compete v. 竞争,对抗,参加比赛 n. competition n. 竞争;比赛,竞赛
(1) compete against sb. 同某人竞争
(2) compete with sb in sth. for sth. (为……)在……比赛/竞赛
4. pretend v. 假装,佯装
(1) pretend to be/to do. 假装......
(2) pretend to be doing 假装正在做
(3) pretend to have done 假装已经做了某事
compare v. 比较,对比,将......比作 comparison n. 比较,对比
compare sth. with sth. .......和.....比较
(2) compare A to B将A比作B
stress n. 压力;重力;强调 v. 强调......的重要性
under the stress of... 在......的压力之下
bear the stress of.... 承受...的压力
lay/place/put the stress on sth.... 强调/重视......
Words and expressions
1.国内外 at home and abroad 2. 为…做准备 prepare for 3.破裂 fall apart
4. 由于 because of 5. 失去信心 lose heart 6. 面对困难 face difficulties
7. 带领...到达(获得)lead...to... 8.优雅的动作 graceful moves 9. 精神力量 mental strength 10. 成功的秘诀 the secret to success 11.从失败中学习 learn from failures 12. 输掉比赛 lose games 13. 放弃 give up 14. 与..分享 share...with... 15.令人印象深刻的技能 impressive skills 16. 树立好榜样 set good examples 17.make sense 有道理,合乎情理,表达清楚 18.even if/though 即使 19.make a difference 有作用或影响 20.rather than 而不是 21.cut…out 停止;剪下 22.now and then 有时,偶尔 pare…with/ to …. 与…比较 24.fall apart 破裂,崩溃 25. bring honor and glory to...给...带来荣光
【Exploration & Construction】
1. I feel it a great__________________(荣幸,光荣之事) to host the party.
2. He has _____________(掌握) a good knowledge of computer by teaching himself.
3. We should not only know our______________(力量), but also know our weakness.
4. The team has taken part in a lot of ______________(比赛) and won several gold medals.
5. His hard work finally paid off. In the Olympic Games, he won the ____________(冠军).
6. She wasn’t really crying; she was only p .
7. It is important to learn to take a ____________ (积极的) attitude to life when you are in trouble.
8. We should overcome our weakness and fears with fear and _____________ (决心).
9. Their team won not only gold __________ (奖牌),but also honor and glory for their country.
【Passage 1】
The text “Living Legends” is about two famous (1) ___________ (athlete) who are masters in their sport and also set (2) _________ good example for us.
The first one is Lang Ping, who is loved by fans (3) ___________ home and abroad. As a player, she brought honour and glory to her country. As a coach, she (4) __________ (lead) the China women’s volleyball team to medals at world championships and the Olympics. For example, when the Chinese team was preparing for the 2015 World Cup, she didn’t lose heart though she faced many (5) ____________ (difficulty). At last, they are world champions.
The other legend of sports is Michael Jordan, (6) ________ was known as “Air Jordan”. He changed basketball with his graceful moves and jumps. Not only his (7) __________ (impress) skills but also the mental (8) ___________ (strengthen) that he showed made him unique. He says “I can accept failure. But I can’t accept not (9) ________ (try)”. Besides, he has learnt to share his success with others. He (10) ____________ (start)The Boys and Girls Club to help young people since 1996.
【Passage 2】
I always wanted to look like the slim girls on TV even though I knew that it was (1)__________ (possible). I worried about my (2) ____________ (weigh) and tried every new diet I read about online. I tried no-fat, low-fat, 5: 2, only bananas, no bananas---I almost went bananas, too.
Then I read an article (3) __________ said instead of asking “Am I fat ” I should be asking “Am I fit ” I had no idea a letter could make such a (4) ____________(different)! Once I started thinking about fitness rather than weight, things (5) _________ (begin) to change. Instead of saying “I want to lose three kilos”, I would say “I want to run two kilometres in eight minutes” (6) _________ “I want to be able to do 30 push-ups”. Rather than cutting out the foods I enjoyed, I added healthy foods (7) _________my meals. I could still have a burger now and then, but I would add a salad or an apple.
Finally, I stopped (8) ________________ (compare) myself with actresses and models and looking for things that were wrong with my face or body. Instead, I made a list of the things I liked about (9) __________ (I). By being positive about myself and my body, I became both happier and (10) ______________ (healthy).
【Application & Transfer】
我很荣幸能够代表我的学校在这里发言。( honour)
运动员们在奥运会中争夺金牌。(compete with/against sb. in sth. for sth.)
该减肥的是Tom,而不是你。(rather than就远原则)
和贫困地区的孩子相比,我们是幸运的。(compared with/to)
1.They must be athletes who are masters in their sports and also set good examples for others. (关系代词who引导的定语从句,修饰athletes)
2. The team that Lang Ping had built was falling apart.(关系代词that引导的定语从句,修饰the team; fall apart 破裂,崩溃)
3. The player who became known as “Air Jordan” changed basketball with his graceful moves and jumps.(关系代词who引导的定语从句,修饰player)
4. Jordan’s skills were impressive, but the mental strength that he showed made him unique.(关系代词that引导的定语从句,修饰the mental strength;make sb. adj. 使某人... )
I always felt anxious and stressful at senior high school at first because I was afraid of being left behind. I was worried about so many things that I couldn’t sleep well and focus on my study. [问题+消极影响]
Then, I read a book called “Who Moved Your Cheese” which made me realize that making changes can make a difference to life. (转折点)Instead of just worrying about my study, I would make a schedule for my study and finish the to-do list(待办清单). Rather than being anxious the whole day, I would do some exercises regularly and listen to music to relieve(缓解) my stress and tiredness after studying, which also helped me feel more energetic(有活力的).[转折点+前后转变]
Now, I stopped feeling upset about something new. Instead, I would also always remind (提醒)myself to smile as often as possible. By making these changes, I became both happier and healthier.
答案:1. honour 2. mastered 3. strength 4. competitions 5. champion 6. pretending 7. positive 8. determination 9. medals
It's my honor to speak here on behalf of my school.
The athletes competed for gold medals in the Olympics.
Lily pretended to have finished his homework.
It is Tom who should lose weight rather than you.
Compared with the children in poor areas, we are lucky.
Passage 1
1. athletes
2. a
3. at
4. led
5. difficulties
6. who
7. impressive
8. strength
9. trying
10. has started
Passage 2
1. impossible
2. weight
3. which/ that
4. difference
5. began
6. or
7. to
8. comparing
9. myself
10. healthier