人教版(2019)选择性必修 第四册Unit 5 Launching Your Career大单元整体教学设计


名称 人教版(2019)选择性必修 第四册Unit 5 Launching Your Career大单元整体教学设计
格式 docx
文件大小 1.0MB
资源类型 教案
版本资源 人教版(2019)
科目 英语
更新时间 2024-04-02 15:44:53



Unit 5 Launching Your Career
——Make a speech about your future career
姓名:_________________ (
The theme of this unit is people and society, focusing on “Launching your career”. The purpose of this unit is to increase students’ awareness of the importance of choosing their career. In this unit, you will read about “working out what you want to do”, listen to choose a university major and write an application letter and a CV. It is hoped that through this unit students will be clear about their future majors and careers and be active to join in social activities actively.
核心素养 课标要求
语言能力 语言知识 语音 复习并掌握复杂句随语境和提问者的真实意图使用不同短语的基本知识,能在口语中正确使用相关短语表达情感,进行交流。
词汇 能正确使用与“职业和职业规划”主题相关的词和词块来理解和表达。
语法 能够理解并正确运用复杂句。
语篇 1.阅读介绍职业能力倾向测验的说明文,辩证理解职业能力倾向测试在职业规划中的作用; 2.掌握并解析招聘启事、求职信、简历等语篇的基本特征和要点,联系自身情况写出求职信和简历。
语用 能根据语境恰当的表达选择、意愿并发表意见。
语言技能 听 听一段关于不同国家高中生对大学申请和专业选择问题讨论的对话,用关键词记录对话交流中的重要信息,辨别出说话人表达的是个人观点还是引用了他人的话或观点。
说 能够得体地使用表达选择、意愿和发表意见的日常用语,表明自己的真实想法。
读 1.阅读介绍职业能力倾向测验的说明文,客观认识其对职业选择的作用,理解职业规划的意义,思考如何做好自己的职业规划; 2.阅读招聘启事、求职信和简历,思考自己喜欢的职业及自己应具备的能力,为自己未来的职业发展做准备。
写 掌握写求职信的基本原则,能够结合对自身的客观认知来写求职信和制作简历。
看 观看“少年摄影爱好者—Mateusz”的视频,意识到任何成就的取得都离不开自己的热爱和付出,培养不惧艰辛、持之以恒的优秀品质。
学习能力 能够利用图表、图示等工具辅助阅读理解与表达; 能够借助陈述理由、发表观点的常见句式和结构有层次、有条理地陈述个人观点。
文化意识 1.了解国内外地前沿学科及相关专业的就业领域,构建多元文化视角,拓展国际视野; 2.尽可能多的了解大学可选择的专业,并从科技发展、社会进步及个人发展意愿等角度考虑自己的专业选择,做好自己的人生规划,明确努力的方向。
思维品质 1.有意识地借助外力或利用工具,形成明确的自我认知,规划未来; 2.就自己喜欢的职业,思考努力的方向,并有针对性地构思简历内容; 3.能辩证地看待刻苦与成功的关系,思考为获得成功应该付出的努力和具备的素质。
By the end of the unit, you will be able to:
1. figure out the importance of make a career plan and how to know yourself better by reading the passage about career aptitude.
2. select your favored university major by listening to the conversation and write a letter of job application and a CV to explore how to make a career plan.
3. recognize how to make the most of the summer break of high school and interpret the relationship between effort, enthusiasm and success to establish a better view about career.
4. make a speech about your future career according to your own personality and reconstruct the unit as a whole.
You are going to take part in an English Speech Contest with the theme of "my career" related to your career planning. Choose a career that interests you most and write a speech draft using what you have learned in the unit. How you plan to reach that career goal should be involved.
Stage Overall Perception Exploration& Construction Application& Transfer Reconstruction & Extension
Period 1 5 1 2
Overall Perception
Launching Your Career
—Share your future career plan
【Learning Objectives】
1. Construct the theme-related vocabulary about launching your career.
2. Analyze what kinds of qualities and job requirements the careers should include.
3. Voice your views about how to launch your career in your own words.
【Context and Task】
It is said that preparation ensures success. Since career is a vital part of your life, it is significant for you to think about your future majors in universities, which could probably influence your future career. Now please read the passages about how to know yourself better through self-assessment and how to apply for a summer job, which could give you an insight into career planning.
Activity 1. Construct the theme-related vocabulary about launching your career.
What can you see in the picture on page 49 of your textbook How do you understand “The future depends on what you do today”
Construct the theme-related vocabulary about launching your career.
Activity 2. Share your future career plan.
Think about the unit topic “launching your career” and share your answers of the following questions in group.
Question Student 1 Student 2 Student 3 Student 4
What would you like to be in the future
What kinds of work scenarios do you prefer
Where do you want to work
Exploration & Construction
Launching Your Career
——Work out your future career you want most
【Learning Objectives】
1. Figure out the importance of make a career plan and how to work out what you want to do by reading the passage about career aptitude.
2. Select your favored university major by listening to the conversation and write a letter of job application and CV to apply for a summer job by reading a job advertisement, an application letter and CV of Kelly Xu.
3. Recognize how to make the most of the summer break of high school and interpret the relationship between effort, enthusiasm and success.
【Context and Task】
A career is the need for surviving, living and realizing oneself. As we get older, we all have to go out to work one after another, and a good job leaves its mark on who you are and determines who you are. Therefore, how to choose a suitable job is a problem we need to focus on. This part is designed to simulate career choices and design a resume. Use your imagination to design a resume that can show yourself.
Activity 3. Figure out how to decide on a career.
Look at the pictures. Which job would you like to choose Why
2. Before you read, discuss these questions in groups.
(1) What are some of the ways that can help people decide which career is appropriate for them
(2) Is it essential that teenagers decide on a career before they become adults Why
3. Skim the passage on P50-51, divide the text into several parts according to the content and match the main idea of each paragraph.
Career suggestions can also be based on education and experience.
Career aptitude tests can help us to get a head start in considering our future career.
Taking time to think about dream career is an essential exercise for young people
Career aptitude tests are a very useful tool, but they are only meant for guidance.
There are many different kinds of career aptitude test.
One popular test works to indicate the participant’s overall work personality.
Starting to think about dream career at a young age is not easy.
Read the passage again and answer the following questions.
(1)What is one of the most effective ways of helping you see which careers may be right for you
(2)What is very important when you are completing the text
(3)According to the participant’s work personality code, what careers would you recommend
(4)Do you agree with the text when it says “ The secret to a good career is finding something that you are passionate about ” Give your reasons.
Activity 4: Look at these jobs and then decide on which work personality type they most closely relate to.
Different occupations have different needs. What are the requirements of different jobs Look at jobs on P51 T4 and then decide on which work personality type they most closely relate to.
restaurant manager estate agent
Realistic Investigative Artistic Social Enterprising Conventional
Work in groups. Discuss these questions.
(1). Would you like to take a career aptitude test Why and why not
(2).What factors will you take into consideration when you plan your future career
( subjective factors & objective factors)
Activity 5. Voice your opinions on university major.
1. Suppose you are going to enter the college, describe your favorite major and give reasons.
Favorite Major:
2. Listen to the conversation and get to know how and why to choose a university major.
Listen to the conversation and tick the chart according to what is needed to get into a good university in each country.
Requirement China UK USA
Get a good grade
Pass the entrance exam
Write an essay
Listen repeatedly and take notes on what each student would like to study and why.
Student Chosen major Reason
Liu Ming
3. Work in groups. Discuss these questions.
(1) Do you agree with Olivia’s parents when they say that a person’s career might depend on what university they get into Why or why not
(2) Do you agree that there is no point studying something that you like but you are not very good at Give your reasons.
(3) Tell your partner about the major(s) you would like to choose.
Activity 6. Apply for a summer job.
Look at the title and forms of the three types, judge the types of the texts, and predict the content.
What type of texts are they What are these three different texts about
Read the text Summer Camp Helpers Wanted and find the details of these requirements in the job advertisement, and report your finding tot he class.
Job responsibility
Job requirement Personality and attitude
Language skills
Experience and skills
3.Read the application letter and CV and find the qualities and skills of Kelly Xu.
Job advertisement Application letter CV
A good level of English
Good organizational and teamwork skills
A passion for Chinese and international culture
Experience with animals
A friendly, welcoming attitude, and good handwriting
Activity 7. Write an application letter and a CV.
1. Think of a job you like and make an outline of your CV from the following aspects:
Name and address
My personality and interests
Work experience
Skills and qualifications
Achievements and awards
Write an application letter and a CV .
3. Exchange drafts. Use the checklist to give feedback on your partners draft.
Division of roles in groups:
Read the text.
Introduce the structure of the text.
Share one favorite sentence& reason.
Evaluate the composition as a whole. (1 positive point)
Activity 8. Organize a job fair.
1. Four students are to be the officers from an organization who are recruiting new members.
2. The rest of the class will take turns to present their career plan, application and CVs to one of the officers and get interviewed.
3. The officers choose the one who is the most suitable for the job.
Activity 9. Make the most of the summer break.
Read the passage The summer break that could change your life carefully and have a discussion on what kinds of activities should be included in your summer break.
Activity 10. Practice makes you an expert.
Read the title of the text. What do you think the text will talk about What are your opinions on the subject
Read the text and answer these questions.
What is the rough idea of the 10,000 hours theory What did Gladwell claim 10,000 hours to be What examples did Gladwell use and why
Why did Ericsson disagree with Gladwell What did he mean by “deliberate practice”
What did a recent study from Princeton University show
What are Ericsson’s tips on practising
What factors can go into making someone an expert Fill in the chart below with the ideas from the text. You may also add other factors as necessary.
perfection / expert
Think about the following questions and note down your answers.
Do you agree with the 10,000 hours theory Why or why not
How could you use Ericsson’s practice tips to help you become more suited to your chosen career
What are the factors needed to make someone an expert List them in order of importance.
What are some of the social and environmental factors that help in creating an expert
What skill have you practised most How did you practise it and what results did you see
Use your notes to write an essay to express your opinion on what it takes to become an expert.
Application & Transfer
Launching Your Career
——Make a speech about your future career
【Learning Objectives】
1. List careers that you think important or interested to set career goals for yourself.
2. Complete a mind map of a speech about how you plan to reach one of your career goals to make a comprehensive consideration of your future career.
3. Make a speech about your future career and give your reasons according to your own personality.
【Context and Task】
You are going to take part in an English Speech Contest with the theme of "my career" related to your career planning. Choose a career that interests you most and write a speech draft using what you have learned in the unit. How you plan to reach that career goal should be involved.
Activity 11. Make a brief survey on future career.
Think about six careers and write them in the order of their importance.
Career Why the career is important
Think about three careers that interested you most and complete the chart below.
The career that interests me Why I would like this career
Activity 12. Choose one career and prepare an outline of a speech.
The Career I’d like to have is
Education & Qualification
Short term
Long term
)Prepare an outline of a speech about how you plan to reach the career goal and complete the mind map below.
Activity 13. Use the outline to write a speech.
Use the following expressions to help you.Write your speech and present it before class.
My chosen/dream career is… For this career, I need/must… Right now, I do not have…, but I plan to… I may face some challenges, like… If I…, then I will… This career is important to me because... I am suited to this career because... My short-term/ long-term goal is... ……
Reconstruction & Extension
Launching Your Career
——Reconstruct as a whole about launching your career
【Learning Objectives】
1. Read theme-related passages to enrich your knowledge about careers.
2. Reconstruct all the related knowledge&information on career by Group Articles Reading and unit test.
3. Share your understanding of the inner logic relationship between study and career and what we should do in our daily life.
Activity 14. Group article reading
词数:262  文体:应用文 摘自:网络资源
Nurses are required in all areas of the medical field from hospitals and nursing homes to schools and the armed forces, leading to a great need of certified nurses. Here are some best universities for a degree in nursing.
Simmons College
Simmons College is a private women’s college founded in Boston in 1899.Nursing is the top-ranked major at the school as well as the most popular. The nursing graduates from Simmons make about $58,000 every year.
Villanova University
Villanova University is a research university located in Radnor Township, Pennsylvania. Named after Saint Thomas of Villanova. The school is the oldest Catholic university in Pennsylvania. Nursing is a popular major and is offered as an online degree as well. The nursing graduates from Villanova make about $63,000 every year.
University of California, Los Angeles
The UCLA School of Nursing is known for its excellent education provided by a group of leaders in the medical field. The four-year programme allows students to be qualified nurses through classroom learning and clinical training. A nursing degree from UCLA leads to positions in many hospitals and clinics, with a yearly income of about $84,000.
New York University
New York University attaches great importance to real-world experience. Along with taking classes in school, students mainly work in the health care environment receiving technical training. Additionally, NYU College of Nursing students have the chance to study in Abu Dhabi, China and other countries in Africa, Asia, Europe and South America. The education from NYU will prepare students to help doctors treat patients, earning a yearly income of about $86,000.
1. If Nora has to look after her children at home, which university can she choose to get a nursing degree               
2.What makes the UCLA School of Nursing famous
词数:436 文体:议论文 摘自:网络资源
Housekeeping Services—They are looking for a responsible, professional, detail-oriented, experienced housekeeper to take care of all cleaning details of a local business in Angwin. This person will be needed approximately 2-3 times per week for about 8 hours per day. Please email them for additional information and be ready to provide resume and work history. Driver’s license required and the ability to lift at least 50 pounds. Pay will be $20-$25 per hour. To contact them, email recruitingangwin@.
Caregiver Position—Looking for a caregiver to help with a 91-year-old woman who lives in Calistoga. She speaks both English and Spanish, but Spanish is her preference. She sleeps quite a bit during the day so there is time to do homework. She cannot be left alone because she is a fall risk. She walks with a walker on her own. Please call 9257858500 if interested.
Worship Music Leader—First Presbyterian Church (FPC) in Napa is looking for someone who will select songs and use media for church services on Sundays. Applicants must be able to commit 8-10 hours per week for service and meetings as well as being available every Sunday from 9:00 am to 12:00 pm. The pay is about $18 an hour. Detailed job information will be posted on the Payroll Office’s window. If interested, send your cover letter and resume to David Stoker at david@fpcnapa.org.
Catering Company—Oak Avenue is a premier catering company in St. Helena searching for passionate people to join their talented team of chefs and service professionals. Hours are flexible and can work around students’ schedules. Part-time positions available for aspiring (有抱负的) chefs bakers, service helpers, and captains. Please send a brief cover letter and resume to Maritza@ or call 7079639278 for more information.
1. What do we know about the caregiver position
2.If you want to become a great baker, which should you contact
Activity 15.Review the unit and reconstruct the 4 structures of “launching your career”.
Launching your career
Unit 5 Launching Your Career单元过关
1. He has no money. To make things worse, he has been in________(债务)for a long time.
2. She was_________(控告)of using the company’s money for her own purposes. 
3. Would you please__________(照顾) to the child when I am off to work.
4. He looked at the envelope and recognized Jenny’s _________(笔迹)immediately.
5. The government makes it a top_________(优先事项)to guarantee that all children, whether in the city or countryside, have equal access to nine-year compulsory education.
6. Ann will be given a __________(证书)at the end of the program to show she has learned computer skills.
7. He looked at the shop window with _________(贪婪的) eyes.
8. His character __________(获得) him a good name.
9.Make a list of your child’s toys and then __________(分类)them as sociable or antisocial
10. Other people just have a few ideas ____________(弹起)around in their heads.
11. Several times a week I went downtown to see my____________(律师)and discuss my problems.
12. It is a pleasure for me to invite you to raise your glasses and drink to the bride and ____________(新郎).
13. While two___________(侦探)were keeping guard at the door, two others opened the parcel.
14.The newspaper publishes a ___________(简介)of a leading sportsman every week.
15.Unfortunately, on the way home he fell over a stone, leaving his left___________(手腕)injured.
Passage one
As an adult, one of the first 1__________(question) you are asked when 2__________(meet) someone new is, "What do you do "This is because your career is a very important part of 3__________ you are. The career you have 4_________(define) your life, and so 5_________(take) time to think about it is an essential exercise for young people.
The best time 6_________( start )thinking about possible careers is while you are still at school, before you make any choices about your further education. This, however, is not always 7_________they want to do from young age, but many others just have a few ideas 8__________(bounce) around in their heads.
One of the most effective ways to get some insight on a possible career path is 9________(complete) a "career aptitude test". The results of the test will tell you about your strengths and interests, and some tests also suggest careers_10________ you may be suited to. Having this information will provide you with a better chance of finding a job you like.
Passage two
I would like to apply for the position of camp helper. Please find my CV 1_________(attach).
I believe I would be a 2_________(value) addition to your team. My English is at an intermediate level and I have traveled to several English-speaking countries. I have also 3_________(help) to organise a three-day tour of my city for 4 __________(visit) exchange students.
I have experience in working with animals, and I have also volunteered 5 _________a local library to help organise the children's section. I am a team player and I enjoy 6_________(work)with others. I have been captain of my school table tennis team for two years, so I know 7_________ to lead and decide on priorities.
8_________my proficiency in Chinese calligraphy, I could also conduct classes for your visitors to help them learn more about this beautiful aspect of Chinese culture.
The prospect of welcoming exchange students to our country 9_________(be) very exciting, and I am keen to use my skills to give them a warm welcome and an experience they will always remember.
I look forward to 10________(hear) from you as soon as possible.
More and more people live in large cities these days, 1. __________(mean) that it is becoming more and more difficult to find space and time for themselves. But for many people, personal privacy (隐私) is very 2.___________(importance). In many homes, a few minutes in the bathroom is all the privacy that is available.
Teenagers especially need their own personal space at home 3.__________they can feel relaxed and private. But, of course, not all teenagers are lucky enough to have a room 4. _________ their own. Where space is short, they often have to share a bedroom with a brother 5.________ a sister. In that case, it's a good idea for them to have a special area or corner of the room to call their own. It is 6.___________ (similar) important for young people to have somewhere to keep their personal things. This may or may not be a tidy place and it is not a good idea for parents to try and tell teenagers how 7.__________(organise) their space as this is likely to lead to 8.__________(argument). Parents can, however, 9.__________ (make) sure that there are enough storage (存储) spaces such as shelves, cupboards and boxes. This will allow the teenagers to keep 10.___________.(they) space tidy if they want to.
Want to Be Happy at Work Care Less About It
A friend recently told me that she was ready to quit her job, explaining to me that there were big changes at her workplace and no way she could perform all her tasks on time. 1___________ 
For many of us introverts(内向的人),our professional efforts and results are a reflection of ourselves and our dedication to our employer. Because we aren’t the social butterflies of the office. We feel a need to prove to our superiors that we are smart, hard-working, and dependable. For people like me and my close-to-quitting friend, the concept of giving anything less than our best doesn’t cross our mind.
2___________.We are disappointed and frustrated when we can’ t always achieve those standards.
It’s great to make a difference at work, but you have to take care of yourself first. Putting in slightly less effort in times of high stress doesn’t mean you don’t care about your job. 3________.Consider this saying: The perfect is the enemy of the good. When you reduce the pressure on yourself to attain perfection, you can flow more quickly and easily through your tasks. 4______________ 
Here is my advice for you when you find yourself in the midst of panic.
First, ask yourself: what’s the worst that will happen if I miss a deadline by one day
5_______. Write down the specific tasks that are causing the feelings of stress. Talk it out with a friend or family member. You might discover that the situation isn’t as horrible as you thought. By approaching your tasks one at a time you can make real progress.
A. We set high standards for ourselves.
B. It means you care about yourself more.
C. The pressure on yourself shouldn’t be ignored.
D. You might achieve more when you care less.
E.As her friend who’d been in a similar situation, I wanted to help.
F. Next, slow down and analyze what, precisely, is stressing you out.
People go to college or university for many different reasons. I __41____that the three most common reasons are to prepare for a career, to have new experiences, and to___42____their knowledge of themselves and the world around them.
Good preparation for future careers is becoming more and more ___43____to young people. For many, this is the primary__44_____ to go to college. They know that the job market is __45_____.At college ,they can learn new skills which will __46______ them with more opportunities. It is expected that careers in the field of information technology, for example, will need a large workforce in the coming years.
 _____47____, students go to college to have new experiences. This often means having the opportunity to meet people other than those from their__48_____. For most students, it is the first time they have been away from home by themselves.
In addition, this is the first time they have had to make decisions___49____. Making these decisions increases their knowledge of themselves.
Besides 50______self-knowledge, people also go to college to expand their knowledge in subjects they find interesting. For many, this will be their last chance for a long time to 51________about something that does not relate to their career.
I think that people going to college should not be so focused on a career.52_______, they should think of going to college as an opportunity to have 53_____experiences and learn about themselves and the world they 54_____.
This may make them better prepared for their55_____.
41. A. expect B. believe C. decide D. doubt
42. A. spread B. increase C. show D. keep
43. A. difficult B. obvious C. important D. impossible
44. A. value B. opinion C. reason D. advantage
45. A. rising B. encouraging C. attractive D. competitive
46. A. cover B. provide C. combine D. support
47. A. Also B. Again C. Yet D. Thus
48. A. colleges B. markets C. offices D. hometowns
49. A. now and then B. all of a sudden C.at an early age D. on their own
50 .A. looking for B. looking at C. looking into D. looking up
51. A. hear B. learn C. speak D. worry
52. A. Besides B. Instead C. Anyhow D. Therefore
53. A. common B. direct C. previous D. new
54. A. imagine B. create C. live in D.travel around
55. A. family B. education C. experience D. future
1. debt 2. accused 3.attend 4.handwriting 5. priority
6. certificate 7. greedy 8. gained 9. categorize 10. bouncing
11. lawyer 12. bridegroom 13. detectives 14. profile 15. wrist
1. depend on 2. was keen to 3. is located in
4. applied for 5. a variety of
Passage One
1. questions 2. meeting 3. who 4. defines 5. taking
6. to start 7. what 8. bouncing 9. to complete 10. that
Passage two
1. attached 2. valuable 3.helped 4.visiting 5. at
6. working 7. how 8.With 9. is 10. hearing
1.E 文章首段叙述作者的一个朋友准备辞职和辞职的原因,故E项(作为以前也有过类似处境的朋友,我想帮帮她。)符合语境。
2.A 下文写到“当我们不能总是达到那些标准时,我们会感到失望和沮丧”。A项(我们为自己设定了很高的标准。)符合行文逻辑。
3.B 上句表示“在压力很大的时候,减少一点点努力并不意味着你不关心你的工作”,故B项(这意味着你更关心自己。)符合要求。
4.G 根据上文中的信息词perfect以及perfection可知,G项符合语境。
5.F 上文介绍了作者的第一条建议,故F项(下一步,放慢速度,分析一下确切来说是什么使你非常紧张。)符合行文逻辑。
解析由下文的“Good preparation for future careers”和“increases their knowledge of themselves”可知,这三个最常见的原因是——为未来职业“做准备”、体验新的经历、“增加(increase)”自我认识以及对周围世界的了解。
解析根据上文的“People go to college or university for many different reasons.”可知,此处指“主要原因”。
解析由上文提到的“job market”和下文中的“need a large work force”可知,对于年轻人来说,为未来职业做准备变得越来越重要,因为他们知道人才市场“具有竞争力(competitive)”,这也是人们上大学最主要的原因。
解析由下文的“it is the first time they have been away from home by themselves”可知,上大学给学生提供了“遇见(meet)”其他人的机会,而这些人并不是来自“家乡(hometowns)”。
解析由下文的“increases their knowledge of themselves”可知,上大学也让学生第一次学会“自己(on their own)”做决定。
解析由上文学生第一次自己做决定可知,这是一种对自我认识的“探索(looking for)”。
解析由下文的“something that does not relate to their career”可知,上大学可以让学生学到更多让他们感“兴趣的”课程知识,而对大多数人来说,这也可能是他们“学习(learn)”与将来职业无关的知识的最后的机会。
解析由上文的“the world around them”可知,上大学可以让人们认识自我,并对所“生活(live in)”的世界进行了解。
解析由上文的“Good preparation for future careers”可知,作者认为对自我和世界的了解才是对“未来(future)”更好的准备。