T8 二次联考 字词积累 阅读理解 2024.4.3
Passage A tempt sb. to do sth. 诱惑某人做某事儿----- temptation n. 诱惑
resist the temptation to do sth. 抵制住做某事儿的诱惑 illustrate v.给...插画;说明,讲解
Get/be caught up in sth. 被卷入,陷入(=be involved in...) in hope of... 希望做某事儿
be stuck at college 被困在大学=be caught in/be trapped in
一词多义: break down (车)出故障; 降解; (人)崩溃
nostalgic 怀旧的 unique imagery 奇特的意象 poetic prose诗意的散文
arouse a sense of familiarity 唤起一丝熟悉感 introduce...to... 向...介绍...
be woven into... 被编织进... weave v. 编织 ----过去式:wove----过去分词:woven
hidden (hide)treasure 隐藏的宝藏 (hide---hid---hidden)(同理:减少的时间 reduced time)
strengthen bonds with friends 加强与学生的关系 ethnic groups 少数民族
Passage B
right (adv.恰好,正好) in the front yard host a party举办舞会(回忆:throw a party)
by mistake 错误地=mistakenly hang out 外出闲逛 do crafts 做手工
stop by 顺便拜访 miss out on 错过
The turquoise table was inviting (invite) (词义:吸引人的)and had a shared (share) feel.
She likes how it enables her to take a small step toward easing loneliness (lonely) and building relationships in her community. “People’s greatest need is to know that they are loved (love)and that they belong(归属感),” she says.
一词多义engage v. 吸引住(注意力、兴趣):It is a movie that engages both the mind and the eye.
engage sb. as...雇佣,聘用:He is currently engaged as a consultant.
engage with sb. 与...建立密切关系;尽力理解:She has the ability to engage with young minds.
Adj. engaged:~in/on 忙于,从事于:I can’t come to dinner on Tuesday----I am otherwise engaged.
be engaged to sb. 与某人订婚: She is engaged to the prince.
(电话线)使用中的,被占用的:I couldn’t get through-----the line is engaged.
Adj. engaging: 有趣的,令人愉快的,迷人的:an engaging smile
Passage C
rawer adj. 未经加工的,自然状态的 split 分裂---过去式:split---过去分词:split 词组:split up
interrupt --- n.interruption 打断 (disturb:干扰---n. disturbance)
allow for: 考虑到,把..计算在内----It will take about an hour to get there, allowing for traffic delays.
destroy---adj. destructive ---n. destruction 过去式、过去分词:destroyed be aimed at doing=aim to do
Salt doesn’t directly melt ice, nor does it make snow simply (simple) disappear.
Normally(normal: 正常情况下 ), when water freezes into ice, its molecules line up (语义:排成行)to form a stable, orderly (order)structure.
But if salt needs to interact with liquid water, how does it do anything when temperatures are stubbornly
(stubborn) below freezing, and water should already be in the form of ice That’s where cars help clear their own way by creating friction (词义:摩擦 )and, in turn, heat. The friction allows for (词义:允许)the ice that has already frozen to melt (melt)a little bit, making it unlikely to freeze.
Chloride ions (氯离子) can cause wear and tear (词义: 造成磨损 )on vehicles and facilities. Increasing (increase) chloride densities in North American lakes could begin to upset local ecology and degrade(语义:降低质量) sources of drinking water.
Many local governments are looking for _alternatives (alternative) to rock salt.
Some experiments are testing other ice-preventing solutions, including those that contain sugars instead of or in addition to salts.
Passage D
be tailored to... 为...量身定做
About ten years ago, logging (log)into Facebook, Twitter, or Instagram would mostly show posts from friends and family in the order they were posted.
This means that instead of a simple, chronological (词义:按时间顺序的)feed(熟词生义:信息灌输), users encounter a dynamic stream(词义:动态的信息流),constantly adapting to their preferences.
This constant stream of recommendations reduces our exposure (expose)to diverse or challenging content, subtly shaping (词义:悄然塑成)our preferences (preference)and behaviors.
He suggests that if Meta, the parent company of Facebook, were required to separate its various services, like Instagram or WhatsApp, and make them compete with each other, it could give users more control and choice over their digital consumption.(consume)
In summary, the change from simple, time-ordered social media posts to algorithm-driven content has a big impact on both the viewers (view) and the creators (create), influencing what we see, hear, and even think.
Chayka’s insights highlight the need for greater awareness and potentially more regulation in our increasingly (increasing) digital world.
T8 二次联考 字词积累 阅读理解 2024.4.3 检测版
Passage A _________________________ 诱惑某人做某事儿-----______________ n. 诱惑
_________________________ 抵制住做某事儿的诱惑 illustrate v.__________;____________
Get/be caught up in sth. _______________________(=be _______ in...) _________. 希望做某事儿
_______________ at college 被困在大学=_________________________
一词多义: break down _______________; _________; _________
nostalgic __________ unique imagery 奇特的______ ________ prose 诗意的_____
___________________________________ 唤起一丝熟悉感 __________________ 向...介绍...
_______________________ 被编织进... weave v. _______ ----过去式:_______----过去分词:_______
____________ (hide)treasure 隐藏的宝藏 (hide---____---________)(同理:减少的时间 _______ time)
______________________________ 加强与学生的关系 ___________________ 少数民族
Passage B
right (adv._______________) in the front yard ___________a party举办舞会(回忆:________ a party)
_____mistake 错误地=______________ hang out______________ ________________做手工
stop by _______________ ___________________ 错过
The turquoise table was ____________(invite) (词义:___________)and had a ___________ (share) feel.
She likes _______ it enables her __________(take) a small step toward easing _________ (lonely) and building relationships in her community. “People’s greatest need is to know that they ___________ (love)and that they belong(_____________),” she says.
一词多义engage v. ______________________:It is a movie that engages both the mind and the eye.
engage sb. as...___________________:He is currently engaged as a consultant.
engage with sb. _______________________:She has the ability to engage with young minds.
Adj. engaged:~in/on _________________:I can’t come to dinner on Tuesday----I am otherwise engaged.
be engaged _____ sb. ____________________: She is engaged to the prince.
_____________________________:I couldn’t get through-----the line is engaged.
Adj. engaging: __________________________:an engaging smile
Passage C
rawer adj. ___________________ split 分裂---过去式:_____---过去分词:_______ 词组:split ___
interrupt --- n.________________ 打断 (disturb:干扰---n. ____________)
allow for: ____________________----It will take about an hour to get there, allowing for traffic delays.
destroy---adj. _________ ---n. ________ 过去式、过去分词:________ __________ doing=aim to do
Salt doesn’t directly melt ice, ________ does it make snow __________ (simple) disappear.
___________(normal:_____________ ), when water freezes into ice, its molecules line ____(语义:
___________________)to form a stable, ____________ (order)structure.
But if salt needs to interact ______ liquid water, ___ does it do anything when temperatures are _________
(stubborn) below freezing, and water should already be ___ the form of ice That’s _______ cars help clear their own way by creating friction (词义:______ )and, ____ turn, heat. The friction allows ______ (词义:允许)the ice that has already frozen___________ (melt)a little bit, making it unlikely to freeze.
Chloride ions (氯离子) can cause wear and tear (词义: _____________ )on vehicles and facilities. ____________ (increase) chloride densities in North American lakes could begin to upset local ecology and degrade(语义:_____________) sources of drinking water.
Many local governments are looking for _______________ (alternative) to rock salt.
Some experiments are testing other ice-preventing solutions, including those ______ contain sugars instead of ____ in addition to salts.
Passage D
be tailored to... ________________
About ten years ago, ___________ (log)into Facebook, Twitter, or Instagram would mostly show posts from friends and family ______ the order they were posted.
This means that instead of a simple, chronological (词义:_____________)feed(熟词生义:____________), users encounter a dynamic stream(词义:____________),constantly adapting _____heir preferences.
This constant stream of recommendations reduces our ________________ (expose)to diverse or challenging content, subtly shaping (词义:______________)our _____________ (preference)and behaviors.
He suggests that if Meta, the parent company of Facebook, were required to separate its various services, like Instagram or WhatsApp, and make them compete _________ each other, it could give users more control and choice _________ their digital _______________.(consume)
In summary, the change from simple, time-ordered social media posts __ algorithm-driven content has a big impact ____ both the ___________ (view) and the _____________ (create), influencing _________we see, hear, and even think.
Chayka’s insights highlight the need _______ greater awareness and potentially more regulation in our _____________ (increasing) digital world.