人教版(2019)必修第三册 Unit 5 The Value of Money Video Time教学设计(表格式)


名称 人教版(2019)必修第三册 Unit 5 The Value of Money Video Time教学设计(表格式)
格式 docx
文件大小 20.4KB
资源类型 教案
版本资源 人教版(2019)
科目 英语
更新时间 2024-04-05 04:40:14



学科 英语 年级 高一 学期 春季
课题 Unit 5 THE VALUE OF MONEY Video Time
通过本节课的学习,学生能够: 1. 确定视频中的主要人物,概括视频主要情节; 2. 分析酒店经理等人对待亨利和对待大力士的态度不同的原因; 3. 基于本单元剧情,同时能够结合剧本中的对白、人物的神态、语气、动作等线索,挖掘文字背后的深层原因; 4. 认识到正确对待金钱的态度,树立正确的价值观。
教学重点: 1. 学生自己概括出视频的主要情节,梳理主要剧情的顺序。 2. 学生能够准确分析剧中人物对待大力士态度不同的原因; 教学难点: 1. 通过分析人物的神态、语气和行动,挖掘各个人物行为背后的深层原因; 2. 能够把握文本蕴含的主题意义,树立正确的金钱观和价值观
Part1: Before You Watch 1. At the Hotel 教师通过图片展示,帮助学生复习上节课学过的亨利在服装店的情节。 In this scene from The Million Pound Bank Note, the owner of the tailor’s shop has called the Bumbles Hotel and told them that a rich American, Henry Adams, is coming and that they should give him their best room. 2. Predict the characters 学生默读电影视频的介绍,了解故事发生的场景,然后预测该场景下可能出现的人物角色以及亨利在这段电影中的经历。 Look at the characters listed in the box and predict who will appear in the film clip: bellboy manager tailor police officer maid waiter/waitress doorman driver secretary chef Part2: While You Watch 1: Check your answers in Before You Watch 学生带着看前的问题,观看视频。理解视频大意并验证之前的预测是否正确。 2: Put these events in the correct order. 学生再次观看视频,给列出的故事情节排序,验证答案并梳理这段故事的来龙去脉。 ____ The real Henry Adams appears. ____ Henry makes friends with the man. ____ The doorman thinks the man is Henry, and so he invites him inside. ____ A man appears wearing a hat. ____ The hotel manager realises he has made a mistake. 3: Answer the questions. 学生第三次观看视频,回答活动3的问题。获取关于人物的细节信息,并分析各个人物行动背后的原因,重点总结人们对待大力士态度的变化。 1) Why do the people at the hotel mistake the man for Henry Adams The hotel staff are looking for a wealthy American who looks poor. When the man walks up to the hotel, he puts his bag down and stands next to a horse-drawn cab The staff then makes the natural mistake of assuming that he is the wealthy American, as he looks poor, yet it looks like he has gotten out of an expensive cab. 2) The man seems odd to the hotel workers. Why are they so nice to him They think he is an eccentric (古怪的) millionaire. 3) How do the hotel workers treat the man when they discover that he is not Henry Why They treat him rudely because they realise he is not Henry, the millionaire. 4) What does the man do for a job He is a strongman in a circus. 5) Why does Henry want to make friends with the man Henry is lonely, and the man is the only person in London so far who hasn’t treated him strangely. Part3: After You Watch Discuss the following questions with your classmates. 引导学生再次探究作品深刻的思想内涵,从而认识到人们对待亨利的态度取决于那张百万英镑大钞,这是因为金钱扭曲了人们的心灵,并让学生进一步探讨金钱的价值。 1. Why do people treat Henry and the man differently at the hotel People often show favoritism to the wealthy and despise (鄙视) the poor. In part, this is because they are looking for some financial advantage for themselves. People also act this way because they suppose that a wealthy person is cleverer and morally better than they are, and assume that a poor person must be not as smart or moral. 2. Do you think “money makes the world go around” Why or why not People need money to live. There is no doubt about that. However, there are other things that people need more, especially love and friendship. A poor person might be able to survive if he has friends and loved ones, but even a wealthy person will have trouble surviving without them.