学校 年级 高二 班级 579
课题 Life Behind the Lens 学科 英语 课型 新授课
目标 确立 依据 课标分析 主题语境:优秀品行,正确的人生态度,公民义务与社会责任; 语篇类型:新闻报道; 语言知识:根据介绍人物主题,梳理词语,并用于理解和表达相关信息; 理解Bill伟大的原因通过 找段落概括语和例证语句; 根据交际场合的正式程度,行事程序及与交际对象的情感距离,设置采访,复习巩固所学内容; 文化知识:学习Bill事迹,感悟工匠精神,反思自己的人生成长; 语言技能:根据定义线索理解概念性术语anthropologist。
学情分析 学生尽管在选择性必修一中已经学习过很多关于人物介绍,最终分析品质的文章,所以对于介绍人物的方面比较熟悉;该班学生整体水平处于所在学校的中上,阅读能力较强,但是口语能力相对较弱;班级学生成绩差异较大,部分学生不能独立完成一些输出任务。
教学资源分析 本单元的主题语境是“人与自我”涉及的主题语境内容是工匠精神。Life Behind the Lens这篇课文反映了单元主题,语篇类型为新闻报道。课文介绍了美国传奇街拍摄影师Bill Cunningham的专业精神和人生哲学。文章结构为总分总的模式,第一部分用图片说明文字的形式引出主人公Bill Cunningham,第二部分主要介绍他的优秀的原因在于对工作的态度和对生活的态度,最后一部分是人们对他的评价。 读前活动引导学生比较两组照片,得出Bill Cunningham的街拍风格:既拍普通人,也拍名人。旨在引入课文话题及内容,为课文学习做铺垫。读中活动通过问题引导,小组讨论等方式分析文本,得出Bill Cunningham优秀的原因。读后活动通过分析Bill Cunningham的优秀品质,小组活动采访Bill Cunningham的活动,引导学生进一步理解Bill Cunningham,理解工匠精神。最后再引导学生思考如何在学习和生活中努力付出,精益求精并取得成功。
学习目标 By the end of the class, all students can sum up the structure of the passage by reading the beginning and end of each paragraph; most students can correctly analyse the reasons why Bill Cunningham is so great by discussion in their group; all students can come up with some of Bill Cunningham’s personalities according to his experiences in the passage; all students can realize the spirit of craftsmanship by telling Bill Cunningham’s personalities. half students can introduce Bill Cunningham with what you have learned. all students can simply say the definition of “cultural anthropologist”
导向 性评价 所有学生都能在上一活动的基础上,关注段落首尾句,总结文章结构和大意;(目标1) 大部分学生能分析并得出Bill伟大的原因;(目标2) 所有学生都能说出2-3个Bill的个性品质,并在描述的过程中体会工匠精神;(目标3和目标4) 一半学生能够通过采访,根据本文所学向别人介绍Bill;(目标 5) 所有学生都能说出“cultural anthropologist”的定义,从而进一步理解Bill的贡献。(目标6)
教学环节 学习任务(活动) 嵌入型评价
引起注意 T: There are two groups of pictures, observe them carefully and think: what do you think of their dressing S: They are fashionable, stylish, special, beautiful... T: What is the similarity between them S: They all were taken on the streets. T: All of them is out of one person. This photographer is a street photographer. What about their difference S: ... T: Introduce the people in the group2, so all of the people in group1 are ordinary people, S: ordinary people T: All of the people in group2 are celebrities. So this street photographer photographed not only ordinary people, but also celebrities. 所有学生都能认真观察所给图片,分析并说出两组图片的相同之处和不同之处。
出示目标 By the end of the class, all students can sum up the structure of the passage by reading the beginning and end of each paragraph; most students can correctly analyse the reasons why Bill Cunningham is so great by scanning; most students can come up with Bill Cunningham’s personalities according to his experiences in the passage; all students can realize the spirit of craftsmanship by telling Bill Cunningham’s personalities. half students can introduce Bill Cunningham with what you have learned. 每个学生都能认真阅读学习并清楚本堂课的学习目标。
唤醒旧知 Task 1 T: When we talk about a person, which aspects can we think about Think as many as possible. eg: name; age; nationality; S: appearance; achievement; experience; comment, occupation... 每个同学都能说出3-4个介绍名人是所涉及的方面
联系新文 Task 2 T: Think about the structure. How many parts does this passage can be divided into S: Four parts. Part1 Para1--2 Part2 Para3--4 Part3 Para5--6 Part4 Para 7 T: Please fill the blanks about main idea of each part with the nouns nouns that are mentioned in the last activity S: Part1 Appearance & Achievements Part2 Beliefs & Devotion Part3 Life philosophy & Personalities Part4 Passion & Comment 所有学生都能分部分,并选出每部分的大意。
Task3 T: Read para1&2, find the description of Bill Cunningham’s appearance. S: white-haired old man, always wearing the same blue worker's jacket and simple black running shoes T: His appearance is ordinary, but he is not an ordinary person. Did he have any achievements S: 1. And yet every member of New York's wealthy high society wanted nothing more than to pose for this man. 2.He is one of the most important American photographers of the last 50 years. 每个学生都能找到关于Bill的外貌描述,和成就,并进行对比,平凡的外表VS不平凡的人
Task 4 T: Read para3&4, have a discussion about the question: What made him so great Here are some hints you can follow. What equipment did he use Where did he photograph What is his source of inspiration Summary: why did he do so It is because of his _______ about fashion that fashion belongs to ____________, not just to ____________ and ____________. What made Cunningham great was his ____________ and ____________. Find the supporting sentences: 1.__________________________________ 2.__________________________________ 3.__________________________________ T: What made him so great S: It was his beliefs about fashion and devotion to work that made him so great. 通过小组讨论3/4 的学生能知道 Bill伟大的原因在于信念和投入。
Task 5 T: Read para5&6, find out what kind of life he lived. Where did he live What did he eat S: He lived a simple life. T: Why did he live such a simple life S: Because he never accepted the benefits offered to him for being a fashion photographer. He valued his integrity and would not be bought by anyone. T:What is your understanding of Bill Cunningham’s words“Money is the cheapest thing, freedom is the most expensive.” Watch two videos and think about the question. S: ... T: what kind of person is he S: He has his integrity and he lack of self-interest and promotion. T: Can you change these two nouns into adjectives S: upright and indifferent to fame and wealth. 所有学生都能找到并总结Bill过着非常简单的生活。引导学生思考其原因,所有学生都能知道并说出Bill的部分品质。
Task 6 T: Read the para 7 and find out what people think of Bill Cunningham. S: 1. fashion photographer cultural anthropologist observer worker T: Why is Bill Cunningham called a “cultural anthropologist” [The simple definition of “cultural anthropologist”: The scientist who study human. ] S: Because he recorded the life of a whole city and its people over half a century. T: What made him devote himself into photography for so long S: It was his passion for photography that made him devote himself into photography for so long. 所有学生能说出人们对于Bill的评价,和anthropologist的简单定义。
Task 7 T: According to his experiences, come up with some adjectives to describe his personalities. S: professional; devoted; passionate; hard-working; innovative; upright; indifferent to fame and wealth... T: All of these spirits is part of the spirit of craftsmanship 所有学生都能提出2-3个Bill的个性品质。
学习检测 Task 8 Make an interview T: At an exhibition organized by your school's photography club, you met and interviewed Bill Cunningham. Here are some questions you can use. 1.What attracts you most about photography 2.Nowadays, many people who like photography are equipment enthusiasts, do you have any special requirements for equipment 3.Why didn’t you accept the money offered to you for being a fashion photographer 4.Why do you live such a simple life 5.What is your source of inspiration 6.As a world-famous photographer, do you have any advice for people who also love photography S: Have a discussion in group and show it to classmates. 50%的学生能通过采访进一步巩固本堂课所学,加深对Bill的工匠精神的理解。
保持迁移 T: We have known that Bill Cunningham is a remarkable photographer, so what can we learn from him S: be hard-working to make our dream come true... T: Build a strong belief about our dream Devote ourselves to our study Make our life simple but meaningful 所有学生能通过学习Bill事迹,感悟工匠精神,反思自己的人生成长.
保持迁移 T: There are such craftsman not only from abroad but also in China. I recommend you to watch the documentary Master of Their Craft to know craftsmen in China.
课后作业 T: Let’s come to today’s homework 在摄影展上对Bill 的采访令你印象深刻,你准备写一篇介绍Bill 的文章,投稿到校报上让更多的人了解Bill Cunningham. 内容要点:1. 你对Bill的印象 2. Bill的优秀的品质