[Teaching Design]
How to How to complete a gap-filling task
based on cohesion theory
授课时长:40 分钟 授课班级:高三(23)班 授课时间:2024年4月3日下午第二节课
七选五试题是指在一段约 300 词的短文中留出 5 个空白,要求考生从所给的 7 个选项中选 出最佳选项,使补足后的短文意思通顺、前后连贯。该题型侧重考查考生的逻辑思维能力,要求 考生从语篇层面对文章整体内容及上下文逻辑意义进行把握。相对于以往的阅读题,七选五题型 形式新颖,突出语篇,考查学生分析语篇的能力,即考生既要在整体上对语篇进行把握,又要在 词汇、语法等衔接方面进行微观分析。同时,七选五题型给出的错误选项干扰性强,且各选项之 间有一定关联性,导致考生容易失分。因此,提高考生英语语篇分析能力刻不容缓
本班学生来自于高三文科班,女生居多具有较强的学习能力和动机,对英语学科感兴趣。 经过高三上学期一个学期的指导及训练,对于七选五的命题特点有所把握,对于语篇的分析能力, 特别是语篇的结构及上下文的逻辑意义分析能力有所提高。但同时,他们对于如何利用英语语言 的上下文连贯性来解答七选五的解题技巧方面仍然需要突破。具体分析如下: 1、知识储备:经过高三上学期的七选五练习训练,对于七选五的命题特点有所把握,对于 语篇的分析能力,特别是语篇的结构及上下文的逻辑意义分析能力有一定的积累。 2、能力水平:具备解题的基本能力,但对于如何利用英语语言的上下文连贯性来解答七选 五的解题技巧方面仍然需要突破。 3、学习兴趣:乐于合作探讨,善于思考有较强的求知欲和领悟力。
In this class, you will be able to: 1. identify the abilities demanded in the gap-filling task . 2. learn about three kinds of cohesion---- lexical, grammatical and logical cohesion. 3. analyse gap-filling tasks by using these 3 kinds of cohesion. 4. apply the theory of cohesion to set a gap-filling task.
学生通过学习,了解语篇分析的三种衔接手段;通过分析高考真题和练习掌握常见语篇衔接 手段,并最终对高考真题进行语篇解读,提升做题技能。
Activity 1:析考纲 联语篇 Step 1 :T leads Ss to think about the question “What is the gap-filling task designed to test”, and show them the interpretation of the standard of the gap-filling in NMET to raise their awareness of the analysis of the discourse based on the cohesion theory. Step 2:Ask Ss to reorder the given sentences to a paragraph. Man has always depended on wood. It is one substance, which grows that can provide him with shelter, fuel and clothing. It is also a substance which gives him materials ranging from the softest tissues to hard, metal-like plastics. A few years ago, it was found that man uses wood and wood products in at least 4,000 ways. Probably by now, hundreds of new uses have been developed. Step 3:Then T asks Ss to share the evidence in reordering the sentences and introduces the concepts of coherence and cohesion and the wide use of cohesion in the gap-filling tasks in NMET. Activity 2:词汇衔接 Step 1 看词汇 抓衔接 T leads Ss to analyse 4 samples of gap-filling tasks in NMET and leads Ss to conclude 4 kinds of lexical cohesion and get a better understanding of how they are used. 词汇衔接:原词复现Words of repitition 同义词复现Words of similar meanings 上下义词复现Words of hyponymy 反义词复现Words of antonymy Activity 3:语法衔接 Step 1:1. T explains the most widely used two types of grammatical cohesion, and asks Ss to practice in pairs to find out the reference and conjunction in the text. Step 2:T asks Ss to work in groups to speak out as many conjunctions as possible to help them get a better understanding of the conjunctions and the logical relationship in the discourse as well. Then T invites a group to share what they found. 转折关系 因果关系 例证关系 并列关系 递进关系 比较关系 对照关系 总结关系 Activity 4:逻辑衔接 T guides Ss to know another kind of cohesion — logical cohesion which analyses the discourse from filling positions. Activity 5:做真题 练一练 Ask students to fill the gaps,and invites some students to share their ideas. Summary:外练筋骨皮---重结构与语篇 内练一口气---析内容和逻辑 Activity 6:Homework: According to what has been learned today,finish the exercise book.
板书设计:Gap-filling Structure Content Logic