人教版(2019)选择性必修第二册Unit 2 Bridging Cultures Reading and Thinking 教学设计


名称 人教版(2019)选择性必修第二册Unit 2 Bridging Cultures Reading and Thinking 教学设计
格式 docx
文件大小 19.0KB
资源类型 教案
版本资源 人教版(2019)
科目 英语
更新时间 2024-04-03 13:34:41



Unit 2 Bridging Cultures Reading and Thinking
The theme of the text is about Xie Lei’s foreign studying experiences as an exchange student. Her experiences reflect the real life of most of students studying abroad who encounter lots of challenges and sometimes even misunderstandings and safety problems. Besides, culture shock is another big dilemma. After learning the text, our students should be well aware of the challenges and benefits of studying abroad and strengthen their own cultural confidence. While learning, the teacher should instruct students to dig out the changes of Xie Lei’s feelings as she tried to get used to her new life. Meanwhile the teacher should lead students to pay attention to the time order of the writing
“Welcome, Xie Lei”
Business student building bridges
Learning aims
1. Analyse the structure of the text.
2. Know the challenges and benefits of studying abroad.
3. Learn how Xie Lei helped to build bridges between China and the UK.
4. Express ideas by critical thinking.
Fast reading
1. Where do you think the text is from
The text is most likely to be taken from ________
A. a science magazine B. a school newspaper
2. The text has been divided into three parts. Match each part with the main idea.
Para.1-2 The challenges that Xie Lei faced and how she handled them.
Para.3-7 Best wishes to Xie Lei.
Para.8 Brief introduction of Xie Lei and the reason why she went abroad to study.
3. What is the text about
The text is mainly about the introduction of Xie Lei’s ___________at a____________in London.
Detailed reading
1. Read Para.1-2 loudly, and then answer the questions.
(1)Why did Xie Lei choose the exchange programme
(2)What is Xie Lei's goal after graduation
2. Read Para.3-4, and then complete the blanks.
Challenges in daily life What Xie Lei did
adaptation to a whole new life learnt to__________________; learnt to __________________; asked for___________________
loneliness lived with __________________
3. Read Para.5-7, and then complete the blanks
Challenges about academic requirements What Xie Lei did
writing an essay got help from_____________; read a lot to prepare
participating in ____________and giving ____________ gave a presentation on____________
Further reading
Why did Xie Lei have the following feelings
Make sentences using “Xie Lei felt ...because...
excited and nervous comforted confused surprised confident feel at home
Critical thinking
How has Xie Lei helped to build bridges between China and the UK (Find answers in para.4,6,7.)
1. What kind of girl is Xie Lei
Six months ago, Xie Lei boarded a plane for London. It was the first time that she 1.______(leave) home. She went to a university to study for a business qualification and chose the exchange
4programme because she wanted to learn about 2.____(globe) business. She was 3.____(ambition) to set up a business after graduation. At first, Xie Lei had to adapt to life in a different country. She chose to live with a host family, who could help with her 4. _______(adapt) to the new culture. When she missed home, she felt 5. ______(comfort) to have a second family. Also Xie Lei had to satisfy academic requirements. Her tutor told her to acknowledge 6. ______other people had said if she cited their ideas, and advised her to read lots of information in order to form 7.______wise opinion of her own. Now halfway through her exchange year, Xie Lei felt much more at home in the UK. She said 8.______(engage) in British culture had helped and that she had 9._______(involve) in social activities. She also said while learning about business, she was acting as a cultural messenger building a bridge 10. ______the two countries.
Write a composition of your opinion on studying abroad in about 80 words with the material provided below.
learn to adapt to the new environment
boost confidence
help build a strong business in the future
act as a cultural messenger building a bridge
make new friends with peers
be more self-independent and an autonomous learner
Disadvantages: feel lonely hard to fit in there difficult to communicate with foreigners......
1. 反思学生教师就像是导演,而学生就是演员。一部电影是否能成功上演,演员是最重要的成分之一。在教学工作中,我及时反思自我的教态、导入方式等形式,学生是否能理解。同时所运用的教学方法学生是否喜欢,这些都是要及时思考的问题。在教学结束后,反思学生是否用心的参与学习过程 学生的知识和潜力有没有发展 经常走近学生,不断与学生沟通,使课堂构成富有情趣的、精彩纷程的教学过程。一堂课的成功于否不在于自我设计的有多么的精彩,同时还取决于学生对知识的认识和掌握程度。就是因为这样,更加要反思学生。培养自我和学生的情感,多多了解他们的生活。这才能上好一堂满分的课。
2. 反思教材在英语教学中,教材也是不可忽视的一块资料。个性是教学目标,教学目标是影响整堂课成功于否的重要因素。在课前就要多问几个为什么,我为什么要这样设计我的教学过程。为什么要让学生做这样的活动等等。反思自我所定的教学目标是否贴合新教材的特点,是否贴合学生的实际状况。是否到达教学目标的要求。在教学过程中,我发现,对于不一样的学生和不一样的班级就要有不一样的目标,学生的学习特点和与潜力都存在差异,比如:有的学生记忆潜力强,学习单词的速度就很快,有的学生上课活泼好动,但他的纪律性不强。这就要求教师有不一样的教学方法,因材施教,适时调整教学目标。
3. 跨文化交际意识的培养,是英语教学的一个重要组成部分。词汇是文化信息的主要浓缩。对英语词汇的准确理解,和对语言环境的认识和创设和把握,需要对文化的比较深刻的理解。外族文化知识的获得,主要是透过对该族文化历史的研究和学习,透过对该族语言文学作品的研读,透过对该族文化生活习惯、生活方式的了解。而读原版英语经典著作的学习,是到达这三条的捷径。