人教版(2019)必修第三册Unit 3 Diverse Cultures 大单元整体教学设计


名称 人教版(2019)必修第三册Unit 3 Diverse Cultures 大单元整体教学设计
格式 docx
文件大小 2.7MB
资源类型 教案
版本资源 人教版(2019)
科目 英语
更新时间 2024-04-02 15:45:22



Unit 3 Diverse Cultures
——Create a travel brochure with diverse cultures
The theme of this unit is cultural diversity in this world. We will learn about and discuss cultures and how they shape people. It is hoped that we will not just learn about other countries, but will learn how to better understand, appreciate, reflect on, and describe our own country from the examples provided in the unit.
核心素养 课标要求
语言能力 语言知识 语音 复习并掌握长句中意群划分的原则,能够在朗读长句或口头表达时合理运用停顿技巧。
词汇 能正确使用与“文化多样性”主题相关的词和词块来理解和表达。
语法 能够理解并正确运用省略。
语篇 1.阅读旅行日记,了解文化特色。
语用 能根据语境恰当的介绍自己的城市或者小镇,包括当地的文化特色。
语言技能 听 听一段访谈节目的录音对话,听取大意,理解说话人的谈话目的,并能够根据说话人的语音、语调和重音变化确定关键词。
说 能够多维度、得体地使用表达自己的观点,并运用符合逻辑的论据来表明自己的观点。
读 1.阅读旅行日记,了解旧金山的城市风貌、文化特色,以及加利福尼亚州的历史,体会多元文化对美国的影响。
写 1.能运用描述文化多样性的词汇介绍喜欢的城市或者小镇; 2.能够合作创作一份旅行小册子。
看 观看“纽约市皇后区”的视频,感受美国的熔炉文化。
学习能力 1.能够使用基本的速记方法,如缩写、简写、符号等,有选择地记录听力信息。 2.能够利用结构图梳理文本信息,分析语篇脉络结构,提升语置分析意识和能力。
文化意识 1.了解多元文化现象,理解美国多元文化形成的根源和社会背景,拓宽国际视野,提升文化理解和鉴别能力。
思维品质 1.梳理语篇逻辑,使用结构图整理文本信息,培养提取、筛选概括和分析信息的能力,发展逻辑思维能力和创新思维能力; 2.从多元文化视角观察和认识世界,学会探究和分析多元文化现象及其历史渊源,正确解读不同文化的价值观,培养批判性思维能力。
By the end of the unit, we will be able to:
explain what cultural diversity is by giving examples and summarize the influence of multiculturalism on society.
find out the cultural characteristics of diverse cultures and analyze the historical and realistic reasons behind it.
write a report to introduce a place with distinctive cultural identities and reflect how to respect and protect diverse cultures.
reconstruct the theme of cultural diversity to have a better understanding of the whole unit.
Imagine you are working in an international travel agency. You are supposed to create a travel brochure for travelers so that they can experience diverse cultures in China. Search for information and then design your travel brochure.
Stage Overall Perception Exploration& Construction Application& Transfer Reconstruction & Extension
Period 1 6 1 2
Diverse Cultures
——Introduce a city that has diverse cultures
【Learning Objectives】
Construct the theme-related expressions about diverse cultures.
Explain how cultures are related to life in your own words.
Introduce a city that has diverse cultures and share the reasons.
【Context and Task】
Each city has its own diverse cultural characteristics. It is the unique cultural characteristics of each city that impress us. To make a brochure for foreigners to experience diverse cultures in China, we need to talk about some cities with diverse cultures.
Activity 1. Construct the theme-related vocabulary about diverse cultures.
What can you see in the picture on page 25 of your textbook How do you understand “The beauty of the world lies in the diversity of its people”
Construct the theme-related vocabulary about diverse cultures and think about how diverse cultures are associated with our life.
Activity 2. Introduce a city with diverse cultures
Introduce a city with diverse cultures which you like most. Small conversations and role plays will be welcome.
Diverse Cultures
——Write an introduction to describe a place with distinctive cultural identities
【Learning Objectives】
1.Introduce the world's biggest melting pot, explain and analyze the diverse cultural influence on food, clothes, architecture, monitory groups etc.
2. Find out the characteristics of diverse cultures in different places and analyze the historical and realistic reasons behind it by reading and talking.
3.Write an introduction to describe a place with distinctive cultural identities and voice opinions on how to treat diverse cultures.
【Context and Task】
The beauty of the world lies in the diversity of its people. To create a travel brochure for foreigners, we write an introduction to describe a place with distinctive cultural identities.
Activity 3:Watch a short video to learn about world’s biggest melting pot.
Watch a short video in your 271BAY and then complete the sentences with the correct words.
The residents of Queens come from______________different nations.
Almost _________ different languages are spoken in Queens.
The family of one woman who was interviewed has been Puerto Rican for more than _________ generations.
A 2001 study measured diversity based on how likely it is for _________ randomly selected people t have different backgrounds.
This survey can prove that Queens is the________________place in the US.
Activity 4: Get to know the diverse cultures in American food.
1.Look at the photos of American food and match them with their names. Then guess which countries’ cuisine influenced the food’s invention.
_________hamburger _________fortune cookie _________gumbo _________nachos
2.Listen to the radio interview about American food and check whether your answers to Step 1 are not.
3. Listen to the interview again and decide whether the statements are True(T) or False(F).
(1) No food was ever invented in America. ( )
(2) Hamburgers were invented in Germany. ( )
(3) Nachos were invented for Americans by a foreigner. ( )
(4) Every Chinese restaurant in America has fortune cookies. ( )
(5) American cooking often mixes things from around the world to make something completely new. ( )
4. Listen to a radio interview about American food and answer the following questions.
Q1: Where does this conversation take place
Q2: Who are the speakers
Q3: What is the topic of the conversation
Q4: What is Steve Fox’s opinion about American food
5.Listen to the interview again and complete the notes below.
Activity 5: Introduce a special dish that you would bring to the potluck dinner.
Imagine you are invited to a potluck dinner at an American friend’s house. Work in pairs and discuss what special dish(es) you will take. The following questions may help you.
What food/snack from which area/ethnic group will you bring
How is the food prepared and what is it made of
How is this food special
Activity 6: Explore the diverse cultures of San Francisco and the influence of multiculturalism.
1. Predicting: Look at the titles and pictures and predict the topic of the passage.
2. Reading:
Scan Li Lan's travel journal and find out the places that she has been to or plans to visit.
(2) Read the travel journal again and complete the timeline of Li Lan's trip and find out the examples of cultural/ethnic diversity in this journal.
Time Places / Food Examples of cultural diversity
Before coming to San Francisco
3. Thinking:
(1) Have you ever been to a place that has a diverse culture What do you think brought about the cultural diversity
(2) What are the benefits and challenges of cultural diversity
Activity 7:Talk about ethnic minority cultures in China.
Look at the photos below and try to describe the scenery of each.
Photo 1. _______________________________________________________________
Photo 2. _______________________________________________________________
Photo 3. _______________________________________________________________
Listen to their conversation and answer the questions and complete the summaries below.
Q1: Who are the two speakers in the listening? What is their relationship?
Q2: What is the main idea of the first part of the listening? How about the second?
Part 1
Justin and __________ watched some __________ people play the __________ .The instrument has a history of over __________ years and it is even mentioned in the oldest collection of Chinese poetry. Then they watched the __________. Justin wanted to buy some hand-made__________ accessories as souvenirs. He was told that the price will depend on the percentage of __________ .
Part 2
They will go to a pretty __________ minority village called __________ . They will see the
__________ and the________. They may also see a performance of __________ .
3. Work in groups. Imagine Justin is telling some friends about his trip to Guizhou. One of you is Justin and the rest of you are his friends. Ask Justin questions about his trip and experience. The following expressions may help you.
Showing you are listening
Exactly! You're right! I see. I know what you mean. No way! You're kidding! Really I can't believe it! Great!/Super! That's interesting. Wow! Tell me about it!
Activity 8: Explore New Zealand and Maori Culture.
Look at the pictures. Guess which culture it belongs to and tell if you want to try and why.
2. Read the text on Page 78 and answer the questions.
(1) What are the world-renowned and very popular with tourists
(2) What is moko referring to the passage, give us a definition in English
3. Read the passage on Page 78 and think about what the outstanding features are in Maori culture.
Activity 9:Read the text Symbols of American Culture and find out the symbols of American culture and the causes behind them.
Read the text and finish the following table.
symbols supporting sentences
Activity 10: Experience the diverse cultures of the Chinatown in San Francisco.
Read the introduction to the Chinatown in San Francisco and answer the questions.
Q1: Who are the targeted readers
Q2: What is the writer’s purpose of writing this text
Read for organization: read the passage quickly and analyze the structure of the text. You may refer to the following points.
Paragraph Main idea Details Expressions
1 Introduction Short introduction to the San Francisco Chinatown
2-5 Body 2
3 Attractions, famous figures
5 Treasure, suit everyone’s taste, traditional food from all over China
6 Summary
Question: If you want to introduce a place, what information should be included
Activity 11: Describe a place with distinctive cultural identity.
1.Brainstorm as much information as possible about your city or town and its culture.
2. Write an introduction to your city or town using what we have learnt in the passage.
●is located in/on ●has a history of ... years
●is divided up into ●has a population of
●is... in size ●is home to ... ethnic groups
●the most popular/greatest/largest ●popular festivals/foods/tourist sights include
3. Exchange drafts. Use the checklist to give feedback on your partners draft.
Division of roles in groups:
Read the text.
Introduce the structure of the text.
Share one favorite sentence& reason.
Evaluate the composition as a whole. (1 positive point)
Checklist Yes No
Is the city/town introduction clear
Is the information specific and are the facts correct
Does the city/town introduction contain all the important information
Is the text well-organized with linking words
Did the writer make a comparison with useful expressions learned in class
Diverse Cultures
——Create a travel brochure with diverse cultures
【Learning Objectives】
1. Summarize and comprehend the key points of the travel brochure about American’s diverse cultures.
2. Design a travel trip with diverse cultures using the relevant techniques and expressions.
3. Create a travel brochure for foreign travelers to experience diverse cultures in China.
【Context and Task】
Imagine you work in a Chinese travel agency. You need to Create a travel brochure with diverse cultures for foreign travelers so that they can experience diverse cultures in China. Let’s try it!
Activity 12: Read the travel brochure about American multiculturalism to understand and grasp the main points of the content.
Activity 13: Brainstorm and plan your trip.
Brainstorm the question and prepare for your trip.
If some foreign travelers want to explore diverse cultures in China, where do you
recommend them to go
2. Work in groups of four to discuss specific issues related to travel, including the length of the itinerary, activities that may be of interest to tourists, selectable areas that reflect the cultural diversity of China and their characteristics, etc.
Activity 14: Cooperate to complete the travel brochure.
Division of labor and cooperation to implement and improve the travel plan, complete the production of brochure.
Role Function
Student A
Student B
Student C
Student D
Create your travel brochure and present it before class.
Diverse Cultures
——Reconstruct as a whole about diverse cultures
【Learning Objectives】
1.Broaden your horizons by reading the provided extensive reading materials.
2.Reconstruct the mind map of diverse cultures to have a better understanding of the whole unit.
3. Express your understanding of cultural diversity and strengthen Chinese cultural confidence.
Activity 15: Group article reading
Simon Wakefield’s Yunnan Diary
词数:449文体:日记摘自:外研版Book7 Module5
Simon Wakefield traveled round Yunnan after leaving university. Below are extracts from the diary that he kept.
April 23rd
This region is where the Naxi ethnic group live and I’ve spent several afternoons sitting in a café in the old town square, just watching people. Their culture is fascinating. For example, it is the women who run Naxi society, and until recently, Naxi women inherited all property. They sit in small circles in the square, with their babies on their backs, completely uninterested in the tourists! They have the custom of playing cards on card tables in the middle of the street. The Naxi still wear traditional costume----the women wear blue blouses and trousers covered by a blue or black apron.
This afternoon I was lucky enough to meet a Naxi man from the old town. He was between 80 and 90 years old , but was full of energy. He spoke some English and showed me some translations of Naxi poems. It was fascinating to read them! The Naxi language is the only hieroglyphic[footnoteRef:0] language still in use and is over 1,000years old. The Naxi believe that they came from a creature called Tabu, who helped them hatch from magic eggs.This story is shown in pictures in books put together in the 10th century, and there are still a few copies of these ancient books in Lijiang. [0: hieroglyphic 象形文字]
April 25th
Lijiang is a city of painters and writers, but Naxi culture is particularly famous for its music. Passed from father to son, the music has not changed for eight centuries, and among the richer Naxi people, knowledge of this music showed that you were a real gentleman. I’ve just returned from a performance of the Naxi Orchestra. It took place in an old wooden hall, and was played by Naxi men, some of whom looked as if they were well over 100 years old! They played ancient songs , songs with names such as The Water Dragon Is Singing, Wind from the River and The Sheep on the Hill. Sometimes the instruments sounded like women crying, or trees bending under snow. In the audience there were both tourists and local people. Everyone listened as if someone had put a spell on them.
April 29th
I have only one day left before traveling to Kunming and then flying back home. My stay here has been unforgettable and I really don’t want to leave. I’ve learnt so much about the Naxi culture, and I now understand that although people may seem very different from you, we all laugh, cry, and need love and friendship. However different we may appear to be at first, we are all the same, all equal.
Read the passage and fill in the blanks.
It is _______ who run the Naxi society.
______________is the only hieroglyphic[footnoteRef:1] language still in use and is over ___________years old. [1: hieroglyphic 象形文字]
The Naxi believe that they came from a creature called _____, who helped them hatch from magic eggs.
2. Try to complete the following table.
person their activities Which aspect of culture did they reflect
Immigrant on a Plate
词数:343 文体:说明文 摘自:外刊
For several years, beginning in the mid-2000s, devotees[footnoteRef:2] of Chinese food on America’s east coast obsessed over a mystery: Where was Peter Chang A prodigiously talented—and peripatetic[footnoteRef:3]—chef, Mr Chang bounced around eateries in the south-east. One day diners at a strip-mall restaurant in suburban Richmond or Atlanta might be eating standard egg rolls and orange chicken; the next, their table would be graced by exquisite pieces of aubergine the size of an index finger, greaselessly fried and dusted with cumin, dried chillies and Sichuan peppercorns. Or by a soup made of pickled mustard greens and fresh sea bass, in its way as hauntingly perfect and austere as a Bach cello suite. A few months later, Mr Chang would move on. [2: devotee n.信徒;爱好者] [3: peripatetic adj.漫游的,逍遥的]
He now seems to have settled down, running a string of restaurants bearing his name between Rockville, Maryland, and Virginia Beach. His latest—Q by Peter Chang—in the smart Washington suburb of Bethesda, may be his finest. The space is vast and quasi-industrial, with brushed concrete floors, massive pillars and not a winking dragon in sight. Order a scallion pancake, and what appears is not the typical greasy disc but an airy, volleyball-sized dough sphere. Jade shrimp with crispy rice comes under what looks like an upturned wooden bowl (perhaps, you think, for the shells). On inspection the bowl turns out to be the rice. Thumping through it with a spoon reveals perfectly cooked shrimp floating in shamrock-green sauce.
A tab for two at Q can easily top three figures—several times the outlay on an average Chinese meal. Nor is Mr Chang’s the only such restaurant in the area: like many big American cities, Washington has seen a rise in high-end Chinese cuisine. That is good news, and not just for well-heeled gourmands who can tell shuijiao from shuizhu. The culinary trend is underpinned by two benign social ones. Chinese-Americans are becoming wealthier and more self-confident; and customers are shedding old stereotypes about Chinese food. To put it another way: sometimes a dumpling is more than just a dumpling.
How do you understand the underlined sentence
What do you think of Peter Zhang Give out your reasons.
3. Due to the novel coronavirus pneumonia, everybody stay at home and improve their cooking skills a lot. Do you cook at home What is your favorite dish Try to introduce it or how to cook it in English.
Activity 16:Review the unit and reconstruct the 4 structures of “diverse cultures”.
Unit 3 Diverse Cultures单元过关
I. 单词拼写(每题2分,共46分)
1.The building houses a wide and d______________ (多种多样的) variety of antiques.
2. Refugees (难民) s______________ (定居) in a new country suffer from a number of problems.
3. Women were only a______________ (准许进入) into the club last year.
4. The date of the move has not been d______________ (肯定;确实) decided yet.
5. He hasn't been s______________ (选拔) for the team.
6. It o______________ (出现;发生) to her that she should adopt the homeless child.
7. The company is dependent on government f______________ (财务的) help.
8. The car crash c______________ (夺取) three lives.
9. The painting comes from his private c______________ (收藏品).
10. Water is a compound c_______________(包含,包括) the elements hydrogen and oxygen.
11.It should s______________ (适合) you perfectly, and meet your needs.
12. He is going to Canada to s______________ (寻求) his fortune.
13. This c______________ (气候) does not agree with him.
14. A prisoner has e______________ (逃走) from a jail in northern Texas.
15. I have been f____________(幸运) enough to visit many parts of the world as a lecturer.
16. The area is famous for its very m____________(温和的) winter climate.
17. The burning plastic gave off p___________(有毒的) gas, which is harmful to our health.
18. They only stood there with their arms f____________(折叠) in front of their chest rather than give us a hand.
19.The Chinese Foreign Minister was making every effort to secure a peaceful s__________(居住地).
20. The fund has been used largely to finance the railroad c_______________(建设).
21. They’d soon be penniless and homeless if she couldn’t find s___________(合适的) work.
22. There are plenty of m_______________(材料) you can choose from; the problem now is how to make your selection.
23. Only a tiny m__________________(少数) hold such extreme views.
II. 短语填空(每题1分,共10分)
1. It ________ _____________ ____________(被......影响) graffiti art and comic art.
2. I _______________ _____________(四处闲逛) looking at the street art for a few hours.
3. In the afternoon, I ____________ _________(动身前往) a local museum that showed the historical changes in California.
4.Over 300,000 people came from all over the world to _________ ___________ __________ (寻找成功致富之路).
5. To ___________ ________ __________(谋生) some opened up shops and restaurants in Chinatown.
6. __________ __________ (除了......外) being the kingdom of flowers, it is home to many ethnic minority groups.
7. What started as a residential area for Chinese immigrants then ___________ ___________(转变成) a center for Chinese culture.
8. Other famous sites include the Tin How Temple and Bank of Canton, _____ _______ ______ ________ ________ (仅举几例).
9. There are Chinese tea stores, where visitors can taste and buy ____________ ________(多种多样的) Chinese tea.
10. Chinatowns allow visitors who have never been to China to experience traditional Chinese culture ________ _________ (第一手;亲自).
III. 语法聚焦(每题1分,共14分)
1. _____________(hear) the news,they got excited.
2. The cup dropped to the ground, ____________(break) into pieces.
3. ___________________(suffer) such heavy pollution already, it may now be too late to clean up the river.
4. ______________(be) ill, he didn't take part in the sports meeting.
5. ____________ (know) what to do, he turned to his teacher for help.
6. I could feel the wind _____________(blow) on my face.
7. I saw them ___________ (whisper) to each other, obviously they didn't want to be heard.
8. He looked at him ____________(wait) here.
9. He was found ________________(lie) on the ground.
10. The question have set me ________________(think).
11. Although ____________(do) his best in his math test, he has not sill got a good mark.
12. When ____________(read) the books, he finds someone coming into the building.
The concert was such a great success than _______________(expect).
He won’t go there unless ____________(invite).
IV. 阅读理解(每题2.5分,共10分)
Learning Chinese could be one of the most important decisions you have ever made. Chinese is becoming the language to learn in the 21st century. With the world's largest population and a rapidly growing middle class, China stands to become the engine of the world's economy in the coming years. This will make learning Chinese very important for people in many industries(行业)or for those of us who wish to visit China or learn from its culture and history.
There is an ongoing effort to modernize the writing system and standardize the language. An increasing number of people learning Chinese are learning the Mandarin, so unless you absolutely need to learn another dialect (such as Cantonese), be sure you are studying Mandarin.
For native English speakers, Chinese is one of the most difficult and most different languages to learn. The vocabulary is wholly unfamiliar and unlike anything we know. In addition, in the Chinese tone(声调)system, words are spoken in rising or falling tones, which help to distinguish between them. Furthermore, there is the Chinese writing system—a collection of thousands of individual ideograms(表意文字)or symbols, which represent a word or an idea. These ideograms have no phonetic value—that is to say, we can't tell how the word is pronounced by how it is written. There is a method to present written Chinese in a phonetic script called pinyin. If you are learning Chinese, you'll be working with this pinyin system, but the beauty of the traditional writing system shouldn't be passed up(放弃). All these factors make learning Chinese difficult for us. Yet, for a determined learner, there's always a way to overcome it.
1. Learning Chinese is becoming more and more important, because________.
A. Chinese engines are very welcome
B. China has the world's largest population
C. there are more and more rich people in China
D. China has become important to the world economy
2. From the text we can learn that_______.
A. the author thinks Chinese is as difficult as English
B. the author is interested in the Chinese language and its culture
C. foreign languages can play a great role in industrial development
D. as long as the pinyin system is learned well, one can learn Chinese well
3. The last paragraph mainly tells us about________.
A. the difficulties of learning Chinese B. the advantages of learning Chinese
C. the Chinese tone system D. the Chinese writing system
4. What would be probably written following this text
A. The sources of Chinese characters. B. The importance of learning Chinese.
C. The advice on how to learn Chinese. D. The difficulties of learning other languages.
Each country has its own culture, often ______1______ (represent) by symbols, such as foods, sports, music and clothes, which tell you something about it.When you think of America, what symbols come to your mind first
Perhaps one of the most famous _____2_____ (symbol) of the US is fast food.Fast food restaurants became popular when people ______3______ (begin) driving cars around the country. Many of the fast food restaurants are dive-ins _______4_____people ate in their cars while they were parked._____5______ , now drive-throughs have become more popular because people need to keep up with the speed of modern life.
When it comes ____6_____ seeing a game in person, baseball is by far the most popular sport in America. In a ______7______ (type) year, more people attend baseball games than football and basketball games combined. And for most people, baseball a special symbol of the American spirit. Jazz is often called "America's music". It is a music style _______8_______ (complete) created in the United States. Jazz musicians freely make up their own music to express their own feelings, even while_____9_______ (play) in a group. This freedom and individuality make jazz __10__ popular symbol of America.
There are many other symbols of America, such as the Statue of Liberty, Hollywood, and Broadway. These are but a few symbols that show something of American culture.
VI. 七选五(每题2分,共10分)
It’s difficult to find true friends these days. 1 How Here are some tips on how to make your friendship last forever:
Call for no reason. Call just to say “Hi” or just to ask “What’s up ”. If you can’t call, just send an e-mail. 2 .
Know when to say “I’m sorry.” and “Thank you”. 3 Show appreciation for the things, big or little that your friend does for you. Say thank you. It’s that easy.
4 . If you have nothing good to say, don’t talk at all. Don’t risk hurting your friend’s feelings by saying hurtful words that, most of the time, you don’t really mean.
Be honest. Don’t lie to friends. Trust is the foundation of true friendship. Write them a note from time to time. Also, try to be thoughtful. Give simple gifts that will make their day.
Never be mean with your time. Spare some time to see your friends however busy you are. You can always spare an hour or two after school or work to visit them. 5 .
If you are the type of person who knows how to take care of friendship, you definitely are a keeper!
A. Avoid hurtful words.
B. Action speaks louder than words.
C. Some are never there when you need them most.
D. Don’t let pride get in the way, especially when you’re at fault.
E. Weekends are a great time, too, to bond and hang out with your friends.
F. This would send a message that you remember your friends at a random time of the day.
G. Once you find a friend who is worth keeping, make sure to take care of what you have
with that person.