

名称 辽宁省部分市2023-2024学年高一上学期期中英语汇编:七选五(含解析)
格式 docx
文件大小 34.8KB
资源类型 教案
版本资源 通用版
科目 英语
更新时间 2024-03-30 21:49:03



How to prepare for a wildfire
Before you can effectively prepare, it’s very important to understand how wildfires operate. Many think wildfires destroy homes because a wall of flames(火焰)moves across the landscape. ____16____. Now that you know what a wildfire is, here’s how you can protect your home and your family.
Creating a defensible space around your home acts as a barrier against wildfire flames. Home hardening involves constructing with fire-resistant materials. Investing $10,000 to $20,000 in these measures significantly reduces the chance of a home being ravaged by a wildfire, lowering risk by 75%.
Remove dead tree branches
Similar to dry or bagged leaves, dead tree branches are dry, which means they, too, can catch fire quickly. If you have any hanging from trees or laying in your yard, remove them ASAP. The same rule applies when removing dead tree branches: ____18____.
Create an evacuation (撤离)plan
Families should go over an evacuation plan and practice it well before an emergency actually occurs. Knowing when to leave and being able to go quickly is crucial during an evacuation scenario. ____19____. Then plan your primary and alternative evacuation route, and assemble emergency supplies and store them where you can get to them quickly.
Make sure gutters(水槽)are made of metal
____20____. Fix metal gutter covers to reduce leaf litter and windblown debris. This will ensure that things don’t burn in them and spread fire to your home. Don’t pressure-wash gutters; it can damage them or pull them off your house.
A. Do not store them close to the house
B. Replace plastic gutters with metal ones
C. Things we all have are around our homes
D. It’s important to keep away from wildfire
E. Build defensible space s and harden your home
F. Set a meet up destination for all family members first
G. Actually, it’s tiny wind-blown things that destroy most of them
Lots of people think that the best way to become successful is to pick up lots of new habits and skills. While this can help, sometimes the best thing you can do is give up the things that hold you back from success. ____16____.
1. Remove Perfectionism
Perfection is impossible. ____17____. Instead of worrying about mistakes that you have made or physical flaws that bother you, simply focus on trying to better yourself with small steps, No one is perfect, but anyone can make the decision to be a better person.
2. Remove Excuses
____18____ Successful people understand that they are fully responsible for their present situation. They see this as a good thing as it means that they hold the power to significantly improve their fate. When you make up you excuses, you are lying to yourself, which will hold you back from achieving your goals.
3. Remove Fear
Lots of people make themselves smaller without realizing it. They keep quiet during discussions when they want to say something. They avoid taking risks and they always think about the worst cases. ____19____. My suggestion is to remove it from your life and be brave instead. Speak up, voice your thoughts and actively chase your dreams and goals.
4. Remove The Desire For Overnight Success
Some people believe that the majority of successful people became successful overnight, or that they became successful by chance. They are only waiting for their luck without taking action to make their dreams come true. ____20____While luck can certainly play its part, you can’t rely on luck to become successful.
A. In reality success takes efforts.
B. For example, give up some bad skills.
C. Trying to achieve it is a waste of your time.
D. It’s no use trying to blame others for your life.
E These people lack courage and can’t gain success in life.
F. This attitude will stop them from achieving their full potential.
G. Instead of adding more things to your life, try getting rid of some negative things.
Studying can be pretty hard sometimes. We try to learn the material, yet we face so many hardships that we start to doubt ourselves. ____16____ . Every student, no matter what educational level, has doubted themselves and many have considered dropping out.
This comes as a result of the huge stress that is placed on us. But we can definitely make it somewhat easier. One way to do so is through writing by hand. ____17____.
Increasing your focus
____18____. You are more likely to check who’s texted you at times. However, if you are doing handwritten notes, you will be much more focused on what you’re studying. According to some studies, handwriting has better results in terms of how focused the students are on the material they are trying to learn.
Putting down our notes on paper by hand has even more advantages. One of them is better memory. Yes, if you are handwriting your notes, you will find it much easier to recall those notes and the information later, especially on your exam. Handwriting leads to an increase in the retention (保留) of information. This means your long-term memory will keep more parts of what you’ve written down.
Helping you prioritize (分清主次) better
You can’t write down every single word in class. Thus, you have to learn to prioritize. This ability can be improved through writing notes by hand because you have to pick what is the most important and then write it down. ____20____.
A. Bringing you better memory
B. That’s why we can’t score high marks
C. Pushing you to improve your handwriting
D. If you are in this situation, you are not alone
E. Let’s see the advantages of taking handwritten notes
F. The practice allows you to get the main idea of the class
G. Typing notes on an iPad makes it hard for you to keep focused
Have you heard of the game “Pin the Tail on the Donkey” ___16___ . It can provide the host with an opportunity to give the guests small gifts. The object of the game is to place the donkey’s tail as close as possible to the place where it should actually be. Typically, the winner of a round will receive a small prize.
___17___ . Generally, you need a large picture of a donkey without a tail and pictures of the donkey’s tail. You’ll also need a blindfold. Besides. you need to prepare a pin for each tail so that kids can attach the tails to the donkey.
When you choose an area for the game, keep security in mind. Since players may head off in completely wrong directions, it’s important to find a rather large area. The area had better be flat, without objects like big stones on the ground. ___18___ .
Here are the steps of the game. One at a time, blindfold the kid. hand him the tail you’ve labeled for him, and turn him slowly around at the starting point. ___19___ . All other players should keep out of the blindfolded kid’s way as he makes his way to the wall.
The kid should walk with his arms outstretched and place the tail as soon as he touches the wall. ___20___ . Then gather everyone to examine the picture and identify the winner — the player who has made the best attempt to pin the tail on the donkey in the proper position.
A. Now, the game is popular worldwide
B. Otherwise, kids may fall over and get injured
C. When touching the wall, the kid should stand still
D. It’s a western game primarily used at parties for kids
E. To play the game, you need to prepare certain objects
F. Repeat the process until all the kids have taken turns playing it
G. Point him accurately towards the wall where the donkey picture is and step back
I’m often asked how to study English effectively. I think this means getting the most out of your study time, and that means variety. ____36____.
Study Every Day
It’s important to study English every day. However, don’t exaggerate (夸张)! ____37____. This habit of studying English every day will help keep English in your brain fresh.
A Little Grammar, a Little Listening, a Little Reading, and a Little Writing.
____38____. Study a little grammar, then do a short listening exercise and then read an article on the same topic. Don’t do too much; twenty minutes on three different types of exercises is plenty!
Give yourself one grammar goal when reading a new article or watching a new video. For example, try to write down each example of a form you are studying such as the present perfect. Use colored pens to highlight (使.....突出) forms that you are studying.
Use Different Learning Methods
Don’t just use one way to study English. Use many kinds of methods which will make all the parts of your brain help you. ____40____. All of these methods together help with your learning.
Find Some Friends
You can practice the exercises together, have conversations together (in English), and, as you study English together, help each other with exercises you may not understand.
A. Forget Grammar
B. Review Grammar as You Watch or Read
C. Here are some simple exercises to help you warm up
D. Here are some basic ideas to help you as you study English
E. Study for thirty minutes every day instead of two hours once a week
F. Make sure that you study a number of areas rather than focusing on just one
G. For example, if you are learning new vocabulary, create a word map, describe a picture, make a list...
阅读下面短文, 从短文后的选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项, 选项中有两项为多余选项。
Improving your family life can help make your family members closer and prevent conflicts from getting in the way of everyone’s happiness. ___16___.
Talk to your family members at the end of the day. ___17___. That way, they can understand you and generally know what’s going on in your life. In turn, it is equally important that you know about their lives too, so that they feel understood, supported and realize that they are not alone.
Set aside time for regular family activities. You can do fun activities together to relax yourselves. ___18___. If possible, leave at least an afternoon or evening per week for a family activity. Keep it low-key, and focus on having fun together and enjoying each other’s company.
Show sincere concern about your family members. ___19___. If you love them, then tell them that you love them. If you care about them, tell them this. Go out of your way to remind each family member what glues you all together—love, care and support.
___20___. Do not always give a lot of advice to your family members. Just hear them out at times. That is all they need. Make eye contact with them, nod your head, and say things like, “I understand,” when appropriate. Make sure they know that whatever they are talking about, you are there to listen and be supportive.
By doing so, you can surely develop a close family relationship with your family members.
A. Be an active listener
B. Do not keep your feelings bottled up
C. You can also surprise them with presents
D. Remember to make eye contact with them
E. It is very important that you let them know about your life
F. These could include bike rides, walks, playing cards or board games
G. The following ways can make your time with your family more enjoyable
【答案】16. G 17. E 18. A 19. F 20. B
根据空后内容“Now that you know what a wildfire is, here’s how you can protect your home and your family.(现在你知道了什么是野火,下面是你如何保护你的家和你的家人。)”可知,上文解释了何谓野火。选项G“Actually, it’s tiny wind-blown things that destroy most of them(实际上,是被风吹来的小东西摧毁了它们中的大部分)”延续空前内容“Many think wildfires destroy homes because a wall of flames(火焰)moves across the landscape.(许多人认为野火会摧毁房屋,因为一堵火焰墙会穿过地面。)”,解释了野火的具体含义。故选G。
空处为小标题,为本段主要内容。根据下文“Creating a defensible space around your home acts as a barrier against wildfire flames. Home hardening involves constructing with fire-resistant materials. Investing $10,000 to $20,000 in these measures significantly reduces the chance of a home being ravaged by a wildfire, lowering risk by 75%.(在你家周围创造一个可防御的空间,作为抵御野火的屏障。房屋加固包括用耐火材料建造。在这些措施上投资1万到2万美元,可以显著降低房屋被野火破坏的几率,将风险降低75%。)”可知,本段主要建议我们建造一个防御空间。选项E“Build defensible space s and harden your home(建造可防御的空间,加固你的家)”符合本段主要内容,故选E。
根据上文“Similar to dry or bagged leaves, dead tree branches are dry, which means they, too, can catch fire quickly. If you have any hanging from trees or laying in your yard, remove them ASAP.(与干燥或袋装叶子类似,枯死的树枝也很干燥,这意味着它们也会很快着火。如果你有挂在树上或躺在你的院子里,尽快把它们移走。)”可知,枯死的树枝很干燥,容易着火,所以要把枯死的树枝移走。空前“The same rule applies when removing dead tree branches(同样的规则也适用于移除枯枝:)”可知,把枯死的树枝移走这个规则也适用于移除枯枝,也就是不要放在院子里。选项A“Do not store them close to the house(不要在房子附近存放)”符合上文内容,故选A。
根据上文“Knowing when to leave and being able to go quickly is crucial during an evacuation scenario.(在疏散场景中,知道什么时候离开并能够快速离开是至关重要的。)”可知,在疏散时快速离开很重要。选项F“Set a meet up destination for all family members first(首先为所有家庭成员设定一个见面地点)”是上文内容的具体阐述,指的是在演习疏散场景时应该首先明确见面地点;而且,选项F中的“first”也和下文“Then plan your primary and alternative evacuation route, and assemble emergency supplies and store them where you can get to them quickly.(然后计划好你的主要和备用疏散路线,并将应急物资储存在你可以快速到达的地方。)”中的“then”保持一致。故选F。
根据下文“Fix metal gutter covers to reduce leaf litter and windblown debris. This will ensure that things don’t burn in them and spread fire to your home.(固定金属水槽盖,以减少落叶和风吹的碎片。这将确保东西不会在里面燃烧,并将火蔓延到你的家。)”可知,空处提到了金属水槽。选项B“Replace plastic gutters with metal ones(用金属水槽代替塑料水槽)”符合小标题“Make sure gutters(水槽)are made of metal(确保排水沟是由金属制成的)”内容,同时引出下文内容。故选B。
【答案】16. G 17. C 18. D 19. F 20. A
根据上文“Lots of people think that the best way to become successful is to pick up lots of new habits and skills. While this can help, sometimes the best thing you can do is give up the things that hold you back from success.(很多人认为成功的最好方法就是养成新的习惯和技能。虽然这有帮助,但有时候你能做的最好的事情就是放弃那些阻碍你成功的事情)”以及后文主要提出了一些需要摆脱的消极事物。故G选项“与其给你的生活增加更多的东西,不如试着摆脱一些消极的东西”符合语境,故选G。
根据上文“Perfection is impossible.(完美是不可能的)”可知,上文提到完美是不可能的,说明无法实现,C选项中it指代上文Perfection。故C选项“试图实现它是浪费时间。”符合语境,故选C。
根据后文“Successful people understand that they are fully responsible for their present situation. They see this as a good thing as it means that they hold the power to significantly improve their fate. When you make up you excuses, you are lying to yourself, which will hold you back from achieving your goals.(成功人士明白,他们要对自己目前的处境负全部责任。他们认为这是一件好事,因为这意味着他们有能力显著改善自己的命运。当你编造借口时,你是在欺骗自己,这会阻碍你实现目标)”可知,后文提到了成功人士对自己的处境负责,且提到“当你编造借口时,你是在欺骗自己,这会阻碍你实现目标”,说明为自己的生活找借口,怪别人是没有用的。故D选项“把你的生活归咎于别人是没有用的”符合语境,故选D。
根据上文“They avoid taking risks and they always think about the worst cases.(他们避免冒险,总是想到最坏的情况)”可知,上文提到了“他们避免冒险,总是想到最坏的情况”,故本句承接上文说明这么做的危害:阻碍他们充分发挥潜力。故F选项“这种态度会阻碍他们充分发挥潜力”符合语境,故选F。
根据上文“They are only waiting for their luck without taking action to make their dreams come true.(他们只是在等待运气,而没有采取行动让他们的梦想成真)”以及后文“While luck can certainly play its part, you can’t rely on luck to become successful.(虽然运气当然可以发挥作用,但你不能依靠运气来获得成功)”可知,后文提到不能依靠运气成功,说明成功需要努力。故A选项“事实上,成功需要努力”符合语境,故选A。
【答案】16. D 17. E 18. G 19. A 20. F
空前说“We try to learn the material, yet we face so many hardships that we start to doubt ourselves.(我们试着学习材料,但我们面对太多的困难,我们开始怀疑自己。)”,空后说“Every student, no matter what educational level, has doubted themselves and many have considered dropping out.(每个学生,无论受教育程度如何,都怀疑过自己,许多人都考虑过辍学。)”,说明怀疑自己的学生不止一个,D选项“If you are in this situation, you are not alone(如果你有这种情况,你并不孤单)”说明怀疑自己的人除了你以外还有别人,不止你一个,因此承上启下,符合语境,故选D。
空前说“But we can definitely make it somewhat easier. One way to do so is through writing by hand.(但我们绝对可以让它变得更简单。这样做的一种方法是通过手写。)”,空格处应该说手写有一些好处,E选项“Let’s see the advantages of taking handwritten notes(让我们看看手写笔记的好处)”说明了手写有好处,引出下文具体的好处,因此承上启下,符合语境,故选E。
空后说“You are more likely to check who’s texted you at times. However, if you are doing handwritten notes, you will be much more focused on what you’re studying.(你更有可能不时查看谁给你发了短信。然而,如果你在做手写笔记,你会更专注于你正在学习的东西。)”,说明空格处要提到一种会让你不时查看短信的记笔记的方式,G选项“Typing notes on an iPad makes it hard for you to keep focused(在iPad上打字会让你很难集中注意力)”提到了用ipad记笔记,这种方法可能让人不时查看短信,因此引起下文,符合语境,故选G。
空格处是本段小标题,由下方内容“Putting down our notes on paper by hand has even more advantages. One of them is better memory.(用手把笔记记在纸上有更多的好处。其中之一就是更好的记忆力。)”可知,本段主要讲的是手写笔记可以提高记忆力,A选项“Bringing you better memory(带给你更好的记忆)”说明手写笔记让人记忆更好,因此概括本段内容,可作为小标题,故选A。
空前说“You can’t write down every single word in class. Thus, you have to learn to prioritize. This ability can be improved through writing notes by hand because you have to pick what is the most important and then write it down.(你不可能在课堂上把每个单词都写下来。因此,你必须学会分清主次。这种能力可以通过手写笔记来提高,因为你必须选择最重要的东西,然后把它写下来。)”,空格处应该说分清主次的好处,F选项“The practice allows you to get the main idea of the class(这种做法可以让你掌握这门课的主要思想)”说明了分清主次的好处,因此承接上文,符合语境,故选F。
【答案】16. D 17. E 18. B 19. G 20. F
【导语】这是一篇说明文,文章主要介绍了“Pin the Tail on the Donkey”这个游戏,包括需要的东西和玩游戏的步骤。
根据上文“Have you heard of the game ‘Pin the Tail on the Donkey’ (你听说过‘Pin the Tail on the Donkey’这个游戏吗?)”可知,空处应是介绍这个游戏,D项“这是一种西方游戏,主要用于孩子们的聚会”符合语境,故选D。
根据下文“Generally, you need a large picture of a donkey without a tail and pictures of the donkey’s tail. You’ll also need a blindfold. Besides, you need to prepare a pin for each tail so that kids can attach the tails to the donkey.(一般来说,你需要一张没有尾巴的驴的大照片和驴尾巴的照片。你还需要一个眼罩。此外,你需要为每条尾巴准备一个别针,这样孩子们就可以把尾巴固定在驴身上)”可知,本段主要讲述玩游戏需要准备的东西,E项“要玩这个游戏,你需要准备特定的物品”符合语境,为本段主题句,故选E。
上文“The area had better be flat, without objects like big stones on the ground.(这个地方最好是平坦的,地上不能有大石头之类的东西)”提到玩游戏的场地最好平坦、没有石头,B项“否则,孩子们可能会摔倒受伤”说明上文的原因,符合语境,故选B。
根据上文“One at a time, blindfold the kid. hand him the tail you’ve labeled for him, and turn him slowly around at the starting point.(把你标记好的尾巴递给他,在起点慢慢地把他转过来)”和下文“All other players should keep out of the blindfolded kid’s way as he makes his way to the wall.(当这个蒙着眼睛的孩子向墙走去时,所有其他的球员都应该离他远点)”可知,上文提到把孩子转过来,下文提到这个孩子向墙的方向走去,故空处是说给孩子指明墙的方向,G项“把他准确地指向墙上驴的照片,然后退后一步”符合语境,故选G。
上文“The kid should walk with his arms outstretched and place the tail as soon as he touches the wall.(孩子走路时应该张开双臂,一碰到墙就把尾巴放好)”提到孩子碰到墙就把尾巴放好,结合下文“Then gather everyone to examine the picture and identify the winner — the player who has made the best attempt to pin the tail on the donkey in the proper position.(然后召集所有人来检查这张照片,并确定谁是获胜者——谁在适当的位置上试了最大的努力把尾巴钉在驴身上)”可知,孩子把尾巴放在墙上就完成了游戏,等所有孩子都这样完成了游戏再把所有人聚在一起看看谁是获胜者,F项“重复这个过程,直到所有的孩子都轮流玩游戏”符合上下文逻辑关系,故选F。
【答案】36. D 37. E 38. F 39. B 40. G
根据上文“I’m often asked how to study English effectively. I think this means getting the most out of your study time, and that means variety.(经常有人问我如何有效地学习英语。我认为这意味着充分利用你的学习时间,这意味着多样化)” 以及下文所列举的小标题可知,本文主题就是介绍英语学习方法。由此可知,D. Here are some basic ideas to help you as you study English(这里有一些基本的想法,可以帮助你学习英语)能够承接上文,同时引出下文几条学习方法,符合语境。故选D。
根据小标题“Study Every Day(每天学习)”可知,本段指出每天都要学习英语。由此可知,E. Study for thirty minutes every day instead of two hours once a week.(天学习30分钟,而不是每周一次学习两个小时)是每天学习的具体措施,符合语境。故选E。
根据下文“Study a little grammar, then do a short listening exercise and then read an article on the same topic.(学习一点语法,然后做一个简短的听力练习,然后读一篇相同主题的文章)”可知,此处介绍了介绍了一系列学习内容方法。由此可知,F. Make sure that you study a number of areas rather than focusing on just one(确保你学习了很多领域,而不是只关注一方面)能够引出下文,符合本段主题。故选F。
根据下文“Give yourself one grammar goal when reading a new article or watching a new video.(在阅读新文章或观看新视频时,给自己设定一个语法目标)”可知,此处指学习时给自己设个语法目标。由此可知,B. Review Grammar as You Watch or Read(在观看或阅读时复习语法)能概括本段大意,适合做本段标题。故选B。
根据上文“Use many kinds of methods which will make all the parts of your brain help you.(使用多种方法,这将使你的大脑的各个部分帮助你)”及下文“All of these methods together help with your learning.(所有这些方法都有助于你的学习)”可知,此处都在谈论方法对学习的帮助。由此可知,G. For example, if you are learning new vocabulary, create a word map, describe a picture, make a list...(例如,如果你正在学习新词汇,可以画一张单词图,描述一幅画,列一张表……)承接上文,列举了一系列具体的学习方法,下文中的these methods指代“所举方法”,进一步说明这些方法的作用。故选G。
【答案】16. G 17. E 18. F 19. B 20. A
空前“Improving your family life can help make your family members closer and prevent conflicts from getting in the way of everyone’s happiness.(改善你的家庭生活可以帮助你的家庭成员更亲密,防止冲突妨碍每个人的幸福。)”说明了改善家庭生活是有很多好处的,由空后每一段的小标题可知,接下来要讲改善家庭生活的方法,G选项“The following ways can make your time with your family more enjoyable(下面的方法可以让你和家人在一起的时间更愉快)”提出有方法可以改善家庭生活,因此承上启下,符合语境,故选G。
本段主题句是“Talk to your family members at the end of the day.(在一天结束的时候和你的家人谈谈。)”,因此本段主要讲的是要和家人谈话,空后“That way, they can understand you and generally know what’s going on in your life.(这样,他们就能理解你,大致知道你生活中发生了什么。)”说明了跟家人谈话可以让家人知道你生活中发生了什么,因此空格处应该也是说让家人了解自己的生活,E选项“It is very important that you let them know about your life(让他们了解你的生活是非常重要的)”说明了让家人了解自己的生活是很重要的,因此承上启下,符合语境,故选E。
空前“Set aside time for regular family activities. You can do fun activities together to relax yourselves.(为定期的家庭活动留出时间。你们可以一起做一些有趣的活动来放松自己。)”说明了要留出时间和家人一起参加一些活动,空格处也是关于这些活动的,F选项“These could include bike rides, walks, playing cards or board games(这些包括骑自行车、散步、打牌或棋盘游戏)”说明了这些活动包括些什么,因此承接上文,符合语境,故选F。
本段主题句是“Show sincere concern about your family members.(真诚地关心你的家人。)”,因此本段主要讲的是要真诚关心家人,空后说“If you love them, then tell them that you love them. If you care about them, tell them this.(如果你爱他们,那就告诉他们你爱他们。如果你关心他们,就告诉他们。)”说明要表达自己对家人的爱,不要藏着不说,B选项“Do not keep your feelings bottled up(不要压抑自己的感情)”说明了不要压抑自己的感情,和空后的要表达爱相一致,因此承上启下,符合语境,故选B。
空格处是本段主题句,由空后“Do not always give a lot of advice to your family members. Just hear them out at times.(不要总是给你的家人很多建议。偶尔听听他们的意见。)”可知,本段主要讲的是要听家人的意见,A选项“Be an active listener(做一个积极的倾听者)”说明了要积极地倾听,因此概括本段内容,可作为主题句,故选A。