人教版(2019)必修第二册 Unit 1 Cultural Heritage Reading and Thinking 教学设计


名称 人教版(2019)必修第二册 Unit 1 Cultural Heritage Reading and Thinking 教学设计
格式 docx
文件大小 30.4KB
资源类型 教案
版本资源 人教版(2019)
科目 英语
更新时间 2024-04-04 19:45:06



Unit 1 Cultural Heritage Reading and Thinking Teaching Design(教学设计)
Analysis of teaching materials
Unit 1 Cultural Heritage Reading and Thinking
活动主题:本板块围绕“了解怎样解决问题”(Understand how a problem was solved) 展开,引导学生分析和探讨在修建阿斯旺大坝的过程中,文化遗产保护所面临的挑战与问题,以及解决过程和办法。促使学生在理解的基础上,关注国际合作在问题解决过程中的关键作用,重视文化遗产保护与社会经济发展的平衡与协调关系。鼓励学生积极面对挑战,善于合作,不断努力,寻求解决问题的合理途径和方式。
本文是一篇记述事件发展过程的叙事文本,作者按照时间顺序记述了问题的产生和解决过程:问题提出(第一段)一问题分析(第二段)一问题解决的过程(第三、四段)一问题解决的结果(第五段)一意义与启示(第六段)。第一段提出问题,其最后一句是段落主题句,即社会经济发展和文物保护之间有时会产生冲突(Finding and keeping the r ght balance between progress and the protection of cultural sites can be a big challenge.) ;第二段讲述埃及政府想在尼罗河上修建一座大坝以控制洪涝灾害、进行水力发电和农田灌溉,但这将对阿布辛贝神庙等很多珍贵文化遗产和文物造成影响和破坏,于是向联合国求助,拉开了这个巨大的文物保护工程的序幕。第三、四段叙述问题解决的过程,多国政府、环境保护专家、科学家等组成的专门委员会,经过二十多年的共同努力,终于将神庙等众多文化遗产和文物移至安全地带而保存下来。这两段的主题句都是该段的第一句。第五、六段分别讲述了问题解决的结果和这项文化遗产保护工程的重大意义,这两段的主题句也是该段的第一句。文章首尾呼应,思路清晰,用时间线索将问题的产生、解决过程及结果清晰地展现出来,有助于学生了解文化遗产保护过程中问题的复杂性和艰巨性,认识到文化遗产保护需要世界各国和全社会的共同努力,从而进一步思考自己在生活中如何切实参与到文化遗产保护的行动中。
帮助学生理解阅读文本的主要信息和篇章结构;引导学生根据合适文本体裁运用阅读策略“制作时间线”(make a timeline) ;指导学生综合概括问题解决的方法和过程,阐述文物保护的必要性和重要意义。
Unit 1 Cultural Heritage
1.Grasp the main idea and the structure of this passage;
2.Guide students to learn to use the reading strategy---making a timeline;
3.strengthen the awareness of international cooperation and learn the spirit of Aswan Dam.
Before class: Greeting; review words.
1. ____________n.遗产 2._____________v促进 3._____________n.大坝 4._____________n. 委员会 5.______________n.贡献 6.__________ adj.创造性的
7.___________n. 平衡 8.____________n.提议;建议 9. _____________n.部;司:科 10. _____________n.基金,转款
II. Lead-in and Prediction
1. Look at the two pictures and think about the link between them
2. Guess:Look at the title and the pictures to predict the content of the text.
III. While-reading
Fast reading Activity
1: Skim the text and answer the questions.
1. How is the passage developed
In the order of ___________________( time/ space)
2. What’s the text mainly about
This passage is mainly about the ____________of Aswan Dam.
Detailed reading
Task1: Read for the problem (Para. 1-2)
①Finding and keeping the right balance between _____________ and the _____________of cultural sites can be a big challenge.
②What did Egyptians want to do
③What did Egyptians want to protect
Task2: Read for the solutions (Para. 2-5)
Activity 1: Complete the timeline
①The project starts.
②The project is completed.
③The first temple is moved.
④The government asks the UN for help.
⑤The temples and cultural relics are being rescued.
1959 1960
The project starts
Activity 2: What had they done before 1960 (Para. 2-3)
1. List the process of the project.
①1959: The government asks the UN for help.
②1960:The project starts.
③1961:The first temple is moved.
④Over the next 20 years: The temples and cultural relics are being rescued.
⑤1980:The project is completed.
2. What preparations did the committee make before the work began
①asked for contributions;
②raised funds;
③investigated the issue;
④conducted several tests;
⑤made a proposal;
3. How were the temples and other cultural sites saved
They were taken down piece by piece, and then moved and put back again to other places where they would be safe from the water.
Task3: Read for the results (Para. 5)
Why did the author say the Aswan Dam project was a great success
Task4 :Read paragraph 6 together and answer the following questions.
What does “spirit” mean in the first sentence of paragraph 6
IV. Post-reading
1.A lot of money was spent to protect the temples. Do you think it was worthwhile Why or why not?(Critical thinking)
2.“If a problem seems too difficult for a single nation,the global community can sometimes provide a solution.” What can you learn from the sentence?(Creative thinking)
V. Homework
Search online for more examples of protecting cultural heritages by UNESCO and share with your classmates
1.Many people in China have _______(limit) exposure to English.
2.Without my beloved beaches and endless blue-sky days, I felt at _______loss and out of place.
3.It prevents people who are cut off from society_____ (fall) victim to cheaters.
4.You have to balance the advantages of living in a big city_______ the disadvantages.
5.His proposal_______ the old tower should be preserved at once attracted the government’s attention.
6. _______ (take) part in after-class activities not only makes our school life colorful but also improves our learning.
7.Students can gain valuable experience by _______ (work) on the campus radio or magazine.
8.There was a time _______people weren’t so concerned about health.
9.The beach is _______walking distance of my house and we can hear the sound of the sea.