人教版(2019)选择性必修第一册Unit 1 People of Achievement Reading and thinking 教学设计


名称 人教版(2019)选择性必修第一册Unit 1 People of Achievement Reading and thinking 教学设计
格式 docx
文件大小 20.5KB
资源类型 教案
版本资源 人教版(2019)
科目 英语
更新时间 2024-04-03 21:31:05



人教版(2019)选择性必修一Unit 1 People of Achievement reading and thinking
本单元围绕“卓有成就的人物”(People of Achievement)这一主题展开,内容涵盖多位取得卓越成就的中外人物,例如:屠呦呦、阿尔伯特·爱因斯坦、简·古道尔、黄大年、海伦·凯勒等。本单元鼓励学生在人与自我、人与社会的主题下,多角度地认识、思考、探索这些卓有成就的人物获得成功的原因及人生的价值和意义所在。除了这些大家都很熟悉的人物本单元还鼓励学生由远及近,观察身边的普通人。这些人虽然不是名人,但同样付出了努力,体现了自己的人生价值。开篇页的引言“Try to become not a man of success, but try rather to become a man of value.”出自世界著名科学家阿尔伯特·爱因斯坦(1879-1955)。这句话表达了爱因斯坦对人生价值的理解:努力不是为了功成名就,而是为了成为有价值的人。一个人对人生价值和意义的理解,决定了他(她)对成功的定义。处在价值观形成时期的高中学生尤其应该以榜样为引领,树立正确的人生观和价值观,明确奋斗的方向,规划好自己的人生道路。主题图是屠呦呦被授予诺贝尔奖的现场照片,拍摄于当地时间2015年 12月 10日。照片内容与主篇阅读和单元话题相呼应,使读者有一种身临其境的感觉。照片中的诺贝尔奖颁奖仪式在瑞典的斯德哥尔摩音乐厅举行,颁奖人是瑞典国王(King Carl XVI Gustafof Sweden)。
该语篇的体裁属于专题新闻报道(news story)。这种文体时效性强,2015年诺贝尔生理学或医学奖获得者名单于 2015年10月 5日颁布,本文发布时间设在 2015年 10月 6日。专题新闻报道的内容比简单的新闻播报更加丰富。语篇以“Tu Youyou Awarded Nobel Prize”为标题,向读者报道了这一重要消息,并介绍了屠呦呦的生平经历和她带领团队为治疗疟疾发现并提取青蒿素的过程,给读者提供了比简单的新闻播报更为详细的信息。从新闻报道层面来看,语篇内容客观、准确,使用具体数据来说明屠呦呦及其团队的科学研究过程的艰辛和发现青蒿素的伟大价值。此外,从故事层面来看,本文注重通过描述人物的具体事迹,包括对人物语言的直接引用,来刻画人物形象。这些语言特点能加深读者对屠呦呦获诺贝尔奖这一新闻事件,以及对屠呦呦这一人物的认知。与一般人物描写类文章不同的是,新闻故事中的人物描写强调以客观事实说话,尽量不加人报道者的情感,但读者能够通过语篇内容了解人物品质。从叙事结构层面来看,语篇首先报道发生的重大新闻事件,与标题呼应,然后再详细报道其他相关的重要信息,如人物生平、事件发生的过程等。
Reading and Thinking
Teaching aims:
1. To find out the main idea of the passage, and know how to predict the content by reading the title of the passage.
2. To learn to find some detail information to understand the main idea of each paragraph.
3. To learn to summarize the person’s qualities from reading the passage.
4. To learn how to collect, analyse, conclude the basic information of a person and his life experience, analyse the reason for his achievement and sum up the common qualities of people of achievement.
5. To Realize and understand the difference of a man of value and a man of success, think about the significance of self-improvement and future effort direction.
Teaching importance:
1. Help the students learn to analyse the reason for a person’s achievement and sum up the qualities of her.
2. Help the students find some detail information to understand the main idea of the passage.
Teaching difficulties:
Guide the student to express their ideas about the difference of a man of value and a man of success, think about the significance of self-improvement and future effort direction.
Teaching procedures
Step 1. Leading-in
Guide students to look at the picture of Tu Youyou and arise their reading interests.
T: Do you know who is the lady in the picture Do you know where is her name comes from The Book of Songs. Not only does she have a beautiful name, but also she is a woman of great achievement. Today our passage is about her.
Step 2. Prediction
Where would you possibly find this passage
A. In a blog B. In a book C. In a letter D. In a newspaper
T:Why The title has already told us who, did what and when.
The time is very important for your prediction. Since it possibly comes from a newspaper, imagine you are a journalist, what would you write about according to the title. I’ll give you one minute to discuss with your partner. These words may help you. Who, What, Why, How
Step 3. Reading for information
●Read through the passage and answer the questions.
1.Who is Tu Youyou
T: What’s committed
It means you are willing to give your time and energy to it. Devoted and determined.
2.Why was she awarded the Nobel Prize
3.Why Chinese government formed a team in 1967
T: What’s objective It means aim or goal.
4. What is the significance of finding artemisinin toward the world and toward China
T: Why artemisinin is crucial and vital (find some numbers and small words to prove that)
How did Tu feel about winning the prize
Honoured/ thankful/ grateful....
What is the significance of artemisinin to China Build Chinese confidence and power. Let the world know the value of traditional Chinese medicine.
●Read para.②③ and fill in the table
Pre-experiment Fieldwork (study that is done in the real world): Tu went to Hainan to___________________ Literature Review: Tu reviewed_________________
During experiment Stage1 Tu’s team ___________over 2000 old medical texts, and ________280,000 plants for their medical properties
Stage2 They________ a medical text suggesting using the extract from sweet wormwood to treat a fever.
Stage3 They _______ a collection of dried wormwood leaves but __________.
Stage4 They _______ fresh wormwood, and _________ the liquid obtained from this to treat malaria, but _________.
Stage5 They ________ a lower temperature to _________ wormwood extract
Stage6 They tested the medicine on _______ to see if safe
Stage7 They tested the medicine on _______
Post-experiment Final Result: The medicine became _____________for malaria
T: Now I will put all the verbs here which you’ve already found, and can you tell me what kind of person is she
committed/devoted/determined, patient, undefeated, persistent, selfless, knowledgeable, brave
Step 4 Homework
Put all you have learned in this class into a written piece. What’s the qualities of Tu Youyou Give your supporting details.
Step 5. Discussion
Try to become not a man of success, but try rather to become a man of value. ----------Albert Einstein
Based on what we have learned about Tu Youyou, would you share with us your understanding of the difference between a man of success and a man of value
(This part aims to guide students realize and understand the difference of a man of value and a man of success, think about the significance of self-improvement and future effort direction.)
1. 杜绝课堂口头禅,在教学指令或内容后,询问学生 right?规范个人教学语言,简洁、明了,指令清晰。
2. 课堂问题设置要符合学生现阶段的能力和水平。
3. 教学语言要注意语速,清晰度,避免不连贯的现象。
4. 教学环节的设计有待进一步的完善和提高,问题的设计应该更加新颖和突出重难点。
5. 注意个别单词发音的准确性以及语句的节奏和语音语调。
6. 在 Prediction 环节,imagine you were a journalist, what would you write about according to the title.
由于学生缺乏记者的实际经验,这个问题的回答上往往不知道思考的方向,可以给与适当提示词 who, what, why, how...引导学生思考方向。如果学生在回答时,说出大量细节信息,不用纠错,而是引导学生归纳,What you said belongs to what did she do to win the Nobel prize.
7. 板书设计要注意字体书写的规范性和美观性。