人教版(2019)必修 第一册Unit 4 Natural disasters Reading and thinking 教学设计


名称 人教版(2019)必修 第一册Unit 4 Natural disasters Reading and thinking 教学设计
格式 docx
文件大小 42.5KB
资源类型 教案
版本资源 人教版(2019)
科目 英语
更新时间 2024-03-29 10:30:23



Teaching Topic
Unit 4 Natural Disasters——Reading and Thinking THE NIGHT THE EARTH DIDN’T SLEEP
Teaching Aims
Knowledge Objectives:
1.Students can get the main idea of each paragraph and divide the text into three parts.
2.Students can get the detailed information of the text.
Ability Objectives:
1.Students can improve the reading skills, such as skimming, scanning.
2.Students can summarize the detailed information.
Emotional Objectives:
1.Students can learn to the ways of protecting themselves during the earthquake.
2.Students can know the importance of unifying after the earthquake.
3.Students can improve the abilities of cooperating and thinking independently.
Important Points
1.Students can grasp the main idea of each paragraph and analyze the structure.
2.Students can get the detailed information of the text.
Difficult Points
1.Students enhance ability of deep thinking by analyzing the passage and summarizesome problem-solving methods.
2.Students can understand the importance of unifying after the earthquake.
Learning Methods
1.Task-based teaching methods
2. Exchange guide
3.Coaching guide
Teaching Aids computer, a multimedia equipment——seewo, blackboard
Teaching Procedures Teaching Activities Teaching Purpose
Step 1: Lead-in: Look at the pictures and speak out the names of the natural disasters. 展示图片并复习第四单元话题单词,引入自然灾害话题。并使用希沃中“蒙层”技术。
Step 2: Prediction : Watch the video and understand the meaning of the title and predict what the text is about. The title “The night the earth didn’t sleep” means_________. A. The earth was awake all night long. B. The earth shook crazily that night. C. Animals on the earth would not sleep that night. D. People on the earth couldn’t fall asleep that night. 观看视频,进一步引入课文话题——唐山大地震。通过视频内容的渲染,让学生更好的理解题目真正表达的含义,而不是仅仅从字面意思理解。
Step 3: Fast-reading Task 1Read the text quickly and match the main idea with each paragraph. (Tips: To get the main idea, pay attention to the beginning sentence in each paragraph.) Para.1 A: The rescue work Para.2 B: The revival of the city. Para.3 C: Warning signs before the earthquake. Para.4 D: The happening of the big earthquake. Para.5 E: The bad effects of the earthquake Task 2 Divide the text into three parts and use one word to summarize each part according to the time order. Part1 Para.1 Signs before the earthquake Part2 Para.2-3 Damage during the earthquake. Part3 Para.4-5 rescue and revival after the earthquake 任务二:划分部分找到文章结构,帮助学生更好地理解每一部分内容,为找细节信息做准备。在希沃课件设计分类活动,学生可以移动模块分组
Step 4: Careful-reading Task 1Read Para.1 and underline the sentences of the warning signs. Task 2Read Para.2-3 and find out the damage of the earthquake. Then fill in the blanks. All in all: It seemed as if the world _were_ coming to an end! as if引导虚拟语气从句的动词时态要根据所表示的时间和情况而定: 1.与现在事实相反的情况时,从句谓语动词用一般过去时,be动词用were;You look as if you _didn’t _care. 2.表示与过去事实相反的情况时,从句谓语动词用“had+过去分词”; He talks about Rome as if he _had been _there before. 3. 表示与将来事实相反的情况时,从句谓语动词用“would/could/might+动词原形”He opened his mouth as if he _would say_ something. As for people:The number of people _who_were killed or badly injured reached more than 400,000.Who 引导定语从句,在定语从句中做主语。 Water, food, and electricity were_ hard_to _get_.be+adj.+to do ,后面不定式主动表被动Task 3 Read Para.4-5and answer the questions. Q1: Who came to the rescue Q2: What did they do The army sent 150,000 soldiers to Tangshan to dig out those who were trapped and to bury the dead. Doctors and nurses came to provide medical care. Workers built shelters for survivors whose homes had been destroyed. Water and food were brought into the city by train, truck, and plane. 过渡Tangshan started to revive itself and get back up on its feet. 任务一:找到文章细节信息,锻炼学生的寻读阅读能力。在课件中设计图画动画,让学生看图说句,复述课文内容。 任务二:阅读二三段设计填空题,找到地震对城市和人们造成的危害。在其中穿插语言知识的讲解,设计板书,添加语法知识。利用希沃白板的书写功能,直接在课件上做出标记。此结构补充形容词:important, hard, easy, comfortable, difficult.. 学生阅读第四段回答问题,有了国家和人民军队的支持,唐山人民在废墟上重建家园,最后进一步总结过渡到第五段唐山重新焕发生机。
Step 5: Summary What has Tangshan City proved to China and the rest of the world In times of disaster, people must _unify_ and show the _show_ to stay positive and rebuild for a _brighter future_. 设计填空总结升华主题,学生齐读,体会到对身处绝境但绝不放弃希望的灾区人民的生存意志和重建家园的决心。
Step 6: Discussion Ask your partner the ways to keep safe in an earthquake. 1.Don’t be nervous. /Keep calm. 2.Don’t try to run out of the classroom. 3.Protect your head by putting your bag on your head. 4.Don’t take the lift or walk down the stairs. 5....... 设计讨论环节,学生头脑风暴,交流过程中使用英语表达,锻炼口语。讨论完之后选择小组代表将讨论的避震方式写到黑板上展示。锻炼学生合作能力,提升学生的自信心。
Step7: Conclusion Wenchuan had similar experiences. These towns were also built up from the ruins later. Natural disasters cannot be avoided, but it is love that can overcome everything. Just as a proverb reads, “where there is life, there is hope.” 最后总结升华主题,让学生体会作者想要表达“灾害无情,人有情”的思想感情。
Step8: Homework Draw a mind map and retell the whole event. 学生复述课文加深对文章内容的理解,学习其中的短语。
教学反思 一.对教学内容进行优化。 本次课堂内容使用人教版(2019年)高中英语必修一第四单元Natural Disasters的精读部分。通过课程建设,不断更新教学内容,使阅读课在讲解文章内容的同时也能培养学生阅读技能,人与自然的人文素养,体会作者表达的“灾害无情,人有情”的思想感情。 二.教学模式改革与创新,转变课程教学风格和思路。实现课堂的“三个转变”:由知识传授为主向思维与能力提升为主转变;由传统的灌输式教育向启迪学生激发学生创新创造教育转变;由应用型知识学习向创造性知识学习转变。其次要推进教育智能化、信息化,助力课程教学模式变革创新。课堂使用希沃白板,设计创新游戏或者讨论学习环节,获取知识方法更加多元化,从而增进知识、提高技能。 三.运用技术手段打破传统教学模式,将优质素材以碎片化形式呈现。导入部分采用图片和视频导入,利用唐山大地震的电影片段,引人入胜。在Pre-reading环节对文章题目进行猜测,提升学生推理和判断的能力。利用希沃白板触屏的便利,本来传统的问答模式创新转变成为配对活动环节,让学生上台展示自己的答案。播放避震措施动画,让学生用英语进行表达安全避震知识,为复杂现实问题设计情景。学生体会灾难中人们的生存决心和灾后人们团结重建的信心,引起感情上的共鸣。 四.激发学生的学习兴趣,紧跟本课课题。现在学生对英语学习的认知还是过于死板,在词汇学习和语法学习上花费时间过多,而且极其容易在学习中失去兴趣。本课选用自然灾害相关主题,学生对自然灾害的种类,对自然灾害的相关安全常识和防范措施了解较少,在引入环节插入图片,让学生说出自然灾害的名称,然后播放唐山大地震的视频,吸引学生的注意力,引入本课话题。在阅读过程中采用希沃课件设计教学任务,引导学生深入思考文本,让学生在于文本进行有效对话的同时,培养自身的语言和思维能力。在升华主题时,学生小组讨论如何安全避震,保护自己和他人,通过观看动画和集体讨论,有效激活了背景知识,整合学生经验,引导学生进一步思考人与自然之间的关系,提高学生的自我保护意识。 不足之处: 还是要注重分析学情,选择正确适合的教学方法。高一的学生基础还较薄弱,对文章结构把握不准,需要老师进行引导。从自己教学实践来看,不同的学生需要不同的教学方式和关注度。 学情分析可以从学生原本的基础,对英语学习的兴趣,学生现在学习成绩和薄弱的方面,学生的学习方式,甚至说学生的性格和家庭背景等方面。其实关注学生不仅仅是关注学生的学习方面,甚至他的整个状态和引起状态的原因也需要我多去注意,才能不断改变教学方法,让学生更容易自己找到更好的状态,自己去探索学习。以后还需努力优化课堂教学设计,让更多的学生参与课堂,照顾到不同层次的学生理解文本,深入思考人与社会,人与自然的关系。