人教版(2019)必修第三册 Unit 3 Diverse Cultures Discovering Useful Structures-教学设计(表格式)


名称 人教版(2019)必修第三册 Unit 3 Diverse Cultures Discovering Useful Structures-教学设计(表格式)
格式 docx
文件大小 20.4KB
资源类型 教案
版本资源 人教版(2019)
科目 英语
更新时间 2024-04-04 10:22:42



学科 英语 年级 高一年级 学期 秋季
课题 必修第三册 Unit 3 Discovering Useful Structures
1. 在具体情境中理解和掌握省略的用法; 2. 学习不同类型的省略并能学以致用;
教学重点: 学会简单句、并列句和复合句中省略的规则并能进行运用 教学难点: 在真实语境中正确运用省略
Students’activities Teacher’s activities Purpose 效果评价
Activity 1 Feeling the ellipsis 1. Review the following sentences using ellipsis learnt in Unit 2. 2. Look at the following signs and feel the language feature of them. Providing the sentences as examples and guiding students to feel the language feature of the sentences and signs using ellipsis and those not. 以上单元的句子引入,帮助学生产生新旧知识的关联;通过朗读、观察,学生能够对省略有初步的印象,并能发现省略的作用。通过观察,帮助学生了解标语的语言特色。 学生能够比较出省略后的句子与不省略的句子之间的差别并能关注朗读时的感受。
Activity 2 Reading and observing Read the following sentences and find the words that have been omitted. Assisting students to find the words that have been omitted in each sentence and guiding them to taste the language of the sentences using ellipsis and feel the functions of the use of ellipsis. 通过分析句子,找出省略的部分,并将省略句与原句进行对比,有助于学生体会省略的作用 学生能够理解每句话被省略的内容并能够体会省略的作用。
Activity 3 Learning about the rules 1. Ellipsis in simple sentences 2. Ellipsis in compound sentences 3. Ellipsis in complex sentences Presenting examples to students and helping them analyze the usage and rules of ellipsis together. 通过分类梳理,有助于学生将知识条理化、结构化。通过观察和归纳,有助于学生掌握不同情况下省略的省略形式和规则,为后面的运用环节做铺垫。 学生将能掌握简单句、复合句和并列句中省略的常见形式
Activity 4 Practising Rewrite the sentences by taking out the unnecessary parts. Helping students to analyze the sentence pattern of each sentence, and guide them to find the repeated part in the sentence and omit it. 通过句型分析,有助于学生快速掌握句子结构,找出句中重复部分,并正确使用上一环节所学的省略规则。 学生能够运用省略规则对不同类型的句子进行简化改写。
Activity 5 Reading and comparing Read the conversation. Find out which words have been left out. Guiding students to find out the omitted parts on their own and then try to complete each sentence and compare. Guiding the students to read the conversation aloud and feel the beauty of the version using ellipsis. 通过朗读,帮助学生更直观地感受日常对话中省略的普遍运用以及其优点 学生能够感知到日常对话中省略带来的好处——简洁、连贯、高效
板书设计: Understand the use of ellipsis in English functions 简单句 more concise 省略主语/主语+谓语/主语+部分谓语 more coherent 并列句 more efficient 省略重复的内容 emphasize new information 复合句 avoid repetition 主从句同主语时,变省略句