人教版(2019)选择性必修第三册 Unit 1 Art Opening Page & Reading and Thinking-教学设计(表格式)


名称 人教版(2019)选择性必修第三册 Unit 1 Art Opening Page & Reading and Thinking-教学设计(表格式)
格式 docx
文件大小 1.1MB
资源类型 教案
版本资源 人教版(2019)
科目 英语
更新时间 2024-04-06 05:46:30



学科 英语 年级 高二年级 学期 春季
课题 A Short History of Western Painting
学生通过本课时的学习,能够: 1.理解语篇的写作目的与结构特征; 2.了解不同历史时期西方绘画作品的特色; 3.交流和分享自己喜爱的西方绘画艺术风格,探讨艺术的内涵。
本节课的教学内容为人教版《英语》选择性必修第三册第一单元Reading and Thinking中的阅读材料A short history of Western Painting。这是一篇知识性小品文,主要针对西方绘画的主题提供相关的知识。文章描述了各个时期的绘画风格以及优秀画家和代表作品。Reading and Thinking部分的目的在于让学生在了解西方绘画发展史中最具代表性的四个时期的绘画风格后能够激发学生对西方绘画的热情并引导学生在阅读课中运用略读、寻读和批判性阅读等多种阅读策略培养学习能力和思维品质。文章篇幅较长,其中不乏一些较难的专有绘画名词,这给学生阅读带来了一定的困难,但全文结构清晰,各段主题突出,联系不强,适合分段阅读。本单元旨在激发学生对西方绘画艺术的兴趣,让他们在了解西方绘画简史的过程中感受艺术的魅力,从而能够热爱艺术、热爱生活、热爱美。 教学重点: 1. 学生从每段表达“变化”的语言中挖掘出影响和推动西方绘画艺术变化发展的多重因素。
2. 激发学生对西方艺术的兴趣。
教学难点: 1. 学生分享自己对于艺术内涵与价值的理解。
Activity1:Lead in Do you know different styles of art calligraphy, dance, opera, sculpture and painting. what is western art 设计说明:激活学生的背景知识,引出西方艺术。 Activity2:Skimming What is the text A. advertisement B. A travel guide √C. informative essay D. A painting brochure What is the structure What is the writing order Time order 设计说明:引导学生预测文本的语篇体裁并通过小标题快速把握篇章结构和写作顺序。有助于培养学生速度和解决问题的水平。 Activity3: Scanning Introduction 1. What is Western art It is hard to give a precise definition. 2. Why is it hard to give a precise definition As there have been so many different styles of Western art. Tip 1: Signal words are helpful in understand the logical relation between sentences. 3.What is the best way to understand Western art Look at the development of Western painting over the centuries. The Middle Ages 1. Find the aim of Western art during the Middle Ages. The purpose of Western art was to teach people about Christianity 2.Circle the signal word. thus and while 3. Find the features of the paintings at that time. The features of the paintings were Religious themes and Religious symbols. People have faith in God. It was God-centered. The Renaissance 1. Underline new ideas Painters adopted a more humanistic attitude to life. Circle two breakthroughs and three famous painters. the use of perspective and the use of paints Three famous painters were Leonardo da Vinci, Michelangelo and Raphael. Find what people tend to do during the period. Some wanted to purchase accurate pictures of themselves and the people they loved. Others wanted paintings showing important historical events or stories from mythology. Most clients wanted paintings that were beautiful and interesting to look at. So it was man-centered. 4. Figure out the function of the first sentence The first sentence serves as a transitional sentence. A transitional sentence helps us understand the logical relation between paragraphs. Impressionism 1. Circle the signal word in the first paragraph The signal word “hence” shows the result. 2. Underline the sentences about the background The invention of photography in the mid-19th century 3. Fill in the chart. It was natural-centered. Modern Art Fill in the chart. Diversity is accepted during this period, so it was diversity-centered. 设计说明:以“what---how---why---who”为抓手,客观分析四个重要时期。培养学生快速查找信息和信息定位的能力。 Activity4: Thinking Q1: What is the relationship between the Impressionists and Modern Art Without the Impressionists, maybe we would not see many kinds of modern art styles. Q2: Who are the target readers of this passage Those who want to know about western paintings. Read the whole passage and find expressions to show “change” 设计说明:引导学生去探索印象派艺术家和现代艺术的关系,使他们对西方艺术的发展背景有更深入的了解。学生在阅读过程中关注含有“变化”之意的单词和短语,体会“变化”的各种显性和隐形描述。 Activity5: Group work Your class will hold an auction. Five students will be invited to act as the host and they are supposed to say when the painting belong to and what characteristics are. And the rest of you give your price for the painting which you want to buy. 设计说明:引导学生利用本节课所学的知识,和大家分享作品的创作时期和特征,提高学生的艺术鉴赏能力,实现语言的内化和迁移。 Activity6:Assignment Choose a painting from the auction to make a brief introduction from the following aspects: What is the painting about Who is the painter In which period was the painting created What are the characteristics How do you feel about it 设计说明:这项作业是对课堂小组活动的延伸,使学生了解不同历史时期西方绘画作品有进一步的了解。发表对这些作品的观点,培养学生的欣赏能力和批判性思维。