人教版(2019)选择性必修 第二册Unit 2 Bridging CulturesUsing Language(2)—Reading for Writing 课件(共28张PPT)


名称 人教版(2019)选择性必修 第二册Unit 2 Bridging CulturesUsing Language(2)—Reading for Writing 课件(共28张PPT)
格式 pptx
文件大小 6.7MB
资源类型 教案
版本资源 人教版(2019)
科目 英语
更新时间 2024-04-05 21:51:16



Using Language(2)—Reading for Writing
Unit 2
Bridging cultures
By the end of this period, you will be able to:
understand the opinions and reasons of 2 parents about studying abroad;
master the structure of an argumentation;
use some connectors and sentence patterns to perfect their writing.
Are you familiar with the photo below
From 1872 to 1875 the government of China’s Qing Dynasty sent successively four batches of students totaling 120 to study in the United States.
Why did the government do that What happened to these students after they finished their study
As they had access to advanced Western technology, these students later became the pioneers in China’s industries of mining, railway and telegraph. Among them appeared the earliest presidents of Tsinghua University and Tianjin University, the first diplomats.
The number of Chinese students studying abroad increased in the past decade and seemed to continue rising.
Free talk
These years, more and more students are choosing to study abroad.
Do you think it’s necessary to study abroad Why or why not
Scan the passage quickly and then think about:
The writing style is an _____________ letter.
The first letter is written by ________________________.
The second one is written by _______________________.
Wang Li(mother of twin girls)
Zhang Yi(father of one boy)
Activity 1 A local newspaper has invited parents to share their opinions about studying abroad. Read these two letters and underline:
The main point of each letter;
The reasons for their opinions.
Main point:
…I think the disadvantages (of studying abroad) for young people are greater.
To begin with, many students who study abroad face great economic pressure.
Another important factor to consider is the tremendous pressure that comes with studying abroad.
A final point to consider is that while studying abroad does have potential benefits, young people who study in China also have a great future to look forward to!
Main point:
… the advantages (of studying abroad) are much greater.
The first advantage of studying abroad is personal growth.
Another advantage is the increased chance for cultural exchange.
Finally, studying abroad provides a great opportunity to contribute to the development of out motherland.
Activity 2 Read for details.
1.What is Wang Li’s attitude to studying abroad in the first letter
A.Supportive. B.Doubtful.
C.Disapproval. D.Objective.

2.In Wang Li’s opinion,the advantage of studying abroad is .
A.bearing great economic pressure
B.facing unfamiliar environment
C.having great potential benefits
D.experiencing the culture shock

3.Zhang Yi thinks that students studying abroad can .
A.become more dependent
B.get less chance for cultural exchange
C.lose a global perspective
D.develop organizational skills

4.What can we learn from the two letters
A.Students studying abroad don’t need to learn how to live in a new environment.
B.Studying abroad helps to increase people’s understanding of cultural diversity.
C.Students studying abroad can’t encounter problems with personal safety.
D.Studying abroad helps students to speak excellent English in a few years.

Activity 3 Read for the language (features).
Tips: Use connectors(连接词)
When you write an argumentative piece, use connecting phrases to lead readers through your process of reasoning. Good logical connectors will help your audience understand your points clearly.
Read the letters again and then use the connectors in the box to complete the sentence below.
as a result,besides,for instance,that is to say
1.Students who want to study abroad must consider their parents’budget. ____________,they should think about whether they can afford the costs of studying overseas.
2.Studying abroad can put great pressure on young people. __________,they may feel lonely and miss their families.
3.Studying abroad will give students a good education. ________,it also helps them to gain a global perspective.
4.Global development strategies help to make connections between China and the rest of the world. ___________,young people with language skills and strong cultural awareness are needed.
That is to say
For instance
As a result
Activity 4 Discuss the following questions with your partner.
1.What are some other advantages or disadvantages of studying abroad that were not mentioned in the letters
One disadvantage of studying abroad is that not all students are suited to it.Some students will never gain the needed language ability or may not get the most from an unfamiliar teaching approach.
One advantage of studying abroad is the opportunity to meet new lifelong friends from different cultural backgrounds.
2.Which parent would you probably side with?Why
I would probably side with Zhang Yi because I think Wang Li’s perspective is too narrow. Yes,there are possible disadvantages with studying abroad,but Chinese students are smart and strong enough to overcome these. Meanwhile,the rewards for studying abroad are much greater than any of the disadvantages.
Activity 5 Analyse the argumentative letters
1.Mark the parts of the argument in the letters.
A.Start with a question or a fact.
B.State an opinion.
C.Give reasons and evidence to support an opinion.
D.State a conclusion.
2.The structure of writing an argumentative letter:
(1)Start with a question or a fact.
(2)State an opinion.
(3)Give reasons and evidence to support an opinion.
(4)State a conclusion.
Is it... / Do you... /There be...
In my opinion/Personally speaking/As far as we know...
To begin with/The first...
My final point/Finally…
Because/So/Therefore/As a result...
For example/For instance/Such as...
To sum up/All in all/In short...
Point of view 观点
in my opinion 在我看来 as far as I know 据我所知
as far as I am concerned 就我而言 personally(speaking) 就个人而言
Summary 总结
in short 总之 to sum up 总之
all in all 总而言之 in conclusion/summary 总之
generally speaking 一般来说
Restating 重述
in other words 换句话说 that is to say 也就是说
that means 这意味着
Connectors expressing opinion 表达观点的连接词
Listing 清单
to begin with 起初 what’s more 此外 besides 此外
moreover 再者 in addition 此外
Cause & effect 因果
because 因为 as 因为 so 因此
thus 因此 therefore 因此 as a result 因此
Giving examples 举例
for example 例如 for instance such as
Connectors expressing reasons or evidence 表达理由或依据
Write a letter to the editor expressing your own opinions about studying abroad.
Group A - pros
Group B - cons
I think studying abroad is a good idea, because …
I think studying abroad is a bad idea, because…
Study Abroad: Good or Bad
第一步 审题
1.确定文体(genre):这是一篇议论文(argumentative letter)。
2.主体时态(tense):文章应以一般现在时(present tense)为主。
3.主体人称(person):第三人称(the third person)
第二步 谋篇
Para. 1:State an opinion directly;
Para. 2:Give reasons and evidence to support an opinion;
Para. 3:State a conclusion.(Try to use connectors to make your writing coherent)
第三步 遣词造句
make sense
exposure to foreign language
a global perspective
comfort zone
bathed in a different culture
to begin with...,moreover...
I _____ it makes good sense to study abroad and it is a valuable experience for us.
While we are studying abroad,we ___________________ a foreign language learning environment and the learning process becomes engaging and effective.
Bathed in a different culture of a foreign country,we can gain great ________ into the world.
Cross-cultural experiences can give us ____________________.
Studying abroad takes us out of our ____________ and changes us for the better,which is the most important from my perspective.
expose ourselves to
a global perspective
comfort zone
第四步 句式升级
I hold the view that it makes good sense to study abroad,which is a valuable experience for us.
Exposure to a foreign language learning environment while we are studying abroad makes the learning process engaging and effective.
Bathed in a different culture of a foreign country,we can gain great insights into the world because cross-cultural experiences can give us a global perspective.
Dear Editor,
In recent years,more and more teenagers have decided or even gone to study abroad. Although it is a big challenge,personally I hold the view that it makes good sense to study abroad,which is a valuable experience for us.
To begin with,exposure to a foreign language learning environment while we are studying abroad makes the learning process engaging and effective. Moreover,bathed in a different culture of a foreign country,we can gain great insights into the world because cross-cultural experiences can give us a global perspective. Studying abroad takes us out of our comfort zone and changes us for the better,which is the most important from my perspective.
All things considered,I believe studying abroad is a good idea.
Li Hua
Use the checklist to help each other revise the drafts.
Is the main point clear
Is the body logical and convincing
Is the conclusion clear
Have you used the connectors
Are there any grammatical errors
手机已经成为我们生活中的必需品(necessity),中学生使用手机有利有弊,同学们可以更方便与父母、朋友沟通;也有同学成为手机控(a Phone Freak),影响睡眠和健康,请问:你是否支持中学生带手机进校园?请选择一个观点写成短文并说明你的理由。
Should mobile phones be allowed at school
【参考范文】 Should mobile phones be allowed at school
Nowadays mobile phones are becoming more and more popular among middle school students. But people have different opinions about whether mobile phones should be allowed at school or not.
Everything has two sides and mobile phone is not an exception, it has both advantages and disadvantages. Some students hold the opinion that they should take their mobile phones to school, which bring them conveniences. First, they can learn about the world and the latest information in time. Second, it’s convenient for them to communicate with their parents and friends. Moreover, they can surf the Internet at any time in anywhere to get the message they want to know. However, others are against using phones at school, as they think students get addicted to phones easily, especially playing online games. Spending too much time on phones has bad effect on their study, which may also influences their sleep and does harm to their eyesight.
As far as I am concerned, middle school students have a weak self-control, mobile phone does more harm than good, so it shouldn’t be allowed at school.