- 人教版(2019)必修第二册Unit 5 Music 词汇讲讲义


名称 - 人教版(2019)必修第二册Unit 5 Music 词汇讲讲义
格式 docx
文件大小 3.5MB
资源类型 教案
版本资源 人教版(2019)
科目 英语
更新时间 2024-03-28 20:39:13



必修二 unit 2 词汇
Composition 成分,作品
【课文原句】He graduated from university in 1995, and then received a master's degree in musical composition from the Juilliard School in New York in1997.
Compose _________
Christians compose 40 per cent of the state's population.
Composer _________
He excels all other composers of his period.
Energy 能量,能源
Matter and energy are equal and interchangeable.
Energetic ___________
He’s not as energetic as he used to be— beginning to feel his age, I suppose.
Bagpipes 风笛
And bagpipes, by long tradition, counted as instruments of war.
Composition 成分,作品
【课文原句】He graduated from university in 1995, and then received a master's degree in musical composition from the Juilliard School in New York in1997.
Compose _________
Christians compose 40 per cent of the state's population.
Composer _________
He excels all other composers of his period.
opportunity 机会
【课文原句】Five years ago, he was finally given an opportunity to record his song at a studio.
【Opportunity VS Chance】
Chance 指的是一种可能性或发生某事的机会,通常强调偶然性或无计划性 There's a chance of rain tomorrow.
Opportunity 指的是有利的时机或有可能带来好处的情况 She saw the job opening as an opportunity to advance her career
Studio 演播室,工作室
【课文原句】You don not even need a studio.
Conductor (乐队,合唱团等的)指挥, 导体
The conductor signaled the orchestra to rise.
Conduct V. _____________
N. 行为举止;管理(方式)
Such conduct is displeasing to your parents.
Phenomenon 现象
【课文原句】Since then, the virtual choir has become a worldwide phenomenon.
PS. 还可以表示“特殊的人/物”“现象级的人/物”
Beethoven was a phenomenon among many musicians.
Stage 舞台,时期,阶段
【课文原句】Whitacre's next effort was the Virtual YouthChoir for UNICEF, which was first seen on stage on 23 July 2014 in the UK.
Band 乐队,带子
【课文原句】Last night l went to see my friend's new rock band.
Relief 释然,解脱
【课文原句】He found that creating music was a relief and cure for his illness.
Harry sank into a chair and sighed with relief.
【同根词】relieve v. 释然,解除,减轻
The threat of flood has been relieved.
This will relieve the heat of the fever.
Album 相册,专辑
At the peak of its popularity in the late nineties, the band sold ten million albums a year.
Impact 影响
【课文原句】lt's an honour to be here and to share with you the story of how music has had an impact on my life.
Aim 目标
【课文原句】Filled with team spirit, they act as a whole, always aiming for glory.
Equipment 设备,装备
【课文原句】set up equipment
We took full advantage of the laboratory's equipment.
Talent 天赋,天才
【课文原句】What can those who think they do not have musical talent do
Piano 钢琴
Addition 添加,加法
In addition to
In addition to air, you're constantly breathing in other stuff, like microbes(微生物).
add v. _______________
Additional adj. _______________
General Motors is recalling an additional 310,000 vehicles.
Additionally adv. _______________
treatment 对待,治疗,处理
【课文原句】I had to go through a two-hour medical treatment.
Treat v. 对待,治疗
It's very difficult to treat genetic diseases.
Satisfaction 满足,欣慰
He signed his name with evident satisfaction.
满足 v. ___________________
令人满意的 adj. _____________________________
感到满意的 adj. _____________________________
Being 存在,生物
【课文原句】it spoke words of encouragement to the deepest part of my being.
I was once the most powerful being on earth.
Outline 概要,大纲
The outline of Italy suggests a boot.
He roughly outlined the plot of the opera.
reaction 反应
【课文原文】Encouraged by this first performance and the positive reaction of the audience, l have continued to play the piano and enjoy it more every day.
perform 表演
They performed another two songs as encores
表演 n. ____________________
【课文原句】He asked his fans to make videos, which he then joined together into one performance.
表演者n. ______________________
enable 使能够
【构词】_________+ __________
【课文原句】A virtual choir enables them to add their voices to those of other individuals and become part of the global community.
Prove 证明,展现
【课文原句】It has proved to be a positive influence on the lives of many people.
Proof n. 证据
Adj. 防…的
Award 授予,判定
Four restaurants have been awarded the highest accolade(嘉奖) of a three-star rating.
【课文原句】The virtual choir was the idea of award-winning composer and conductor Eric Whitacre.
Cure 治愈,解决
【课文原句】 Two years ago, l was told I had a serious disease which was difficult to cure.
There is no certain cure for this disease.
Assume 假使,以为
【课文原句】So can l assume that the aim of the festival is to raise money
Assumption n. 假设
Be willing to challenge your assumptions and then learn from that.
Lean 倚靠,倾斜
He leaned his back against the wall.
Classical 古典的
She listens to classical music for relaxation.
【classical VS classic 】
Classical 古典的 一般用来形容与古代文化、艺术、音乐或文学有关的事物 Beethoven's Symphony No. 5 is a masterpiece of classical music.
Classic经典的 指的是在某个领域中被广泛认可和持续喜爱的、被视为典范的、代表性的事物。 To Kill a Mockingbird" is considered a classic novel in American literature.
Stringed 有弦的
【stringed instrument】弦乐器
Virtual 虚拟的
Virtual choir 虚拟合唱团
VR_____________ _______________
ordinary 普通的
【课文原句】A virtual choir helps connect ordinary people together.
original 原创的,原来的
【课文原句】Over the next 10 years, Whitacre's original compositions began to become quite popular among choirs and singers.
【n.】原件 This is a reproduction, not the original.
Origin n. 起源
The origins of some words are unknown.
Gradual 逐渐的
The doctor noticed a gradual improvement in his patient.
capable 有能力的
Be capable of
【课文原句】Though he was affected by gradual blindness soon after the performance, Henry was still capable of writing compositions.
Capability n.能力
【capability VS ability】
capability 通常指的是一个人、组织或系统所具备的潜力或能力,它可以用来完成某项任务或实现某个目标。 The new software has the capability to process large amounts of data efficiently.
Ability 指的是一个人实际上拥有的技能、才能或技术,这种能力已经得到了展现或证明。 She has the ability to speak five languages fluently
Previous 先前的,以往的
She asked for a printout of the previous year’s accounts.
Various 各种不同的
【课文原句】At the same time, we all go through various periods when we feel sad or alone.
Vary v. __________________
This pile of apples vary in size.
Variety n. ____________________
【课文原句】This new variety of music is a phenomenon that is spreading around the world.
Variation n. ___________________
Variously adv. ____________
rhetorical 修辞的
Rhetorical device 修辞手法
The writer showed great rhetorical skill.
altogether 总共,全部
【课文原句】Altogether, 2,292 young people from 80 countries joinedin to sing Whitacre's song “What If”
Overall 表示总体或总体情况,通常用于对整体情况进行总结或概括。 Overall, the project was a success.
In total 表示总共或总计 In total, there were twenty people at the party.
In sum 表示总结或总体情况 In sum, the findings suggest a need for further research.
All in all 表示总的来说或总体而言 All in all, it was a great experience
On the whole 示整体情况或总体情况 On the whole, the feedback was positive.
Thus 因此
【课文原句】The virtual choir is a wonderful way for people around the world to sing with one voice and thus make the world a better place.
Therefore 表示因此、所以、因而 He didn't study for the exam; therefore, he didn't do well
Hence 表示因此、从此、故此 The weather forecast predicts heavy rain; hence, we should bring umbrellas.
Consequently 表示结果、因此、因而 She missed her flight and consequently missed the meeting
Accordingly 表示相应地、相符地、据此 The deadline has been extended; accordingly, we have more time to complete the project.
Nowadays 现在,目前
【课文原文】Nowadays millions of musical performances are uploaded the Internet every day.
Moreover 此外
【课文原句】Moreover, music gave me hope and a sense of satisfaction.
Somehow 不知怎的,以某种方法
【课文原句】I hope all of you will somehow begin to treasure music and make it a part of your life.
【课文原句】These videos are uploaded onto the Internet, and then they are put together into one video that you can see online-a virtual choir.
Fall in love with 爱上……
【课文原句】He fell in love with Mozart's classical music when he sang for the university choir.
Be/get absorbed in sth. 专注于某事
【课文原句】When he got absorbed in his world of music, he felt as if he could “see" the beauty of the world around him, like he had in his previous life.
In addition to 除了
【课文原句】How else could you help in addition to what has already been mentioned
Moreover 表示此外、而且、更重要的是 The hotel offers free breakfast, and moreover, it has a swimming pool.
Furthermore 表示而且、此外、此外还有 The book is not only informative but also well-written. Furthermore, it contains beautiful illustrations.
Additionally 另外、此外、而且 She enjoys swimming, hiking, and biking. Additionally, she likes to read in her free time.
Also 表示同样、也、此外 She speaks fluent Spanish. Also, she is learning French.
Besides 表示除了...之外、此外、另外 Besides his full-time job, he also volunteers at the local shelter.
From then on 从那时起
【课文原句】The song made me feel so much better that from then on l began to listen to music all the time.