

名称 安徽省部分市2023-2024学年高二上学期期中英语汇编:七选五(含解析)
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资源类型 教案
版本资源 通用版
科目 英语
更新时间 2024-03-30 19:21:44



Cayce Zavaglia is an artist with a unique transformation to her work.____16____Painting with tiny needles is not as fast as painting with a brush.____17____It takes two months-nearly 200 hours to complete a portrait.
____18____Once she decides, she invites that person to her studio and takes hundreds of photographs. She studies the way the light falls across the person's face. After many hours of studying the photos, she chooses the perfect one for her portrait. Next, she enlarges the photo on a canvas(画布). Then, she matches the colors in the photo and the stitching begins.
Cayce starts with the hair and forehead, then moves on to the shoulders and clothing, and finally the face. The human face is what she most enjoys creating in her art.____19____In a portrait of her baby daughter, the skin appears soft and smooth. In a portrait of her dad, the stitches show a wrinkled and aging face.
Cayce believes her success depends on three things: her choice of colors, the length and direction of the stitches, and her ability to make the portrait look true. She loves the surprise when people view her art. From a distance, people believe the portraits are painted.____20____
A. She makes sure the person looks straight into her.
B. The biggest challenge is making the skin look real.
C. Instead of painting with a brush,she sews with a needle.
D. Cayce's first step is deciding who will be in the portrait.
E. She loves creating portraits of her family and close friends.
F. It requires a lot of patience, for you often have to rethread your needle.
G. But when they take a closer look, they see the portrait has been embroidered.
It can be a wonderful and satisfying experience to have roommates to share a home with. Living with others can often help you develop close relationships and learn some life skills along the way. ____16____.
Honest communication
In order to solve any problems that may arise, effective communication is necessary. ____17____, where you feel free to voice worries, expectations and feedback. It is recommended to have house meetings on a regular basis where all important information is shared and addressed.
Nothing is more important than keeping your shared space clean and organized. Take the time to clean up shared areas like bathrooms and kitchens and respect each other’s standards of cleanliness.
Develop a sense of humor
____19____. Developing a sense of humor will help relieve tension and create a more lighthearted atmosphere, especially when you and your roommates have the same sense of humor.
Be considerate of your roommates’ needs
Being considerate of your roommates’ schedule, preferences and routines is part of living with them. A supportive living environment is created by small things, for example, offering to pick up groceries or helping with housework. ____20____, especially when one of your roommates is studying or working or when anyone in the apartment is asleep.
A. Respect yourself
B. You can create an open-door policy
C. Keep shared space clean and organized
D. It is also wise to be mindful of noise levels
E. Here are practical tips on how to be a good roommate
F. Living with others can lead to disagreements and arguments
G. Being a good roommate is more than making your rent payments on time
Planning a family vacation can be an exciting and fun experience. _____36_____. Therefore, with so many considerations, planning an enjoyable and stress-free vacation can be challenging. To help you out, this article has some useful tips.
Let Your Kids Plan the Process
By asking your children for their ideas, you can connect the vacation with their interests and preferences, making them feel more active in the planning process. _____37_____. This could include asking them about their favorite destinations, the activities they enjoy, and the experiences they would like to have while on vacation.
Choose Age-Appropriate Activities
When planning a family vacation, choosing age-appropriate activities for your children is important. _____38_____. These activities are generally more interactive and hands-on, which can help keep them engaged and entertained. Older children may be more interested in hiking, biking, or exploring a city or town. Consider what activities will challenge and excite them while being safe and appropriate for their age.
Bring Along Familiar Items
_____39_____. To help your children feel comfortable while away from home, consider bringing familiar items they enjoy, such as their favorite books, toys, games, or stuffed animals. These items can provide comfort and familiarity in an unfamiliar setting and help keep your children entertained during travel or downtime.
Make It Educational
When planning a family vacation, it’s important to consider ways to make the trip both fun and educational for your children. Add educational activities to your plan, such as visiting museums, national parks, or other historical sites. _____40_____.
A. So if you’re planning a road trip, packing snacks and meals can also be a great choice.
B. This can help your children stay active, burn off energy and enjoy the great outdoors.
C. However, it needs to be suitable for the interests and preferences of your children.
D. Activities like going to a water park can be a great choice for younger children.
E. One way is to ask them what they want to do and see on vacation.
F. By doing so, it can be a great way to learn while having fun.
G. Children can sometimes have trouble with new environments.
Here are some habits to help you enjoy a longer and better life.
Eat better. You don’t have to adopt some crazy diet or give up all sweets. Instead, try to eat a few more vegetables and fruits. ____36____ . A whole food is an ingredient in its natural state, one that comes in its own wrapper. While it’s even better to eat cuisine that is organic, locally grown or pesticide-free, start by shopping for groceries that require no packaging.
Check with your doctor. When you feel good, it’s easy to avoid going to the doctor. No matter how you feel, though, it’s a good idea to visit your doctor for an annual check up. ____37____. In addition, depending on your age and family history, the doctor may recommend other necessary tests or screenings. For example, your doctor may also do blood tests to check your cholesterol or screen for hormonal imbalances. ____38____
Keep moving. Exercise lowers blood pressure, controls our weight, strengthens our bones and muscles, reduces our risk for cancers, and improves mood. Some research also says it has the power to keep us young. Physical activities including exercises can improve our flexibility, strength and balance. ____39____ Just work more movement into your day.
____40____. Simply said, we are better together. Steps to build a social network include getting involved with joining a cause or volunteering for an organization or checking out a support group.
A. Do volunteer work
B. Connect with people
C. You can also eat more whole foods
D. You don’t have to take up running marathons .
E. They not only have health benefits, but taste good
F. The doctor will most likely carry out some routine tests
G. Each of these tests can help identify any potential problems
读下面短文, 从短文后的选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多余选项。
The idiom “a big fish in a small pond” describes a person who is very well known or important in a small group but is not known or important outside that small group.For example,a high-performing high school student in a small town could be a big fish in a small pond. ___36___ And he may simply not know how small his “pond” is-until he moves on to a big university. He must compete with hundreds of students who were also the best at their high schools. ___37___
Here is another example. A young singer was famous in his small town. He wanted to move to a big city to grow his singing career. ___38___ “Here in our small town,”they said, “you are a big fish in a small pond. Once you move to New York City, that is going to change. Best be ready!”For some people, this can be a painful realization-sometimes called a wake-up call.
___39___ They never grow their circle of friends or work environment.Sometimes they do not take opportunities that increase their environment, or pond. By staying in a small pond,it is safer.There are fewer dangers and also fewer competitors.
The Merriam-Webster online dictionary explains another way to use the idiom. It can also describe a situation where one person has more power, influence, knowledge,or experience than others within a small group. So sometimes we use this expression to describe people who want to stay in a small pond just to feel more important. ___40___
A. His family supported him but also warned him.
B. He may feel overly-confidentor overly-important.
C. Now, some people like being a big fishin a small pond.
D. People have been using this expression since the early 1800s.
E. Their position is not questioned by the other fish in the pond.
F. A pond is a small body of water,which is usually smaller than a lake.
G. His pond just got much larger and is now filled with many more fish.
When the British poet Alfred Lord Tennyson described nature as “red in tooth and claw”, he was telling us that the natural world can be cruel as well as beautiful.____16____.
Most people living in urban areas rarely encounter wild animals in their natural surroundings. ____17____ And they are willing to get close to them. But for wild animals, it is “eat or be eaten,” and they can’t distinguish between humans and other animals.
____18____ In Canadian woods lives a dog-like animal, coyote, which is a little bigger than a fox, but smaller than a wolf. They usually avoid humans, but the occasional attacks can be deadly. Every year, one or two people end up getting killed by coyotes.
Earlier this year, a herd of elepants in Yunnan left their home in the Xishuangbanna National Nature Reserve and went on a meandering journey through the province. They destroyed crops and buildings along the way. Villages in their path had to be evacuated because of the potential dangers they posed to villagers. Animal experts haven’t determined why the elephants went on their journey. ____19____ The wild animals we love are in a constant struggle for survival. Our expanding into the natural habitats of wild animals can be dangerous for the animals and then us humans as well.
Maybe we should try to stay away from them. ____20____ Their lives—red in tooth and claw—are difficult enough without us causing them any more problems than they already have.
A. A walk in the woods can be dangerous.
B. It is a way to protect the wild animals, and it’s also our responsibility.
C. In Canada, people have a more realistic attitude towards wild animals.
D. In simple terms, we should try to keep proper distance from wild animals.
E. Hence they misunderstand that wild animals are just as friendly as Disney characters.
F. Thanks to active environmental conservation, the number of the elephants grew larger.
G. A reasonable possibility is that they probably needed more room and more food to survive.
【答案】16. C 17. F 18. D 19. B 20. G
【分析】这是一篇说明文。文章主要介绍了一位用针作画的艺术家Cayce Zavaglia,包括她作画的方式,对自己画的看法,以及人们对画的感觉。
根据上文“Cayce Zavaglia is an artist with a unique transformation to her work.(Cayce Zavaglia是一位艺术家,她的作品有着独特的变化)”和下文“Painting with tiny needles is not as fast as painting with a brush(用细针作画不如用刷子作画快) ”可知,上文提到了Cayce Zavaglia作画的改变,下文则说用针作画比较慢。由此可知,Cayce Zavaglia的改变是用针作画。C项“她不是用刷子画画,而是用针”符合文意,needle是关键词。故选C。
根据上文“Painting with tiny needles is not as fast as painting with a brush(用细针作画不如用刷子作画快)”和下文“It takes two months-nearly 200 hours to complete a portrait.(完成一幅肖像画需要两个月——近200个小时) ”可知,用针作画需要花大量时间。由此推知,空处承接上文,解释为什么用针作画很慢。F项“这需要很大的耐心,因为你经常要重新穿针”符合文意,下文是对空处内容的进一步说明。故选F。
根据下文“Once she decides,she invites that person to her studio and takes hundreds of photographs.(一旦她决定了,她会邀请那个人到她的工作室,拍上数百张照片)”结合倒数一二段提到的作画步骤推知,设空处应陈述Cayce作画的第一步——决定画谁。D项“Cayce的第一步是决定谁将出现在画像中 ”符合文意,选项中的deciding呼应下文的decides。故选D。
根据上文“Cayce starts with the hair and forehead, then moves on to the shoulders and clothing, and finally the face. The human face is what she most enjoys creating in her art.(Cayce从头发和前额开始,然后是肩膀和衣服,最后是脸。在她的艺术中,人的脸是她最喜欢创造的) ”和下文“In a portrait of her baby daughter,the skin appears soft and smooth. In a portrait of her dad, the stitches show a wrinkled and aging face.(在她的小女儿的肖像中,皮肤显得柔软光滑。在她父亲的肖像中,缝线显示出皱纹和衰老的脸)”可知,上文提到了Cayce创作的部位,下文则提到不同的肖像皮肤有不同的表现形式。由此推知,空处应陈述皮肤在创作中具有挑战性。B项 “最大的挑战是让皮肤看起来真实”符合文意,skin是关键词,下文是对空处内容的举例说明。故选B。
根据上文“From a distance, people believe the portraits are painted.(从远处看,人们认为画像是画的)”可知,上文描述了人们从远处看画的感觉,由此推知,空处承接上文,描述人们从近处看画的感觉。G项“但是当他们仔细看的时候,他们看到画像是绣出来的”符合文意,选项中的closer对应上文的from a distance,且they指代上文的people。故选G。
【答案】16. E 17. B 18. C 19. F 20. D
根据空前“Living with others can often help you develop close relationships and learn some life skills along the way.(与他人一起生活通常可以帮助你建立亲密的关系,并在此过程中学习一些生活技能)”结合文章主要介绍了如何与自己的室友相处好的一些建议。故E项“这里有一些关于如何成为一个好室友的实用建议”符合语境。故选E。
根据空前“In order to solve any problems that may arise, effective communication is necessary.(为了解决可能出现的任何问题,有效的沟通是必要的)”及空后“where you feel free to voice worries, expectations and feedback(你可以自由地表达你的担忧、期望和反馈)”可知,后文提到了可以自由表达担忧、期望和反馈,可知本句是在说明沟通建议是制定一项开放式的政策。故B项“你们可以制定一项开放式的政策”符合语境。故选B。
根据本段内容“Nothing is more important than keeping your shared space clean and organized. Take the time to clean up shared areas like bathrooms and kitchens and respect each other’s standards of cleanliness.(没有什么比保持你的共享空间整洁更重要的了。花点时间清理公共区域,比如浴室和厨房,尊重彼此的清洁标准)”可知,本段的主旨是保持公共区域的整洁,故C项“保持公共区域整洁有序”适合作本段的小标题。故选C。
根据空后“Developing a sense of humor will help relieve tension and create a more lighthearted atmosphere, especially when you and your roommates have the same sense of humor.(培养幽默感有助于缓解紧张,创造更轻松的氛围,尤其是当你和你的室友有同样的幽默感时)”可知,后文提到了缓解紧张,可知本句是在说明发生了导致紧张氛围的事情:与他人一起生活可能会导致分歧和争吵。故F项“与他人一起生活可能会导致分歧和争吵”符合语境。故选F。
根据空前“A supportive living environment is created by small things, for example, offering to pick up groceries or helping with housework.(一个支持性的生活环境是由小事创造的,例如,主动提起杂货或帮助做家务)”及空后“especially when one of your roommates is studying or working or when anyone in the apartment is asleep(尤其是当你的室友在学习或工作,或者当公寓里的任何人都在睡觉的时候)”可知,后文提到了别人在学习工作或在睡觉,可知本句是在说明注意事项:注意噪音水平。故D项“注意噪音水平也是明智的”符合语境。故选D。
【答案】36. C 37. E 38. D 39. G 40. F
根据空前“Planning a family vacation can be an exciting and fun experience (计划一个家庭旅行会是令人兴奋并好玩的经历)”可知计划家庭旅行会是令人兴奋的经历,根据空后“Therefore, with so many considerations, planning an enjoyable and stress-free vacation can be challenging (因此,在这么多考虑下,计划一个令人愉悦并没有压力的假期是有挑战的)”可知此处讲的是计划一个令人愉悦并没有压力的假期是有挑战的,空处承上启下,所以空处应提到某种挑战,选C However, it needs to be suitable for the interests and preferences of your children.(然而,它需要适合你的孩子的兴趣和喜好)指出挑战在于要适合孩子的兴趣和爱好,承接上文,引出下文,符合上下文语境。故选C项。
根据该段小标题“Let Your Kids Plan the Process (让你的孩子计划这个过程)”可知本段要讲的是要让孩子参与计划,根据空后“This could include asking themabout their favorite destinations, the activities they enjoy, and the experiencesthey would like to have while on vacation.(这可以包括询问他们最喜欢的目的地,他们喜欢的活动,以及他们在度假时想要的经历)”可知此处列举的是孩子们在度假时喜欢做的事情,空处承上启下,所以空处应该讲的是询问孩子们在度假时喜欢做的事情,E项One way is to ask them what they want to do and see on vacation.(一种方法是问他们假期想做什么,想看什么)符合上下文语境。故选E项。
根据该段小标题“Choose Age-Appropriate Activities (选择适合年龄的活动)”,以及空前“When planning a family vacation, choosing age-appropriate activities for your children is important.(在计划家庭度假时,为孩子选择适合他们年龄的活动是很重要的。)”可知本段讲的是选择适合孩子的某种活动,根据空后“This activities are generallymore interactive and hands-on, which canhelp keep them engaged and entertained (这些活动通常更具有互动性,容易上手,这能帮助孩子保持专注和娱乐)”可知此处讲的是适合孩子的活动的特点,空处承上启下,所以空处应该列举类似的活动有哪些,D项Activities like going to a water park can be a great choice for younger children.(像去水上公园这样的活动对年幼的孩子来说是一个很好的选择。)列举了水上公园之类的适合孩子的活动,承接上文,引出下文,符合上下文语境。故选D项。
根据该段小标题“Bring Along Familiar Items (带上熟悉的家庭物品)”可知本段讲的是外出游玩时应该带一些熟悉的家庭物品,根据空后“To help your children feel comfortable while away from home, consider bringing familiar items they enjoy, such as their favorite books, toys, games, or stuffed animals.(为了让你的孩子在离开家的时候感到舒适,考虑带一些他们喜欢的熟悉的东西,比如他们最喜欢的书、玩具、游戏或填充动物。)”可知此处列举了一些应该给孩子带的熟悉的东西,空处承上启下,所以空处应该讲的是为什么要带上一些熟悉的家庭物品,G项Children can sometimes have trouble with new environments.(孩子们有时在新环境中会有困难。)指出原因,承接上文,引出下文,符合上下文语境。故选G项。
根据该段小标题“Make It Educational (使它有教育意义)”可知此处讲的是要让计划有教育意义,根据空前“Add educational activities to your plan, such as visiting museums, national parks, orother historical sites. (在你的计划中加入教育活动,例如参观博物馆,国家公园或其他历史遗址。)”可知此处列举的是一些有教育意义的活动,空处位于段末,应对前文进行总结,选项F By doing so, it can be a great way to learn while having fun.(通过这样做,它可以是一个很好的方式来学习,同时享受乐趣。)指出通过这么做,孩子在玩的同时也是一个很好的学习的方式,对前文进行总结,符合上下文语境。故选F项。
【答案】36. C 37. F 38. G 39. D 40. B
根据下文“A whole food is an ingredient in its natural state (全食品是一种食品成分为自然状态的食品)”可推理出上文提到了全食品,C项“You can also eat more whole foods(你也可以多吃全食品)”符合语境,故选C项。
根据上文“it’s a good idea to visit your doctor for an annual check up(每年去看医生做一次检查是个好主意)”推知,空处内容应与医生做体检有关,F项“The doctor will most likely carry out some routine tests(医生很可能会做一些常规检查)”符合语境,故选F项。
空处位于段末应承接上文。根据上文“For example, your doctor may also do blood tests to check your cholesterol or screen for hormonal imbalances.(例如,你的医生也可以做血液测试来检查你的胆固醇或筛查激素失衡。)”可知,检测可以识别潜在的问题,G项“Each of these tests can help identify any potential problems(这些测试中的每一项都可以帮助识别任何潜在的问题)”符合语境义一致,故选G项。
根据上文“Physical activities including exercises can improve our flexibility, strength and balance(包括锻炼在内的体育活动可以提高我们的灵活性、力量和平衡)”以及下文“Just work more movement into your day.(只需在一天中多运动)”可知此处上下文说的是体育活动对身体有益,但是不必做剧烈的运动,只要每天多运动,分析待选项,D项“You don’t have to take up running marathons(你不必参加马拉松比赛)”符合语境,故选D项。
根据下文“Simply said, we are better together.(简单地说,我们在一起会更好。)”可知此处上下文说的是要多与别人建立连接,与B项“Connect with people(与他人建立联系)”表达的含义一致,故选B项。
【答案】36. B 37. G 38. A 39. C 40. E
【导语】本文是一篇说明文。本文用一些具体事例解释了俚语“a big fish in a small pond(小池塘里的大鱼)”的含义。
根据上文“The idiom “a big fish in a small pond” describes a person who is very well known or important in a small group but is not known or important outside that small group. For example, a high-performing high school student in a small town could be a big fish in a small pond.”(“小池塘里的大鱼”描述的是一个人,他在一个小群体中非常有名或重要,但在这个小群体之外却不知名或不重要。例如,小镇上表现优异的高中生可能是小池塘里的一条大鱼。)可知,“小池塘里的大鱼”指小团体中的杰出者在团体外不知名。后文“And he may simply not know how small his “pond” is-until he moves on to a big university.”(他可能根本不知道自己的“池塘”有多小——直到他进入一所大大学。)说明“他”直到进入大学才意识到自己并没有那么杰出。因此可推断,设空处是解释表现优异的高中生感觉自己很重要。故选B。
根据上文“He must compete with hundreds of students who were also the best at their high schools.”(他必须与数百名高中成绩最好的学生竞争。)可知,“他”的竞争者多了,也就是说“他”所在的“池塘”更大了。G项“他的池塘变得更大了,现在装了更多的鱼。”符合语境。故选G。
根据上文“A young singer was famous in his small town. He wanted to move to a big city to grow his singing career. ”(一位年轻的歌手在她的小镇上很有名。她想搬到一个大城市来发展她的歌唱事业。)可知,这位在小镇出名的歌手想要去大城市发展。再根据后文““Here in our small town”, they said, “you are a big fish in a small pond. Once you move to New York , that is going to change. Best be ready! ”(他们说“在我们的小镇上,你是小池塘里的一条大鱼。一旦你搬到纽约市,情况就会改变,最好做好准备!”。)可知,他们的家人也告诫她要做好心理准备。由以上可推断,设空处描写他们的家人支持她的同时也给她一些警告。故选A。
设空处位于句首,可起到概括总结的作用。根据后文“They never grow their circle of friends or work environment. Sometimes they do not take opportunities that increase their environment, or pond. By staying in a small pond, it is safer.”(他们从来没有扩大自己的朋友圈或工作环境。有时,它们不抓住增加环境或池塘的机会。呆在小池塘里更安全。)可知,有些人不愿意改变处境,更倾向于选择安逸。故C项“现在,有些人喜欢在小池塘里做一条大鱼。”能概括此段内容。故选C。
根据上文“So sometimes we use this expression to describe people who want to stay in a small pond just to feel more important.”(所以有时我们用这个表达来形容那些想呆在小池塘里,只是为了感觉自己更重要的人。)可知,设空处是对这一定义的进一步解释。因此E项“他们的地位没有受到池塘里其他鱼的质疑。”符合语境。故选E。
【答案】16. D 17. E 18. A 19. G 20. B
【导语】这是一篇议论文。文章开篇借由英国诗人Alfred Lord Tennyson的话“残酷无情”,引出观点:我们应尽量与野生动物保持距离。接着以加拿大森林里的土狼和云南大象迁徙为例进行论证,告诫我们应当远离这些动物的生活,这是保护它们的一种方式,也是我们的责任。
设空处位于段末,应具有总结前文的作用。上文“When the British poet Alfred Lord Tennyson described nature as “red in tooth and claw”, he was telling us that the natural world can be cruel as well as beautiful.(当英国诗人阿尔弗雷德·丁尼生将自然描述为“残酷无情”时,他是在告诉我们,自然界可残酷可美丽。)”提到了英国诗人的话,他认为自然界可残酷可美丽,但此处尚未表明作者自己的观点,由此可推知,设空处是作者在总结前文并表明自己的观点。D项“In simple terms, we should try to keep proper distance from wild animals.(简单地说,我们应该尽量与野生动物保持适当的距离。)”恰好能总结前文内容,又表达了作者自己的观点,符合语境。故选D项。
上文“Most people living in urban areas rarely encounter wild animals in their natural surroundings.(大多数生活在城市地区的人很少在自然环境中遇到野生动物。)”提到了大多数生活在城市的人很少遇到野生动物;下文“And they are willing to get close to them. But for wild animals, it is “eat or be eaten,” and they can’t distinguish between humans and other animals.(他们愿意接近野生动物。但对于野生动物来说,这是“要么吃,要么被吃”,它们无法区分人类和其他动物。)”提到了,人们愿意接近这些野生动物,但野生动物只有“要么吃,要么被吃”的概念,无法区分人类和其他动物;由此可推知,人们接近这些野生动物,是因为没有正确的认知。E项“Hence they misunderstand that wild animals are just as friendly as Disney characters. (因此,他们误以为野生动物和迪士尼角色一样友好)”一方面与下文“And they are willing to get close to them.(他们愿意接近野生动物)”构成因果关系,另一方面也与下文“野生动物的反应”对应。故选E项。
设空处位于段首,应具有概述下文的作用。下文“In Canadian woods lives a dog-like animal, coyote, which is a little bigger than a fox, but smaller than a wolf. They usually avoid humans, but the occasional attacks can be deadly. Every year, one or two people end up getting killed by coyotes.(在加拿大的森林里,生活着一种类似狗的动物,叫土狼。它比狐狸大一点,但比狼小。它们通常避开人类,但偶尔的攻击可能是致命的。每年有一两个人被土狼咬死。)”提到了加拿大森林里有一种土狼,有时会把人咬死。由此可推知,此处段首提及的内容与森林有关。A项“A walk in the woods can be dangerous.(在树林里散步可能很危险。)”提到了在森林里散步也可能很危险,恰好与下文提及的加拿大森林对应;而下文内容正是本句话的原因支撑。故选A项。
上文“Animal experts haven’t determined why the elephants went on their journey.(动物专家还没有确定大象为什么继续它们的旅程。)”提到了动物专家也还没确定这些大象迁徙的原因是什么;下文“The wild animals we love are in a constant struggle for survival.(我们所爱的野生动物一直在为生存而奋斗。)”提到了这些野生动物一直在为生存而奋斗;由此可推知,设空处可能是在谈这些大象迁徙的潜在原因。G项“A reasonable possibility is that they probably needed more room and more food to survive.(一个合理的可能性是,它们可能需要更多的空间和更多的食物来生存。)”提到了其中一个合理的可能性,就是它们需要更多的生存空间和食物,恰好与下文的“in a constant struggle for survival”对应。故选G项。
上文“Maybe we should try to stay away from them.(也许我们应该尽量远离它们。)”提议应尽量远离野生动物;下文“Their lives—red in tooth and claw—are difficult enough without us causing them any more problems than they already have.(它们的生活——残酷无情——已经够艰难的了,不用我们再给它们制造更多的麻烦。)”提到了“我们应该尽量远离野生动物”的原因。由此可推知设空处是在进一步解释为什么需要远离野生动物。B项“It is a way to protect the wild animals, and it’s also our responsibility.(这是保护野生动物的一种方式,也是我们的责任。)”恰好与上下文对应。故选B项。