人教版(2019)选择性必修第三册Unit 3 Environmental Protection大单元整体学习学程设计


名称 人教版(2019)选择性必修第三册Unit 3 Environmental Protection大单元整体学习学程设计
格式 docx
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资源类型 教案
版本资源 人教版(2019)
科目 英语
更新时间 2024-04-02 16:56:20



Unit3 Environmental Protection
——Make environmental proposals
The theme of this unit is human and nature, whose topic is Environmental Protection. Just as Mohandas K. Gandhi said, “Earth provides enough to satisfy every man’s needs, but not every man’s greed.”, in this unit you will be aware of the impacts of human activities on the environment, explore diverse environmental problems, work out the causes, impact and measures of some serious environmental problems in order to solve them. Moreover, you are hoped to put the measures you learned into practice in your daily life, and try to live a harmonious life with nature.
核心素养 课标要求
语言能力 语言知识 词汇 能正确使用与“环境保护”主题相关的词和词块来理解和表达。
语法 能够理解并正确运用直接引语和间接引语的转换规则,能根据不同语境将陈述句、一般疑问句、特殊疑问句和祈使句形式的直接引语转述为间接引语,提升语言表达的丰富性。
语篇 1.阅读一篇有关气候变化的说明文,理解全球气候变暖的原因、危害以及各国政府和个人应该采取的有效措施,探究如何减少温室气体排放,控制全球气候变暖的进程。 2.阅读一篇漓江水污染治理的报告,了解漓江水污染的形成原因和治理措施,学习报告文体的语篇结构和写作方法,掌握语篇中的主题词汇。
语用 能够运用本单元所学语言就生活中的环境问题写一份报告,说明问题的特征、形成原因和治理方案。
语言技能 听 听懂访谈节目对话,了解雾霾的危害和产生原因以及如何应对。
说 在调查过程中,交流各自的环保行为,拓展环保知识,陶冶情操,增进友谊。把环保教育与语法学习紧密结合,有机会运用所学的语言结构表达主题内容和意义,促进语言知识的内化和迁移。
读 1.阅读文章,能够抓住文章的逻辑顺序,了解极端气候变化的背后成因,认识人类活动对全球气候的影响; 2.能够把握其文体结构、信息要点、语言特色等。
写 能够结合本单元所学内容审视自身环境保护意识,并就此话题写一篇报告,恰当使用直接引语和间接引语,逻辑清晰。
看 观看"乌拉圭绿色学校"的视频,反思保护地球的理念和措施。
学习能力 1.能够理清事物发生的因果关系,制作流程图和思维导图来表达这种关系。 2.能够准确记录所听到的信息要点,并整理成简明的概要,不遗漏核心信息。 3.能够积累、辨析和运用同(近)义词汇,构建词汇网络,丰富词汇库。
文化意识 1.了解气候变化在不同国家和地区中的表现以及这些变化给不同国家和地区的人们的生活和生产带来的影响。 2.理解并感悟个人在环境保护中的作用和意义。 3.理解环境问题是需要全球共同面对和携手解决的问题,有意识地培养人类命运共 同体意识,节约地球资源,保护地球家园。
思维品质 1.能够根据数据图表分析气候变化的趋势,找到问题产生的源头与解决问题的对策。 2.能够区分关键信息和非关键信息。 3.能够识别身边的环境问题,运用所学知识提岀解决方案,增强解决实际问题的意识和能力。
By the end of the unit, you will be able to:
1. list different environmental issues, and detailed solutions by reading and listening to the related articles.
2. analyze specific causes of different environmental problems by building a mind map and discuss feasible solutions by writing.
3. make an environmental proposal for a specific environmental issue with your partners.
4. enhance the awareness of environmental protection, reconstruct the theme of environmental protection to have a better understanding of the whole unit.
For a long time, people have been seeking resources from nature, resulting in the destruction of the environment, ecological imbalance. However, we have realized the importance of harmony between man and nature. Recently, our school has launched an environmental protection activity, aiming to let us find out the environmental problems around us and introduce the seriousness of the problem to others. Therefore, please make environmental proposals for diverse environmental problems.
Stage Overall Perception Exploration& Construction Application& Transfer Reconstruction & Extension
Period 1 5 1 2
Environmental Protection
—Understand environmental problems from different aspects
【Learning Objectives】
1. Activate the topic-related expressions and form the knowledge system on environmental protection.
2. Explain how human activities are related to environmental problems in your own words.
3. Describe an environmental problem in your daily life and share the reasons.
【Context and Task】
Get out of the house and visit your hometown. Take a look at what kind of environmental pollution arisen in your hometown, and think about what measures you should take to protect the environment of your hometown so as to truly achieve harmony between man and nature.
Activity 1. Construct the theme-related vocabulary about environmental protection.
What does the picture on page 25 of your textbook describe Where do you think this photo was taken How do you understand “Earth provides enough to satisfy every man’s needs, but not every man’s greed.”
Construct the theme-related vocabulary about environmental protection and think about the relationship between human activities and environmental problems.
Things I learned about environmental protection: ____________________________________________________________
Environmental protection
—Analyze the effects of the pollution on you and the future actions by talking and writing
【Learning Objectives】
1. Describe the climate change and its influence on our daily life through the reading.
2. Analyze the effects of the pollution on you and the future action by writing.
3. Share your opinion on environmental protection by writing a report about the environmental issue.
【Context and Task】
In our daily life, we always face similar situations here and there: if the waste gas is discharged into the air, it will cause air pollution; if the vegetation of the mountain is destroyed, it can trigger mudslides and so on. If so, it will do harm to our health and endanger the lives of people. So how could we improve the situations to make our life better
Activity 2. Discuss climate change.
1. Construct the structure of the text Climate change requires the world's attention .
Part Paragraph Main idea
1 The _________ of dramatic climate change that__________________ on Earth’s ecology.
2 The___________ of the increase in the _________________________.
3 The ___________ of the rise in temperature.
4 The ___________ to reducing greenhouse gas emissions.
2. Do you think climate change is the result of human activity Give your reasons. Who do you think should take responsibility for dealing with climate change What can we do
Activity 3. Read the text again and complete the questions.
Read the text and answer the questions in exercise 2.
Finish the two charts according to the passage.
(1)Read the third paragraph and complete the chart.
(2)Read the text Climate Change Requires The World’s Attention and create a diagram describing how the greenhouse effect works.
Activity 4. Write a report on an environmental issue.
1. Read the report finish the exercise 1&2 on page 32-33.
2. Draw a mind map to show all the factors that caused the pollution.
3. Write your report according to exercise 4 on page 33.
Activity 5. Presentation show
Talk about the effects that the environmental issue brings to our life and work out the solutions.
1. The environmental issue that worries you: ______________
2. Work in groups and collect the evidence or data and so on.(you can use a diagram, mind map or a PPT for support)
3. Surf the internet, discuss in groups, and ask for help from teachers or students. Then figure out the solutions.
4. Show your group work in class. ( a PPT or related music is appreciated.)
Environmental protection
—Make environmental proposals
【Learning Objectives】
1. Summarize how to prepare an environment proposal by reading the textbook.
2. Figure out the solutions for the environmental issue in your community or daily life by making questionnaires and analyzing the results.
3. Inspire more people to pay attention to the daily environmental issue and take action by making your presentation about the environmental proposal.
【Context and Task】
There are small environmental issues in our community or on our campus, which bring big impacts, such as plastic bag waste, energy conversation, waster conversation, waste sorting system for recycling, etc. Therefore, you choose an environmental issue to address. Then make questionnaires, analyze and prepare to present an environmental proposal for it.
Activity 6. Prepare before you make the environmental proposal.
1. In groups, discuss the following questions.
What is the main environmental issue you want to address Choose one from the list below, or think of your own.
2. Think and answer the questions.
What small things can people do in their community to help
What simple inventions might help reduce the impact of the issue
Use the Internet to help you find ideas and take notes.
Activity 7. Now create your project presentation.
You can use diagrams and illustrations to show how your ideas will work.
The example on p35 is welcome.
Activity 8. Present your project to the class.
Each member should take turns to explain or show one part of the presentation.
Environmental Protection
— Reconstruct as a whole about environmental protection
【Learning Objectives】
1. Read theme-related passages to enrich your knowledge and have a further understanding of the meaning and significance of environmental protection by Group Articles Reading.
2. Reconstruct all the related knowledge & information on environmental protection by reconstructing the mind map.
3. Apply the knowledge and skills of protecting the environment to our lives to improve your awareness of a community with a shared future for mankind.
Activity 9: Group article reading
词数: 617 级别: ★★★☆ 摘自: 北师大版选修八 Unit22
In the last few decades, scientists have reached consensus and reported that human beings are causing changes in the Earth’s climate—something previously seen as beyond our control. They claim that in the last 50 years gases pumped into the Earth’s atmosphere by the factories and vehicles have been speeding up the process of global warming and affecting our climate. Looking ahead, scientists believe that global warming could be one of the biggest environmental problems facing the 21st century. But what exactly is global warming, why is it seen as a danger, and how is it relevant to our lives
Global warming refers to an average increase in the Earth’s temperature that, in turn, leads to climate change. Scientists found that the temperature of the Earth is controlled by greenhouse gases such as carbon dioxide which trap heat from the sun in the Earth’s atmosphere. Without these naturally occurring gases, the sun’s rays would bounce back into space leaving the Earth cold and impossible to live on. When the presence of these gases in the atmosphere increase, however, more heat is trapped and the Earth’s temperature rises.
Over the last 100 years, the global average temperature has increased by 1℉ and many experts insist that the blame for this global warming can mostly be pinned on human activities. As a result of increased industry, agriculture, the cutting down of forests, the increase in transport and the burning of fuels, nearly 6 tonnes of carbon dioxide goes into the atmosphere every year for every one of the Earth’s 6 billion people. The amount of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere has risen by more than 30% in the last 250 years with half of this increase occurring since 1960. Given this data, it seems that the link between human activities and rising global temperatures is not merely a coincidence.
A temperature increase of l℉ may not sound like a lot, but if we continue to produce carbon dioxide and other gases in such huge quantities, we are condemning life on Earth and should expect severe consequences. Recent reports warned that global warming will cause terrible climate changes including more frequent flooding, heat waves and droughts serious diseases will spread and industries that rely on nature such as fishing will be badly affected. Increased temperatures will alsocause the polar ice to melt, raising sea levels and flooding many islands and cities. How can we stop these disasters from happening
Governments all over the world have a responsibility to reduce the amount of carbon dioxide which their countries are producing. If less carbon dioxide goes into the atmosphere, global warming will slow down. This is no easy task, however, and some governments, for example, the USA’s federal government, express reservations about whether global warming is really caused by human activities.
Many people believe that they are simply not prepared to sacrifice the amount of money they make from industry to save the Earth. But why wait around for governments to take action Experts advocate that each person play their part. They suggest making small changes like taking public transport, recycling, using low-flow shower heads, and buying light bulbs that use less energy. Even simple things like using recycled paper or switching off the lights when you leave a room can help. If we add up all these small changes made by everyone worldwide, they won’t be such small changes. They could be the changes that save our future. After all, there’s no substitute for our Earth. It’s all we’ve got to live on.
1. What human activities are causing global warming
2. Are greenhouse gases necessary for life on Earth
3. Write an essay to discuss how to help solve the problem of global warming.
词数:500 文体:说明文 摘自:网络资源
Wheat was among the first plants to be cultivated and is now the most widespread crop in the world. It seems unlikely there would be much left to learn about what makes it flourish. Yet, some 12,000 years after relations between people and wheat began, a wheat plant has been caught doing something unexpected. It helped itself to an amount of much-needed phosphorus(磷)when its leaves received a coating of desert dust.
The plants in question were in the care of Avner Gross of Ben Gurion University of the Negev, whose study was motivated by hikes he had taken near Neve Shalom, his home village in the Judean Hills. On these, he often noticed plant leaves completely covered in dust that had been carried there by sandstorms from the Sahara Desert. It occurred to him that this dust might not be the light-blocking nuisance that it appeared to be. It could, on the contrary, be beneficial because of the growth-enhancing elements such as phosphorus which it contained. Until then, botanists had assumed that phosphorus in dust landing on a plant was of little value, because it is locked up in an insoluble mineral called apatite(磷灰石). This makes it unavailable for absorption. Dr. Gross, however, reasoned that plants which had evolved near deserts, the source of almost all naturally occurring dust in the atmosphere, might have evolved a way to exploit it.
Therefore, he and two colleagues started experimenting with a pair of species, wheat and chickpeas, that both originally came from the Middle East. As a control, they also raised some maize, a plant from the Americas that evolved in far less dusty surroundings. First, having established them as seedlings, they starved their charges of phosphorus until signs of deficiency such as yellow leaves appeared. Then they scattered desert dust on the leaves of half of the specimens(样本)of each species, while taking steps to stop any of it from reaching the soil.
After this, though the dust-dosed maize continued to suffer from phosphorus deficiency, the wheat and chickpea plants perked up and grew to more than double the size of their undusted lab-mates. What is more, these species were clearly ready for the dust’s arrival. As soon as a lack of phosphorus announced itself, two things happened. Their leaves became hairier, and therefore better at capturing dust. And those leaves also started producing acid fluids that could dissolve any incoming apatite, assisting with the absorption of phosphorus.
The fact that plants can absorb phosphorus through their leaves is not news to farmers — for this was established in the 1950s. But until now, the practical consequence of such knowledge has been that crops are sprayed with liquid fertiliser derived, in turn, from apatite-containing rocks which have been treated with acid. Dusting leaves could, Dr. Gross suggests, be an alternative and more efficient way of providing desert-derived crop species with the phosphorus they need.
1. What inspired Dr. Gross to conduct the study
2. What does Dr. Gross think of the dust covering the leaves
3. What is paragraph 4 mainly about
4. What did Dr. Gross suggest in the last paragraph
The World Wildlife Fund for Nature
词数:413 文体:说明文 摘自:网络资源
The World Wildlife Fund (WWF) was found by Sir Peter Scott in 1961. His goal was to help protect the Earth's natural environment. Today the WWF is the world's largest conservation organization. It has almost 5 million supporters all over the world and has organized more than 11.000 projects in 130 countries. Besides protecting endangered species, the WWF concentrates on these key areas of global conservation:
Climate change
Burning coal and oil produces gases like Carbon Dioxide, which are the major cause of global warming. About 23,000,000,000 tonnes of Carbon Dioxide are released into the atmosphere every year. The WWF encourages governments and businesses to start using clean, renewable energy sources like wind, water and solar power.
The world's forests are the natural habitats for millions of species of plants, insects, birds, reptiles and mammals. They also help produce clean oxygen. Because of illegal logging, forest fires and climate change, the world's forests are disappearing at the rate of 146,000 square kilometers a year. That's about the same size as Nepal. t one time, half the land on the Earth's surface was covered by forest. Today, it is about a quarter. The WWF spends US$40 million a year to protect existing forests and to plant new trees in deforested areas.
About two thirds of the Earth's surface is covered by the seas which are home to millions of species of plants and animals. The sea is also an important source of food for all of us. Without the seas, we could not live. But, because of pollution and over-fishing, many marine species are in danger. The WWF has the largest marine conservation programme in the world, and works closely with governments to protect sea life.
Fresh water
Rivers, lakes and wet-lands are sources of fresh water, not only for humans, but for wildlife too. Due to pollution and climate change, about 50% of the world's fresh water habitats have been destroyed in the last 100 years. And more than 3 billion people in poor countries do not have enough clean water. The WWF works hard to protect fresh-water environment from pollution and to help people in developing countries have access to safe, clean water. Nobody knows exactly how many species of plants and animals there are on Earth. Scientists say that there would be as many as 15 million different species. Sadly, many species have become extinct and many are in danger of extinction. But thanks to the hard work of organizations like the WWF, more and more have a chance to survive.
Where is the WWF meant for
词数: 333 级别: ★★★★ 摘自: 2012 四川卷高考
Plants are flowering faster than scientists predicted in reaction to climate change, which could have long damaging effects on food chains and ecosystems.
Global warming is having a great effect on hundreds of plant and animal species around the world, changing some living patterns, scientists say.
Increased carbon dioxide (CO2) in the air from burning coal and oil can have an effect on how plants produce oxygen, while higher temperatures and changeable rainfall patterns can change their patterns of growth.
“Predicting species’ reaction to climate change is a major challenge in ecology,” said the researches of several U.S. universities. They said plants had been the key object of study because their reaction to climate change could have an effect on food chains and ecosystem services.
The study, published on the Nature website, uses the findings from plant life cycle studies and experiments across four continents and 1,634 species. It found that some experiments had underestimated the speed of flowering by 8.5 times and leafing by 4 times.
“Across all species, the experiments under-predicted the speed of the advance—for both leafing and flowering—that results from temperature increases,” the study said.
Plants are necessary for life on the Earth. They are the base of the food chain, using photosynthesis to produce sugar from carbon dioxide and water. They let out oxygen which is needed by nearly every organism on the planet.
So far, efforts to cut emissions of planet-warming greenhouse gases are not seen as enough to prevent the Earth heating up beyond 2℃this century—a point scientists say will bring the danger of a changeable climate in which weather extremes are common, leading to drought, floods, crop failures and rising sea levels.
1. What can be inferred from the last two paragraphs about the world’s temperature
2. Why do scientists pay special attention to the study ofplants
3. Gather information on line and list some efforts on what people can do to protect the biologic chain.
Activity 10.Reconstruct your mind map about the four structures based on your further exploration to the whole unit.
Unit 3 Environmental Protection单元过关
I. 单词拼写(共12题,每题2分,共30分)
1.The heat is r__________(释放,排放) back into space at longer wave length.
2.There is strong and c____________(所有的,详尽的) evidence that the rise has caused an increase in extreme weather.
3.In fact, news reports are often b__________(广播,播放) about extreme rainstorms and heatwaves.
4.We can also reduce our “ carbon footprint” by r_________(限制,限定) the amount of carbon dioxide.
5.Why is nuclear power a s_________(敏感的) topic
6.A large international meeting was held with the aim of promoting s____________(可持续的) development in all countries.
7.S________(抓住) the opportunity, or you will regret it.
8.It is my favorite a________(年刊), whose price is reasonable.
9.These measures are intended to r__________(恢复,修复) public confidence in welfare services.
10.At the same time, they started to carry out i_________(检查,视察) regularly and fine tourist organizations for abuses.
11.The goal is to promote a h___________(和谐的) relationship between man and nature.
12.The villagers could no longer t__________(容忍) the situation.
13.The river near the jungle appears as if it is enveloped in (烟雾).
14. Investigations have indicated that the virus was most likely to (起源)from the seeds.
15. In response to our requirements,he turned up the (音量)
1._______ _____ ______ ______ ______(毫无疑问) Earth is getting warmer and warmer.
2. This alarming case showed how the increase in temperature _______ _____ ______ ______ (对...有影响) Earth's ecology.
3. When people produce huge amounts of extra greenhouse gases , more heat energy _______ _____ ______(被困在) the atmosphere .
4. Climate scientists have warned that if we do not _______ __________ ______(采取适当的措施), this warming trend will probably continue and there will be a higher price to pay.
5. The “natural” greenhouse effect _______ _____(涉及,指的是) the fact that heat from the sun enters the atmosphere and warms Earth’s surface as short-wave radiation.
6.Continued greenhouse gas emissions will_______ _____(导致) further warming and long-lasting changes to the global climate.
7. It is our responsibility to _______ _____ ___________ ______ (抓住机会做某事) educate everyone about global warming.
8. _______ _____(许多,很多)polluting enterprises were closed or moved.
9. With such campaigns _______ _____(生效), China's waterways are heading towards bright future.
10. I’m doing a project _______ _____ ______(代表)my school about global warming.
Ⅲ. 单句语法填空(每空1分,共5分)
1. There is strong and comprehensive evidence ______the rise in temperature has led to an increase in extreme weather.
2. An expert ______ has studied polar bears for many years said that from the position of its dead body, the bear appeared ___________(starve) to death.
3._________(previous), water quality in the Li River had suffered greatly from an increasing volume of tourists, many of ______ threw garbage into the river.
4. Water pollution levels increased, with more household and commercial waste _________(end) up in the river.
5. With a number of measures addressed the issues.
IV. 语法填空(每空2分,共20分)
When it comes to traveling in China's Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region, the Li River is one of the tourist destinations. However, as the number of tourists increases, the river's water _____1_____(pollute). Some tourists_____2_____(frequent) threw garbage into the river. Kitchens on he tour boats were using lots of oil, _____3_____was often thrown into the water. Besides, more chemicals were used _____4_____(increase) crop production, ____5____(cause) water quality issues and a decease in the number of fish species. These problems made the local officials concerned about the natural environment. They felt_____6_____urgent to take action to restore the river's beauty.
The waste water treatment _____7_____(facility) have been constructed, which has helped improve the water quality and water _____8_____(conserve). Quantities of polluting enterprises were closed or moved. What's more, the local government set up strict regulations _____9_____(regard) further industrial development. With these measures, it is believed that the _____10_____(origin) beauty of the Li River will come back soon.
V. 阅读理解(每空2分,共10分)
阅读下面短文, 从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多余选项。
Travelling with friends can be an absolutely amazing experience where you could make lifelong memories or it could end up ruining your friendship. 16 Here are some rules you should follow to make sure your next trip with friends goes as smoothly as possible.
17 Sure, you and your friends probably have some similar interests, but that’s not always the case. In an effort to keep everyone happy, go over travel plans and expectations ahead of time. Have each person categorize activities or sights into “must-see” “want to see” and “would go if we have time”. Plan accordingly and make sure everyone can see some of their top attractions.
Communicate and respect each other. Everyone has personal preferences when travelling — from getting the bed closest to the bathroom or sitting in the airplane’s window seat. But sometimes things don’t go as you like. In this case, share your requirements directly with your travel companions.18 Have a conversation when problems arise, for communication is the key.
Don’t disappear. When travelling with a group — or even just one other person — you may want some alone time. That’s completely fine, but make sure your friends know where you are and have a way of contacting you. 19
Get off your phone. Of course, your friends will understand if you need to take a call from a family member, or in the event of a work emergency, but other than that, try to stay off your phone. 20 After all, the appeal of this type of trip is to spend time with friends. Just enjoy it!
A. Give each other some space.
B. Include at least one activity for everyone.
C. And remember that consideration and respect go a long way.
D. At the same time, listen to their concerns and be respectful of them.
E. Don’t respond to non-urgent work contact or send messages frequently.
F. It’s especially true of travelling in foreign countries or unfamiliar places.
G. So it’s important to make sure you and your friend(s) are on the same page.
VI. 完形填空(每空1分,共15分)
I'd planned to spend my weekend in the sun, enjoying flowers outdoors. But that was 21  the pair of disgusting crows (乌鸦) arrived. Out of nowhere, they had set up their base  22  in our backyard.
We first 23  our feathered enemies on Friday morning. It was early, and the sound the birds made  24  through our neighborhood. I figured they'd  25  soon. But, no. They were getting louder and probably  26  my neighbors nearly as much as us with the noise. I admit I got a little  27 .
Then, on Sunday afternoon, I saw our dog Quatchi staring at something on the ground. I went to 28  and found a small coal-black bird in the grass. Its eyes were milky, and it stayed perfectly  29  as my dog walked towards it.
Only when Quatchi 30  its head with his nose did it walk away. I  31  the dog inside and came back with my camera.
It never occurred to me that the young would be hanging out on the ground, growing and gaining 32  as its parents guarded it from above. The second I saw this little creature I  33  the crows.
To be honest, I've never been much of a bird person. And I wish they'd chosen another backyard. But I'm also 34  that I got to see this little bit of nature unfold up close. It's pretty amazing.
The experience has also 35  my desire to create a beautiful backyard garden that attracts lots of bees, butterflies, and yes, birds. They are welcome here.
21.A.after   B.when   C.until    D.before
22.A.organization  B.camp C.business   D.trap
23.A.accepted    B.drove C.discovered  D.invited
24.A.traveled    B.flew    C.ran    D.flowed
25.A.sing    B.fight C.fall down   D.quiet down
26.A.attracting    B.annoying C.frightening  D.amusing
27.A.excited    B.amazed   C.curious   D.desperate
28.A.prevent    B.defend    C.explore  D.assist
29.A.cold    B.enthusiastic C.still    D.friendly
30.A.touched   B.threw C.pointed   D.connected
31.A.awarded   B.locked   C.praised   D.fed
32.A.strength   B.pity   C.advantage   D.freedom
33.A.hated   B.respected   C.admired   D.forgave
34.A.pitiful   B.grateful   C.painful   D.careful
35.A.discouraged   B.ensured C.strengthened    D.proved