续写中最重要的描写就是行为动作描写,因为只有行为动作的发生 才有故事的情节发展。
平时所用的go, look, see, make, get, say, take等等这些都是没有画面感的普通笼统词。续写时,则应将其替换成细致型 有画面感的具体化动词。
尤其是在具体场景描写时,定要选择具体化动词进行细致刻画,展现出栩栩如生的画面 才能让故事动人心弦。
点头: nod
爸爸点点头,眼里满是骄傲。 My father nodded, his eyes filled with pride.
摇头: shake head (in disbelief), (disagree)
我耸耸肩摇着头,看着天空无话可说。 I shrug my shoulder and shake head, staring at the sky, speechless.
低头: drop/lower/bend/bow/hang(hung) my head
他后悔地低下头。 He lowered his head with deep regret.
抬头: raise head
她抬起头,尽量不让泪水流下。 she raised her head, attempting to stop tears pouring down.
埋头: bury one’s head
A wave of sorrow swallowing her, she buried her head in the pillow.
把头靠在... lean one’s head on
她头靠着他的肩膀,感到很安全。 She leaned her head on his shoulder, feeling safe and sound.
观察: observe
他蹲下来,拿出放大镜,观察蚂蚁如何搬回过冬的食物。 He squatted down and pulled out his magnifier, carefully observing how the ants carried back their food for winter.
目睹、见证 witness
上周我校举办了一场精彩的艺术展。 Last weekend witnessed an impressive art exhibition in our school.
注意到: notice
黑暗中,走在狭窄的小巷里,我注意到有人跟踪我们。 Stepping on the narrow alley in the darkness, I noticed we are followed by someone.
看到: spot / catch sight of
我惊讶地看到那个硬币就在丢失的地方闪闪发亮。 To my surprise, I spotted the coin shining right at where it was lost.
认出、识别出: recognize
他第一眼就认出了这个失散已久的儿子。 He recognized his long-lost son at the very first sight.
凝视、注视: gaze, stare
坐在木头椅子上,他若有所思地凝视着那本书。 Sitting on his wooden chair, he gazed reflectively at the book. 被这个女人目不转睛地注视看得不是滋味,他为自己所作所为道了歉。 Upset by the woman's steady gaze, he apologized for what he did.
怒视: glare
她怒视着这个恼人的男孩,怒火爬上她的眉头。 She glared at this annoying boy, rage creeping onto her brows.
瞥见、匆匆一眼: glimpse, glance
我瞥了一眼这个向我走来的优雅的女士。 I caught a glimpse of an elegant lady heading toward me.
我一眼就能判断出她是个有同情心的人。 I could tell at a glance that she was a compassionate person.
偷看: peek, peep
她偷看了一眼钱包,没看到现金,非常失望。 She peeped at the wallet and spotted no cash, disappointment crawling onto her face.
打量地看 eye
Mary从头到脚打量了我一番,好似从未见过我。 Mary eyed me from top to toe as if she had never seen me before.
视线离开... take eyes off sth/sb
我深深地被她的优雅舞姿吸引,视线难以从她身上离开。 Deeply attracted by her elegant dancing, hardly can I take my eyes off her.
视线转向... turn eyes towards...
他绝望地看向破碎的模型。 He turned desperate eyes towards his model which was broken into pieces.
微笑 smile
她满脸笑意,紧紧抓住我的手,跑向舞台。 Smile brightening her face, she grasped my hand tightly and rushed to the stage.
大笑 laugh
听到他滑稽的话语,他们不禁大笑。 Hearing his funny words, they can’t help bursting into laugh.
Burst into laugh
咯咯笑 giggle
他们咯咯地笑着,挥手告别。 They giggled, waving goodbye to each other.
嘲笑 mock, tease, ridicule, scoff at
他们悄悄对话并咯咯笑着,好似在嘲笑我的口音。 They whispered and giggled as if they were mocking my accent.
哭起来 burst into tears
看到这个结果,她欣慰地哭了起来。 At the sight of the result, she burst into tears of relief. 泪水模糊了双眼。 Tears blurred my eyes.
抽泣、呜咽 whimper, weep
她躺在冰冷的地上,痛苦地抽泣。 She lied on the cold ground, whimpering in pain. 他由大哭转弱为抽泣。 David's crying subsided to whimper. 一想到比赛失败,她开始抽泣。 She started to weep at the thought of her failure in the contest.
嚎啕大哭、吼叫 wail
得知父母重伤的消息,她开始嚎啕大哭。 Learning the news about her parents’ severe injury, the little girl started to wail miserably.
轻声说 whisper, murmur
她靠过来在我耳边悄悄说了些什么。 She leaned over and whispered,“it’s just between us.”
结巴地说 stammer
她是如此惊吓,以至于几乎无法描述袭击者。 So frightened was she that she was barely able to stammer out a description of her attacker.
嚎叫、吼叫 howl, roar, shout
当鲜血从伤口喷射出来时,他像受伤的动物一样嚎叫。 He howled like a wounded animal as blood spurted from the gash. 他一声怒吼,抓起背包冲了出去。 With a howl of rage, he grabbed his pack and dashed out. 他极度愤怒地喊道:“这不公平!” “It isn't fair!”, he roared with boiling rage.
喊 yell
她吼着让孩子从墙上下来。 She yelled at the child to get down from the wall. 房间如此嘈杂,她不得不喊出答案。 So noisy was the room that she had to yell out her answer to be heard.
尖叫 scream
人们冲向出口,惊恐地叫喊。 People rush for the exits, screaming in terror. 害怕到极点,我尖叫着呼救。 Frightened to death, I screamed for rescue.
呼喊 exclaim
听到这个好消息,她高兴地呼喊。 Hearing this amazing news, she exclaimed in delight.
咕哝、含糊地说 mumble
她红着脸,含糊地说“对不起。” Face flushing, she mumbled, “I’m sorry.”
叹息,叹气得说 sigh
她松了一口气,叹息道:“终于结束了。” She sighed with relief, “finally, it was all over. ”
咬 bite
咀嚼 chew
靠着围栏 咀嚼着烤面包,这个熊看上去特别可爱。 Leaning on the fence and chewing the roasted bread, the bear seemed extremely adorable.
吞咽 swallow
我看着她沿公路越走越远,直至消失在黑暗中。 I watched her walking down the path until she was swallowed by the darkness.
狼吞虎咽 wolf down
快没时间了,她狼吞虎咽吃下早餐赶去学校。 Time running out, she wolfed down her breakfast and rushed toward school.