人教版(2019)必修 第二册Unit 1 Cultural Heritage Reading for Writing 教学设计(表格式)


名称 人教版(2019)必修 第二册Unit 1 Cultural Heritage Reading for Writing 教学设计(表格式)
格式 docx
文件大小 64.6KB
资源类型 教案
版本资源 人教版(2019)
科目 英语
更新时间 2024-04-01 22:02:13



人教版 2019 年英语 Unit1 Cultural heritage Period 7 Reading for writing
课题 Period 7 Reading for Writing 单元 Unit1 Cultural Heritage 学科 English 年级 高一 必修二
主题语境 人与社会———保护文化遗产
授课时长 一课时(45 分钟)
文本分析 阅读文本是一篇有关利用数字技术制作敦煌莫高窟文物图像的新闻报道。文本短小精 悍,结构简明,具有比较典型的新闻内容和语言特征。
学情分析 本节课的授课对象是高一学生, 他们具备基础的阅读能力, 基本掌握新闻文本的结构, 但是如何在写一篇新闻报道时体现典型的新闻语言特征的能力尚需提高。其次,学生 懂得要保护文化遗产,但是对如何用数字影像的形式来保护还不熟悉。最后,学生正 处于价值观形成时期,所以,课堂上除了关注语言学习和写作技能训练外,还需引导 学生明白利用数字技术保护文化遗产可以在世界范围内引起人们对中国历史、文化和 传统的关注与了解,从而更好地增进国际间的文化交流、理解与合作。
教学目标 After this class, students will be able to 1). understand the text in detail, including its structure, writing style, language characteristics and so on. 2). use similar structures and language to write a news report addressing the protection of cultural heritage; 3). express their opinions accurately in a news report; 4). be aware of the importance of the Mogao Caves, pay attention to its development and gain cultural confidence about our own culture.
教学重点 Analyze the organization and language features of a news report and apply the knowledge to one’s own news report about the protection of cultural heritage.
教学难点 Provide reasonable and practical solutions to problems and express ideas accurately.
教学方法 Task-based Approach, cooperative learning method
教学资源 Multimedia; Textbook; Powerpoint; Blackboard; Handout
Teaching procedures Teacher’s activities Students’ activities Intention of the design
Step1. Lead in 1) Supposing all of the students were on the plane, and they are taking part in the activity---Eyes on China,Young Journalists. And the final destination is Dunhuang Mogao Caves. The teacher plays as a role of a tour guide, and lead them to explore there in a different way. 2) The teacher shows students a website named Digital Dunhuang and let them experience visiting the caves through 3D and VR technology. 3) Let students think about a question, “why do we create this digital website ” and tell them they can solve the puzzle after reading the news report in their hands. I. Imagine they are just aboard II. Experiencedi gital Dunhuang III. Think about the reasons why the website was created. Create a real situation just like they are going to arrive at Mogao Caves, and motivate their desires to learn more about the topic.
Step 2. Reading Activity. Read for Information and Language Features The teacher designs some activities for information and asks students to read the text carefully . A. Look at the title of the news report, and try to find out the key words in it. B. Read the first paragraph quickly, find out the information based on the key information (where, when,who, what, how). C. Read the second and third paragraphs carefully, then answer the following questions. 1. Why are so many people interested in the Mogao Caves 2. Why do scientists and researchers share so many digital photos 3.What do you think of the researcher's opinion in the last paragraph D.In the process of finding information, the teacher shows the structure and some language features to them at the same time. I. Students learn to find key words and can predict what the text is about. Students want to solve the problems desperately, and they learn to find detailed information in group work. II. Share their understanding of the researcher’s opinion and the usage of Direct quote. To develop the students’ analysis and summarized ability. To develop the students’ critical thinking by giving their view on the researcher’s words.
Step 3. Writing Write a news report (The teacher tells students they are over Wuhan, and it is also an ancient city. And ask students to help her write a news report about her friend Chen Lei). Activity 1. Ask students to read the news notes about Chen Lei who works to protect the old buildings in Wuhan . Activity 2. The teacher asks the students to choose the best headline from the three choices, and show the sentence patterns of each part to the students, then ask them to talk about how to fill in the blanks freely. At the same time, the teacher reminds them to use the language features they just learned. Activity 3. Jigsaw writing. Divide them into nine groups and each group has four members. While writing, each group member will get a task. After finishing their task, the members should combine the parts they’ve finished into a whole news report. Activity 4. Ask the students to exchange their draft with another group, and check the draft with an assistance of a checklist. The teacher also take part in their checking work and discuss with them what kind of problems they’ve found. Then take back their draft, and polish it in groups. Activity 5. Encourage each group to choose a performer to share their revised writing in front of the class. I. The students can make an outline with the help of the teacher II. Cooperate to finish the target writing and learn to evaluate the draft by the checklist. III. Present the news report in front of the class. To practise the students’ ability to organize a sentence. To develop students’ critical thinking quality, lead them to make proper self- criticism and self- evaluation and learn mutual appreciation.
Step4. Post- writing Teacher asks students to think about what they should do to protect the cultural heritage as a student. To think about the question and give some steps they can do after thinking. To improve students’ awareness of preserving cultural heritage and develop their creative thinking.
Step 5. Homework Write a news report about the woman---Fan Jinshi based on the information on the handouts. At last , while the plane is landing , the teacher tells the students it ’s time for them to enjoy the trip. Write a news report about FanJinshi based on the language features they learned in the class. To consolidate what they have learned in this class, and develop students’ creative writing skills.
Blackboard Design Serves as the role of scaffolding, which can show the structure clearly.
Teaching Reflection 本节课的主题活动是“写一篇新闻报道”, 从飞机广播开始, 直接把学生带入到情景教 学中。作为来自全国各地的小记者, 他们带着浓厚的兴趣来参加活动, 希望对中国的文 化遗产有更多的了解。本课采取读写结合, 以读促写的模式, 在读的过程中让学生充分 掌握新闻的结构, 语言特点, 并深刻体会到文化遗产保护的重要性, 并且通过口语输出 的方式, 让学生理清写作思路和要点, 为后续的写作环节做好铺垫。然后, 学生以 Jigsaw writing 的形式进行合作式写作, 相互弥补信息鸿沟, 共同完成一篇新闻报道。在写后环 节中, 以小组互评的形式, 去发现问题并提出修改建议, 在互评中提高合作学习与探究 学习的能力。在完成阅读和写作的任务后,学生深刻了解到对文化遗产保护的重要性, 激发他们去思考, 作为学生, 如何才能更好的保护文化遗产, 把思想落实到实际生活和 行动上,做到知行合一,进一步升华主题,完成本节课的教学目标。 不足:课堂教学时间有限,不能给每一位同学充分的展示的机会,在语言输出环节没有 能让学生有充足的时间自由发挥, 在自评, 互评和教师点评环节, 还需进一步深入给予 分析和指点。
英语人教版必修二 Unit 1 Cultural Heritage
Period 6 Reading for Writing
(Your Headline)
Task 1. Lead sentence
Chen Lei is a who in Wuhan in order to .
Task 2. Body
Wuhan is an ancient city which , so Chen Lei . When asked why he does so, he usually says,
“ ”
Task 3.
In addition to this, he often interviews old people who . He not only writes and posts , but also regularly visits in order to
Task 4. Ending
Chen Lei's photos can help us .