

名称 河南省许昌市2023-2024学年高一上学期1月期末英语试题(原卷版+解析版)
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资源类型 教案
版本资源 人教版(2019)
科目 英语
更新时间 2024-03-27 21:54:45


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第一部分 听力(共两节,满分30分)
1. What fruit does the woman suggest
A. Oranges. B. Bananas. C. Apples.
2. How will the speakers go to the park
A. By bike. B. By bus. C. On foot.
3. How does the girl usually go to school
A. By car. B. On foot. C. By bike.
4. How far away is the nearest hospital
A. Three kilometers. B. Four kilometers. C. Five kilometers.
5. Which part of the woman’s body is in pain .
A. Her head. B. Her arm. C. Her foot.
6. When did the woman get an email from Mary
A. Yesterday. B. Last week. C. Last year.
7. What does Mary do now
A. A reporter. B. A lawyer. C. A teacher.
8. What’s the man’s trouble
A. He can’t fall asleep at night.
B. He is tired of his work.
C. He coughs a lot at night.
9. How long has the man been feeling bad
A. For one day. B. For two days. C. For three days.
10. What does the woman tell the man to do
A. Change his job. B. Get more exercise. C. Drink some milk at night.
11. Where are the speakers probably
A. At a restaurant. B. At the man’s house. C. At the woman’s home.
12. What does the woman ask the man to start with
A. Some tea. B. French toast. C. A cup of coffee.
13. How often does the man usually have coffee
A. Never. B. Once a day. C. Twice a day.
14. Who did the boy go to the zoo with
A. His mother. B. His teacher. C. His friend’s family.
15. What did the boy do on the bus
A. He played games.
B. He listened to the radio.
C. He watched videos of animals.
16. What did the boy see first
A. Monkeys. B. Giraffes. C. Lions.
17. How many lions were there
A. Five. B. Three. C. Two.
18. Where did the story happen
A In a cinema. B. In a library. C. In a shop.
19. Why was the woman angry
A. The man was talking loudly.
B. She lost a piece of chocolate.
C. The man was making noise.
20. What did the man really want to find
A. His glasses. B. His teeth. C. His seat.
第二部分 阅读(共两节,满分50分)
阅读下列短文,从每题所给的A、B、C和D 四个选项中,选出最佳选项。
Book a marionette (牵线木偶) show to come to your backyard, neighborhood park, school, or simply anywhere there’s fun to be had! For over 55 years, the Bob Baker Marionettes (BBMT) have been taking their show on the road, and they can’t wait to come to YOU! We have several choices to suit any size celebration or event.
One-Man Show ($350)
·25-minute performance
·A single performer and 12 marionettes perform a set variety show of endless joy!
·Space Required: 10 ft × 15 ft
Two-Man Show ($650)
·25-minute performance
·Two performers and 25 marionettes help you create amazing memories!
·Several theme options (主题选项): Something to Crow About, The CIRCUS, and Hallowe’en SpOoKtAcUlAr!
·Space Required: 15 ft ×20 ft
·Please make your show request at least 3 weeks in advance.
·For all show options, the travel fee is included for the first 25 miles! Distances over 25 miles from our Highland Park location will incur (带来) an additional travel fee of $50 flat.
All shows are self-contained. The show is done to a pre-recorded tape. We’ll bring the speaker system; we just ask for a power outlet (电源插座). After the show, we pride ourselves on showing off the historic and beautiful marionettes, and answering questions from our audience!
For Birthday Celebrations, our marionettes will bring a gift to celebrate the birthday person, and sing “Happy Birthday” along with the audience!
1. How much should people pay for a two-man show performed 30 miles from BBMT
A. $350. B. $400. C. $650. D. $700.
2. What should people prepare to enjoy a Bob Baker traveling show
A. A square room. B. A power outlet.
C. A tape recorder. D. A speaker system.
3. What can a birthday person do at his birthday celebrations
A. Try out the marionettes.
B. Sing with the marionettes.
C. Get a present from the marionettes.
D. Choose his favorite marionettes to perform.
【答案】1. D 2. B 3. C
细节理解题。根据Two-Man Show($650)部分“Two-Man Show($650) (双人表演(650美元))”和Notes部分“For all show options, the travel fee is included for the first 25 miles! Distances over 25 miles from our Highland Park location will incur(带来) an additional travel fee of $50 flat. (对于所有表演选项,前25英里的旅行费都包含在内!距离我们的高地公园位置超过25英里将产生50美元的额外旅行费。)”可知,双人表演需要650美元,但是距离超过25英里需要产生50美元的额外旅行费,所以人们应该为距离BBMT 30英里的双人表演支付700美元。故选D。
细节理解题。根据Notes部分“we just ask for a power outlet (我们只是要一个电源插座)”可知,鲍勃的表演只是要一个电源插座。故选B。
细节理解题。根据倒数第二段“For Birthday Celebrations, our marionettes will bring a gift to celebrate the birthday person, and sing “Happy Birthday” along with the audience!(在生日庆祝活动中,我们的提线木偶将带上礼物给生日的人庆祝,并与观众一起唱“生日快乐”!)”可知,过生日的人可以从提线木偶那里得到一份礼物。故选C。
When Hurricane Ian hit Florida, Karen Lauder refused to leave her home because she was wrong about the intensity(强度) of the storm. Karen is 84 years old and depends on a wheelchair to get around because she is missing a leg. Her son, Johnny Lauder, tried repeatedly to get her to leave, but she refused.
Johnny and his whole family live within a few blocks of one another. They kept in touch with Karen as the storm continued violently(猛烈地) outside, watching the water rising dangerously all around them. When Karen reported that the water in her house had reached her bottom, Johnny knew he had to take action.
First, Johnny ensured his sons and their pets were taken care of. Then, he jumped out of a window and began to swim. Johnny used to work as a rescue swimmer. He is obviously a strong swimmer, but the flood water was filled with dangerous materials. There was also a strong current (水流), and he had to swim against it for most of his trip to Karen’s. As he made his way through the water, Johnny stopped periodically to snap selfies(自拍) to show his worried family that he was okay.
Johnny was racing against the clock. He knew he only had a short period of time to get there before the water rose above Karen’s head. It took him 40 minutes to swim four blocks. The sound of Karen shouting inside was music to his ears!
“If it would’ve been 20 minutes later, she wouldn’t be here,” Johnny said.“She’s never been happier to see me.”
Karen is now safe, although she is in the hospital being treated for infections(感染) she got in the water. The family have all lost everything they owned, including their houses, but they’re grateful just to be here.
4. Why did Karen decide to stay in her house when Hurricane Ian came
A. She had nowhere to go.
B. She was too old to move.
C. She thought the storm was not violent.
D. She lost her wheelchair and was unable to leave.
5. Why did Johnny take selfies along the way to Karen’s home
A. To record his swimming trip. B. To show off his swimming skills.
C. To warn other rescuers of danger. D. To report his safety to his family.
6. How did Johnny’s family keep in touch in the storm
A. By shouting. B. Over the phone.
C. Through e-mail. D. With other’s help.
7. How did Johnny feel when he heard Karen shouting
A. Curious. B. Frightened. C. Confused. D. Relieved.
【答案】4. C 5. D 6. B 7. D
【导语】本文是记叙文。文章主要讲述了飓风伊恩(Ian)袭击佛罗里达州时,约翰尼(Johnny)游了四个街区去救自己因为缺少一条腿而坐轮椅的母亲凯伦·劳德(Karen Lauder)的故事。
细节理解题。根据第一段“When Hurricane Ian hit Florida, Karen Lauder refused to leave her home because she was wrong about the intensity(强度) of the storm. (飓风伊恩袭击佛罗里达州时,凯伦·劳德拒绝离开家,因为她对风暴强度的判断有误。)”可知,凯伦不愿意离开家是因为她对飓风的强度判断失误。故选C。
细节理解题。根据第三段“As he made his way through the water, Johnny stopped periodically to snap selfies(自拍) to show his worried family that he was okay. (当他穿过水面时,约翰尼不时停下来自拍,向忧心忡忡的家人表示他没事。)”可知,当约翰尼穿过水面时还不时停下来自拍,是为了向忧心忡忡的家人报告他的安全状况。故选D。
推理判断题。根据第三段“As he made his way through the water, Johnny stopped periodically to snap selfies(自拍) to show his worried family that he was okay. (当他穿过水面时,约翰尼不时停下来自拍,向忧心忡忡的家人表示他没事。)”可知,约翰尼是通过手机和家人联系的。故选B。
推理判断题。根据第四段“The sound of Karen shouting inside was music to his ears! (凯伦在里面叫喊的声音对他来说简直是音乐!)”可知,当儿子约翰尼听到母亲凯伦的叫喊时他感到很安慰,因为他的母亲还活着。故选D。
Jace Tunnell, the founder of Nurdle I troll and Reserve Director at the University of Texas Marine Science Institute, is listening to the same question often.
“I hear every day, somebody says, ‘What is a nurdle ’” he said.
Tunnell explained nurdles are tiny balls of plastic that are typically used to make almost every plastic item we use, so they’re everywhere! He said nurdles are usually spilled (溢出) during transport from cargo ships or railroad cars. “These things would be out here for hundreds of years if we’re not picking them up,” Tunnell said while on a recent Nurdle Patrol cleanup along Galveston Bay.
Since 2018, Nurdle Patrol has grown to thousands of volunteers worldwide. Many people -volunteer with Nurdle Patrol and work for the Galveston Bay Foundation. Nurdle Patrol groups upload their findings to the nonprofit’s website map. It’s marked in colors to show where the highest concentration of nurdles is found.
“They look natural, and birds think that they’re food,” Tunnell said, “Birds, fish, sea turtles and other sea animals can eat nurdles and finally die from hunger because of a false sensation of fullness and lack of nutrition.”
I ended up finding 123 nurdles in 10 minutes. That’s high concentration,” Tunnell said about a recent cleanup. “I plan to take those to an elected official and say, ‘Look, these are what I found on our beaches here. We need to do something about this.’ So, it kind of puts in motion change that can happen.”
Nurdle Patrol has sent out hundreds of kits (工具包) globally, many to schools and volunteer organizations, with information about gathering nurdles and reporting the findings safely. Anyone can request a kit through their website.
8. What do we know about the nurdle
A. It is easily broken down. B. It is a small piece of plastic.
C. It was invented by Tunnell. D. It is mainly used to make ships.
9. What do Tunnell’s words in paragraph 5 mainly stress
A. The unique look of nurdles. B. The number of nurdles in the sea.
C. Nurdles’ harm to sea animals’ food. D. Nurdles’ impact on sea animals.
10. What does Tunnell want to do
A. Draw a map of nurdles’ concentration. B. Call the government’s attention to nurdles.
C. Organize more cleanups along the beaches. D. Share his findings on Nurdle Patrol’s website.
11. What is the best title for the text
A. Group surveys the level of pollution in the sea B. Group takes action to reduce the use of plastics
C. Group tries to deal with pollutant harming wildlife D. Group looks for volunteers for its beach cleanups
【答案】8. B 9. D 10. B 11. C
【导语】这是一篇说明文。文章主要介绍了Nurdle I troll组织致力于清理海洋中的小塑料球,解释了其危害以及组织的发展情况。
细节理解题。根据第三段“Tunnell explained nurdles are tiny balls of plastic that are typically used to make almost every plastic item we use, so they’re everywhere!(Tunnell解释说,nurdle是一种微小的塑料球,通常用于制造我们使用的几乎所有塑料制品,所以它们无处不在)”可知,nurdle是塑料块。故选B。
推理判断题。根据第五段““They look natural, and birds think that they’re food,” Tunnell said, “Birds, fish, sea turtles and other sea animals can eat nurdles and finally die from hunger because of a false sensation of fullness and lack of nutrition.”(“它们看起来很自然,鸟类认为它们是食物,”Tunnell说,“鸟类、鱼类、海龟和其他海洋动物吃了它们,最终会因为饱腹和缺乏营养的错觉而死于饥饿。”)”可推知,Tunnell在第5段主要强调了小塑料球对海洋动物的影响。故选D。
细节理解题。根据倒数第二段““I plan to take those to an elected official and say, ‘Look, these are what I found on our beaches here. We need to do something about this.’ So, it kind of puts in motion change that can happen.”(“我打算把这些拿给一位民选官员,说,‘看,这些是我在我们这里的海滩上发现的。我们得做点什么。’所以,这在某种程度上推动了可能发生的变化。”)”可知,Tunnell想唤起政府对小塑料球的注意。故选B。
主旨大意题。根据第四段“Since 2018, Nurdle Patrol has grown to thousands of volunteers worldwide. Many people -volunteer with Nurdle Patrol and work for the Galveston Bay Foundation. Nurdle Patrol groups upload their findings to the nonprofit’s website map. It’s marked in colors to show where the highest concentration of nurdles is found.(自2018年以来,Nurdle Patrol已经发展到全球数千名志愿者。许多人在Nurdle巡逻队做志愿者,并为加尔维斯顿湾基金会工作。Nurdle Patrol小组将他们的发现上传到非营利组织的网站地图上。它用颜色标出了颗粒浓度最高的地方)”结合文章主要介绍了Nurdle I troll组织致力于清理海洋中的小塑料球,解释了其危害以及组织的发展情况。可知,C选项“一个组织试图处理危害野生动物的污染物”最符合文章标题。故选C。
There is a five-and-a-half-mile bike path sitting in the middle of an eight-lane highway(八车道公路), topped with a solar panel(太阳能板) that lights up the streets below in South Korea. But this is not an ordinary bike path. It started as an idea to produce clean energy while giving people a place to exercise at the same time. South Korea built this eco-friendly bicycle lane that connects the cities of Daejeon to Sejong in 2014.
The 13-foot-wide path set in the middle of a highway is unique in South Korea where most bicycle paths are built next to walkways. But what really makes the path stand out is its one-of-a-kind feature—a solar panel-lined roof. Several other city governments in South Korea have built bike roads with solar panels, but this particular road in Sejong remains the longest and the only one set in the middle of a highway.
With 7,502 solar panels fixed at intervals(间隔空间) of about 30 inches, the paneling covers 3 miles of the 5.5-mile cycling highway and is capable of producing an average of 2,200 MWh of eco-friendly electricity every year that powers many of the streetlights and electronic displays in Sejong. The Korea Western Power Co., Ltd. is in charge of checking and repairing the solar panels to keep up the power efficiency(效率).
“Solar panels in public equipment are part of a trend(趋势) in clean energy,” Kim Geun-ho, a researcher from the Green Energy Institute said. “At the beginning stage, solar power generation was mostly built in vast farmland and mountainous areas. It moved on to public equipment rooftops, and finally evolved to play the role of a shelter and power generator at the same time, in this case, a roof on top of a bike road.”
“This is the fastest bike road I can take from my home in Daejeon to my workplace in Sejong,” said Park Yoon-soo, who has been going to work every day using the solar panel bike road for the last two years. “I have always appreciated the solar panel roofs because they become good shade under strong sunlight, and a roof when it rains.”
12. For what purpose was the bike path built
A. To try out an idea. B. To get clean energy.
C. To solve traffic jams. D. To encourage less driving.
13. What makes the bike path different from other ones with solar panels
A. Its width. B. Its solar panels.
C. Its location. D. Its energy output.
14. What does the underlined word “evolved” in paragraph 4 mean
A. Survived. B. Happened. C. Waited. D. Developed.
15. What does Park Yoon-soo think of this bike path
A. It is convenient. B. It is energy-saving.
C. It is a good place to relax. D. It is money-saving high tech.
【答案】12. B 13. C 14. D 15. A
细节理解题。根据第一段“But this is not an ordinary bike path. It started as an idea to produce clean energy while giving people a place to exercise at the same time. (但这不是一条普通的自行车道。它最初是一个生产清洁能源的想法,同时给人们一个锻炼的地方。)”可知,车道的建立目的是为了获得清洁的能源。故选B。
细节理解题。根据第二段“The 13-foot-wide path set in the middle of a highway is unique in South Korea, where most bicycle paths are built next to walkways. (设置在高速公路中间的13英尺宽的小路在韩国是独一无二的,那里的大多数自行车道都建在人行道旁边。)”可知,这条自行车道与其他带太阳能电池板的自行车道不同点在于它的位置,它位于一条八车道高速公路的中间。故选C。
词句猜测题。根据第四段“At the beginning stage, solar power generation was mostly built in vast farmland and mountainous areas. It moved on to public equipment rooftops, and finally evolved to play the role of a shelter and power generator at the same time, in this case, a roof on top of a bike road. (初期,太阳能发电大多建在广阔的农田和山区。它转移到公共设备的屋顶上,最终evolved为同时扮演避难所和发电机的角色,在这种情况下,它是自行车道顶部的屋顶。)”可知,这里介绍太阳能发电的发展,所以evolved的意思应该是“演变,发展”,和选项D意思一致。故选D。
推理判断题。根据最后一段““This is the fastest bike road I can take from my home in Daejeon to my workplace in Sejong,” said Park Yoon-soo (Park Yoon-soo说:“这是我从大田的家到世宗的工作场所能走的最快的自行车道。”)”可知,Park Yoon-soo认为走这条自行车道上下班很方便。故选A。
Being resilient isn’t about avoiding misfortune, but rather how we respond to it. Resilience means “doing well in the face of risk or misfortune,” says Suniya Luthar, co-founder of Authentic Connections, a company that helps teach resilience and well-being.
___16___. “We all get depleted (筋疲力尽) from time to time, and the big epidemic has almost emptied the resilience of nearly everyone, at one time or another,” says Ann Masten, a professor of child development at the University of Minnesota.
Even if you consider yourself resilient, you may need a booster dose (21128 剂量) in especially hard times. ___17___.
Nurture (培育) relationships
___18___, says Michael Ungar, author of Change Your World: The Science of Resilience and the True Path to Success. When misfortune strikes, a supportive friend with good listening skill can make a big difference. And if you want your friends and family to support your resilience, remember to support theirs too.
Find a sense of purpose
___19___, Ungar says. Your sense of purpose doesn’t have to come from school or work; it can also come from hobbies or volunteer projects, like growing a backyard vegetable garden or cleaning up litter in a neighborhood park.
Don’t try to banish (消除) misfortune completely
Resilience usually refers to how we deal with serious misfortune, Masten says, but our reactions to big problems may be inspired partly by the many small problems we face in daily life. “___20___. And gradually our adaptive systems will be improved,” she says.
A. To build resilience, experts suggest the following
B. Recently we’ve all needed to draw on our resilience
C. Everyone starts out with a different level of resilience
D. Set up and maintain a support network before you need it
E. Take some time every day to care for your mind and your body
F. When somebody needs you, you just deal with stress much better
G. Everyday stress probably helps us learn how to deal with bigger challenges
【答案】16. B 17. A 18. D 19. F 20. G
根据下文““We all get depleted(筋疲力尽) from time to time, and the big epidemic has almost emptied the resilience of nearly everyone, at one time or another,” says Ann Masten, a professor of child development at the University of Minnesota. (明尼苏达大学儿童发展教授Ann Masten说:“我们都会时不时地筋疲力尽,而这场大流行病几乎在某个时候耗尽了几乎每个人的韧性。”)”可知,人类因为大流行病而几乎耗尽每个人的韧性,所以我们更需要它。选项B“最近我们都需要利用我们的韧性”和下文意思一致。故选B。
根据上文“Even if you consider yourself resilient, you may need a booster dose(21128 剂量) in especially hard times. (即使你认为自己有韧性,在特别困难的时候,你也可能需要加强针。)”和下文“Nurture(培育) relationships(培育关系)”可知,下文介绍建立韧性的方法。选项A“为了建立韧性,专家建议如下”和上下文意思一致。故选A。
根据下文“When misfortune strikes, a supportive friend with good listening skill can make a big difference. And if you want your friends and family to support your resilience, remember to support theirs too. (当不幸降临时,一个有良好倾听能力的支持性朋友会产生很大的影响。如果你想让你的朋友和家人支持你的韧性,记得也要支持他们。)”可知,这里建议要有良好的社会关系网。选项D“在需要之前建立并维护支持网络”和下文意思一致。故选D。
根据下文“Your sense of purpose doesn’t have to come from school or work; it can also come from hobbies or volunteer projects, like growing a backyard vegetable garden or cleaning up litter in a neighborhood park. (你的目标感不一定来自学校或工作;它也可以来自业余爱好或志愿者项目,比如在后院种植菜园或清理附近公园的垃圾。)”可知,这里建议人们要让自己觉得被需要。选项F“当有人需要你时,你会更好地应对压力”和下文意思一致。故选F。
根据上文“Resilience usually refers to how we deal with serious misfortune, Masten says, but our reactions to big problems may be inspired partly by the many small problems we face in daily life. (Masten说,韧性通常指的是我们如何应对严重的不幸,但我们对大问题的反应可能部分受到我们日常生活中面临的许多小问题的启发。)”可知,这里建议人们要勇敢面对日常生活中面临的许多小问题。选项G“每天的压力可能有助于我们学会如何应对更大的挑战”和上文意思一致。故选G。
第三部分 语言运用(共两节,满分30分)
阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的A、B、C和D 四个选项中,选出最佳选项。
“When one door closes,” the saying goes, “another door opens.” For one ___21___ dog, it appears that saying is also suitable for doggy doors.
A dog named Sheldon took part in a program to ___22___ a service dog. Unluckily he couldn’t quite make the ___23___. Whenever he would ___24___ something interesting, Sheldon’s concentration flew out of the window and all he wanted to do was ___25___ the source.
But the very thing that made him a failure as a service dog meant he was likely ___26___ for another dog job. Sheldon was sent to the State Farm Arson Dog Program, where his sensitive (灵敏的) nose soon put him ___27___ the class for detecting the accelerants (探测肋燃剂) used to light illegal fires.
___28___ John Tadlock of the Saginaw fire department, after his ___29___ Sheldon went on to become the department’s best accelerant detection dog.
In his first ____30____, Sheldon and his partner Tadlock were called to a car shop to look into some cars that had been ____31____ under suspicious (可疑的) circumstances. After three days, no one had been able to figure out how the fire got started — but the cause wasn’t ____32____ to Sheldon. “I put him to ____33____. It took him about 30 seconds to give me an alert (警报),” Tadlock said. Sheldon found the evidence with no ____34____.
For a dog with a super sense of smell, we guess whether you’re tailing bad guys or hunting for a job, it’s always best to follow your ____35____.
A. old B. special C. lucky D. sick
A. help B. visit C. teach D. become
A. difference B. mistake C. grade D. change
A. find B. taste C. smell D. hear
A. hunt down B. return to C. learn about D. depend on
A. sorry B. perfect C. famous D. responsible
A. in the front of B. at the bottom of C. in the middle of D. at the top of
A. Playing with B. Paired with C. Agreeing with D. Faced with
A. graduation B. recovery C. birth D. death
A. course B. race C. case D. program
A. sold B. built C. stolen D. burnt
A. confusing B. interesting C. clear D. important
A. sleep B. work C. flight D. risk
A. fear B. choice C. difficulty D. experience
A. nose B. head C. plan D. dream
【答案】21. B 22. D 23. C 24. C 25. A 26. B 27. D 28. B 29. A 30. C 31. D 32. A 33. B 34. C 35. A
考查形容词词义辨析。句意:对于一只特别的狗来说,这句话似乎也适用于小狗们的门。A. old老的;B. special特别的;C. lucky幸运的;D. sick生病的。根据下文“his sensitive (灵敏的) nose”可知,Sheldon是一只嗅觉很灵敏的狗,即它是一直很特别的狗,故选B项。
考查动词词义辨析。句意:一只名叫Sheldon的狗参加了一个成为服务犬的计划。A. help帮助;B. visit参观;C. teach教;D. become成为。根据下文“a service dog”可知,Sheldon是想成为一只服务犬,故选D项。
考查名词词义辨析。句意:不幸的是,他没能取得好成绩。A. difference差异;B. mistake错误;C. grade成绩;D. change变化。根据上文“Unluckily”可知,它没有有成功成为一名服务犬,意味着没有取得好成绩,故选C项。
考查动词词义辨析。句意:每当他闻到有趣的东西时,谢尔顿的注意力就会飞出窗外,他只想寻找源头。A. find找到;B. taste品尝;C. smell闻到;D. hear听到。根据下文“his sensitive(灵敏的)nose”可知,Sheldon嗅觉很灵敏,当它闻到什么有趣的东西时,就会被吸引过去,故选C项。
考查动词短语辨析。句意:每当他闻到有趣的东西时,谢尔顿的注意力就会飞出窗外,他只想寻找源头。A. hunt down追寻;B. return to回归;C. learn about了解;D. depend on依靠。根据下文“his sensitive (灵敏的 )nose”可知,Sheldon嗅觉很灵敏,当它闻到什么有趣的东西时就会被吸引过去,去追寻气味的来源,故选A项。
考查形容词词义辨析。句意:但正是这使他成为服务犬的失败意味着他可能非常适合另一份狗的工作。A. sorry对不起的;B. perfect完美的;C. famous出名的;D. responsible负责的。根据“But the very thing that made him a failure as a service dog meant he was likely ___6___ for another dog job.”可知,Sheldon不适合做一只服务犬,但是可能很适合其他任务,perfect for sth表示“适合做”,故选B项。
考查介词短语辨析。句意:Sheldon被送往州立农场纵火犬计划,在那里,他灵敏的鼻子很快使他在检测用于点燃非法火灾的促进剂方面名列前茅。A. in the front of在前面;B. at the bottom of在底部;C. in the middle of在中间;D. at the top of在顶部。根据下文“become the department’s best accelerant detection dog.”可知,Sheldon灵敏的嗅觉让它在这个班级里名列前茅,at the top of表示“在……的顶端”,故选D项。
考查动词短语辨析。句意:Sheldon与萨吉诺消防局的约翰·塔德洛克(John Tadlock)配对,毕业后继续成为该部门最好的加速剂探测犬。A. Playing with玩;B. Paired with搭配;C. Agreeing with同意;D. Faced with面对。根据下文“Sheldon and his partner Tadlock”可知,Sheldon与Tadlock搭配成一组,故选B项。
考查名词词义辨析。句意:Sheldon与萨吉诺消防局的约翰·塔德洛克(John Tadlock)配对,毕业后继续成为该部门最好的加速剂探测犬。A. graduation毕业;B. recovery康复;C. birth出生;D. death死亡。根据上文“Sheldon was sent to the State Farm Arson Dog Program, where his sensitive (灵敏的) nose soon put him ___7___ the class for detecting the accelerants (探测肋燃剂) used to light illegal fires.”可知,Sheldon是参加了探测助燃剂的培训,此处是指在培训结束后,即毕业后,Sheldon正式成为一名探测助燃剂的狗狗,故选A项。
考查名词词义辨析。句意:在他的第一个案例中,谢尔顿和他的搭档塔德洛克被叫到一家汽车店,调查一些在可疑情况下被烧毁的汽车。A. course课程;B. race比赛;C. case案例;D. program课程。根据下文“Sheldon and his partner Tadlock were called to a car shop to look into some cars that had been ___11___ under suspicious (可疑的) circumstances.”可知,这是他的第一个案例,故选C项。
考查动词词义辨析。句意:在他的第一个案例中,谢尔顿和他的搭档塔德洛克被叫到一家汽车店,调查一些在可疑情况下被烧毁的汽车。A. sold出售;B. built建;C. stolen偷;D. burnt烧。根据下文“no one had been able to figure out how the fire got started”可知,是被烧毁的汽车,故选D项。
考查形容词词义辨析。句意:三天后,没有人能够弄清楚火灾是如何开始的——但原因并没有让谢尔顿感到困惑。A. confusing邻人困惑的;B. interesting有趣的;C. clear清晰的;D. important重要的。根据上文“no one had been able to figure out how the fire got started — but the cause wasn’t”可知,虽然没有能弄清楚是如起火的,但是对Sheldon来说一点也不迷惑,故选A项。
考查名词词义辨析。句意:我让他去工作。A. sleep睡眠;B. work工作;C. flight飞行;D. risk风险。put sb to work表示“让某人投入工作”,此处是指让Sheldon开始利用自己的嗅觉去搞清楚起火的原因,故选B项。
考查名词词义辨析。句意:Sheldon没有丝毫困难的找到了证据。A. fear恐惧;B. choice选择;C. difficulty困难;D. experience经验。根据上文“took him about 30 seconds to give me an alert”可知,30秒就发出了警报,说明找的很快,没有丝毫困难,故选C项。
考查名词词义辨析。句意:对于一只嗅觉超强的狗来说,我们猜无论你是在尾随坏人还是在找工作,最好跟着你的鼻子走。A. nose鼻子;B. head头;C. plan计划;D. dream梦。根据前文“sense of smell”可知,空处对应的是鼻子,故选A项。
The Washington State Department of Agriculture (WSDA) said a large atlas moth (皇蛾) ___36___(find) on a garage (车库) was identified as the first atlas moth ever documented in the United States.
The department said ___37___ university teacher took place photos when he found the large moth resting on the wall of ___38___(he) garage on July 7. State officials ___39___(careful) examined the photos and ___40___(confirm) the insect was an atlas moth, one of the world’s largest species of moth.
Atlas moths are native ___41___ the tropics (热带地区) and have never been documented in the United States.
“This is an ___42___(attract) type of insect because it is so large,” said Sven-Erik Spichiger from the agriculture department. “Even if you don’t keep an eye out for insects, this is one that people will get their phones out and take a picture of — they are that striking.”
___43___(researcher) said they are now trying to find out if the moth is part of a population in Washington. They are asking anyone ___44___ discover s a similar insect ____45____(report) it to pestprogram@agr.wa.gov .
“We hope residents will help us learn if this was a one-off escapee or whether there might be a population in the area,” the department said.
【答案】36. found
37. a 38. his
39. carefully
40. confirmed
41. to 42. attractive
43. Researchers
44. who##that
45. to report
考查非谓语动词。句意:华盛顿州农业部(WSDA)表示,在车库里发现的一只大型阿特拉斯蛾被确认为美国有史以来第一只记录在案的阿特拉斯蛾。分析句子结构和意思可知,动词find和被修饰的名词a large atlas moth是逻辑上的动宾关系,用过去分词形式,表示被动,作后置定语。故填found。
考查介词。句意:阿特拉斯蛾原产于热带地区,在美国从未有记录。分析句子结构和意思可知,这里考查固定短语be native to,意为“原产于”,to是介词。故填to。
考查形容词。句意:农业部的Sven Erik Spichiger说:“这是一种很有吸引力的昆虫,因为它太大了。”分析句子结构和意思可知,这里需要形容词,修饰后面的名词短语type of insect。故填attractive。
考查非谓语动词。句意:见第9题详解。分析句子结构和意思可知,这里考查动词短语ask sb. to do sth.,意为“要求某人做某事”。故填to report。
第四部分 写作(共两节,满分40分)
46. 上周末,你和奶奶一起到菜地摘蔬菜,请你用英语写一篇短文,分享到班级“英语学习园地”,内容包括:
1. 采摘过程:
2. 你的心得。
1. 写作词数应为80左右;
2. 请按如下格式在答题卡的相应位置作答。
Last weekend, I went to see my grandma in the countryside. It happened that she would be picking the tomatoes in the garden that afternoon. I offered to do it with her. When I was about to pick one by hand, my grandma stopped me and told me to use scissors to avoid hurting the branches. She then handed me a pair of scissors. She also reminded me to put the tomatoes into the basket lightly. With her words in mind, I picked the tomatoes carefully. Soon, we finished our work. That day, not only did I help my grandma, but I also felt the joy of working and harvesting.
乡村:countryside→rural area
原句:With her words in mind, I picked the tomatoes carefully.
同义句:Considering her words, I picked the tomatoes carefully.
【点睛】【高分句型1】It happened that she would be picking the tomatoes in the garden that afternoon.(运用了it作形式主语,that连接主语从句)
【高分句型2】That day, not only did I help my grandma, but I also felt the joy of working and harvesting.(运用了部分倒装句式)
47. 阅读下面材料,根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两段,使之构成一篇完整的短文。
Ellie was busy tuning(为……调音)her guitar when her older brother, Chris, knocked on her door. “You ready to go ” he asked.
“Just a minute,” Ellie answered. She picked up her guitar, placed it in her case, and walked out.
Even though she was on her way to performing at her first concert in New York City, she could hardly feel any excitement. All that was on her mind was her best friend, Alice. Just 24 hours ago, she went to Santiago, Chile, as her mother wanted to do research at the university there. Ellie said goodbye to Alice and was very sad. They promised to stay in touch.
So as Ellie stepped on stage and arranged her fingers on the guitar strings, she didn’t notice the bright red lights that lit her and her bandmates. She hardly heard the cheers coming from her friends and family in the crowd. She also paid little attention to the flash of Chris’s camera as he took pictures of her band, Alphabet Soup. But as soon as Jordan, the drummer(鼓手), signaled the beginning of the first song with the clicks of his drumsticks, Elli e was pulled back to the present.
The first number was a piece that Alice taught her a year ago, when she finally mastered the basic jazz chords(和弦). The “F” chord took her a while to learn, as it required tricky finger placement. However, once she was able to add the chord to her repertoire(全部曲目), a new world of music opened to her. She chose to specialize in jazz under the influence of Chris’s love of it. That was what she often heard in the hallway while growing up.
Soon, it was time for the band to take a ten-minute break. As her bandmates left the stage. they are all satisfied with their performance. Jackson, the lead singer, approached Ellie. He’d noticed something was off about her. “Everything okay ” he asked.
“Yeah, don’t worry. I’m fine,” she assured him.
His eyes expressed his concern, but he didn’t have much time to talk to her. He figured it could wait until after the concert. Ellie was left alone.
1. 续写词数应为150左右;
2. 请按如下格式在答题卡的相应位置作答。
Sitting on the seat, Ellie pulled her phone out of her pocket.
Ellie stepped back on stage with renewed energy.
Sitting on the seat, Ellie pulled her phone out of her pocket. To her surprise, she noticed a text message from Alice. “Wishing you the best of luck tonight! You better make me proud,” it read. She smiled at the screen. She was so happy to receive the message. She figured that Alice wouldn’t want her to be sad during her first performance in New York City. She felt ashamed for her performance just now. So she decided to try her best and perform well.
Ellie stepped back on stage with renewed energy. This time, she smiled at Chris’s camera and waved to the audience, getting more cheers from strangers, friends, and family. She joined in when Jackson sang the song, and he turned back to look at her, surprised and pleased. She performed so well that she herself couldn’t believe it. Ellie thought the next time Alice was in town, she would play a concert just like this one and make her proud.
【点睛】[高分句型1]. She joined in when Jackson sang the song, and he turned back to look at her, surprised and pleased. (运用了when引导的时间状语从句)
[高分句型2]. She performed so well that she herself couldn’t believe it. (运用了so…that引导的结果状语从句)
听力 1—5 CABAC 6—10 BCABB 11—15 CACBA 16—20 ACACB许昌市2023—2024学年第一学期期末教学质量检测
1. 答卷前,考生务必将自己的姓名、准考证号填写在答题卡上。
2. 回答选择题时,选出每小题答案后,用铅笔把答题卡上对应题目的答案标号涂黑。如需改动,用橡皮擦干净后,再选涂其他答案标号。回答非选择题时,将答案写在答题卡上,写在本试卷上无效。
3. 考试结束后,将本试卷和答题卡一并交回。
第一部分 听力(共两节,满分30分)
1. What fruit does the woman suggest
A. Oranges. B. Bananas. C. Apples.
2. How will the speakers go to the park
A. By bike. B. By bus. C. On foot.
3. How does the girl usually go to school
A. By car. B. On foot. C. By bike.
4. How far away is the nearest hospital
A. Three kilometers. B. Four kilometers. C. Five kilometers.
5. Which part of the woman’s body is in pain .
A Her head. B. Her arm. C. Her foot.
6. When did the woman get an email from Mary
A. Yesterday. B. Last week. C. Last year.
7. What does Mary do now
A. A reporter. B. A lawyer. C. A teacher.
8. What’s the man’s trouble
A. He can’t fall asleep at night.
B. He is tired of his work.
C. He coughs a lot at night.
9. How long has the man been feeling bad
A. For one day. B. For two days. C. For three days.
10. What does the woman tell the man to do
A. Change his job. B. Get more exercise. C. Drink some milk at night.
11. Where are the speakers probably
A. At a restaurant. B. At the man’s house. C. At the woman’s home.
12. What does the woman ask the man to start with
A. Some tea. B. French toast. C. A cup of coffee.
13. How often does the man usually have coffee
A. Never. B. Once a day. C. Twice a day.
14. Who did the boy go to the zoo with
A. His mother. B. His teacher. C. His friend’s family.
15. What did the boy do on the bus
A. He played games.
B. He listened to the radio.
C. He watched videos of animals.
16. What did the boy see first
A. Monkeys. B. Giraffes. C. Lions.
17. How many lions were there
A. Five. B. Three. C. Two.
18. Where did the story happen
A. In a cinema. B. In a library. C. In a shop.
19. Why was the woman angry
A. The man was talking loudly.
B. She lost a piece of chocolate.
C. The man was making noise.
20. What did the man really want to find
A. His glasses. B. His teeth. C. His seat.
第二部分 阅读(共两节,满分50分)
阅读下列短文,从每题所给的A、B、C和D 四个选项中,选出最佳选项。
Book a marionette (牵线木偶) show to come to your backyard, neighborhood park, school, or simply anywhere there’s fun to be had! For over 55 years, the Bob Baker Marionettes (BBMT) have been taking their show on the road, and they can’t wait to come to YOU! We have several choices to suit any size celebration or event.
One-Man Show ($350)
·25-minute performance
·A single performer and 12 marionettes perform a set variety show of endless joy!
·Space Required: 10 ft × 15 ft
Two-Man Show ($650)
·25-minute performance
·Two performers and 25 marionettes help you create amazing memories!
·Several theme options (主题选项): Something to Crow About, The CIRCUS, and Hallowe’en SpOoKtAcUlAr!
·Space Required: 15 ft ×20 ft
·Please make your show request at least 3 weeks in advance.
·For all show options, the travel fee is included for the first 25 miles! Distances over 25 miles from our Highland Park location will incur (带来) an additional travel fee of $50 flat.
All shows are self-contained. The show is done to a pre-recorded tape. We’ll bring the speaker system; we just ask for a power outlet (电源插座). After the show, we pride ourselves on showing off the historic and beautiful marionettes, and answering questions from our audience!
For Birthday Celebrations, our marionettes will bring a gift to celebrate the birthday person, and sing “Happy Birthday” along with the audience!
1. How much should people pay for a two-man show performed 30 miles from BBMT
A. $350. B. $400. C. $650. D. $700.
2. What should people prepare to enjoy a Bob Baker traveling show
A. A square room. B. A power outlet.
C. A tape recorder. D. A speaker system.
3. What can a birthday person do at his birthday celebrations
A. Try out the marionettes.
B. Sing with the marionettes.
C. Get a present from the marionettes.
D. Choose his favorite marionettes to perform.
When Hurricane Ian hit Florida, Karen Lauder refused to leave her home because she was wrong about the intensity(强度) of the storm. Karen is 84 years old and depends on a wheelchair to get around because she is missing a leg. Her son, Johnny Lauder, tried repeatedly to get her to leave, but she refused.
Johnny and his whole family live within a few blocks of one another. They kept in touch with Karen as the storm continued violently(猛烈地) outside, watching the water rising dangerously all around them. When Karen reported that the water in her house had reached her bottom, Johnny knew he had to take action.
First, Johnny ensured his sons and their pets were taken care of. Then, he jumped out of a window and began to swim. Johnny used to work as a rescue swimmer. He is obviously a strong swimmer, but the flood water was filled with dangerous materials. There was also a strong current (水流), and he had to swim against it for most of his trip to Karen’s. As he made his way through the water, Johnny stopped periodically to snap selfies(自拍) to show his worried family that he was okay.
Johnny was racing against the clock. He knew he only had a short period of time to get there before the water rose above Karen’s head. It took him 40 minutes to swim four blocks. The sound of Karen shouting inside was music to his ears!
“If it would’ve been 20 minutes later, she wouldn’t be here,” Johnny said.“She’s never been happier to see me.”
Karen is now safe, although she is in the hospital being treated for infections(感染) she got in the water. The family have all lost everything they owned, including their houses, but they’re grateful just to be here.
4. Why did Karen decide to stay in her house when Hurricane Ian came
A. She had nowhere to go.
B. She was too old to move.
C. She thought the storm was not violent.
D. She lost her wheelchair and was unable to leave.
5. Why did Johnny take selfies along the way to Karen’s home
A. To record his swimming trip. B. To show off his swimming skills.
C. To warn other rescuers of danger. D. To report his safety to his family.
6. How did Johnny’s family keep in touch in the storm
A. By shouting. B. Over the phone.
C. Through e-mail. D. With other’s help.
7. How did Johnny feel when he heard Karen shouting
A. Curious. B. Frightened. C. Confused. D. Relieved.
Jace Tunnell, the founder of Nurdle I troll and Reserve Director at the University of Texas Marine Science Institute, is listening to the same question often.
“I hear every day, somebody says, ‘What is a nurdle ’” he said.
Tunnell explained nurdles are tiny balls of plastic that are typically used to make almost every plastic item we use, so they’re everywhere! He said nurdles are usually spilled (溢出) during transport from cargo ships or railroad cars. “These things would be out here for hundreds of years if we’re not picking them up,” Tunnell said while on a recent Nurdle Patrol cleanup along Galveston Bay.
Since 2018, Nurdle Patrol has grown to thousands of volunteers worldwide. Many people -volunteer with Nurdle Patrol and work for the Galveston Bay Foundation. Nurdle Patrol groups upload their findings to the nonprofit’s website map. It’s marked in colors to show where the highest concentration of nurdles is found.
“They look natural, and birds think that they’re food,” Tunnell said, “Birds, fish, sea turtles and other sea animals can eat nurdles and finally die from hunger because of a false sensation of fullness and lack of nutrition.”
I ended up finding 123 nurdles in 10 minutes. That’s high concentration,” Tunnell said about a recent cleanup. “I plan to take those to an elected official and say, ‘Look, these are what I found on our beaches here. We need to do something about this.’ So, it kind of puts in motion change that can happen.”
Nurdle Patrol has sent out hundreds of kits (工具包) globally, many to schools and volunteer organizations, with information about gathering nurdles and reporting the findings safely. Anyone can request a kit through their website.
8. What do we know about the nurdle
A. It is easily broken down. B. It is a small piece of plastic.
C. It was invented by Tunnell. D. It is mainly used to make ships.
9. What do Tunnell’s words in paragraph 5 mainly stress
A. The unique look of nurdles. B. The number of nurdles in the sea.
C. Nurdles’ harm to sea animals’ food. D. Nurdles’ impact on sea animals.
10. What does Tunnell want to do
A. Draw a map of nurdles’ concentration. B. Call the government’s attention to nurdles.
C. Organize more cleanups along the beaches. D. Share his findings on Nurdle Patrol’s website.
11. What is the best title for the text
A. Group surveys the level of pollution in the sea B. Group takes action to reduce the use of plastics
C. Group tries to deal with pollutant harming wildlife D. Group looks for volunteers for its beach cleanups
There is a five-and-a-half-mile bike path sitting in the middle of an eight-lane highway(八车道公路), topped with a solar panel(太阳能板) that lights up the streets below in South Korea. But this is not an ordinary bike path. It started as an idea to produce clean energy while giving people a place to exercise at the same time. South Korea built this eco-friendly bicycle lane that connects the cities of Daejeon to Sejong in 2014.
The 13-foot-wide path set in the middle of a highway is unique in South Korea, where most bicycle paths are built next to walkways. But what really makes the path stand out is its one-of-a-kind feature—a solar panel-lined roof. Several other city governments in South Korea have built bike roads with solar panels, but this particular road in Sejong remains the longest and the only one set in the middle of a highway.
With 7,502 solar panels fixed at intervals(间隔空间) of about 30 inches, the paneling covers 3 miles of the 5.5-mile cycling highway and is capable of producing an average of 2,200 MWh of eco-friendly electricity every year that powers many of the streetlights and electronic displays in Sejong. The Korea Western Power Co., Ltd. is in charge of checking and repairing the solar panels to keep up the power efficiency(效率).
“Solar panels in public equipment are part of a trend(趋势) in clean energy,” Kim Geun-ho, a researcher from the Green Energy Institute said. “At the beginning stage, solar power generation was mostly built in vast farmland and mountainous areas. It moved on to public equipment rooftops, and finally evolved to play the role of a shelter and power generator at the same time, in this case, a roof on top of a bike road.”
“This is the fastest bike road I can take from my home in Daejeon to my workplace in Sejong,” said Park Yoon-soo, who has been going to work every day using the solar panel bike road for the last two years. “I have always appreciated the solar panel roofs because they become good shade under strong sunlight, and a roof when it rains.”
12. For what purpose was the bike path built
A. To try out an idea. B. To get clean energy.
C To solve traffic jams. D. To encourage less driving.
13. What makes the bike path different from other ones with solar panels
A. Its width. B. Its solar panels.
C. Its location. D. Its energy output.
14. What does the underlined word “evolved” in paragraph 4 mean
A. Survived. B. Happened. C. Waited. D. Developed.
15. What does Park Yoon-soo think of this bike path
A. It is convenient. B. It is energy-saving.
C. It is a good place to relax. D. It is money-saving high tech.
Being resilient isn’t about avoiding misfortune but rather how we respond to it. Resilience means “doing well in the face of risk or misfortune,” says Suniya Luthar, co-founder of Authentic Connections, a company that helps teach resilience and well-being.
___16___. “We all get depleted (筋疲力尽) from time to time, and the big epidemic has almost emptied the resilience of nearly everyone, at one time or another,” says Ann Masten, a professor of child development at the University of Minnesota.
Even if you consider yourself resilient, you may need a booster dose (21128 剂量) in especially hard times. ___17___.
Nurture (培育) relationships
___18___, says Michael Ungar, author of Change Your World: The Science of Resilience and the True Path to Success. When misfortune strikes, a supportive friend with good listening skill can make a big difference. And if you want your friends and family to support your resilience, remember to support theirs too.
Find a sense of purpose
___19___, Ungar says. Your sense of purpose doesn’t have to come from school or work; it can also come from hobbies or volunteer projects, like growing a backyard vegetable garden or cleaning up litter in a neighborhood park.
Don’t try to banish (消除) misfortune completely
Resilience usually refers to how we deal with serious misfortune, Masten says, but our reactions to big problems may be inspired partly by the many small problems we face in daily life. “___20___. And gradually our adaptive systems will be improved,” she says.
A. To build resilience, experts suggest the following
B. Recently we’ve all needed to draw on our resilience
C. Everyone starts out with a different level of resilience
D. Set up and maintain a support network before you need it
E. Take some time every day to care for your mind and your body
F. When somebody needs you, you just deal with stress much better
G. Everyday stress probably helps us learn how to deal with bigger challenges
第三部分 语言运用(共两节,满分30分)
阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的A、B、C和D 四个选项中,选出最佳选项。
“When one door closes,” the saying goes, “another door opens.” For one ___21___ dog, it appears that saying is also suitable for doggy doors.
A dog named Sheldon took part in a program to ___22___ a service dog. Unluckily, he couldn’t quite make the ___23___. Whenever he would ___24___ something interesting, Sheldon’s concentration flew out of the window and all he wanted to do was ___25___ the source.
But the very thing that made him a failure as a service dog meant he was likely ___26___ for another dog job. Sheldon was sent to the State Farm Arson Dog Program, where his sensitive (灵敏的) nose soon put him ___27___ the class for detecting the accelerants (探测肋燃剂) used to light illegal fires.
___28___ John Tadlock of the Saginaw fire department, after his ___29___ Sheldon went on to become the department’s best accelerant detection dog.
In his first ____30____, Sheldon and his partner Tadlock were called to a car shop to look into some cars that had been ____31____ under suspicious (可疑的) circumstances. After three days, no one had been able to figure out how the fire got started — but the cause wasn’t ____32____ to Sheldon. “I put him to ____33____. It took him about 30 seconds to give me an alert (警报),” Tadlock said. Sheldon found the evidence with no ____34____.
For a dog with a super sense of smell, we guess whether you’re tailing bad guys or hunting for a job, it’s always best to follow your ____35____.
A. old B. special C. lucky D. sick
A. help B. visit C. teach D. become
A. difference B. mistake C. grade D. change
A. find B. taste C. smell D. hear
A. hunt down B. return to C. learn about D. depend on
A. sorry B. perfect C. famous D. responsible
A. in the front of B. at the bottom of C. in the middle of D. at the top of
A. Playing with B. Paired with C. Agreeing with D. Faced with
A. graduation B. recovery C. birth D. death
A. course B. race C. case D. program
A. sold B. built C. stolen D. burnt
A. confusing B. interesting C. clear D. important
A. sleep B. work C. flight D. risk
A. fear B. choice C. difficulty D. experience
A. nose B. head C. plan D. dream
The Washington State Department of Agriculture (WSDA) said a large atlas moth (皇蛾) ___36___(find) on a garage (车库) was identified as the first atlas moth ever documented in the United States.
The department said ___37___ university teacher took place photos when he found the large moth resting on the wall of ___38___(he) garage on July 7. State officials ___39___(careful) examined the photos and ___40___(confirm) the insect was an atlas moth, one of the world’s largest species of moth.
Atlas moths are native ___41___ the tropics (热带地区) and have never been documented in the United States.
“This is an ___42___(attract) type of insect because it is so large,” said Sven-Erik Spichiger from the agriculture department. “Even if you don’t keep an eye out for insects, this is one that people will get their phones out and take a picture of — they are that striking.”
___43___(researcher) said they are now trying to find out if the moth is part of a population in Washington. They are asking anyone ___44___ discover s a similar insect ____45____(report) it to pestprogram@agr.wa.gov .
“We hope residents will help us learn if this was a one-off escapee or whether there might be a population in the area,” the department said.
第四部分 写作(共两节,满分40分)
46. 上周末,你和奶奶一起到菜地摘蔬菜,请你用英语写一篇短文,分享到班级“英语学习园地”,内容包括:
1. 采摘过程:
2. 你的心得。
1. 写作词数应为80左右;
2. 请按如下格式在答题卡的相应位置作答。
47. 阅读下面材料,根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两段,使之构成一篇完整的短文。
Ellie was busy tuning(为……调音)her guitar when her older brother, Chris, knocked on her door. “You ready to go ” he asked.
“Just a minute,” Ellie answered. She picked up her guitar, placed it in her case, and walked out.
Even though she was on her way to performing at her first concert in New York City, she could hardly feel any excitement. All that was on her mind was her best friend, Alice. Just 24 hours ago, she went to Santiago, Chile, as her mother wanted to do research at the university there. Ellie said goodbye to Alice and was very sad. They promised to stay in touch.
So as Ellie stepped on stage and arranged her fingers on the guitar strings, she didn’t notice the bright red lights that lit her and her bandmates. She hardly heard the cheers coming from her friends and family in the crowd. She also paid little attention to the flash of Chris’s camera as he took pictures of her band, Alphabet Soup. But as soon as Jordan, the drummer(鼓手), signaled the beginning of the first song with the clicks of his drumsticks, Elli e was pulled back to the present.
The first number was a piece that Alice taught her a year ago, when she finally mastered the basic jazz chords(和弦). The “F” chord took her a while to learn, as it required tricky finger placement. However, once she was able to add the chord to her repertoire(全部曲目), a new world of music opened to her. She chose to specialize in jazz under the influence of Chris’s love of it. That was what she often heard in the hallway while growing up.
Soon, it was time for the band to take a ten-minute break. As her bandmates left the stage. they are all satisfied with their performance. Jackson, the lead singer, approached Ellie. He’d noticed something was off about her. “Everything okay ” he asked.
“Yeah, don’t worry. I’m fine,” she assured him.
His eyes expressed his concern, but he didn’t have much time to talk to her. He figured it could wait until after the concert. Ellie was left alone.
1. 续写词数应为150左右;
2. 请按如下格式在答题卡的相应位置作答。
Sitting on the seat Ellie pulled her phone out of her pocket.
Ellie stepped back on stage with renewed energy.
听力 1—5 CABAC 6—10 BCABB 11—15 CACBA 16—20 ACACB