人教版(2019)选择性必修 第二册Unit 3 Food and CultureReading and Thinking教学设计(表格式)


名称 人教版(2019)选择性必修 第二册Unit 3 Food and CultureReading and Thinking教学设计(表格式)
格式 docx
文件大小 183.5KB
资源类型 教案
版本资源 人教版(2019)
科目 英语
更新时间 2024-03-29 19:09:26



人教版选择性必修二 第三单元
使用教材 新教材人教版高中英语选择性必修二
单元名称 Unit 3 Food and Culture
单元课时 7课时
食物在许多不同的层面上把人们聚在一起,它不仅为人们的身心健康提供养料,还在维系社会文化关系方面发挥重要作用。美食是跨越地域文化的文化大使,美食为人类共享美好未来奠定基础。无论是贵州雷山千户苗寨的千人长桌宴,还是从一个外国人的视角,记录中国各地典型菜肴,这些舌间上的美食,都展现出我国博大精深的饮食文化,坚定文化自信!“安生之本,必资于食”,健康的饮食取决于看待食物的健康态度,我的身体我做主,要养成合理膳食,科学饮食的好习惯,强身健体,共筑美好未来。随着时间的推移,地球资源的消耗,集装箱里养殖的昆虫是否会摆上我们的餐桌成为可持续发展的新型菜肴?敢于尝试新奇事物的澳大利亚人,给我们的不仅仅是视觉上的震撼更多的是多元文化的冲击、碰撞。在构建人类命运共同体的今天,携手共创、共享美好未来! 本单元Food and Culture,从“人与社会”、“人与自我”这一主题语境,探讨饮食与文化之间的关系。主要涉及6个不同类型的语篇(见下表)。 语篇课型语篇内容主题意义Opening Page图片(看)千人长桌宴以食会友 共享美食佳肴Reading and Thinking读思课中国各地典型菜肴人如其食 文化自信Learning about Language词汇、语法课词汇、习语以及过去完成时的主动和被动语态西方国家饮食文化Listening and Talking 听说课相约湘菜馆美食是跨越地域文化的文化大使Reading for Writing读写课健康的饮食合理膳食,科学饮食Video Time视听课澳大利亚人的美食新宠-昆虫可持续性新兴菜肴?特注明:本单元的Project设计 要求学生利用业余时间,参加社会实践,做好资料收集和调查,根据本地方的特色设计一个餐馆的英文菜谱,并做出海报,由评选小组进行评选并展出优秀作品。
单元学习目标 核心素养教学目标 语 言 能 力 主题:饮食与文化 相关词汇: 佐料:red pepper, peppercorn, vinegar, spicy, garlic. 肉类:pork, bacon, ham, lamb, lamb kebab, sausage, red braised pork. 蔬菜、甜点:bean curd, cabbage, green onion, dessert, dim sum, junk food. 其他与food相关词汇canteen, cafeteria, cuisine, recipe, ingredient, chef, stuff, chew, slice, consist, calorie, fibre, category, elegant, exceptional, minimum, ideal, fundamental, consistent. 其中还有一些表示逻辑关系的词汇,如however, prior to, on the other hand, since, so, as a result, at a minimum, regardless of等 语法:能够在语境中正确理解和使用过去完成时的主动语态和被动语态。 语篇: 1.阅读有关饮食与文化关系的事理说明文,能够借助上下文、语境和语篇标记词抓住文本的时间线、空间线,理解和把握食物与地域文化、历史传统、当地人性格特点等之间的关系。 2.阅读有关健康饮食的科普说明文,能够把握其文体结构、写作手法、写作目的、信息要点、语言特色等。 3.听懂在中餐馆与外国朋友点餐的对话,能够抓住核心内容和重要细节。 表达: 1.能够分角色模拟在中餐馆与外国朋友点餐的对话,在交流中正确使用点餐及付款的表达法。 2.能够结合本单元所学内容审视自身饮食习惯,并就此话题写一篇文章,恰当使用连接词, 使上下文衔接自然、逻辑清晰。 学 习 能 力 1.能够预测语篇核心内容并判断语篇的体裁。 2.能够感知、理解文本中的因果关系及其丰富内涵,提高阅读理解能力。 3.能够充分利用相关图片和文字信息预测听力内容。 4.能够结合语境准确理解本单元习语的意义和文化内涵,从而有效积累词汇、提升理解能力 和语言表达的地道性。 文 化 意 识 1.了解不同地区和民族的人们会将同一种食材转化为极具特色的菜品,反映美食文化的奇妙碰撞和变迁。 2.了解博大精深的中国饮食文化,美食是跨越地域文化的文化大使,坚定文化自信;学会用英语介绍中国饮食文化,如主要菜系及其特点。 3.了解中外特色菜肴及饮食文化差异,深入理解饮食与文化的关系,增强跨文化沟通意识和能力。 思 维 品 质 1.能够按照时间和空间线索梳理文本信息,培养提取、概括和分析信息的能力。 2.能够理解语篇上下文的因果关系,发展逻辑思维能力。 3.能够充分关注中外饮食文化的差异与融通,从多元文化视角观察和认识世界。 4.能够围绕菜肴与文化之间的关系,利用课内和课外获得的信息,阐释自己的观点,提升批判性思维能力。 5.能够充分发挥创造性思维,设计一个新的餐馆。
语篇 课型 共七课时 课时对应的单元教学目标
Opening Page Reading and Thinking 图片 第一课时 第二课时 预测本单元内容,初步感知饮食和文化的关系。 2. 理解食物与地域文化、历史传统、当地人性格特点等之间的关系。 3. 感知、理解语篇上下文的因果关系,发展逻辑思维能力。 4. 了解博大精深的中国饮食文化,坚定文化自信。 5. 能够按照时间和地域线索梳理文本信息,培养提取、概括和分析信息的能力。 6.能够围绕菜肴与文化之间的关系,利用课内和课外获得的信息,阐释自己的观点,提升批判性思维能力。
Discovering Useful Structure 语法课 第三课时 能够在语境中正确理解和使用过去完成时的主动语态和被动语态。 能够结合语境准确理解本单元习语的意义和文化内涵,从而有效积累词汇、提升理解能力和语言表达的地道性。
Listening and Talking 听说课 第四课时 听懂在中餐馆与外国朋友点餐对话,能够抓住核心内容和重要细节。 能够分角色模拟在中餐馆与外国朋友点餐的对话,在交流中正确使用点餐及付款的表达法。 能够充分利用相关图片和文字信息预测听力内容。 学会用英语介绍中国饮食文化,如主要菜系及特点。
Reading for Writing 读写课 第五、六课时 阅读有关健康饮食的科普说明文,能够把握其文体结构、写作目的、写作手法,信息要点、语言特色。 能够结合本单元所学内容审视自身饮食习惯,并就此话题写一篇文章,恰当使用连接词,使上下文衔接自然、逻辑清晰。 能够结合语境有效积累词汇、提升理解能力和语言表达的地道性。 能够理解语篇上下文的因果关系,发展逻辑思维能力。
Video Time 视听课 第七课时 从多元文化视角观察和认识独特饮食澳大利亚人的新宠——昆虫。 2. 了解澳大利亚人不寻常食物——昆虫,帮助学生从不同的角度建立不同的认知。 3. 去欣赏澳大利亚人敢于挑战的精神,针对当前食物问题思考饮食与环保,可持续发展问题。
Food and Culture
Reading and thinking
Teaching content Selective Compulsory Module 2 Unit 3 Food and Culture Reading and Thinking: understand the link between food and culture
Analysis of teaching material
【What】 Thematic context: human and society Theme: understand the link between food and culture Type: reading and thinking Content: The text describes typical Chinese dishes from a foreigner’s perspective and explains the cultural connotations, historical traditions and regional characteristics reflected in them. 【Why】 Food and culture are closely related. Food can reflect the cultural connotations, historical traditions and regional characteristics. Students have to understand and think about the relationship between food and region, cultural traditions and local personalities. At the same time, students should understand the extensive and profound Chinese food culture, strengthen cultural confidence, pay attention to the differences and integration of Chinese and foreign food culture, observe and understand the world from a multicultural perspective, and cultivate the ability of cross-cultural communication. 【How】 This is an expository essay on the relationship between food and culture. It describes a foreigner’s experience in tasting food and communicating with local people in different parts of China in the time and space order, explaining the relationship between food and regional culture, historical traditions and local characteristics from different perspectives. The text follows the pattern “ general to specific and to general”. Para.1 introduces a famous saying “ You are what you eat” to explain the relationship between food and culture. From para 2 to para 6, the author illustrates the typical Chinese dishes based on his own experience of eating in various parts of China. The last paragraph further analyzes and summarizes the relationship between food and culture.
Analysis of students
What students have already known: Some basic knowledge of the relationship between food and culture. Basic information of building the structure of the passage. What students need to know: the cultural connotation of Chinese cuisine and the regional characteristics and historical traditions embodied in it. the relationship between food and culture, food and personality.
Teaching philosophy
The view of English learning activities: According to National English Curriculum Standards for General High School, English learning activities is the basic form of English learning, which is the pathway for learners to learn and try to understand and express meanings by applying the language, develop diversified thinking and cultivate their cultural awareness. It consists of 3 levels of activities, including understanding, application and innovation. The 3 levels of activities are closely related. Features of learning in depth: 1.Activities and Experiences: It highlights the value of students as subjects of learning and emphasizes that students should actively participate in learning activities and experience the learning process. 2.Association and Structure: It emphasizes that students participate in current learning by connecting the past knowledge and experience and new knowledge. 3.Essence and Variation: It emphasizes that learners should process and think deeply about learners, and grasp the inter-connection and essence of knowledge. 4.Internalization and Communication: This is a newly supplemented feature of deep learning, which emphasizes that students need to carry out practical activities to consolidate the new knowledge. 5.Transfer and Creation: It emphasizes that learners can transfer what they learned to real social situations and participate in the practical process of problem solving. 6.Value and Judgment: It reflects students’ values and judgments, and aims to cultivate people and develop students’ core quality.
Teaching objectives
By the end of the class, students will be able to: 1. get the time and space information in the text by reading for structure; 2. understand the meaning of the famous saying and cultures reflected in the dishes by reading for details; 3. gain a deeper insight into food and culture and strengthen cultural confidence by critical thinking; 4. develop the ability to critically think about the relationship between food and culture by critical thinking;
Teaching important and difficult points
Teaching important points: Guide students to understand the meaning of the famous saying “ You are what you eat”. Think about the relationship between food and culture, personality; Teaching difficult points: Draw the author’s eating map and think about cultures embodied in each dish. Critically think about the relationship between food and culture. Think how can we keep our food identity with the impact of globalization.
Teaching resources
Multimedia devices, video clips, PowerPoint
Teaching methods and strategies
Activity-based teaching method Student-centered teaching method Cooperative learning method
Teaching procedures
Objectives Activities and interaction Intention Assessment
Quiz T shows a map of China and students circle the corresponding province of the eight traditional cuisines To activate Ss’ previous knowledge and arouse their interest in the topic. Ss may not get the correct answer. T can help them correct.
Prediction Ss predict what the passage will talk about according to the title and pictures. To train Ss’ ability to predict Ss can correctly predict what may be discussed in the passage.
get the time and space information in the text Read for main idea and structure Ss read the passage for the first time and try to find the main idea of each paragraph and the time and space information. To build the structure of the passage to better understand the passage. Ss can build the structure of the passage.
understand the meaning of the famous saying and cultures reflected in the dishes Read for details In para1. Ss can get the meaning of the famous saying. In para2-6, Ss can find specific time and space information and the culture reflected in them. In para7, Ss can get the author’s opinion. To train Ss’ ability to find specific information. To deepen their understanding Ss can find relevant information following the author’s eating map.
gain a deeper insight into food and culture and strengthen cultural confidence; develop the ability to critically think about the relationship between food and culture Critical thinking What is the relationship between food and culture with the impact of globalization ② What can we do to keep our food identity To develop Ss’ critical thinking ability Ss think of as many examples as possible to support their opinion.
Summary & self-assessment T summarizes the main points in the reading class; Ss do self-assessment according to evaluation form Consolidate what they have learned in the class.
Blackboard design
Do research on the Internet and label each province or city with iconic food. Provide more details. Then bind(装订)them into a book.
Teaching reflection
Strengths: 1. Students’ understanding of the link between food and culture can be strengthened through debating; 2. Students’ food cultural awareness can be greatly enhanced through critical thinking.