人教版(2019)选择性必修 第三册Unit 3 Environmental Protection 同步知识检测(无答案 2份打包)


名称 人教版(2019)选择性必修 第三册Unit 3 Environmental Protection 同步知识检测(无答案 2份打包)
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资源类型 教案
版本资源 人教版(2019)
科目 英语
更新时间 2024-04-01 14:25:16


Unit 3 Reading and Thinking (同步知识检测)
【Learning Aim】
Consolidate the usage of words, phrases and sentence patterns by doing the related exercises.
Task I Fill in the blanks according to the Chinese meaning.
In the foggy morning, the enemy _____________ (释放) the workers from the awesome quarry.
I had asked everyone to _____________(提交) questions in advance of the meeting.
The concert will be _____________ (广播) live tomorrow evening.
I _____________ (限制) myself to one cup of coffee a day.
The country has always pursued a _____________ (政策) of peace to deal with international affairs.
It is obvious that the way much coffee is grown affects many aspects of life, from the local environment to the global _____________ (生态).
_____________ (每年的) boarding fees are $10,350.
The team enjoyed only _____________ (中等的) success last season.
Without the _____________ (改革) of the economic management system our industry would rot.
As is expected, the boy will try his best to _____________ (抓住) the golden chance to go abroad to broaden his horizons.
After the failure of the electricity supply the city was in_____________ (混乱).
The _____________ (排放) of gases such as carbon dioxide should be stabilised at their present level.
_____________ (和谐的) relationships are what many companies aim to cultivate.
We were given a _____________ (盆) of water to wash our hands in.
This is a growing _____________ (趋势).
The animals were left to _____________ (饿死) to death.
We seem to be light on _____________ (燃料).
The idea was to create a _____________ (全面的,详尽的) road map of the Web.
We've talked recently about the importance of _____________ (可持续的) energy.
He _____________ (经常地) donates large sums to charity.
Task II Fill in the blanks to review the words, phrases and sentence patterns in the passage.
When the two men entered into the deserted island, they got lost and starved _____________death.
With the serious drought, these people living in Africa faced increased risk of _____________ (starve) and disease.
Clearly, dropping this _____________ (restrict) would allow the other species to recover.
In order to keep healthy, I restrict myself _____________one cup of coffee a day.
If you want to share a story of your pets with the readers, you need to submit it _____________Smart Animals.
_____________ (submit) by Tom,the paper was thought highly of by his professor.
As students, we must submit _____________ (we) to the disciplines at school.
The deadline for the _____________ (submit) of proposals is May 1st.
A new survey _____________ (release) by Yale University finds that Americans trust scientists most when it comes to information on climate change.
“_____________ (sustain) development” is a question how we can continue developing the world without damaging the environment.
Experts say it is an international trend _____________ (adopt) PM 2. 5 to check air quality.
Throughout history, English _____________ (undergo) big changes, especially when Henry Ⅳ became King of England.
The sky and the sea make a _____________ (harmony) picture.
Bob with his friends often _____________ (play) basketball after school.
We risk upsetting the _____________ (ecology) balance of the sea.
Various natural disasters occurred _____________ (frequent) in Jianghan Basin during the Song and Yuan Period, among which both the droughts and flood disasters had the highest _____________. (frequent)
Why you offer the customers a _______________(comprehend) range of financial products is beyond my _______________. (comprehend)
Not only Tom but also his parents _____________ (be) coming to visit the museum tomorrow.
In response to this environmental issue, China is implementing significant _______________(policy) and measures to address climate change.
When an infected person sneezes, coughs or talks, the virus is released _____________ the air and can be spread to other people.
Task III Translate the following sentences into English.
随着人类活动频繁, 越来越多的适宜动物居住的森林正在遭到破坏。______________________________________________________________________________________________
人们燃烧化石燃料, 释放出大量的二氧化碳, 这导致了全球气温上升。_____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
毫无疑问, 地球生态正在遭到破坏。 _______________________________________________
有充分且全面的证据表明如果人类不能制定一些政策来减少温室气体的排放, 全球变暖的趋势将得不到限制, 地球在未来将无法维持生命。
作为中国公民, 把握每一次机会去传播环境保护意识是我们的责任。
Task IV Fill in the blanks according to the given context.
Global warming is quite a big issue today in the 21st century. We 1. ____________ (encourage) to be nice to other people. However, most people forget to be nice to the environment.
2. _________ (pollute) causes greenhouse gases to stay in the Earth’s atmosphere, 3. ___________ (cause) extreme weather. Simple things you can do every day can help preserve the Earth and make the Earth a 4. ______ (good) place to live in for you, your children, and future generations to come.
Tons of carbon dioxide are emitted by cars every day, contributing 5. ___________ the climate crisis. We need to take action now 6. ___________ (help) slow down or even eliminate this problem.
There are many ways to reduce global warming. Some ways are to carpool, take public transportation, bike, or walk, 7. _________ will save gas and your money. I walk or bike whenever I can. It’s very good to exercise as well. If I have to go to a place where I can't go on foot, I'll take public transportation. I’m glad that in recent years, the New York City 8. ___________ (decide) to use hybrid-powered buses. I also try to encourage 9. ___________ (friend) and family to do the same in order to reduce CO emissions. If everyone does something to help, together we can have a positive effect 10. ___________ the whole society.Unit 3 Environmental Protection (课文语法填空及长难句)
【Learning Aim】
Review the content of the text by filling the blanks in the rational cloze.
Experience the usage of key words and expressions in content.
Task I Fill in the blanks to review the passage.
As 1.___________ (know) to all, Earth is getting warmer and warmer, 2._______ results in melting ice and rising sea levels. In 2013, a dead polar bear 3.___________ (find) on Norway’s Arctic island of Svalbard. Experts said that it was low sea ice levels 4.________ (cause) by climate change 5.______ killed the polar bear. Scientists mention that the “man made” greenhouse effect is a big problem. 6._____ rise in temperature has led to an increase in extreme weather and natural disasters worldwide, 7._________ (cause) serious damage and costing human lives. The global climate’s further warming 8.__________ (require) the attention of people all over the world. Governments need to make policies and take measures 9.__________ (reduce) greenhouse gas emissions. As individuals, we should also reduce our “carbon footprint” 10. ______ restricting the amount of carbon dioxide our lifestyles produce.
Task II Read the following sentences from the text and experience the usage of words and phrases.
There is little doubt that Earth is getting warmer and warmer.
In 2013, a lot of people were shocked by a news photo of a dead polar bear that was found on Norway's Arctic island of Svalbard.
According to the scientists who found its dead body, all that remained of the polar bear was “skin and bones”.
An expert who has studied polar bears for many years said that from the position of its dead body, the bear appeared to have starved and died.
Experts claimed that low sea-ice levels caused by climate change meant the bear could not hunt seals as before, so it had to travel greater distances in order to find food.
This alarming case showed how the increase in temperature had an impact on Earth’s ecology.
A warming ocean and atmosphere along with melting ice and rising sea levels provide evidence of a dramatic change in the global climate.
Climate scientists often mention a key climate process called the “greenhouse effect”, which has two common meanings: the “natural” greenhouse effect and the “man-made” greenhouse effect.
The “natural” greenhouse effect refers to the fact that heat from the sun enters the atmosphere and warms Earth’s surface as short-wave radiation.
The heat is released back into space at longer wave lengths.
Greenhouse gases in the atmosphere, such as methane and carbon dioxide, trap some of the heat, keeping Earth’s climate warm and habitable
There is strong and comprehensive evidence that the rise in temperature has led to an increase in extreme weather and natural disasters worldwide, not only causing serious damage, but also costing human lives.
Climate scientists have warned that if we do not take appropriate actions, this warming trend will probably continue and there will be a higher price to pay.
We as individuals can also reduce our “carbon footprint” by restricting the amount of carbon dioxide our lifestyles produce.
It is our responsibility to seize every opportunity to educate everyone about global warming, along with its causes and impacts, because this is the most serious issue affecting all of us on this planet.