人教版(2019)必修 第二册Unit 3 The internet Video Time Social Media and Teen Health 教学设计(表格式)


名称 人教版(2019)必修 第二册Unit 3 The internet Video Time Social Media and Teen Health 教学设计(表格式)
格式 docx
文件大小 216.6KB
资源类型 教案
版本资源 人教版(2019)
科目 英语
更新时间 2024-04-04 08:35:14



第 8 课时 Video Time: Social Media and Teen Health
1.教材分析 What: This is a video class whose topic is social media and teen health. The video mainly introduces the negative effects of using social media 24/7, and Blackburn College is dealing with social media. Students at Blackburn College in the UK often stay up late to surf the Internet and spend hours updating their social media, checking accounts and replying to others on social media platforms, resulting in sleep deprivation and harm to their health. Posting photos on social media platforms isn’t always relaxing or confidence-boosting; on the contrary, seeing beautiful pictures of others and their wonderful, successful lives can lead to feelings of depression and anxiety, which can affect mood and sleep quality. Though there are so many disadvantages, Blackburn College supports new media technology. Instead of preventing students from using social media, the college advocates guiding students to use social media wisely and appropriately to enrich their study life. Why: The purpose of the video is to develop students’ self-management skills, including knowing when to turn social media on, when to turn it off, and when to immerse themselves in real life, rather than spending all their time in a virtual world. The video can not only draw students’ attention to the negative effects of using social media 24/7, but also get the students to think over the steps to control social media use. How: The text is presented in the form of a video. 。tudents are supposed to acquire relevant vocabulary, understand the negative effects of social media, work out the steps that they can take to control their social media use, and finally enhance their core qualities.
2.学情分析 This lesson is designed for the senior one high school students. Through previous learning, students are quite familiar with the topic of the Internet. In this period, they will learn more about how to use the Internet wisely.
3.教学目标 By the end of this class, students are expected to be able to 1. understand some expressions (selfies, social media profile, 24/7, likes, etc.) about social media and teen health through watching videos; 2. locate specific information (the negative effects of using social media 24/7, Blackburn College is dealing with social media, etc.) through viewing specific video clips;
3. be aware that controlling social media is a worldwide problem through choosing the best answers and completing the quotes; 4. work out the steps that they can take to control their social media use through group work.
4.*重点难点 Key Points 1. Guide students to locate specific information through viewing specific video clips. 2. Lead students to be aware that controlling social media is a worldwide problem. Difficult Points Help students work out the steps that they can take to control their social media.
5.教学过程 教学目标 教学活动与步骤 评价要点 时间与 互动模 式
To check students’ background knowledge about social media. To prepare necessary expressions for the class. Step 1 Warming up Watch the video and understand the meaning of relevant expressions (selfies, social media profile, 24/7, likes, etc.). Students can work out the meanings of some expressions about social media, and get prepared for the class. IW 3’
1. To activate students’ prior knowledge. 2. To set up the context and lead in the topic.
1. To make sure students all understand the necessary expressions before viewing the video; 2. To practice students’ predicting ability and initiate viewing anticipation. Step 2 Before Viewing 1. Complete the sentences with the expressions in the box. 2. Predict the content of the video through a picture and an introduction. Students can complete the sentences with the expressions in the box. Students can predict the video based on the picture and the introduction. IW/CW 2’
设计意图: 1.To guide students to relate social media to teen health. 2.To help students to learn to predict.
To students’ view for idea. practice ability to the main Step 3 While viewing 1. View for the 1st time to acquire the main idea. Students can get the main idea by viewing the video. IW/CW 25’
To practice students’ ability to view for details. To practice students’ ability to locate specific information (the negative effects of using social media 24/7). To practice students’ ability to locate specific information (Blackburn College is dealing with social 2. View for the 2nd time and give the persons in the video suitable identities. 3. View for the 3rd time and choose the best answers according to the video. Students can get specific details by viewing the video. Students can understand the negative effects of using social media 24/7. Students can acquire information about how Blackburn College is dealing with
media). To practice students’ ability to take down notes 4. View for the 4th time and complete the quotes below with words you hear in the video. social media. Students can complete the quotes based on their notes.
设计意图: 1. To practice students’ ability to view for main ideas and details. 2. To guide students to understand the negative effects of using social media 24/7. 3. To guide students to find out how Blackburn College is dealing with social media.
To help students understand their tasks clearly. Step 4 After Viewing 1. Listen to voice messages and get their tasks. Students can summarize what they have GW 8’
To guide students to make use of what they have learned to cope with the problem of using social media inappropriately. 2. Discuss the questions in groups, and prepare for the “short video” . heard in the voice messages. Students can work out the steps to control their social media use.
设计意图: 1.To help students make use of what they have learned to cope with the problem of using social media inappropriately. 2. To practice students’ ability to cooperate with others.
To guide students to summarize what they learned about social media and teen health. To guide students to reflect on their performances in Step 5 Self-assessment Sublimating theme of the unit and reflecting on this class. Students can assess their performances in this class according to the checklist. IW/CW 1’
this class.
设计意图: 1. To guide students to summarize what they learned about social media and teen health. 2. To guide students to assess themselves correctly and comprehensively.
To help students to apply what they have learned in this unit. Step 6 Homework IW/PW 1’
设计意图:To guide students to make best use of social media.
7.作业布置 Required: Please polish their lines. Optional: If possible, please shoot the video.
设计意图: 1. To help students to apply what they have learned in this unit. 2. To develop their interest in learning.
8.教学反思 This lesson is a video lesson. “Viewing” is also one of the effective ways for students to get information. This class set up a “before viewing, while viewing, after viewing” mode. In the “Before viewing” part, students were provided with pictures and information about social media and teen health, paving the way for understanding the videos of this lesson. At the same time, a prediction part was set up to encourage students to predict the video. In the “While viewing” part, I designed a series of activities to help my students to view, learn and apply. In the “After viewing” part, students discussed two questions in groups, and prepare for a “short video” . The actual teaching proves that the potential of students is infinite, and the video content is basically within the range of students’ ability. In this class, students not only summarized what they have learned in this unit, but also developed their critical thinking and creative thinking.