What are antonyms
An antonym is a word that has the opposite meaning to another word. For example:‘happy’ and ‘sad’, ‘short’ and ‘tall’。
grateful / ɡre tfl /
feeling or showing thanks
Molly was extremely grateful when Tim helped her move house.
unappreciative / n pri t v/
not feeling or showing thanks
Tim felt Molly was unappreciative when she forgot to thank him for his hard work.
amazed / me zd/
greatly surprised or impressed
June was amazed at the view from the mountaintop.
unimpressed / n m prest/
not feeling admiration or respect
Martha was unimpressed by the view,
claiming she had seen better.
cheerful / t fl/
happy and optimistic
My cousin is always cheerful in the
grumpy / ɡr mpi/
bad-tempered and irritable
I, for one, am typically quite grumpy before
I’ve had my coffee.
private / pra v t/
intended for a particular person or group,
not for people in general to know about
Lucile prefers to keep her life private.
public /'p bl k/
known to everyone
Her uncle, Mark, on the other hand, is an
open book and lives a very public life.
rough /r f/ .
having an uneven surface
The road by our house was so rough that driving became a challenge
smooth /smu /
evenly flat or level
Once the road was resurfaced, it became
smooth, and now it’s my favourite road to
drive on.
qualified / kw l fa d/
competent or knowledgeable enough to perform a job
Janet is highly qualified for her role in finance and feels confident at work.
incompetent / n k mp t nt/
not having the skills to do something well
But for many years, she was incompetent
and often made many errors.
unfit / n f t/
not suitable or qualified
Her former boss thought she was unfit for
her previous position, leading to her
fascinating / f s ne t /
extremely interesting
Paul is an absolute history buff and finds all things history fascinating.
dull /d l/
not interesting
Unfortunately, his daughter thinks his ‘fun
history facts’ are incredibly dull.
shy / a /
nervous or timid in social situations
I’ve always been shy and prefer smaller gatherings.
outgoing / a t ɡ /
sociable and eager to meet people
Unlike me, my sister is quite outgoing, making new friends wherever she is.
basic / be s k/
very simple
This recipe for banana bread is fairly basic
but delicious.
elaborate / l b r t/
detailed and complicated
A more elaborate version of the recipe
includes exotic spices.
proud /pra d/
feeling deep pleasure or satisfaction as a
result of achievements
Carla is proud of her accomplishments and
doesn’t forget to celebrate her small wins.
humble / h mbl/
not having or showing feelings of superiority
In contrast, her colleague, Ben, is extremely
humble and downplays his achievements to
a fault.
brave /bre v/
showing courage and fearlessness
It was very brave of you to stop that man from stealing my bag.
cowardly / ka dli/
lacking courage or resolution
His actions were those of a cowardly man,
especially when he tried to deny the whole
generous / d en r s/
willing to give more of something,
especially money or time, than is strictly
necessary or expected
My mum is very generous, always
volunteering and donating to charity.
selfish / self /
lacking consideration for others;concerned chiefly with one's own personal profit or pleasure
My father can be rather selfish and doesn’t
often think about others.
obvious / bvi s/
easily perceived or understood
I thought it was so obvious that Max was into you!
unclear / n kl /
not easy to understand
But after reading the messages he sent you,
it's rather unclear.
frenzied / frenzid/ or / frenzi d/
wildly excited or uncontrolled
In contrast, her opponent became frenzied,
raising his voice and speaking rapidly.
agitated / d te t d/
feeling or appearing troubled or nervous
Even after the debate ended, he still
appeared agitated, unable to relax.
calm /kɑ m/
feeling a sense of peace
Sophie remained calm during the heated debate, effortlessly making her points.
standard / st nd d/
conforming to established norms
The doctor described the procedure as being quite standard and following all normal guidelines.
unconventional / nk n ven nl/
not based on what is generally done
However, he stated that there was a new
approach that was unconventional but more effective.
tight /ta t/
firmly held in place
I made sure the knot on my son’s shoe was
tight and secure before he ran off to play.
loose /lu s/
not securely held in place
30 minutes later, the knot became loose
again and needed retying.
confident / k nf d nt/
certain of oneself or of an outcome
Roger was confident he would get the lead
role in the Christmas pantomime.
uncertain / n s tn/
not sure
I was uncertain about his chances after
seeing his dreadful audition.