人教版(2019)必修 第三册Unit 3 Diverse Cultures Reading and Thinking Language points 教学设计(表格式)


名称 人教版(2019)必修 第三册Unit 3 Diverse Cultures Reading and Thinking Language points 教学设计(表格式)
格式 docx
文件大小 196.1KB
资源类型 教案
版本资源 人教版(2019)
科目 英语
更新时间 2024-04-04 08:37:20



课题 普通高中英语(2019版)必修第三册 Unit 3 Diverse Cultures教学设计Period 3 Language Points
学科 英语 学段:高中 年级 高一
教材 人教版统编高中英语必修第三册
二级备课 崇文英语备课组 三级备课教师 主备
1.学习目标 (1)通过学习单词和短语的意义及用法,能够根据句子意义选填正确的单词形式 (单词短语包括: admit、occur、definitely、downtown、Mission District、used to do...、afterwards、head to、seek one’s fortune、earn a living、immigrants、a bit of、select、jazz bar.); (2)通过掌握重点单词短语和句型,能够填空掌握重点句型。 2. 教学重难点 (1)教学重点:通过学习单词和短语的意义及用法,能够根据句子意义选填正确的单词形式 (单词短语包括: admit、occur、definitely、downtown、Mission District、used to do...、afterwards、head to、seek one’s fortune、earn a living、immigrants、a bit of、select、jazz bar.); (2)教学难点:通过掌握重点单词短语和句型,能够填空掌握重点句型。 3. 高考考点 能够根据句子意义选填正确的单词形式。 (单词短语包括: admit、occur、definitely、downtown、Mission District、used to do...、afterwards、head to、seek one’s fortune、earn a living、immigrants、a bit of、select、jazz bar.)
教学环节 教师主要教学活动 学生学习活动 三级备课
presentation 讲练结合 Para.1 逐句精讲: Today was my first day back in San Francisco after camping in the Redwood Forest and visiting the wine country of Napa Valley. 在红杉林露营并参观了纳帕谷酒乡后,今天是我回到旧金山的第一天。 语法知识:and连接的两个动词短语前后形式一致 I have to admit that it definitely feels good to be back in the city again. 我得承认,再次回到城里的感觉实在是太棒了。 语言知识: 1.admit :v.承认 2.Definitely:adv. 肯定;确实 语法知识: 1.admit (to sb.)that…: (向某人)承认某事 2.it definitely feels good to be back… :it 作形式主语,真正的主语是to be back in the city again. 翻译: 我无法向父母实话实说我觉得这门课程很难。 I couldn’t admit to my parents that I was finding the course difficult. 2.尽管我不太喜欢这位作者,但不得不承认他的书还是很激动人心的。 Although I don’t really like the author, I have to admit that his books are very exciting. And what a city—a city that was able to rebuild itself after the earthquake that occurred in 1906. 多么神奇的一座城市啊——一座1906年(发生)大地震之后重建的城市。 语言积累: 1.be able to do:能够做某事 2.rebuild itself :重建 3.occur: vi.发生,存在 4.It occurred to sb. that… :某人想到某事 语法知识: 1.What a city:省略句 What a city it is! 2.a city that … after the earthquake that….:两个that引导的都是定语从句,第一个that先行词为city,第二个that先行词为earthquake There are so many beautiful old buildings—many sitting on top of big hills, offering great views of the city, the ocean, and the Golden Gate Bridge. 这里有众多美丽的古建筑——不少坐落于大山之巅,城市、大海和金门大桥美景尽收眼底。 语言积累: great views of…:…的美景 语法知识: many sitting on top of big hills, offering great views of the city, the ocean…:sitting和offering作伴随状语 Fill in the blanks Today was my first day back in San Francisco after camping in the Redwood Forest and visiting the wine country of Napa Valley. I have to admit that __it__ definitely feels good to be back in the city again. And what a city—a city that was able to rebuild itself after the earthquake that __occurred_______ (occur)in 1906. There are so many beautiful old buildings—many sitting on top of big hills, __offering______(offer)great views of the city, the ocean, and the Golden Gate Bridge. Para.2 逐句精讲: [1]My hotel is near downtown, in the Mission District, one of the oldest parts of the city. 我住的旅馆靠近市中心,位于教会区,这是旧金山最古老的街区之一。 语言积累: 1.downtown:adv.在市中心;往市中心 2.mission: n.传教(区);重要任务;使命 3.district:n.地区 语法知识: one of the oldest parts of the city : one of +the+形容词最高级+可数名词复数 如:one of the highest boys in the class 班里最高的男生之一 [2]Many of the people living here are from Mexico or Central America. 这里的许多居民来自墨西哥或中美洲。 语法知识:living 作后置定语 [3]This district used to be a poor area of town, but is now a centre for art, music, and food. 这个区过去是城里的一个贫困区域,而现在是艺术、音乐和美食中心。 语言积累: used to be:过去是… a centre for…:是……的中心 [4]In fact, an art movement called the “Mission School” started here. 事实上,一场名为“教会派”的艺术运动就发源于此。 语法知识: an art movement called the “Mission School” started here:called作后置定语修饰movement [5]It’s influenced by graffiti art and comic art. 这一运动深受涂鸦艺术和漫画艺术的影响。 语言知识: 1.be influenced by:被……影响 2.graffiti:n.[pl.]涂鸦;乱写乱画 3.comic:n.连环画杂志;漫画杂志;喜剧演员 adj.滑稽的;使人发笑的 [6]I walked around looking at the street art for a few hours. 一连好几个小时,我四处走着,欣赏街头艺术。 语言积累: walk around:四处走动 语法知识: looking at the street art for a few hours:looking作伴随状语 [7]It was quite modern and lively. 语言积累: modern:adj.近代的,现代的 lively:adj.生动的 [8]Afterwards ,I ate some delicious Mexican-Chinese noodles from a food truck. 随后,我吃了一份快餐车售卖的美味的墨西哥式中国面。 语言积累: afterwards: adv.以后;后来 a food truck: 快餐车 Mexican-Chinese noodles:墨西哥式中国面 [9]A real mix of cultures here! 这真是文化的交融啊! 语言积累: a mix of…:……的交融 Fill in the blanks. My hotel is near downtown, in the Mission District, one of the ___oldest____ (old)parts of the city. Many of the people __living______(live)here are from Mexico or Central America. This district is now a centre for art, music, and food. In fact, an art movement __called_____(call) the “Mission School” started here. It’s influenced by graffiti art and comic art. I walked around looking at the street art __for__ a few hours. It was quite modern and lively. Afterwards ,I ate some delicious Mexican-Chinese noodles from a food truck. A real mix of cultures here! Para.3 逐句精讲: [1]In the afternoon, I headed to a local museum that showed the historical changes in California. 语言积累: 1.head to:前往 2. historical changes:历史变迁 我下班后要去健身房:I am going to head to the gym after work. 语法知识: a local museum that showed the historical changes in California:that引导的定语从句,修饰museum [2]I learnt that America got California from Mexico in 1848. 我了解到,1948年美国从墨西哥手中得到加利福尼亚。 语言积累: learn that…:了解到 语法知识: learn的过去式:learnt/learned 过去分词: learnt/learned [3]In the same year, gold was discovered near San Francisco, which started a gold rush. 同年,旧金山附近发现黄金,引发了淘金热。 语言积累: a gold rush:淘金热 语法知识: gold was discovered near San Francisco : discover 的被动语态 which started a gold rush: which引导的非限制性定语从句 [4]Over 300, 000people came from all over the world to seek their fortune, and San Francisco quickly became a big city. 世界各地30多万人蜂拥而至,在这里谋出路,旧金山迅速成为一座大都市。 语言积累: 1.all over the world : 全世界 2.seek one’s fortune:外出闯荡 3.seek过去式:sought 过去分词:sought 我收拾好行囊,去北京闯荡:I packed up my things and went to Beijing to seek my fortune. [5]Many Chinese arrived during this period. 很多中国人也在这个时期来到此地。 语言积累: arrive: v.到达(某地) during this period:在这个时期 [6]To earn a living, some opened up shops and restaurants in Chinatown. 为了谋生,有些人在唐人街开商店、开餐馆。 语言积累: earn a living/ earn one’s living: 谋生(=make a/one’s living) 他靠在一所语言学校教书谋生:He earns his living by teaching at a language school. Chinatown: n.唐人街 语法知识: To earn a living:作目的状语 [7]Many others found jobs on farms, joined the gold rush, or went to build the railway that joined California to the eastern region of the country. 更多的人则在农场打工、加入淘金大军,或者参与修建加州通往美国东部的铁路。 语言积累: eastern region:东部地区 语法知识: build the railway that joined…:that引导的定语从句,修饰railway [8]The museum did a really good job of showing how America was built by immigrants from different countries and cultures. 这家博物馆完美地展示了美国是如何由不同国家和文化的移民建设起来的。 语言积累: do a good job of…: 在某方面做得好 immigrant:n.移民 [9]When these immigrants left their countries, they carried a bit of home in their hearts, and built a new home here. 这些移民离开他们的祖国时,心中装着一片故土,最终在这里建立了新家园。 语言积累: a bit of:一点;一星半点儿 a bit of 后面可以接不可数名词,也可以接可数名词。但是可数名词通常用单数,而且其前面应该有不定冠词。 如:a bit of a problem(有点问题) 语法知识: When these immigrants left their countries:when引导的时间状语从句 Fill in the blanks. In the afternoon, I headed to a local museum that showed the __historical_______(history) changes in California. I learnt that America got California from Mexico in 1848. In the same year, gold _was discovered____(discover) near San Francisco. Over 300, 000people came from all over the world to seek __their____(they) fortune. To earn __a_ living, many Chinese arrived here and opened up shops and restaurants in Chinatown. Many others found jobs on farms, _joined____(join) the gold rush, or went to build the railway. The museum did a really good job of showing how America was built by _immigrants____(immigrant) from different countries and cultures. When they left their countries, they carried a bit of home in their hearts, and built a new home here. Para.4 逐句精讲: [1]This evening, I went to Chinatown. 今晚,我去了唐人街。 [2]There were so many good cafés and restaurants to choose from. 这里有很多不错的咖啡和餐馆可供选择。 语法知识: to choose from:作目的状语 [3]I selected a Cantonese restaurant that served its food on beautiful china plates. 我挑了一家粤菜馆,他们端出来的菜肴是放在精美的瓷盘子上的。太好吃了! 语言积累: select: vt.挑选,选择 selective: adj.选择性的 selection: n.挑选,选择;可供选择的人或事 china:n.瓷 语法知识: that served its food on beautiful china plates: that引导的定语从句修饰restaurant Para.4 That's enough for today. Tomorrow evening, I'm going to a jazz bar in the Richmond District. Can't wait! 今天就写到这里吧。明天晚上,我要去里士满区的一家爵士酒吧。我已经迫不及待了! 语言积累: jazz bar:爵士酒吧 语法知识: Can’t wait!:省略句 I can’t wait to do it!