选必三 Unit 6 Nature in words (第5课时)
Writing a poem about nature
1. 本单元的主题语境是“人与自然”,涉及的主题语境内容是不同文学形式中描写的自然。
2. 通过赏析诗歌了解英语诗歌的韵律、词句的修辞手法以及表达意境的写作手法,学会赏析和创作诗歌。
1.nursery rhymes _____________ 2. other than _____________
3.relate…to… _____________ 4. figure of speech _____________
Step 1 Before writing
Read the poems and tick the correct box for each question on page95.
Think about words and expressions related to nature and add them to the mind map.
Step 2 While writing
Work in groups. Plan a poem. Consider the following:
What poem will be about
What kind of poem you are going to write
What figures of speech you will use
What words you can use for that rhyme(if using rhyme)
Write a poem.
Step 3 Post-reading
Make improvements to each other’s writings and share them with the class.
1.Sea waves are green and wet, but up from where they die, rise others vaster yet, and those are brown and dry.
2. Living in a house towards the sea, with spring blossoms.
3. The trumpet of a prophecy! O Wind, if winter comes, can spring be far behind
4. Though the morning was cold, Tom was happy warm; So if all do their duty, they need not fear harm.
5. Faithfulness lies here: I love not only your gigantic stature, but also the position you uphold, and the earth on which you stand.
6. As you pass by the tree, without noticing me, my friend, upon the ground behind you, is not the fallen petals, but my withered heart.
1.以写景为主; 2.注意押韵和节奏; 3.自由体诗,大胆创新,联想要丰富;
第一步 审题谋篇
明确体裁话题 诗歌,描写自然
确定时态人称 一般现在时;第三人称
布局文章架构 自由体诗,注意节奏和押韵
第二步 词汇推敲
1.编写 ________
2.反过来 ________
4.一张纸 ________
第三步 遣词造句
Mother Nature _______________________ .
2. 他们会编写自己的故事。
They _________________________________.
3. 风弄散了雨水的头发。
Wind loosens _______________________.
4. 雨水在妈妈怀里看守着土豆在泥土里长大。
Rain in turn _________________________________ bigger in the earth.
All trees ______________________;insects enjoy foods in different sites.
Portray all kids of Mother Nature__________________________,then we'll see their smiles so wonderful.
第四步 句式升级
第五步 妙笔成篇
Mother Nature
Mother Nature has
Her own kids
Who compose
Their own stories.
Wind loosens
The hair of Rain
Who in turn watches Potatoes
Growing bigger in the earth.
All trees bathe
In the sunshine
Insects enjoy foods
In different sites.
Portray all kids
Of Mother Nature
On a sheet of paper
Then we'll see
Their smiles
So wonderful!
1.The boundless forest sheds its leaves shower by shower; 无边落木萧萧下,
The endless river rolls its waves hour after hour.不尽长江滚滚来。
2.In boundless desert lonely smokes rise straight; 大漠孤烟直,
Over endless river the sun sinks round.长河落日圆。
3 .From hill to hill no bird in flight; 千山鸟飞绝, From path to path no man in sight. 万径人踪灭。
A lonely fisherman afloat, 孤舟蓑笠翁, Is fishing snow in lonely boat. 独钓寒江雪。
4. Over old trees wreathed with rotten vines fly evening crows; 枯藤老树昏鸦,
Under a small bridge near a cottage a stream flows; 小桥流水人家。
On ancient road in the west wind a lean horse goes. 古道西风瘦马,
Westward declines the sun; 夕阳西下,
Far, far from home is the heartbroken one. 断肠人在天涯。
5. At sunrise riverside flowers more red than fire, 日出江花红胜火,
In spring green river waves grow as blue as sapphire. 春来江水绿如蓝。
7. No water`s wide enough when you have crossed the sea; 曾经沧海难为水,
No cloud is beautiful but that which crowns the peak. 除却巫山不是云。