

名称 广东省湛江市部分学校2024届高三上学期1月期末联考英语试卷(含答案)
格式 docx
文件大小 29.2KB
资源类型 教案
版本资源 通用版
科目 英语
更新时间 2024-03-30 09:22:57



While Alice has her adventures in the Wonderland. you can have your own as well this summer. British contemporary artist Philip Colbert has created a Lobster(龙虾)Wonderland in Changsha. Hunan Province.
Date: July 15
Location: Changsha International Finance Square (Changsha IFS)
About Philip Colbert
His globally welcomed lobster series has won the hearts of a large number of followers. The artist. with a master's in philosophy. takes lobster as his second personality.
Through large installations. public art theme exhibition and new media art. the artist has introduced works from galleries and created a surreal art scenery in city's public space with a combination of pop art and local culture.
In Changsha IFS. Colbert's exhibition. which is the London-based artist's first large-scale out door public art installations. has three major sectors. showcasing his large installations. sculptures and new media arts as well as the special Works created for the event.
The opening ceremony. an art carnival. saw the debut(首次登台)of a 12-meter-long Lobster Taikonaut specially made by Colbert. His Lobster Flower and Lobster Shark also found their way in the parade. Al the southwest square. people can find Lobster Fountain towering 12 meters and enjoy two major theme sectors. Lobster Island and Lobster Skate Park.
Lobster Rainbow. a lobster breaking through a roof with a rainbow behind it. is the artist's brand-new work for Changsha IFS. In his works. such as Daydreamer. Colbert also expresses his wish of narrowing the distance between art pieces and people.
1.What is Philip Colbert well known for
A. Alice Wonderland. B. Shark experience
C. Rainbow story. D. Lobster series.
2.What can we learn about the exhibition according to the text
A. It took place in the open air.
B. There was no special works for the event.
C. People can enjoy lobster fountain and lake.
D. Lobster Island is the artist s brand-new work for Changsha IFS.
3.Where can the text probably be found
A. A shopping brochure. B. An art magazine
C. A science report. D. A fashion advertisement.
When Belquer first joined a team to make a better live music experience for deaf and hard of-hearing people. he was struck by how they had developed workarounds to enjoy concerts. “What they were doing at the time was holding balloons to feel the vibrations(震动) through their fingers. ”Belquer said. He thought the team could make something to help hard-of-hearing people enjoy live music even more with the technology now available.
Belquer. who is also a musician and theater artist. is now the "Chief Vibration Officer"of Music: Not Impossible. which uses new technology to address social issues like poverty and disability access. His team started by tying different vibrating cellphone motors to bodies. but that didn't quite work. The vibrations were all the same. Eventually. they worked with engineers to develop a light haptic(触觉的)suit with a total of 24 vibrating plates. There are20 of them tied to a vest that fits tightly around the body like a hiking backpack. plus one that ties to each wrist and ankle. When you wear the suit. it's surprising how it feels.
The vibrations are mixed by a haptic DJ who controls the location. frequency and intensity of feeling across the suits. just as a music DJ mixes sounds in an artful way. “What we're doing is Selecting and mixing what we want and send it to different parts of the body. " said the DJ. The haptic suits were just one component of the event. There were American Sign Language interpreters;the music was captioned on a screen on the stage.
The suits are the star attraction. Lily Lipman. who has auditory processing disorder. lit up when asked about her experience. “It's cool. because I'm never quite sure if I'm hearing what other people are hearing. so it's amazing to get the music in my body. "
4.What surprised Belquer about people with hearing problems
A. The attitude they held to life. B. The way they enjoyed music.
C. The love they had for balloons. D. The frequency they vibrated fingers.
5.Why did the team's initial attempt fail
A. The vibrations lacked variety. B. The motors were the same.
C. The motors hardly worked. D. The vibrations were irregular.
6.What did the DJ do
A. He interpreted the sign language. B. He captioned the music on stage.
C. He selected suits for the attendees. D. He helped people feel the music.
7.What does Lily Lipman think of the suit
A. Comforting. B. Challenging. C. Satisfying. D. Encouraging
Bringing species like beavers(河狸)back to England is no longer a priority. the government said on Friday to criticism from wildlife groups.
A recent report shows that one n six UK species are at risk of extinction. In September more than 60 conservation organizations reported a significant decline in species due to expansions in farming and the effects of climate change. In recent years. animals and plants have been reintroduced by charities as part of efforts to restore the country's reduced biodiversity
Despite the government allowing this. the Environment. Food and Rural Affairs Committee concluded in July that there was an absence of long-term plans on how to manage this. In response. the government has now said that the“reintroduction of species is not a priority".
The government said it was focused on increasing biodiversity through habitat restoration. The government's environment department has come under scrutiny(详细审查)for not doing more to prevent sewage dumping and other forms of pollution in England's waterways.
Sir Robert Goodwill. chair of the Committee. said he was disappointed with the government response. Bringing back extinct species is a controversial issue—although farmers and landowners appear broadly supportive. there are risks of reintroducing new species. and without clear guidance. problems could arise.
A recent study showed that river barriers similar to those built by beavers can protect communities at risk of flooding. But there have also been cases documented in Europe where beavers have built their dams in places that have damaged crops and changed rivers.
Joan Edwards. director of Policy &Public Affairs at The Wildlife Trusts said. “Reintroducing wildlife must be part of the UK government's arsenal(武器)for tackling nature loss and climate change—it is astonishing there is no strategy for doing so. ”
“The return of wild beavers can help to recreate lost wetlands. with a knock-on effect that benefits other wildlife including insects. invertebrates and birds. Beavers also slow the flow of water. which can reduce flood risks to towns and villages. "she said.
8.What does paragraph 2 want to convey
A. The situation of species in the UKk Severe.
B. Reintroduction of species in the UK is not a priority.
C. Expansions in farming have a great effect on climate change.
D. The UK government's response to reduced biodiversity is disappointing.
9.How did the UK government plan to increase biodiversity
A. By restoring habitat. B. By offering guidance.
C. By expanding farming. D. By developing strategy.
10.What did Joan Edwards think of reintroduction of wildlife
A. It was messy. B. It was controversial.
C. It was beneficial. D. It was costly.
11.What is the text mainly about
A. The advantages of reintroducing wildlife.
B. The responses to a government statement.
C. The effects of climate change on farming.
D. The approaches to increasing biodiversity.
Researchers have proposed a novel method for counting and tracking vehicles on public roads. d development that could improve current traffic systems and help travelers get to their destinations faster.
Using the cameras already installed on campus buses at the Ohio State University. researchers proved that they could automatically and accurately measure counts of vehicles on urban roadways. detect objects in the road and distinguish parked vehicles from those that are moving.
In previous studies. Ohio State researchers found that using these mobile. cameras provides much better spatial and temporal(时间的)coverage than relying on often temporarily placed sensors that don't provide a view of many streets and roads in a city.
“If we collect and process more high-resolution(高清)spatial information about what's happening on the roads. then planners coild better understand changes in demand. effectively improving efficiency in the broader transportation system. ”said Keith Redmill. lead author of the study.
“If we can measure traffic in a way that is as good or better than what is conventionally done with fixed sensors. then we will have created something incredibly useful extremely cheaply. " he said. “Our goal is to start building a system that could do this without much manual intervention because if you want to collect this information over lots of potential vehicles and lots of time. it's worth fully automating that process. "
While still a long way from total implementation(实施). the study suggests the system's results bear promise for the future of intelligent traffic surveillance. Transportation planners. engineers and operators make vital decisions about the future of our roadways. so when designing transportation systems to work over the next 30 to 50 years. it's necessary that we give them data that allows them to improve the efficiency of the system and the level of service provided to travelers
12.How can cameras on buses benefit travelers
A. By shortening their travel time. B. By making their schedules tight.
C. By decreasing their transport cost. D. By improving their safety awareness.
13.What can we know about the sensors placed on buses
A. They provide more spatial coverage.
B. They can't detect objects on the road.
C. They cover less view of the urban traffic.
D. They accurately record the flow of traffic.
14.What does the underlined word“surveillance”in paragraph 6 mean
A. Operation. B. Monitoring. C. Protection. D. Arrangement.
15.What is a suitable title for the text
A. Transportation automation is on its way
B. It is time to improve the efficiency of traffic system
C. Cameras installed on buses can better measure traffic
D. Transportation planners use cameras to make policies
16.Getting and staying focused can be a challenge even in the best of times. But with everything going on in the world. concentrating can often feel down-right impossible. Below are some tips to help you find your flow.
Distract(使分心)your brain. Schedule into every workday some breaks from all that focusing and allow your mind to travel into what's called the“default(默认的) mode network”for a bit of freestyle activities. ① _________ . It's the place where our minds find innovation and creativity and often make better decisions than the focused mind.
② _________ . This involves first turning your attention inward. Try traveling with your mind to someplace enjoyable—maybe it's a walk through an imaginary forest or sunbathing on a warm sandy beach. Doing this several times a day can offer your mind a fresh approach to the job at hand.
Block interruptions before diving into deep work. ③ _________ . To help. turn off text messaging. notifications and social media alerts. Be vital when you want a deep dive into focus. Your important work benefits when you shut off or put away your phone and other screens.
Know your body clock. Whether you are sharp in the morning or a night owl. don't spend your day—in particular your peak brain hours—doing busywork. ④ _________ .
Try new hobbies. Engaging in hobbies not only is fun but can help us come up with new solutions to problems we're facing at work or home. ⑤ _________ .
A. Try to daydream what happened
B. We try to obtain focus but in vain
C. Engage in positive constructive daydreaming
D. Instead. reserve your best brain time for the big stuff)
E. This network of the brain circuit ie where magic happens
F. Our days are filled with distractions. from others and ourselves
G. Allowing your mind time to play is another way to invite innovation
This is a true story that took place a few days ago. This woman looked 1 . but she was very pretty in my eyes. I met the most beautiful woman in a shop. She wasn't that 2 as she was 5 feet at the most. Her 3 was bent. too. She was thin and her face was 4 with black age spots from a lifetime of working in the sun. Her hair was thin and White She was at least 80 years old and might have been over 90. She moved 5 and with eat can However. when she 6 at you in the eye and spoke to you. you could see her 7 beauty shining through.
Her face was wrinkled from a very 8 life of hard work and difficulty. But it was the lines around her eyes that caught my 9 . These wrinkles were deep and forever “canyons” that had been 10 by a million smiles and a lifetime of laughter.
Her 11 were deep set and hidden behind thick. heavy glasses. But you could still see a lovely light 12 out of them. When she talked to you. they were bright with a wonderful shine that told you she was 13 with faith. love. hope. kindness and joy. I only 14 her for a minute or two. yet I left feeling better. and happier.
I only hope that one day my own face will 15 the signs that hers did. showing a happy life. and a loved life.
17.A. delightful B. accessible C. ordinary D. delicate
18.A. tall B. efficient C. depressed D. lazy
19.A. foot B. image C. back D. dignity
20.A. awarded B. covered C. associated D. issued
21.A. slowly B. firmly C. ultimately D. vividly
22.A. wondered B. pointed C. glared D. looked
23.A. superb B. true. C. typical D. slight
24.A. long B. rigid C. reserved D. strange
25.A. concern B. attention C. curiosity D. sympathy
26.A. rewarded B. motivated C. formed D. integrated
27.A. options B. emotions C. smiles D. eyes
28.A. escaping B. shining C. dying D. swinging
29.A. anxious B. compared C. filled D. content
30.A. cast off B. focusedo C. applauded for D. spoke
31.A. change B. present C. lose D. improve
32.Diesel engines(柴油机)work on the same Basie principles① _________ gasoline engines. but they do the work differently. Let's take a closer look.
The story of the diesel engine actually begins with the invention of the gasoline engine. Nikolaus August Otto② _________ (invent)the gasoline engine in 1861. His invention used the four-stroke combustion(四冲程燃烧)principle. also known as the “Otto Cycle”. ③ _________ is the basis for most/car engines today. In its early stage. the gasoline engine wasn't very efficient. and other major methods of transportation. such as the steam engine. performed④ _________ (poor)as well. Only about 10 percent of the fuel⑤ _________ (use)to power these types of engines actually moved a vehicle. The rest of the fuel simply produced useless heat.
Rudolf Diesel created an engine with high efficiency. and he devoted much of his time to
⑥ _________ (develop) a“combustion power engine”. By 1892 Diesel had obtained a patent for ⑦ _________ we now call the diesel engine.
For decades. diesel engines had a reputation for being dirt and loud. While Europe adopted the technology pretty widely. most⑧ _________ (drive)in the United States said. “No. thank you. ” By the 21st century. though diesel engines became far cleaner. much⑨ _________ (quiet)and even more efficient they experienced a setback in popular opinion because of a scandal(丑闻) in 2014. Thanks to⑩ _________ (they)proven efficiency. though. diesel engines are regaining some ground.
33.假定你是李华,你的外教Novak精通小提琴,而你擅长琵琶(Chinese lute). 你想跟他互相学习。请你给他写一封信,内容包括:
1. 钦佩他的演奏;
2. 提出互相学习。
1. 写作词数应为80左右;
2. 请按如下格式在答题卡的相应位置作答。
Dear Novak.
Li Hua
A Fortunate Escape
“Truth or Dare. Ben ”Max questioned. Max. Ben and I were walking home together while I took small bites of the beef burger I had grabbed front a shop nearby. “Truth or Dare”was a game we usually played to amuse ourselves on the lengthy. boring journey home. Ben wanted a dare. “Well. Ben. I dare you to carry my bag all the way home!”Max commanded as we laughed at poor Ben's trouble.
As Ben pulled the heavy bag up his shoulder and adjusted the bag straps. he noticed that Max's bag was partially open. When he hurriedly put it on his back. an object flew out of the
bag. and over the/fence of our neighbour' s house.
“Oh. no. ”Max cried. “I think that was my English assignment. ”Stretching his handout and trying to crawl(爬)under the fence to save the paper. Ben found that it was just out of reach.
“Well. I guess I'll just have to climb over the fence to get it. ”Ben said. He was barely able to climb up. using the small gaps in the wooden fence as handholds as the fence was nearly as tall as him(which was not very tall). and low enough for something to be throw never it. Sliding down the fence. Ben grabbed the valued piece of plaining about injured dignity. Just then. a loud and frightening bark cut his words short.
“Woof. Woof!”Our neighbour. Mr Mason. owned a German shepherd(kind of dog). well-known for its fierceness. which guarded the house. It was something we had over looked. too focused on bringing back Max's assignment. Ben's legs trembled like jelly and his face turned a deathly white as the German shepherd advanced slowly on him like a wolf moving
towards its target.
1. 续写词数应为150左右;
2. 请按如下格式在答题卡的相应位置作答。
Max and I stared at it in fear.
Just then I caught sight of my half-eaten burger on the path.
解析:细节理解题。根据About Philip Colbert部分的第一段可知,他的龙虾系列作品受到全球欢迎,所以他是因他的龙虾系列作品而全球闻名的。
4.答案: B
5.答案: A
6.答案: D
7.答案: C
解析:推理判断题。根据最后一段最后一句可知,Lily Lipman对这种触感套装很满意。
8.答案: A
9.答案: A
10.答案: C
解析:推理判断题。根据倒数第二段可知,Joan Edwards认为重新引进野生动物是英国政府应对自然丧失和气候变化的武器。重新引进野生动物是有好处的。
11.答案: B
12.答案: A
13.答案: C
14.答案: B
15.答案: C
解析:①根据上一句“在每个工作日安排一些休息时间,让你的大脑进入所谓的‘默认模式网络’. 进行一些自由活动”可知,E项“这个大脑回路网络就是奇迹发生的地方”与之衔接紧密。
17.答案: C
18.答案: A
19.答案: C
20.答案: B
21.答案: A
22.答案: D
23.答案: B
24.答案: A
25.答案: B
26.答案: C
解析:考查动词。这些皱纹是深深的、永远的“峡谷”. 是由无数的微笑和一生的笑声形成的。
27.答案: D
28.答案: B
29.答案: C
30.答案: D
31.答案: B
解析:①考查介词。the same. . . as. . . . 是固定搭配。
⑧考查名词复数。此处缺少句子主语,而根据句意,此处是指“司机”. 故用drivers
33.答案:Dear Novak.
I know you are good at playing the violin. and I was deeply impressed by your performance at the school evening party last time. I admire your playing skills very much. If it's convenient for you. I'd like to learn to play the violin from yoy. I hear that you are also interested in Chinese musical instruments. It happens that I am good at Chinese lute. In return. I can share my playing skills with you. I hope you will consider my advice. which will be a win-win one.
Looking forward to your reply.
Li Hua
34.答案: Max and I stared at it in fear. Ben backed up against the fence. attempting to climb up. but a loud howl stopped him in his tracks. Recovering from the shock. I anxiously searched my mind for an idea about how I could assist Ben. Should I climb up the fence and help Ben Or could I do something to distract the dog Ben was in danger of being attacked by Mr Mason's ferocious dog. Dropping everything. I searched my bag for something to help Ben.
Just then I caught sight of my half-eaten burger on the path. I had dropped it in panic. Dogs love beef!There was no time to waste. Grabbing it from the pavement. I used all my strength to throw it over the fence. hitting the German shepherd directly on the neck. “Eat it. dog!”I shouted. Thankfully. the dog decided that the burger was more appealing than a little boy. The dog turned its head away from Ben. who swiftly regained his calm and climbed over the fence. The three of us made our way home again. agreeing that it was a fortunate escape.