

名称 河南省2023-2024学年高一上学期11月期中学业质量监测考试英语试题(原卷版+解析版)
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资源类型 教案
版本资源 通用版
科目 英语
更新时间 2024-03-29 11:53:06


第二部分 阅读(共两节,满分50分)
When visiting Athens, museums and ancient sites usually come first. However, there are several very interesting places to visit without spending money, such as parks and various attractions.
Lycabettus Hill
Lycabettus Hill is one of the most important attractions in Athens. The view (风景) from Lycabettus Hill is wonderful reaching down to the sea and the closest islands, which is certainly not to be missed. The parking lot is close to the Lycabettus Theater, where performances are held every summer.
Museum of Popular Instruments
The museum hosts a collection of about 1,200 Greek popular musical instruments which date from the 18th century. The collections are shown in four sections (部分) according to the material of the instruments, and visitors can also listen to the sound made by each type. Visitors can buy books, CDs and musical instruments at the museum shop.
National Garden of Athens
The National Garden of Athens, one of the most beautiful parts of this big city, was designed in 1836 by the German building designer Friedrich von Gaertner. Visitors to the garden can see an interesting variety of plants and trees, some ancient remains and statues of famous writers and scientists. Children can play in the specially designed playground or visit the children’s library, and adults can enjoy a coffee or a light lunch at the coffee shop.
Museum of the History of Greek Costume (服装)
In this small, attractive museum, visitors can see various sides of Greek Costume from the past. Visitors can also see the costumes which were worn in celebrated dance performances in many countries. Educational events are held for children of all ages, bringing them closer to this important tradition of Greece.
21. Where will popular music lovers prefer to go
A. Lycabettus Hill. B. Museum of Popular Instruments.
C. National Garden of Athens. D. Museum of the History of Greek Costume.
22. What can visitors do in the National Garden of Athens
A. Admire interesting collections. B. Learn about Greek historical facts.
C. Talk with a building designer. D. Get close to some writers’ statues.
23. What do the four sights have in common
A. They’re liked by all kids. B. They have a festive air.
C. They’re free for visitors. D. They hold performances.
【答案】21. B 22. D 23. C
细节理解题。根据第三段“The museum hosts a collection of about 1,200 Greek popular musical instruments which date from the 18th century. The collections are shown in four sections (部分) according to the material of the instruments, and visitors can also listen to the sound made by each type. Visitors can buy books, CDs and musical instruments at the museum shop.(该博物馆收藏了大约1200件18世纪以来的希腊流行乐器。这些藏品根据乐器的材质分为四个部分,游客还可以听到每种乐器发出的声音。游客可以在博物馆商店购买书籍、CD和乐器)”可知,流行音乐爱好者更喜欢去Museum of Popular Instruments。故选B。
细节理解题。根据倒数第二段“Visitors to the garden can see an interesting variety of plants and trees, some ancient remains and statues of famous writers and scientists.(参观花园的游客可以看到各种有趣的植物和树木,一些古老的遗迹和著名作家和科学家的雕像)”可知,游客在雅典国家花园可以参观一些作家的雕像。故选D。
细节理解题。根据第一段“However, there are several very interesting places to visit without spending money, such as parks and various attractions.(然而,有几个非常有趣的地方不花钱就可以参观,比如公园和各种景点)”可知,这四个地方的共同之处是对游客免费。故选C。
As some of the student moviemakers started unloading (卸载) a ton of things needed for filming, I sat in my seat reading a book. Emptied of its movie-related contents, the truck now became the place to leave personal things. My job was to stay nearby with the keys so that if anything was needed I could open the truck.
Knowing that I could stay at a corner somewhere and finish the book that a friend asked me to review, I found a park bench (长椅) to sit on. I noticed that a man was sitting on one end, but there was plenty of room for at least two more bodies. Walking over, I sat on the end seat so that I could rest one of my arms on the armrest.
The man on the other end looked at me strangely but remained seated. I quickly discovered that he’d probably spent the night on the bench. I looked at him and smiled, and he smiled back with a mouth of blacked-out teeth. That was it. He wasn’t bothering (打扰) me, and I surmised I wasn’t bothering him.
We both sat there for over an hour. I was reading. He was attentively (专心地) watching the filming. He then stood, walked in front of me and bowed. I looked up, not knowing what was going to happen next. In a shaky but clear voice, he said, “Thank you.”
“For what ” I questioned.
He looked at the ground, saying, “Usually people won’t even look at me, let alone sit by me. Thank you for treating me kindly.”
I honestly didn’t know what to say as he turned, picked up a small, dirty backpack, and walked quickly around the corner. I was shocked. I hadn’t done anything special; I shared a bench. That’s all it was to me.
We were not different. Both of us just wanted to be well treated.
24. What did the author probably do according to paragraph 1
A. A teacher. B. A moviemaker. C. An actor. D. A driver.
25. What does the underlined word “surmised” in paragraph 3 mean
A. Planned. B. Guessed. C. Understood. D. Announced.
26. Why did the man bow to the author
A. He wasn’t looked down on. B. He wasn’t fooled by others.
C. He was chosen to play a role. D. He was allowed to read books.
27. What can be a suitable title for the text
A. The Gift of Life B. A Clear Connection
C. A Special Thank You D. The Meaning of Love
【答案】24. A 25. B 26. A 27. C
推理判断题。根据文章第一段“As some of the student moviemakers started unloading (卸载) a ton of things needed for filming, I sat in my seat reading a book.(当一些学生电影制作人开始卸载拍摄所需的大量东西时,我坐在座位上看书。)”以及“My job was to stay nearby with the keys so that if anything was needed I could open the truck.(我的工作就是拿着钥匙待在附近,这样如果需要什么东西,我就可以打开卡车。)”可以推断作者是一名老师。故选A项。
词句猜测题。根据文章第三段划线词之前“I looked at him and smiled, and he smiled back with a mouth of blacked-out teeth. That was it. He wasn’t bothering (打扰) me, (我看着他,笑了笑,他也笑了笑,满嘴的牙都黑了。就是这样。他没有打扰我,)”以及划线词之后“I wasn’t bothering him.(我没有打扰他。)”可知我与男子的交流仅限于彼此的微笑,他没有打扰到我,所以我想自己也没有打扰到他,所以划线词的意思与B项Guessed意思相近。故选B项。
细节理解题。根据文章倒数第三段“He looked at the ground, saying, “Usually people won’t even look at me, let alone sit by me. Thank you for treating me kindly.”(他看着地面说:“通常人们连看都不看我一眼,更不用说坐在我旁边了。谢谢你对我这么好。”)”可知作者不仅坐在男子旁边而且还对他非常友好,所以在男子看来作者并没有歧视自己,这让男子心生感激,所以男子给作者鞠躬表示感谢。故选A项。
主旨大意题。根据文章倒数第二段“I honestly didn’t know what to say as he turned, picked up a small, dirty backpack, and walked quickly around the corner. I was shocked. I hadn’t done anything special; I shared a bench. That’s all it was to me.(我真的不知道该说什么,因为他转过身来,拿起一个又小又脏的背包,飞快地转过拐角。我很震惊。我没有做什么特别的事;我分享了一张长凳。对我来说就是这样。)”以及“We were not different. Both of us just wanted to be well treated.(我们没有什么不同。我们俩都想被好好对待。)”以及文章其他段落的内容可知文章主要讲的是作者偶遇一位满嘴黑牙,背着一个又小又脏的背包的流浪汉,因为作者对该流浪汉与众不同的态度让流浪汉心生感激,因而鞠躬表示感谢,而这让作者非常震惊,因为作者觉得自己与流浪汉没有什么不同,也是希望被别人友好对待的,由此可知文章是在围绕着这一特别的感谢来展开的,所以C项A Special Thank You作为文章的标题最为合适。故选C项。
A creative program using gardening connected with mentorship (导师制) is changing the lives of students. The program, trying to help students with study problems or misbehavior in schools, will soon be making its way into more Clark County schools.
Students who take part in the program are usually introduced by school advisors who think it may do students good. Parker, head of the program, said that they let the students know what they are joining, and make sure they understand what they’re getting into and that it’s a good fit. They work to find students that they think can have a positive influence in the school once they complete the program.
The chosen students attend the class during their normal school days, rather than after school. Rather than a traditional classroom, the rooms are decorated (装饰) with beanbags and sofas to create a place different from the public school, one that will attract the students. It starts with mentorship weeks, during which the officer shares a poem or a music video that is related to that week’s topic. In the following week, the teachers of the program teach plant science using hydroponics (水培), which is a soil-less method used to grow plants.
Besides changing culture, the program also is designed to open students up to new chances to lead happy lives and succeed in the world through self-discovery, self-development and self-improvement as they follow their chosen paths.
“We really want these kids to see that there are chances for them to learn about different jobs,” Perry said. “We have to make sure that our kids in Nevada see themselves in the key areas for the future. Agriculture (农业) is a key area that is growing in our state. These kids are now considering jobs in agriculture.”
28. What influence does the program have on some students
A. Changing their lives. B. Developing their habits.
C. Improving their grades. D. Increasing their interests.
29. What are the students expected to do after the program
A. Live an independent life. B. Make a positive difference.
C. Have no trouble in learning. D. Learn more about different cultures.
30. Why are the program’s rooms decorated with sofas
A. To draw students in. B. To look like public schools’.
C. To protect the plants. D. To get students to love nature.
31. What do the last two paragraphs want to tell us about the program
A. Its rules. B. Its goals. C. Its future. D. Its possibility.
【答案】28. A 29. B 30. A 31. B
细节理解题。根据第一段“A creative program using gardening connected with mentorship (导师制) is changing the lives of students.(一个创造性的项目,将园艺与导师联系在一起,正在改变学生们的生活)”可知,这个项目会改变一些学生的生活。故选A。
细节理解题。根据第二段“They work to find students that they think can have a positive influence in the school once they complete the program.(他们努力寻找那些他们认为在完成项目后能够对学校产生积极影响的学生)”可知,项目结束后,期待学生们做出积极的改变。故选B。
细节理解题。根据第三段“Rather than a traditional classroom, the rooms are decorated (装饰) with beanbags and sofas to create a place different from the public school, one that will attract the students.(这些教室不是传统的教室,而是用豆袋和沙发装饰,创造了一个不同于公立学校的地方,一个吸引学生的地方)”可知,项目的房间要用沙发装饰是为了吸引学生。故选A。
主旨大意题。根据倒数第二段“Besides changing culture, the program also is designed to open students up to new chances to lead happy lives and succeed in the world through self-discovery, self-development and self-improvement as they follow their chosen paths.(除了改变文化之外,该项目还旨在为学生提供新的机会,让他们在自己选择的道路上,通过自我发现、自我发展和自我完善,过上幸福的生活,在世界上取得成功)”以及最后一段““We really want these kids to see that there are chances for them to learn about different jobs,” Perry said. “We have to make sure that our kids in Nevada see themselves in the key areas for the future. Agriculture (农业) is a key area that is growing in our state. These kids are now considering jobs in agriculture.” (佩里说:“我们真的想让这些孩子看到,他们有机会了解不同的工作。我们必须确保内华达州的孩子们在未来的关键领域看到自己。农业是我们州正在发展的一个关键领域。这些孩子现在正在考虑从事农业工作。”)”可知,最后两段想告诉我们这个项目的目标。故选B。
Ancient builders across the world created structures (建筑物) that are still standing today, thousands of years later. Roman engineers built thick concrete barriers (混凝土屏障), for example. Mayan builders created structures to their gods, and Chinese builders raised walls against enemies.
But there are many recent structures that are already starting to fail. The concrete that makes up much of our modern world lasts around 50 to 100 years.
A growing number of scientists are breaking apart pieces of buildings and reading historical texts, hoping to learn how they have stood for thousands of years. The research has turned up a surprising list of materials that were mixed into old buildings. They include tree skins, volcanic ash, rice and even beer. These unexpected materials could have the ability to get stronger over time and “repair” cracks when they form.
Is ancient Roman concrete better Many researchers have turned to the Romans. Starting around 200 BC, the Roman Empire was building concrete structures that have stood the test of time. Now, scientists think they have found an important reason why some Roman concrete has held up structures for thousands of years.
Admir Masic, an environmental engineer said this power comes from thick pieces of limestone (石灰石) throughout the Roman material that is not mixed in well. Researchers used to think these thick pieces were a sign that the Romans were not mixing up their materials well enough. Instead, the scientists found when cracks form, water enters the concrete. That water causes the leftover lime to create new chemical changes that can fill in the broken sections.
Finding out how to copy these features (特征) could have real influences today. Today’s builders cannot just copy the ancient processes. Even though Roman concrete lasted a long time, it could not hold up heavy buildings. “If we add 50 or 100 years to concrete’s lifetime,” Admir Masic said, “we will pull down less and require less material in the long run.”
32. Why are Mayan and Chinese builders mentioned in the first paragraph
A. To present some facts. B. To explain a rule.
C. To introduce places. D. To make a comparison.
33. What do scientists want to do by breaking apart pieces of buildings
A. Replace broken parts. B. Improve their style.
C. Learn about their history. D. Study their materials.
34. What is special about the ancient materials
A. They couldn’t mix up easily. B. They created new chemicals in time.
C. They had an ability to repair themselves. D. They would take in the nearby water.
35. How can modern builders learn from the features of ancient materials
A. By making the past serve the present. B. By trying to find the ideas behind them.
C By making use of them without any change. D. By accepting the good and throwing the bad.
【答案】32. A 33. D 34. C 35. D
推理判断题。根据第一段“Ancient builders across the world created structures (建筑物) that are still standing today, thousands of years later. Roman engineers built thick concrete barriers (混凝土屏障), for example. Mayan builders created structures to their gods, and Chinese builders raised walls against enemies.(世界各地的古代建筑者建造的建筑在几千年后的今天仍然屹立不倒。例如,罗马工程师建造了厚厚的混凝土屏障。玛雅的建筑者为他们的神建造了建筑,而中国的建筑者则筑起了抵御敌人的城墙)”可推知,第一段提到玛雅和中国的建造者是为了陈述一些事实。故选A。
细节理解题。根据第三段“A growing number of scientists are breaking apart pieces of buildings and reading historical texts, hoping to learn how they have stood for thousands of years. The research has turned up a surprising list of materials that were mixed into old buildings.(越来越多的科学家正在拆解建筑物的碎片,阅读历史文献,希望了解它们是如何屹立数千年的。这项研究发现了一系列令人惊讶的材料,这些材料被混合到旧建筑中)”可知,科学家们想通过分解建筑物的碎片来研究它们的材料。故选D。
细节理解题。根据第三段“These unexpected materials could have the ability to get stronger over time and “repair” cracks when they form.(随着时间的推移,这些意想不到的材料可能会变得更强,并在裂缝形成时“修复”裂缝)”可知,古代材料的特别之处在于有自我修复的能力。故选C。
细节理解题。根据最后一段“Today’s builders cannot just copy the ancient processes. Even though Roman concrete lasted a long time, it could not hold up heavy buildings. “If we add 50 or 100 years to concrete’s lifetime,” Admir Masic said, “we will pull down less and require less material in the long run.”(今天的建筑者不能只是照搬古代的工艺。尽管罗马混凝土持续了很长时间,但它无法支撑沉重的建筑物。“如果我们能将混凝土的使用寿命延长50年或100年,”阿德米尔·马西克说,“从长远来看,我们将减少拆除,减少对材料的需求。”)”可知,现代建筑者应该学会接受古代材料好的特点,抛弃坏的特点。故选D。
How to Feel Confident
You might have already read and learned how to be confident, but what if you still don’t feel all that confident Sometimes it takes your mind a little bit of time to catch up with your behavior, but you can help to move the process along. In any case, feeling confident is certainly a continuous process. Why ____36____ Here are some ways to help you feel confident.
Think positively. When it comes down to it, reality is perception (感知). If you feel confident, you are. If life is falling apart around you but you don’t notice, it’s not really falling apart. ____37____ You’re not fooling yourself one way or another—don’t worry that you’re being silly for thinking positively. Remember you’re just taking control.
Work out. When you work out, you look better. When you look better, you feel better. And working out releases endorphins (释放内啡肽), makes you feel productive and gives you strength. You don’t have to be a professional runner to get the benefits (益处) of exercise. ____38____
Do something you’re good at. ____39____ Confidence begins from there. And you should not only to it, but do it often. It’ll remind you how great you are.
____40____ Having someone to inspire you and your confidence can be a great help. Just make sure the person is real—planning to be like Kim Kardashian is not a good idea. You want a source (来源) of positivity you can tap into when you need it.
A. Find real role models.
B. Try to work out in the gym for long hours.
C. So get on thinking those happier thoughts!
D. When achieved, it will improve your life a lot.
E. 30 minutes a day is all you need to get on the health train.
F. When you do things you’re good at you feel proud and a sense of satisfaction.
G. It’s really hard to be confident when you’re trying to be someone you’re not.
【答案】36. D 37. C 38. E 39. F 40. A
根据前文“In any case, feeling confident is certainly a continuous process. Why (无论如何,自信肯定是一个持续的过程。为什么?)”可知,空处应讲述自信是持续的过程的原因,D项“一旦实现,它将大大改善你的生活。”符合题意,it指代前文的feeling confident。故选D。
本段的主旨句是首句“Think positively.(积极思考。)”。前文“If life is falling apart around you but you don’t notice, it’s not really falling apart.(如果你周围的生活正在分崩离析,但你没有注意到,那它并不是真的分崩离析。)”讲述了如果你没有注意自己的生活在分崩离析,那么就不会影响你,后文“You’re not fooling yourself one way or another—don’t worry that you’re being silly for thinking positively.(你不是在以这样或那样的方式愚弄自己——不要担心你的积极思考是愚蠢的。)”承接空处的内容,讲述空处的方法并不是在愚弄自己。由此可知,空处应讲述要想一想那些开心的想法,C项“所以,继续思考那些更快乐的想法吧!”符合题意。故选C。
前文“You don’t have to be a professional runner to get the benefits (益处) of exercise.(你不必成为一名专业的跑步者就可以从锻炼中获益。)”讲述了你不必非要成为专业的跑步者,空处应讲述建议如何锻炼,E项“每天30分钟是你乘坐健康列车所需要的全部时间。”符合题意。故选E。
根据空前主旨句“Do something you’re good at.(做一些你擅长的事情。)”可知,本段主要讲述的是要做自己擅长的事情,F项“当你做你擅长的事时,你会感到自豪和满足。”讲述了做擅长的事情的好处,符合题意。故选F。
空处是本段主旨句,且应用祈使句。根据后文“Having someone to inspire you and your confidence can be a great help. Just make sure the person is real—planning to be like Kim Kardashian is not a good idea. You want a source (来源) of positivity you can tap into when you need it.(有人可以激励你和你的自信,这将是一个很大的帮助。只要确保这个人是真实的——计划成为金·卡戴珊那样的人不是一个好主意。你想要一个积极的来源,当你需要的时候,你可以利用它。)”可知,本段主要讲述了要找一个切实可行的榜样,A项“找到真正的榜样。”符合题意。故选A。
It was a normal Wednesday. I was getting dinner ready when suddenly a painful ring sounded in my ear. I ____41____ that I needed to call my grandmother. Something was wrong.
I ____42____ a call at once, but she didn’t answer. That was ____43____ because she always answered. I ____44____ again and again, but there were still no answers. I began to ____45____, as she lived alone, I knew she needed ____46____. I called my father, telling him I thought we needed to drive to ____47____ on her.
On arriving there, we found my poor grandmother ____48____ on the floor of her dining room, her shoulder clearly broken. On seeing us, she began to ____49____. I held her hand while my father called 911. She was unable to tell me what had happened, but I could ____50____ by the plate of food on the floor that she had been lying there since dinner last night.
Soon we were at the local hospital’s emergency room (急诊室) . ____51____, she had not suffered any other injuries besides her broken shoulder.
She took my hand, saying, “I was calling and calling you to ____52____ and help me.” I looked at her blankly (茫然地) for a moment and took out my ____53____ to check my call records. There were no incoming calls from her, only some ____54____ ones. And then I knew that the love between grandmother and granddaughter is ____55____.
A. agreed B. realized C. promised D. suggested
A. made B. returned C. received D. expected
A. common B. specific C. practical D. unusual
A. started B. worked C. called D. imagined
A. fear B. miss C. discuss D. separate
A. exchange B. experiment C. help D. solution
A. try B. check C. depend D. cheer
A. sitting B. standing C. watching D. lying
A. cry B. walk C. compare D. regret
A. answer B. manage C. tell D. connect
A. Surprisingly B. Thankfully C. Suddenly D. Naturally
A. go up B. clean up C. get over D. come over
A. phone B. wallet C. notebook D. card
A. formal B. advanced C. confusing D. outgoing
A. secret B. simple C. quiet D. direct
【答案】41. B 42. A 43. D 44. C 45. A 46. C 47. B 48. D 49. A 50. C 51. B 52. D 53. A 54. D 55. C
考查动词词义辨析。句意:我意识到我需要给我的祖母打电话。A. agreed同意;B. realized意识到;C. promised承诺;D. suggested建议。根据上文“when suddenly a painful ring sounded in my ear.”和后文“I needed to call my grandmother.”推知,作者意识到需要给祖母打电话,故选B。
考查动词词义辨析。句意:我马上打了个电话,但她没有接。A. made制作;B. returned返回;C. received收到;D. expected期待。根据后文“a call at once”表示打电话短语为make a call。故选A。
考查形容词词义辨析。句意:这是不寻常的,因为她总是接听。A. common共同的;B. specific特别的;C. practical实际的;D. unusual不寻常的。根据后文“because she always answered”可知,祖母没接电话很不寻常,因为她总是接听。故选D。
考查动词词义辨析。句意:我打了一遍又一遍,但还是没人接。A. started开始;B. worked工作;C. called打电话;D. imagined想象。根据上文“a call at once”和后文“but there were still no answers”可知,作者继续拨打祖母的电话。故选C。
考查动词词义辨析。句意:我开始担心,因为她一个人住,我知道她需要帮助。A. fear担心,恐惧;B. miss错过;C. discuss讨论;D. separate分开。根据后文“as she lived alone”可知,祖母没有接电话,并且一个人住,所以作者开始担心。故选A。
考查名词词义辨析。句意:我开始担心,因为她一个人住,我知道她需要帮助。A. exchange交换;B. experiment实验;C. help帮助;D. solution解决方案。根据后文“on the floor of her dining room, her shoulder clearly broken.”指作者推测祖母没有接听电话,是需要帮助,故选C。
考查动词词义辨析。句意:我打电话给父亲,告诉他我想我们需要开车去看看她。A. try尝试;B. check检查;C. depend依靠;D. cheer欢呼。后文“on her”中her指代祖母,此处为短语check on表示“查看”。故选B。
考查动词词义辨析。句意:一到那里,我们就发现可怜的祖母躺在餐厅的地板上,肩膀明显骨折了。A. sitting坐下;B. standing站立;C. watching观看;D. lying躺。根据后文“on the floor of her dining room, her shoulder clearly broken”指祖母躺在地板上。故选D。
考查动词词义辨析。句意:一看到我们,她就哭了起来。A. cry哭泣;B. walk走路;C. compare比较;D. regret后悔。根据上文可知祖母躺在地上,肩膀骨折,看到有人来了开始哭泣。故选A。
考查动词词义辨析。句意:她不能告诉我发生了什么事,但我从地板上的那盘食物可以判断出她从昨晚晚饭后就一直躺在那里。A. answer回答;B. manage设法;C. tell辨别;D. connect连接。根据后文“by the plate of food on the floor that she had been lying there since dinner last night”指作者从地板上的那盘食物可以判断出她从昨晚晚饭后就一直躺在那里。故选C。
考查副词词义辨析。句意:幸运的是,除了肩膀骨折外,她没有其他的伤。A. Surprisingly惊人地;B. Thankfully感谢地;C. Suddenly突然;D. Naturally自然地。根据后文“she had not suffered any other injuries besides her broken shoulder.”可知,幸运的是,除了肩膀骨折外,祖母没有其他的伤。故选B。
考查动词短语辨析。句意:她拉着我的手说:“我一直在打电话叫你过来帮我。”A. go up上升;B. clean up清理;C. get over克服;D. come over顺便来访。根据上文“I was calling and calling you to”可知,祖母打电话是为了叫作者来家里帮助她。故选D。
考查名词词义辨析。句意:我茫然地看了她一会儿,然后拿出手机查看通话记录。A. phone电话;B. wallet钱包;C. notebook笔记;D. card卡片。根据后文“to check my call records”指作者拿出手机查看通话记录。故选A。
考查形容词词义辨析。句意:没有她打来的电话,只有一些打出去的。A. formal正式的;B. advanced先进的;C. confusing令人困惑的;D. outgoing拨出的。根据上文“There were no incoming calls from her”指没有打来的电话,只有拨出去的电话,故选D。
考查形容词词义辨析。句意:然后我才知道,奶奶和孙女之间的爱是“无声的”。A. secret秘密的;B. simple简单的;C. quiet安静的,无声的;D. direct直接的。结合上文提到作者的手机里没有祖母打来的电话,可知,虽然没有祖母打进来的电话,但作者还是感应到了祖母可能需要帮助,体现了奶奶和孙女之间的爱是无声的。故选C。
The 7th Pingyao International Film Festival opened on Wednesday in the ancient town of Pingyao in North China’s Shanxi province. With the topic of “Modern Times”, ____56____ festival will screen a total of more than fifty ____57____ (excellence) films from 33 countries next week, including films from China, France and Tunisia, organizers said.
Pingyao, a UNESCO World Heritage Site, will host the world premieres (首映式) of 40 percent of the films. Jia Zhangke is a famous Chinese director ____58____ hosted the festival. He said the festival plans ____59____ (help) with the development of new directors and help Chinese films “go global”.
By ____60____ (screen) great films from around the world, the festival focuses ____61____ the discovery of wonderful new works by young directors from non-Western countries, according to Jia.
The Pingyao International Film Festival has become an important window for the ____62____ (introduce) of foreign-language films into China. Over its past six periods, domestic (国内的) companies ____63____ (buy) more than 40 percent of all shortlisted (入围的) foreign-language films.
The Pingyao International Film Festival ____64____ (set) up in 2017 and now it is held every year in Pingyao. It’s _____65_____ (main) about discovering wonderful works by young directors from developing countries.
【答案】56. the
57. excellent
58. who##that
59. to help
60. screening
61. on##upon
62. introduction
63. have bought
64. was set
65. mainly
考查定语从句。句意:贾樟柯是主持电影节的中国著名导演。分析句子结构,空处引导定语从句,修饰先行词a famous Chinese director,指人,且在从句中作主语,所以应用who或that引导。故填who/that。
考查非谓语动词。句意:他说,电影节计划帮助培养新导演,帮助中国电影“走向世界”。plan to do sth.意为“计划做某事”。故填to help。
考查介词。句意参考上题。focus on/upon意为“关注”。故填on/upon。
考查时态和主谓一致。句意:在过去的六个时期里,国内公司购买了所有入围外语片的40%以上。根据句中的“Over its past six periods”可知,这里应用现在完成时。主语companies为复数,所以谓语应用复数形式。故填have bought。
考查时态、语态和主谓一致。句意:平遥国际电影展成立于2017年,现在每年都在平遥举办。根据句中的“in 2017”可知,这里表示发生在过去的事情,应用一般过去时。主语为The Pingyao International Film Festival,和set up之间是动宾关系,应用被动语态,且谓语应用单数。故填was set。
第四部分 写作(共两节,满分40分)
66. 假定你是李华,请给你的留学生朋友Chris写一封电子邮件,邀请他和你一起参加学校的志愿者俱乐部,内容包括:
1. 发出邀请;
2. 俱乐部及活动介绍;
3. 报名方式及截止日期。
注意:1. 写作词数应为80左右;
2. 请按如下格式在答题卡的相应位置作答。
Dear Chris,
Yours sincerely,
Li Hua
【答案】Dear Chris,
I’m writing to extend a special invitation for you to join our school’s Volunteer Club with me.
The club is a vibrant community of students dedicated to meaningful volunteer work. It organizes various activities such as community clean-up, visits to senior centers, and assisting at local events. These experiences provide an excellent opportunity to make a positive impact while developing valuable leadership and teamwork skills.
To join, you simply need to fill out the application form. The deadline for submission is the end of this month. I believe this will be a meaningful experience for both of us.
I look forward to hearing from you soon!
Li Hua
【详解】1. 词汇积累
致力于:dedicated to→devoted to
各种各样的:various→all kinds of/a variety of
2. 句式拓展
原句:The club is a vibrant community of students dedicated to meaningful volunteer work.
拓展句:The club is a vibrant community of students who are dedicated to meaningful volunteer work.
【点睛】【高分句型1】I’m writing to extend a special invitation for you to join our school’s Volunteer Club with me.(使用了不定式作目的状语)
【高分句型2】These experiences provide an excellent opportunity to make a positive impact while developing valuable leadership and teamwork skills. (使用了不定式作后置定语、while引导时间状语从句且使用了省略结构)
67. 阅读下面材料,根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两段,使之构成一篇完整的短文。
I clicked the link (点击链接), sign un here. This wouldn’t be my first half marathon (马拉松赛跑); I had run a flat half when I was thirty-eight. But that was eleven years ago. Now, it was November 2022, and I’d had a shoulder injury before, and I was turning fifty. So, as awful as running 13.1 miles seemed, I was going to do it.
I signed up for a women’s training group, a group of strangers with whom I would spend a few months preparing for the race, and then I was directed to sign up for the actual race. I imagined a course somewhere beautiful in Florida. Or perhaps in sunny California, I was shocked when the race website opened, and I was greeted with the words, “Zion at night, half marathon in the darkness.” In Zion At night Oh, no.
I looked at the website. Was it to late to quit Actually, I had just signed up for a coaching group that was meant to “encourage me through running”. Giving up before I even started seemed like a terribly shameful thing to do. I looked through the photos of the race.
I lost all my confidence. Runners wearing headlights and running shoes filled the computer screen. I couldn’t do this, I thought. I hadn’t run on paths in Delaware. I hadn’t run on paths or up hills. I clicked onto the next photo and looked at the happy runners advancing alongside a frightening cliff (峭壁). I was also afraid of heights.
A text came through my phone. It was Nicole, our training group’s brave leader, a woman who has run hundred-mile marathons. This is what happens when you run a race with someone who has strong willpower. “Sign up for the 4 am start time,” she wrote.
As I filled in my name and address, I tried to think about how likely I was to get injured during training. Realistically, that was my best way to get out of this race. I filled out the form and started worrying. About everything.
注意:1. 续写词数应为150左右;
2. 请按如下格式在答题卡的相应位置作答。
But Nicole encouraged me, saying that she was with me in spirit on every run.
On the day of the race, we drove to Zion at 4 am.
But Nicole encouraged me, saying that she was with me in spirit on every run. She told me to process some of my pain while I ran. “My hand will always be on your back,” she said. I could tell she meant it. I made a plan for my long runs. I decided that perhaps getting out of my warm bed was the best way to avoid my typical mid-winter depression. Gradually, I could run seven miles. Though running along the paths might be more difficult, I just needed to put one foot in front of the other.
On the day of the race, we drove to Zion at 4 am. I was still wondering whether I could make it. But then I felt at ease when I heard Nicole say “I know you can do this.” Whatever the road condition, I just kept running forward. Just before the sun rose, I caught up with the others and got to the top. I was overcome by an emotion I hadn’t felt in years—joy. I conquered not only the mountain, but also my fear of heights.
①决定:decide/be determined to
②成功:make it/succeed
【点睛】[高分句型1] I decided that perhaps getting out of my warm bed was the best way to avoid my typical mid-winter depression. (运用了that引导宾语从句)
[高分句型2] Though running along the paths might be more difficult, I just needed to put one foot in front of the other. (运用了though引导让步状语从句)河南省2023~2024学年高一年级学业质量监测考试
第二部分 阅读(共两节,满分50分)
When visiting Athens, museums and ancient sites usually come first. However, there are several very interesting places to visit without spending money, such as parks and various attractions.
Lycabettus Hill
Lycabettus Hill is one of the most important attractions in Athens. The view (风景) from Lycabettus Hill is wonderful, reaching down to the sea and the closest islands, which is certainly not to be missed. The parking lot is close to the Lycabettus Theater, where performances are held every summer.
Museum of Popular Instruments
The museum hosts a collection of about 1,200 Greek popular musical instruments which date from the 18th century. The collections are shown in four sections (部分) according to the material of the instruments, and visitors can also listen to the sound made by each type. Visitors can buy books, CDs and musical instruments at the museum shop.
National Garden of Athens
The National Garden of Athens, one of the most beautiful parts of this big city, was designed in 1836 by the German building designer Friedrich von Gaertner. Visitors to the garden can see an interesting variety of plants and trees, some ancient remains and statues of famous writers and scientists. Children can play in the specially designed playground or visit the children’s library, and adults can enjoy a coffee or a light lunch at the coffee shop.
Museum of the History of Greek Costume (服装)
In this small, attractive museum, visitors can see various sides of Greek Costume from the past. Visitors can also see the costumes which were worn in celebrated dance performances in many countries. Educational events are held for children of all ages, bringing them closer to this important tradition of Greece.
21. Where will popular music lovers prefer to go
A. Lycabettus Hill. B. Museum of Popular Instruments.
C. National Garden of Athens. D. Museum of the History of Greek Costume.
22. What can visitors do in the National Garden of Athens
A. Admire interesting collections. B. Learn about Greek historical facts.
C. Talk with a building designer. D. Get close to some writers’ statues.
23. What do the four sights have in common
A. They’re liked by all kids. B. They have a festive air.
C. They’re free for visitors. D. They hold performances.
As some of the student moviemakers started unloading (卸载) a ton of things needed for filming, I sat in my seat reading a book. Emptied of its movie-related contents, the truck now became the place to leave personal things. My job was to stay nearby with the keys so that if anything was needed I could open the truck.
Knowing that I could stay at a corner somewhere and finish the book that a friend asked me to review, I found a park bench (长椅) to sit on. I noticed that a man was sitting on one end, but there was plenty of room for at least two more bodies. Walking over, I sat on the end seat so that I could rest one of my arms on the armrest.
The man on the other end looked at me strangely but remained seated. I quickly discovered that he’d probably spent the night on the bench. I looked at him and smiled, and he smiled back with a mouth of blacked-out teeth. That was it. He wasn’t bothering (打扰) me, and I surmised I wasn’t bothering him.
We both sat there for over an hour. I was reading. He was attentively (专心地) watching the filming. He then stood, walked in front of me and bowed. I looked up, not knowing what was going to happen next. In a shaky but clear voice, he said, “Thank you.”
“For what ” I questioned.
He looked at the ground, saying, “Usually people won’t even look at me, let alone sit by me. Thank you for treating me kindly.”
I honestly didn’t know what to say as he turned, picked up a small, dirty backpack, and walked quickly around the corner. I was shocked. I hadn’t done anything special; I shared a bench. That’s all it was to me.
We were not different. Both of us just wanted to be well treated.
24. What did the author probably do according to paragraph 1
A. A teacher. B. A moviemaker. C. An actor. D. A driver.
25. What does the underlined word “surmised” in paragraph 3 mean
A. Planned. B. Guessed. C. Understood. D. Announced.
26. Why did the man bow to the author
A. He wasn’t looked down on. B. He wasn’t fooled by others.
C. He was chosen to play a role. D. He was allowed to read books.
27. What can be a suitable title for the text
A. The Gift of Life B. A Clear Connection
C. A Special Thank You D. The Meaning of Love
A creative program using gardening connected with mentorship (导师制) is changing the lives of students. The program, trying to help students with study problems or misbehavior in schools, will soon be making its way into more Clark County schools.
Students who take part in the program are usually introduced by school advisors who think it may do students good. Parker, head of the program, said that they let the students know what they are joining, and make sure they understand what they’re getting into and that it’s a good fit. They work to find students that they think can have a positive influence in the school once they complete the program.
The chosen students attend the class during their normal school days, rather than after school. Rather than a traditional classroom, the rooms are decorated (装饰) with beanbags and sofas to create a place different from the public school, one that will attract the students. It starts with mentorship weeks, during which the officer shares a poem or a music video that is related to that week’s topic. In the following week, the teachers of the program teach plant science using hydroponics (水培), which is a soil-less method used to grow plants.
Besides changing culture, the program also is designed to open students up to new chances to lead happy lives and succeed in the world through self-discovery, self-development and self-improvement as they follow their chosen paths.
“We really want these kids to see that there are chances for them to learn about different jobs,” Perry said. “We have to make sure that our kids in Nevada see themselves in the key areas for the future. Agriculture (农业) is a key area that is growing in our state. These kids are now considering jobs in agriculture.”
28. What influence does the program have on some students
A. Changing their lives. B. Developing their habits.
C. Improving their grades. D. Increasing their interests.
29. What are the students expected to do after the program
A Live an independent life. B. Make a positive difference.
C. Have no trouble in learning. D. Learn more about different cultures.
30. Why are the program’s rooms decorated with sofas
A. To draw students in. B. To look like public schools’.
C. To protect the plants. D. To get students to love nature.
31. What do the last two paragraphs want to tell us about the program
A. Its rules. B. Its goals. C. Its future. D. Its possibility.
Ancient builders across the world created structures (建筑物) that are still standing today, thousands of years later. Roman engineers built thick concrete barriers (混凝土屏障), for example. Mayan builders created structures to their gods, and Chinese builders raised walls against enemies.
But there are many recent structures that are already starting to fail. The concrete that makes up much of our modern world lasts around 50 to 100 years.
A growing number of scientists are breaking apart pieces of buildings and reading historical texts, hoping to learn how they have stood for thousands of years. The research has turned up a surprising list of materials that were mixed into old buildings. They include tree skins, volcanic ash, rice and even beer. These unexpected materials could have the ability to get stronger over time and “repair” cracks when they form.
Is ancient Roman concrete better Many researchers have turned to the Romans. Starting around 200 BC, the Roman Empire was building concrete structures that have stood the test of time. Now, scientists think they have found an important reason why some Roman concrete has held up structures for thousands of years.
Admir Masic, an environmental engineer said this power comes from thick pieces of limestone (石灰石) throughout the Roman material that is not mixed in well. Researchers used to think these thick pieces were a sign that the Romans were not mixing up their materials well enough. Instead, the scientists found when cracks form, water enters the concrete. That water causes the leftover lime to create new chemical changes that can fill in the broken sections.
Finding out how to copy these features (特征) could have real influences today. Today’s builders cannot just copy the ancient processes. Even though Roman concrete lasted a long time, it could not hold up heavy buildings. “If we add 50 or 100 years to concrete’s lifetime,” Admir Masic said, “we will pull down less and require less material in the long run.”
32. Why are Mayan and Chinese builders mentioned in the first paragraph
A. To present some facts. B. To explain a rule.
C. To introduce places. D. To make a comparison.
33. What do scientists want to do by breaking apart pieces of buildings
A. Replace broken parts. B. Improve their style.
C. Learn about their history. D. Study their materials.
34. What is special about the ancient materials
A. They couldn’t mix up easily. B. They created new chemicals in time.
C. They had an ability to repair themselves. D. They would take in the nearby water.
35. How can modern builders learn from the features of ancient materials
A. By making the past serve the present. B. By trying to find the ideas behind them.
C. By making use of them without any change. D. By accepting the good and throwing the bad.
How to Feel Confident
You might have already read and learned how to be confident, but what if you still don’t feel all that confident Sometimes it takes your mind a little bit of time to catch up with your behavior, but you can help to move the process along. In any case, feeling confident is certainly a continuous process. Why ____36____ Here are some ways to help you feel confident.
Think positively. When it comes down to it, reality is perception (感知). If you feel confident, you are. If life is falling apart around you but you don’t notice, it’s not really falling apart. ____37____ You’re not fooling yourself one way or another—don’t worry that you’re being silly for thinking positively. Remember you’re just taking control.
Work out. When you work out you look better. When you look better, you feel better. And working out releases endorphins (释放内啡肽), makes you feel productive and gives you strength. You don’t have to be a professional runner to get the benefits (益处) of exercise. ____38____
Do something you’re good at. ____39____ Confidence begins from there. And you should not only to it, but do it often. It’ll remind you how great you are.
____40____ Having someone to inspire you and your confidence can be a great help. Just make sure the person is real—planning to be like Kim Kardashian is not a good idea. You want a source (来源) of positivity you can tap into when you need it.
A. Find real role models.
B. Try to work out in the gym for long hours.
C. So get on thinking those happier thoughts!
D. When achieved, it will improve your life a lot.
E. 30 minutes a day is all you need to get on the health train.
F. When you do things you’re good at, you feel proud and a sense of satisfaction.
G. It’s really hard to be confident when you’re trying to be someone you’re not.
It was a normal Wednesday. I was getting dinner ready when suddenly a painful ring sounded in my ear. I ____41____ that I needed to call my grandmother. Something was wrong.
I ____42____ a call at once, but she didn’t answer. That was ____43____ because she always answered. I ____44____ again and again, but there were still no answers. I began to ____45____, as she lived alone, I knew she needed ____46____. I called my father, telling him I thought we needed to drive to ____47____ on her.
On arriving there, we found my poor grandmother ____48____ on the floor of her dining room, her shoulder clearly broken. On seeing us, she began to ____49____. I held her hand while my father called 911. She was unable to tell me what had happened, but I could ____50____ by the plate of food on the floor that she had been lying there since dinner last night.
Soon we were at the local hospital’s emergency room (急诊室) . ____51____, she had not suffered any other injuries besides her broken shoulder.
She took my hand, saying, “I was calling and calling you to ____52____ and help me.” I looked at her blankly (茫然地) for a moment and took out my ____53____ to check my call records. There were no incoming calls from her, only some ____54____ ones. And then I knew that the love between grandmother and granddaughter is ____55____.
A. agreed B. realized C. promised D. suggested
A. made B. returned C. received D. expected
A. common B. specific C. practical D. unusual
A. started B. worked C. called D. imagined
A. fear B. miss C. discuss D. separate
A. exchange B. experiment C. help D. solution
A. try B. check C. depend D. cheer
A. sitting B. standing C. watching D. lying
A. cry B. walk C. compare D. regret
A. answer B. manage C. tell D. connect
A. Surprisingly B. Thankfully C. Suddenly D. Naturally
A. go up B. clean up C. get over D. come over
A. phone B. wallet C. notebook D. card
A. formal B. advanced C. confusing D. outgoing
A. secret B. simple C. quiet D. direct
The 7th Pingyao International Film Festival opened on Wednesday in the ancient town of Pingyao in North China’s Shanxi province. With the topic of “Modern Times”, ____56____ festival will screen a total of more than fifty ____57____ (excellence) films from 33 countries next week, including films from China, France and Tunisia, organizers said.
Pingyao, a UNESCO World Heritage Site, will host the world premieres (首映式) of 40 percent of the films. Jia Zhangke is a famous Chinese director ____58____ hosted the festival. He said the festival plans ____59____ (help) with the development of new directors and help Chinese films “go global”.
By ____60____ (screen) great films from around the world, the festival focuses ____61____ the discovery of wonderful new works by young directors from non-Western countries, according to Jia.
The Pingyao International Film Festival has become an important window for the ____62____ (introduce) of foreign-language films into China. Over its past six periods, domestic (国内的) companies ____63____ (buy) more than 40 percent of all shortlisted (入围的) foreign-language films.
The Pingyao International Film Festival ____64____ (set) up in 2017 and now it is held every year in Pingyao. It’s _____65_____ (main) about discovering wonderful works by young directors from developing countries.
第四部分 写作(共两节,满分40分)
66. 假定你是李华,请给你的留学生朋友Chris写一封电子邮件,邀请他和你一起参加学校的志愿者俱乐部,内容包括:
1. 发出邀请;
2. 俱乐部及活动介绍;
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Dear Chris,
Yours sincerely,
Li Hua
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I clicked the link (点击链接), sign un here. This wouldn’t be my first half marathon (马拉松赛跑); I had run a flat half when I was thirty-eight. But that was eleven years ago. Now, it was November 2022, and I’d had a shoulder injury before, and I was turning fifty. So, as awful as running 13.1 miles seemed, I was going to do it.
I signed up for a women’s training group, a group of strangers with whom I would spend a few months preparing for the race, and then I was directed to sign up for the actual race. I imagined a course somewhere beautiful in Florida. Or perhaps in sunny California, I was shocked when the race website opened, and I was greeted with the words, “Zion at night, half marathon in the darkness.” In Zion At night Oh, no.
I looked at the website. Was it to late to quit Actually, I had just signed up for a coaching group that was meant to “encourage me through running”. Giving up before I even started seemed like a terribly shameful thing to do. I looked through the photos of the race.
I lost all my confidence. Runners wearing headlights and running shoes filled the computer screen. I couldn’t do this, I thought. I hadn’t run on paths in Delaware. I hadn’t run on paths or up hills. I clicked onto the next photo and looked at the happy runners advancing alongside a frightening cliff (峭壁). I was also afraid of heights.
A text came through my phone. It was Nicole, our training group’s brave leader, a woman who has run hundred-mile marathons. This is what happens when you run a race with someone who has strong willpower. “Sign up for the 4 am start time,” she wrote.
As I filled in my name and address, I tried to think about how likely I was to get injured during training. Realistically, that was my best way to get out of this race. I filled out the form and started worrying. About everything.
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But Nicole encouraged me, saying that she was with me in spirit on every run.
On the day of the race, we drove to Zion at 4 am.