-人教版(2019)必修第二册Unit 4 History and Traditions词汇单词讲解课件(共81张PPT)


名称 -人教版(2019)必修第二册Unit 4 History and Traditions词汇单词讲解课件(共81张PPT)
格式 pptx
文件大小 13.0MB
资源类型 教案
版本资源 人教版(2019)
科目 英语
更新时间 2024-04-05 20:29:50



Unit 4 History and Traditions
大家好,我是xx班的xxx,下周日我们又将迎来一个特殊的节日——6月17日父亲节。这个节日我们常常会忘记。我们总记得母亲,他们生养我们付出了艰辛,父亲呢 在我们眼里,父亲总很忙,早出晚归,陪我们玩耍的时间是那么少,甚至我们有时请他帮忙时他说:找妈妈去。但爸爸从来没有忘记我们,他用全部的时间为我们建造一个衣食无忧的家,他会用在我们进步、成功时偷偷地笑,他会用看似放任我们的时刻锻炼我们的意志。父亲无私的爱你们是否感受到 通过这个ppt大家多了解父亲,记住父亲的节日——父亲节。
先让我们来看看父亲节的起源吧!父亲节的由来是杜德夫人的突发奇想而来的。19XX年,住在美国华盛顿州士波肯市的杜德夫人,当她参加完教会举办的母亲节主日崇拜之后,杜德夫人的心里有了很深的感触,她心里想着:“为什么这个世界没有一个纪念父亲的节日呢 ”19XX年那年,正好是斯马先生辞世之年,当杜德夫人参加完教会的母亲节感恩礼拜后,她特别地想念父亲;直到那时,杜德夫人才明白,她的父亲在养育儿女过程中所付出的爱心与努力,并不亚于任何一个母亲的辛苦。杜德夫人将她的感受告诉教会的瑞马士
Confucius n.孔子
Confucian [k n fju: n] adj. 孔子的;儒学的;儒家的
Confucian school 儒家学派 Confucius Institute 孔子学院
Temple of Confucius/ Confucius Temple 孔庙
大家好,我是xx班的xxx,下周日我们又将迎来一个特殊的节日——6月17日父亲节。这个节日我们常常会忘记。我们总记得母亲,他们生养我们付出了艰辛,父亲呢 在我们眼里,父亲总很忙,早出晚归,陪我们玩耍的时间是那么少,甚至我们有时请他帮忙时他说:找妈妈去。但爸爸从来没有忘记我们,他用全部的时间为我们建造一个衣食无忧的家,他会用在我们进步、成功时偷偷地笑,他会用看似放任我们的时刻锻炼我们的意志。父亲无私的爱你们是否感受到 通过这个ppt大家多了解父亲,记住父亲的节日——父亲节。
先让我们来看看父亲节的起源吧!父亲节的由来是杜德夫人的突发奇想而来的。19XX年,住在美国华盛顿州士波肯市的杜德夫人,当她参加完教会举办的母亲节主日崇拜之后,杜德夫人的心里有了很深的感触,她心里想着:“为什么这个世界没有一个纪念父亲的节日呢 ”19XX年那年,正好是斯马先生辞世之年,当杜德夫人参加完教会的母亲节感恩礼拜后,她特别地想念父亲;直到那时,杜德夫人才明白,她的父亲在养育儿女过程中所付出的爱心与努力,并不亚于任何一个母亲的辛苦。杜德夫人将她的感受告诉教会的瑞马士
mansion n. 公馆;宅第
A Dream in Red Mansion 红楼梦(the Story of the Stone)
cemetery n. 墓地;公墓
funeral (ceremony) n. 葬礼;丧礼
philosophy n. 哲学
philosopher [f l s f ] n. 哲学家
PHD = Doctor of Philosophy
Cemetery of Confucius
墓地 孔林
grave/tomb n. 坟墓
gravestone/tombstone n.墓碑
coffin n. 棺材
大家好,我是xx班的xxx,下周日我们又将迎来一个特殊的节日——6月17日父亲节。这个节日我们常常会忘记。我们总记得母亲,他们生养我们付出了艰辛,父亲呢 在我们眼里,父亲总很忙,早出晚归,陪我们玩耍的时间是那么少,甚至我们有时请他帮忙时他说:找妈妈去。但爸爸从来没有忘记我们,他用全部的时间为我们建造一个衣食无忧的家,他会用在我们进步、成功时偷偷地笑,他会用看似放任我们的时刻锻炼我们的意志。父亲无私的爱你们是否感受到 通过这个ppt大家多了解父亲,记住父亲的节日——父亲节。
先让我们来看看父亲节的起源吧!父亲节的由来是杜德夫人的突发奇想而来的。19XX年,住在美国华盛顿州士波肯市的杜德夫人,当她参加完教会举办的母亲节主日崇拜之后,杜德夫人的心里有了很深的感触,她心里想着:“为什么这个世界没有一个纪念父亲的节日呢 ”19XX年那年,正好是斯马先生辞世之年,当杜德夫人参加完教会的母亲节感恩礼拜后,她特别地想念父亲;直到那时,杜德夫人才明白,她的父亲在养育儿女过程中所付出的爱心与努力,并不亚于任何一个母亲的辛苦。杜德夫人将她的感受告诉教会的瑞马士
descendant n. 后裔;后代;子孙
e.g. Many of them are descendants of the original settlers.
Chinese descendant
descend [d s nd] v. 下降;落下
例:The plane began to descend.
She descended the stairs slowly.
ancestor n.祖先;祖宗
forefather n.祖先
individual a. 单独的;个别的;独特的 n. 个人
individual requirements individual well-being
individual freedoms individual privacy
Individual vt divide vt 分开 divide…into …把…分成…
vt 除;除以 6 divided by 2 is 3
n 分歧 bridge the digital divide/gap
between … and…
消除… 和… 之间的数字鸿沟
e.g. One of the oldest competitors won the individual silver medal.
What can you do as an individual
individually adv.分别地;各自地
Achilles’ heel / k li:z/ (喻)(希腊神话)阿喀琉斯的脚跟,致命的弱点
5.Achille’s heel 阿喀琉斯的脚跟,致命的弱点
----- Lack of confidence is his Achille’s heel, I am afraid.
Are you for real, or are you just pulling my leg
Surrounded by a crowd of strangers, she felt like a fish out of water.
---- Why didn’t you invite John to your birthday party
----- Well, you know he’s a wet blanket.
laugh one’s head off 大笑不止;狂笑不止
child’s play 很容易的事
a lucky dog 幸运儿
rain cats and dogs 瓢泼大雨 ;倾盆大雨
kingdom [ k d m ] n. 王国;领域
The United Kingdom
chief a. 最重要的;首要的 n. 首领
chief editor 主编
chief executive officer 首席执行官
chiefly adv. 首要地;主要地 in chief 主要地
e.g. We are chiefly concerned with improving educational standards.
principal adj.最重要的;主要的 n.大学校长;学院院长
premier adj. 最主要的;最成功的 n. 首相;总理
puzzle n.谜;难题 vt.迷惑;使困惑
puzzle over/about 仔细琢磨;冥思苦想
be puzzled about ... 对......迷惑不解的
be in a puzzle 感到困惑;不知如何是好
be a puzzle to sb. .......对某人来说是个谜
派生puzzlement n. 迷惑;困惑
puzzled adj. 感到迷惑的 puzzling adj. 令人迷惑的
What _______ (puzzle) me most is why his books are so popular.
1. " Three plates Which three plates " the man asked with ____________.
2. He wore a expression, maybe the problem was quite __________________.
3. Some people are puzzled ________ the fact that he is still single.
4. _________________(令我困惑的是)is that I don’t know the exact time for the test.
What puzzles me
nearby [ n ba ]: adv. 在附近
adj. 附近的;邻近的(常在名词前)
near: 在...附近
be near to...: 距...近
be far from...: 距...远
Her mother lives in a nearby town.
Her mother lives in a town nearby.
nearby=surrounding adj 附近的(nearby可做前置定语和后置定语;
adv 在附近 nearby park = park nearby= surrounding park
join A to/and B 把… 和…连接或者联结起来 = connect A with/to/and B
join the army/ the league/the party 参军,入团、入党
join in = take part in = participate in = be involved in = engage in 参加
e.g. HongKong is joined to Zhuhai by a bridge.
join sb 加入某人 join sb in doing sth 和某人一起做某事
1) Every individual or group is joined ______ the world by the Internet.
2) In the evening there were a barbecue, with the whole village_______(join)
in the fun.
joint adj.共同的;联合的 n.接合处;关节
joint efforts 共同努力
① The island (join) to the mainland by a bridge. ② The island____________(join) to the mainland by a bridge is no longer cut off from the outside world.
③ It was Emperor Qinshihuang who had the walls ________(join).
④ The event was ____________(joint) organized by the government and the school.
is joined
短语: join hands with sb = make joint efforts
adj. joint 联合的 ; 共同的
adv. jointly: call on the masses to jointly preserve wildlife
have(使役动词) +宾语+宾补
break in 打断; 插嘴说; 闯入
break into 闯入…; 爆发
break out (战争)爆发; (火灾)突然发生
break up 分解;解散;(关系等)破裂 break up with 跟…分手;与…断绝关系
break down 损坏;发生故障;分解;累垮(精神崩溃)
break through 突破
1. If you go on working like that, you will ____________sooner or later.
2. A fire ____________in this hotel last night and three people were killed.
3. With so many problems unsettled, a few countries wanted to ___________ from the Union.
4. In my opinion, marriage based on money is likely to ___________.
break down
break out
break away
break up
break away from (sb./sth.) 脱离;逃脱;背叛
e.g. I should break away from such habits. 我应该改掉这种习惯。
belong to 属于 无被动/无进行, 做后置定语用-ing 形式
belongings (一定用复数) n. 所有物;财产;财物
a sense of belonging 归属感
e.g. The four countries that belong to the United Kingdom work together in some areas .
possess vt. 有,拥有;具有(特质) ;支配,控制
possession n. 具有;拥有 possessions n. [pl.]个人财产,私人物品
take possession of the property 取得产业所有权
property n.[u] 所有物,财产;[u/c]房地产
break out, take place, happen to, suffer from, agree with, date back to, take part in, walk into, arrive in/at, come up, fall asleep, succeed in等。
[衔接写作] 补全句子
5. As parents we have a responsibility to give our children _________________. 作为父母,我们有责任给孩子一种归属感。
6. Have you ever __________ a political party
[巩固内化] 用belong的适当形式填空
1. Many people still feel there is safety in numbers when __________ to a union.  
2. The cat _________ to the people who live upstairs.
3.I collected my __________and left.
4.The old house __________to my grandfather was still in good condition.
belonged to
a sense of belonging
as well as / together with / along 和…; 以及… 谓语用“就远原则”
not only A but also B 不但A而且B(强调B) 谓语用“就近原则”
1. Peter as well as his friends ________(like) to listen to classical music.
2. Not only he but also his brothers ______________(work) like mad at the moment.
as well as 连接并列的平行结构
3. We are repairing the roof as well as _________ (paint) the walls.
4. She can sing as well as ________(跳舞).
as well as 和… 一样好 e.g. He can speak English as well as you can.
as well as 除了… 之外(还) = besides 介词+doing
As well as ___________(know) some Russian, she speaks English very well.
as well “也 ”, 放于句末
I like English as well. = I like English, too. = I also like English.
I don’t like English either.
are working
"there be+句型; or; either …or;nor; neither…nor;whether…or;not…but; not only…but also",等。
eg:①You or he is going to be sent to study abroad .
②Neither you nor I am wrong .
③Not you but your father is to blame .
④Not only you but (also) he is wrong .
⑤There is an apple, two pears and some oranges on the plate.
就远原则 → 主谓一致
as well as such as; like with; together/along/combined with
rather than; more than; no less than;
in addition to; except; besides; apart from; including
The son, as well as his parents, wants to go there.
Dessert fruit, like strawberries and pears is very popular.
Jim, together with his classmates, has seen the film.
John, rather than his roommates, is to blame.
My father, no less than I, is a base-ball fan.
Everybody except you is down on me. 除了你,大家都看不起我。
as well as 同(一样也);和;还
① as well as 连词用法,就远原则,有相同用法的还有: with, along with, together with, besides, like, rather than, without except, including, but, in addition to等。
② as well as 介词用法,后接doing或名词,意为“另外”
as well as 可用于同级比较,意为“和......一样好”
as well 也; 又; 还(相当于too,用于肯定句中句尾)
may/might as well “还是……为好; 不妨……”。
[巩固内化] 单句语法填空
1. Tears welled up in her eyes, and her heart seemed to be torn ____ well.
2. The teacher as well as his students _________(go) to plant trees tomorrow.
3. He's modest, as well as _______(be) a great player.
is going
[衔接写作] 补全句子 
4. If you do not like swimming, you __________ go jogging.
5. They are a couple in the real world _________in the movie.
may as well
as well as
6. (2019·天津)Amy, as well as her brothers, _________ (give) a warm welcome when returning to the village last week.
7. (2020·新高考Ⅰ)His judgment and references are decidedly American, ______well as his delicate stomach.
8. (2020·新高考Ⅰ) As well as _________(look) at exhibits, visitors can play with computer simulations(模拟)and imagine themselves living at a different time in history or walking through a rainforest.
was given
currency n. 货币;通货
currency exchange 货币兑换
current adj.当前的;流行的
current situation 当前的局势 current affairs/events 时事
currently adv. 当前;目前
e.g. Currently, the exhibition is in Boston.
defence / defense n 防御;保卫
in defence of = in one’s defence 为…辩护;保卫 military defence 军事防御
defend v. 辩护;保卫 defend … from/against … 保护…免受伤害;保卫…
defend one’s country 保卫国家 (against the enemy )
defend sb. / oneself 为某人/自己辩护
1. Our duty is to defend the country ____________its enemies.
2. Thousands of young men came forward, willing to _________________________。(保卫他们的国家)
3. He had a lawyer to ______________(为他辩护)in court.
defend their country
defend him
1. It’s illegal to drive through a red light.
2. South China tigers are endangered because of illegal hunting.
3. These large animals are being killed illegally because their body parts are considered to be very valuable.
legal adj. 合法的; 法律的 [反] illegal adj. 不合法的
legal system 法律制度 legal adviser 法律顾问
law n. 法律 lawyer n. 律师
surround vt. 包围;围绕
surround sth. with sth. 用…包围…
be surrounded by/with 被…包围 系表结构
surrounding adj. 周围的;附近的(只做前置定语)
surroundings n. [pl.] 环境
1. . The poet ____________________________(被包围)a crowd of people, eager to hear his speech.
2. Mrs. White found her husband______________(surround)by letters and papers and looking very worried .
3. ____________(surround) by the clear waters, this forest provides visitors with
a wonderful chance to see some endangered birds in the wild.
4). They live in a beautiful village, with many trees and flowers ____________(surround) it.
was surrounded by/with
evidence 证据;证明
a piece of evidence 一条证据
gather/collect evidence 收集证据
There is evidence that … 有证据表明…
evident adj. 明显的 evidently adv. 明显地,显而易见地
It is evident/obvious/apparent/noticeable that… 很明显…
1. All the scientific evidence _________(show) that increasing use of chemicals in
farming _______(be) damaging our health. 越来越多的
2. ______ ______ _____ _______(有证据表明)the ship sank in a bomb attack.
3. _____ ______ _____________(很明显)the man is highly thought in the
There is evidence that
It is apparent
achievement 成就;成绩; 达到
make an achievement/ achievements 取得成就
a sense of achievement 成就感 / a sense of humor 幽默感
achieve vt. 达到;实现
achieve one’s aim/goal/ dream = realize one’s … 达到目的、实现目标
1. They felt a great sense of ____________ to see their children’s
______________. (achieve)
2. The evidence shows that they _____ ______ _______ ____________ in many
have made great achievements
location n. 地点;位置
the exact location 确切的位置
locate vt. 找到…的位置 locate the city in the map 在地图上找到这个城市
be located in / at = be situated in / at = stand in / at = lie in / at
The house ____________ (stand) at the corner of the street was built in 1910.
The house ______ (lie) at the foot of the hill.
Pingyi _____________(locate) at the foot of Mount Meng is a beautiful city.
China _________________(locate) in the east of Asia with the area of 9,600,000 square kilometers.
_________ (situate) at the corner of 89th Street, the Museum was designed by a famous architect.
is located
conquer vt. 占领;征服;控制
conqueror n. 征服者
After a fierce fight, our army finally conquered the enemy's position.
The only way to conquer a fear is to face it.

3. 昨晚这位世界冠军战胜了一名挑战者。
The world champion conquered another challenger last night.
battle n. 战役;搏斗 vt. 搏斗;奋斗
win / lose the battle 赢得/输掉一场战役
battle with/against the enemy 与敌人战斗
battle for … 为…而奋斗;为…而战
类似:fight/struggle for/ agaisnt
1. She has battled ____________ cancer for two years.
2. Workers are battling _________ equal rights.
port n. 港口
export vt. 出口 import vt. 进口
transport vt. 运输
fascinating adj. 极有吸引力的;迷人的
= extremely charming and attractive / inviting
a fascinating story/subject 迷人的故事;趣味无穷的话题
e.g. It's fascinating to see how different people approach the problem.
e.g. I fail to see what women find so fascinating about him.
keep your eyes open (for sth. /sb.) 留心;留意
keep an eye on 照看;留意;密切注视
keep up with
keep back ---- keep back the secret 隐瞒秘密
keep sb. from doing sth.
keep/go on doing sth.----keep doing sth. 不停地做某事
keep off ---- keep off the grass 远离草坪
keep fit --- keep healthy
keep one’s promise --- keep one’s word 履行诺言
keep in touch with
keep track of
了解…动态; 与…保持联系
charge v. 收费; 控告, 起诉; 主管; 充电 n. 收费; 控告; 主管, 掌管; 电荷
free of charge: 免费 = for free
charge ( sb.) sth. ( for sth.)收费...
charge (...) for...(向)收...的费用
take charge of…: 负责; 主管
sb. be in charge of…: 负责; 主管
sth. be in the charge of…: 由…(某人)负责/主管
v. n.收费,要价
get charged: 受指控
charge sb. with…: 指控
v. n. 控告,指控
n. 掌管,负责
1. Delivery is free of charge .
3. He was charged with murder.
4. He took charge of the farm after his father's death.
2. Before use, the battery must be charged. charge the battery
[巩固内化] 用charge的适当形式填空,并翻译其意思
1. We can arrange this for a small ______. _________
2. Before use, the battery must be _________. ________
3. The company used to be in his direct ________. ______
4. They have the evidence _________ him. _____________
to charge
[衔接写作] 补全句子
5.We won't _________________ delivery. 我们送货不收费。
6. She _________________ driving under the influence.
7. The leaflet is available ______________ from post offices.
charge you for
was charged with
free of charge
4. (2020·天津第一次)Suppose you are _____ charge of the Shy and Mighty Society, what will you do to help other shy people
5. (2020·全国卷Ⅰ参赛短文)My English teacher, who has been teaching for twenty years, is ______________ the school work.
1. A few years ago Mike ______________ the company.
2. A few years ago Mike was ___________ the company.
3. A few years ago the company was _______________Mike.
took charge of
in charge of
in the charge of
in charge of
announce vt. 宣布;声称
announce sth. to sb. 向某人宣布某事
announcement n. 通知;宣告
make an announcement 宣布;通知
As is announced, = It is announced that 据报道
1).The spokesman of the Foreign Ministry announced the news _______
the reporters.
2). ______ is announced in today’s newspaper, they have succeeded in
solving many problems about the new technology.
= ______ is announced in today’s newspaper that they …….
3).They______ ____ ______________(宣布/向我们宣布) that they would
publish a new book.
made an announcement/
announced to us
amount n. 数量;金额
a large/huge amount of +不可名[U] ----- 作主语,谓语用“单数”
large/huge amounts of +不可名[U] ---- 作主语,谓语用“复数”
a large number of + 可名[C] ---- 作主语,谓语用“复数”
1. With more forests being destroyed, a large amount of good earth _____(be)
being washed away each year.
2. There ______(be) large amounts of valuable information about the Olympic
3. To my disappointment, a large amount of money _________________(waste) so far.
amount to v. 共计 (=add up to) ; 相当于(be equal to)
他的债务共计2万多美元。His debts amount to over $20,000.
他的答复相当于就是拒绝。 His answer amounts to a refusal.
has been wasted
[巩固内化] 单句语法填空:
1. A small amount of this paint _______(go) a long way.
2. The server is designed to store huge _______ (amount) of data.
3. The total collection last week amounted ______ 250.
4. The amount of fuel that this car uses____(be) a big strike against it.
[衔接写作] ① 一句多译: 一大笔钱已捐给了当地的学校。
__________________ money has been donated to the local school.
__________________ money have been donated to the local school.
A large amount of
Large amounts of
1. (2020·新高考Ⅱ)Rainforests are the lungs of the planet-storing vast quantities of carbon dioxide and producing___significant amount of the world’s oxygen.
2. (2021·浙江高考读后续写)Mom said seriously, patting me on the shoulder, “Lazy people will not __________ anything in life.”
3. (2022.全国I)— from “ugly” (but quite eatable) vegetables rejected by grocers to large amounts _____ uneaten dishes thrown into restaurant garbage cans.
amount to
gallery 展览馆;画廊
1. an art/a picture gallery
2. the National Gallery 国家美术馆
3.The gallery houses 2 000 works of modern art.

a room or building for showing works of art, especially to the public.
n. 方法 ; 途径 the approach to sth / doing sth
= the way to do sth/ the way of doing sth
n. 接近 with the approach of 随着…的临近
The best approach to _________(explore) the puzzle is to keep your eyes open.
With the __________ of the exam, I became increasingly nervous.
v. 接近 approach some place 接近某地
be easy to approach 容易接近
approach a problem 着手处理一个问题
1. The expert is a person_____________________________(容易接近)
2. What‘s the best way of ______________________ (处理这个问题)
easy to approach.
approaching this problem.
approachable adj. 可接近的;和蔼可亲的;易理解的
approaching adj. 接近的;逼近的
同义的approach, way, means, method等在表达做某事的方法时各自的搭配分别是:
The approach to (doing)
The way to do/of doing
The means of (doing) sth.
The method of (doing)sth.
读句子,感受approach的词性, 词义及相关用法
(1) As you approach the town, you'll see the college on the left.
(2) What's the best way of approaching this problem
(3) Spring is approaching.
(4) In my view, the best approach to working out is to go jogging every day.
4. 一句多译: 随着这重大日子的临近她心情越来越紧张。__________________________, she grew more and more nervous.
__________________________, she grew more and more nervous.
__________________________, she grew more and more nervous.
[巩固内化] 用approach的适当形式填空,并翻译其意思
1. As I ___________ the house, I noticed a light on upstairs.
2. In my view,the best __________ to working out is to go jogging every day. _____________
3. The Bank has __________ the issue in a practical way. _______
As the great day approached
At the approach of the great day
方法; 途径
With the great day approaching
1. (2019·北京)She also ___________(approach) dentists to learn more about teeth cleaning.
2. (2020·浙江)I couldn’t see Don, but as I ___________ (approach) the tractor (拖拉机)he jumped out onto the road, apparently unhurt, and dashed back to me.
3. (2022·北京)The result—_____ approach known as systems thinking—is now seen as essential in meeting global challenge.
ensure vt. 保证;确保;担保 = to make sure that sth. happens.
ensure the safety of … 确保……的安全
insure v. 投保;给….保险
1. These road facilities are used __________ (ensure) the safety of the cyclists.
2. The police’s duty is to ____________________(确保…的安全)citizens.
3. Please ensure (that) all lights are switched off.
4.We need to ensure a smooth transition between the old system and the new one.
to ensure
ensure the safety of
view n. 景色; 风景 — 特定视角的(远/高)
scenery n. (自然的) 风景;景色 — 国家/地区整体自然风景
sight n. 视力;景象 — 旅游观光的风光(城市/自然/人造风光)
scene n. 景色,风光 — 具体/局部/一时的景色(自然/人工)现场;镜头
landscape n. (陆上/乡村的)风景 — 自然风光
The woods and fields are typical features of the English landscape.
generous adj. 慷慨的;大方的;丰富的 generously adv.
generosity [ d n r s ti] n. 慷慨;大方
【反】mean adj. 吝啬的;小气的
be mean with sth. 在…方面很吝啬 be mean to sb 对某人很刻薄
be generous to sb. 对某人慷慨/对某人宽宏大量
①Although he is poor, he was quite generous to his needy friends.
be generous with sth. 在(时间、金钱等)上很大方/很慷慨
②He was generous with his time, for which I was grateful.
be generous in (doing) sth. 乐于做某事
③He was always generous in sharing his enormous knowledge.
It is generous of sb. to do sth. 某人做某事真是慷慨
④It is generous of him to offer to pay for us both.
ancestor = forefather 祖先
e.g. His ancestors had come to America from Ireland.
descendant n. 后裔;后代;子孙 generation n. 一代; 一辈
position n. 位置(location);姿态(posture);职位(post);处境;观点;态度;立场
in a comfortable position 舒服的姿势
holds the position as a (manager) 担任……职位
1.What's your position on this problem
2. Mary is thinking applying for the position.
3. You should put the medicines in position.
4. When I entered the office, I found all the books out of position.
in place/position 在合适的地方 out of place/position 在不合适的地方
拓展:position / case/situation/ point /stage/ system/scene
---都是定语从句的“抽象地点”先行词, 常用where 引导定语从句
1. Salesman is a position _______ communication ability is as important as skills.
2. Today, we’ll discuss a number of cases ______ beginners of English fail to
use the languages properly.
3. It’s helpful to put children in a situation _____ they can see themselves
4. Until today, we have reached a stage______ we have almost no rights at all.
5.I have reached a point in my life _______ I am supposed to make
decisions of my own.
courtyard n. 庭院;院子
1. The house is built around a central courtyard.
2. The courtyard was shaded by high trees.
court n. 法院; 法庭; 球场(网球,羽毛球) ; 宫廷
course n. 球场(高尔夫); 课程; 进程
yard n. 后院;花园 backyard n.后花园
Snack n. 点心;小吃;易办到的事;小菜一碟
e.g. It'll be a snack. 这不过是小事一桩。
a piece of cake
14.eager adj.热切的;渴望的
be eager for... 急于得到……
be eager to do sth. 渴望做某事
be eager that... 热切希望……
e.g.He was eager to communicate his ideas to the group.
派生 eagerly adv.急切地;渴望地;热心地
eagerness n.渴望;热心with eagerness 热切地
① 渴望获得……
desire for sth;
long for sth;
be greedy for sth;
be dying for sth;
be thirsty for sth;
be hungry for sth;
be eager for sth;
be anxious for sth;
be desperate for sth;
② 渴望做某事
desire to do sth;
long to do sth;
be greedy to do sth;
be dying to do sth;
be thirsty to do sth;
be hungry to do sth;
be eager to do sth;
be anxious to do sth;
be desperate to do sth;
[巩固内化] 单句语法填空 
1. Everyone in the class seemed eager ________ (learn).
2. We listened ________(eager), for he brought news of our families.    
3. They were eager ______ a second bite of the cherry.
4. I couldn't hide my __________ (eager) to get back home.
to learn
5. (2016.浙江高考)Each week I _________(eager) counted my growing saving increased by extra work here and there
6. (2021.全国I) As she was leaving she was eager _____ (say) goodbye to each of us in the nursing team.
to say
poet n. 诗人
county n.(英国、爱尔兰的)郡; (美国的)县
country n. 国家
poetess n. 女诗人
poem n. 诗;诗歌(可数名词)
poetry n.诗集; 诗歌; 诗作(不可数名词)
feast n. 盛宴;节日
a feast for the eyes and ears 视觉和听觉的盛宴
feast on 尽情欣赏;大吃大喝
festival n. 节日 spring festival 春节

1. Listening to the Mozart’s music is a feast for the ears.
2. That's something for your eyes to feast on.
banquet 指正式而盛大的宴会或国宴。
feast 指筵席酒席,有时可与banquet换用,但前者强调共享欢乐的气氛。
dinner 本义指一日的主餐,但多用于指宴请客人的正式的一餐。
party 指一般的社交聚会,也引申指宴请或宴会。
roll v. (使)翻滚;(使)滚动; n. 卷(轴); 翻滚
a roll of paper/cloth 一卷纸/一匹布
roll on the grass 在草坪上翻滚
roll down the window 摇下车窗
1. The lorry quietly rolled forward. 卡车静静地缓慢前行。
2. She looked at Ginny with tears rolling down her cheeks.
dot n. 点;小(圆)点 v. 加点;遍布
1. The sky was dotted with stars.
2. The helicopters appeared as two black dots on the horizon.
3. Small coastal towns dot the landscape.
be dotted with 点缀; 布满
cattle n. 牛群 (牛的总称---没有复数形式)
1、cattle 是牛这种哺乳动物的总称,不会特指性别、年龄、类型或者品种;
2、cow 任何品种的成年母牛或乳牛 ------ to milk the cows.
3、bull 多指用来作斗牛表演的公牛----the Chicago Bulls: 芝加哥公牛队
4、ox 泛指野生或驯养的牛类,是动物学的用词,通称,也指公牛。
如:people 、police、 cattle,其谓语动词一般用复数
注:cattle: 集合名词,前面不能加 a,词尾也不可加s。
常和many, these, those, the等连用。作主语时,句子的谓语动词多用复数。
a head of cattle: 一头牛 eighty head of cattle: 80头牛
roar v. / n. 吼叫;咆哮
a roar of approval 一片赞成的喊叫声
give a big roar 发出一声大吼
the roar of the waves 海浪的咆哮声
hear the roar of traffic 听到车辆的轰鸣声
1. He could hear a sudden roaring. His blood froze.
2. The engine roared to life .
3. The crowd roared.
4. She put her foot down and the car roared away.
ocean n. 大海;海洋
the Indian/ the Pacific Ocean
印度洋/ 太平洋
oceanic adj. 海洋的;海洋产出的
oceanics n. 海洋学;海洋工程学
marine adj. 海洋/运的 n.海军陆战队士兵
the Arctic/ the Atlantic Ocean
北冰洋/ 大西洋
scent n. 气味;气息
the unique scent 独特的气味
e.g. These flowers have no scent. 这些花不香。
Summer Scent 夏天的气息
smell n. 嗅觉;气味 vt. 闻到;嗅出
odor / odour n.气味
fragrance n. 香气;香味;芳香
fragrant adj. 芳香的
greet sb. with sth. 用…向某人打招呼/问候某人
e.g. She greeted us with a smile. 她微笑着向我们打招呼。
be greeted by 被…迎接
e.g. When she opened the door she was greeted by a scene of utter confusion.
greeting n.问候;招呼;致意
exchange greetings / regards 互致问候 / 敬意
a greeting card 贺卡
send one’s greetings to sb. 向某人致意
greet v. 问候;迎接; 映入…的眼帘(景象,声音,气味)
pub/ bar
custom n. (社会的)风俗;习俗;习惯
It’s the custom for sb. to do sth. 对某人来说做某事是一种习惯
an ancient custom 古老的习俗
the custom of doing sth. 做某事的习俗
customs n. 海关
customer n. 顾客 regular customer 常客;熟客
It is a custom for Chinese people to set off fireworks during the Spring Festival to get rid of ill fortune.
The programme was about customs in different parts of the country.
sensory [ sens ri ] adj. 感觉的; 感官的
sense n. 感官 v. 感觉到;意思到;觉察到
the sense of sight / smell / hearing/ touch/ taste 视觉/嗅觉/听觉/触觉/味觉
a sense of humor / direction / balance 幽默感;方向感;平衡感
in a sense 从某种意义上说
make sense 有道理;有意义;讲得通 make sense of… 理解;弄懂
e.g. _________(sense) danger, they started to run. 他们感到有危险,撒腿就跑。
sensory organs 感觉器官 sensory details 感官细节
sensitive adj. 敏感的;过敏的(allergic);感觉敏锐的;体贴的
sensible adj. 明智的;切合实际的
striking adj. 引人注目的, 显著的;惊人的; 打击的
a striking image 引人注目的形象
a striking difference / feature 显著的差异/ 特征
in striking contrast to 鲜明的对照
remarkable adj. 非凡的;显著的;引人注目的
spectacular adj. 壮观的;壮丽的;令人惊叹的
noticeable adj. 显著的;显而易见的
strike n. 罢工; v. 侵袭; 重创; 碰撞; 打动; 敲钟; (钟)打点/报时
strike -- struck --- struck
A good idea hit/ struck / occurred to sb. that …… 某人突然想到……
stick v.刺,戳,坚持,粘贴 n.棍子 stick -- stuck -- stuck
be/get stuck in 陷入
transition n. 过渡;转变;变迁
e.g. We need to ensure a smooth transition between the old system and the new one.
e.g. The transition from school to work can be difficult.
transitional adj.过渡的
a transitional period 过渡时期
trans-前缀 表示"转变"、"变换"
transport vt. 运送;流放
transplant vt. 移植, 移种
translate vt. & vi. 翻译;解释;转化
crowd n. 人群; 一群人; 民众 vt. 挤满, 使…拥挤; 涌上(心头), 涌入(脑海)
a crowd of /crowds of 一群;许多 crowd into … 挤进;大批涌入
e.g. Memories crowded my mind when I saw the photo.
sth. crowd in (on sb.) (想法、问题等)涌上心头/ 脑海
crowded adj. 拥挤的;挤满的 = packed
be crowded with = be packed / stuffed / filled with 挤满; 充满
1. The crowd crowded _____ the stadium which was crowded _____ audience.
2. Too many uncomfortable thoughts were crowding ____ on her.
[巩固内化] 单句语法填空
1. The crowd crowded _____ the stadium which was crowded _____ audience.
2. A crowd _____ people were waiting for the bus when the accident happened.
3. He led me through the _________ (crowd) shop and to a bench with a large professional karaoke box on it.
4. The hungry refugees crowded _____________ the tractors.
Ⅰ. 单句语法填空
1. In the 1960s, while studying the volcanic history of Yellowstone National Park, Bob Christiansen became _______ (puzzle) about something.
2. The hungry bear followed his nose to our camp, which ______________ (surround) by a high wire fence.
3. With her ________charge, I was confident all would be OK.
4. If a child __________(approach) him, he will pause to give that child his undivided attention.
was surrounded
5. Cultural relics are treasures _________ to all peoples rather than any individual.(belong)
6. Remember to take your valuable _________ with you when you get off the car. (belong)
7. The famous musician, as well as his students, _________ (invite) to perform at the opening ceremony.
8. I have to say in her _______(defend) that she knew nothing about it before hand.
9. It was ___________(announce) that new speed restrictions would be introduced.
10. The president made an unexpected _____________ (announce) this morning.
was invited
11. He is eager _______ knowledge about the construction of the party because he is eager __________(join) the party.
12.We would like to thank all the judges who __________ (generous) spent their spare time dealing this affair.
13. ______________(surround) by the policemen, the thief couldn't escape being caught.
14. We felt a great sense of _____________(achieve) when we reached the top of the mountain.
to join
15. He was charged _________ robbery.
16. It _____________(announce) that they will be married next month.
17. She was eager _________(get) back to work as soon as possible.
is announced
to get
18. The _________problem made the students __________ . (puzzle)
19. She had to _________(defence)herself against the guard dog.
20. Some athletes take drugs to improve their performance,which is ________(legal).
21. This interest in international dance was especially __________ (evidence)in Paris.
22. Despite its __________(locate)far from any urban center,the site attracts roughly one million visitors per year.