人教版(2019)选择性必修第三册 Unit 1 Art Using Language(2) Reading and Writing-教学设计(表格式)


名称 人教版(2019)选择性必修第三册 Unit 1 Art Using Language(2) Reading and Writing-教学设计(表格式)
格式 docx
文件大小 189.8KB
资源类型 教案
版本资源 人教版(2019)
科目 英语
更新时间 2024-04-06 05:55:26



学科 英语 年级 高二年级 学期 春季
课题 Unit 1 Reading and Writing: Ancient Chinese Art on Show
学生通过本课时的学习,能够: 1.阅读艺术展览推介文,了解其内容要素和语言特点,获取关键信息; 2.辨析主题展览推介文和展览宣传页的区别,并学会写一则主题展览公告; 3.感受中华艺术的魅力,培养传播中华艺术的意识和能力。
文本是一篇有关中国古代艺术藏品展览信息的推介性文章,属于应用文体。文章主要介绍了此次展览的主题和展品来源、展览的主要亮点、展览的目的和意义和其他有关展览的一些实用信息。 教学重点:通过阅读文章,了解艺术展览推介文的特点,并学会写一则主题展览公告。 教学难点:掌握主题展览推介文和展览宣传页两种应用文体的文体结构和语言特征。
Lead-in:Talk about different forms of Chinese art 1. What forms of Chinese art do you know Calligraphy, vase and jade. 2. Which form of art do they belong to Where can we see them Ink wash painting, sculpture, and bronze object. On an exhibition or in a Museum. 设计说明:通过图片展示充分激活学生的相关背景知识,引起学生阅读兴趣,并对文中的三幅插图有所了解。 Activity 1: Predict according to the title What important points may be included in the text It may talk about different kinds of Chinese artwork and some details about the show. 设计说明:学生通过标题和插图对课文内容进行预测,为下一环节的阅读活动做好铺垫和基础。 Activity 2: Read for structure Read the text and list out the structure of it. Part 1 (para 1): An introduction to the theme of the exhibition Part 2 (para 2-para 4): The highlights of the exhibition Part 3 (para 5): A conclusion of the significance of the exhibition Part 4 (pare 6-para 9): Some useful information 设计说明:学生通过快速阅读对文章的篇章结构进行划分和梳理,并总结出每个部分的主要内容,掌握主题展览推介文的文体结构。 Activity 3: Read for details 1. Part 1 & Part 3: theme: From Shang to Qing: Chinese Art Through the Ages. purpose: To display the Chinese artistic genius from ancient times. significance: It will transport you to another time with its amazing collection of works. Part 2: Complete the form. ItemDynastyArtistReason for showingthe painting Ming Dynasty Tang Yin (1470-1524) made with extraordinary skills; look fresh and full of life a collection of bronze objects Shang Dynasty (1600BCE-1046BCE) Not known show great skill; some come from the collection of Emperor Qianlong the sculptures Tang Dynasty (618-907) of Buddhist origin; of exceptional beauty and quality; bring history to life
Part 4: What kind of information does part 4 include It gives some useful information in details, including the date, the opening hours, the ticket prices and the rules or requirements. 2. Answer the questions. (1) Who is this article written for The article is written for the people who are interested in ancient Chinese Art. (2) What’s the author’s purpose of writing it The author writes it to attract people to attend the exhibition. (3) What type of writing does it belong to A. Narration B. Exposition C. Argumentation D. Announcement 3. Complete the advertising leaflet according to the text. 设计说明:学生通过阅读梳理三种艺术品的相关有用信息,明确文章的目标人群,写作意图和文本类型,同时找出关键信息完成展览宣传页,对课文内容有了更深刻的理解。 Activity 4: Compare an announcement and an advertising leaflet What are the differences between an announcement and an advertising leaflet Type of writingFeatures of LanguageFeatures of StructureAnnouncementattractive details; appealing descriptions Introduction Highlights Conclusion Useful informationAdvertising leafletmore concise; simple phrases of key points to make it clearTitle Sub-title key information
设计说明:学生通过对比分析,明确主题展览推介文和展览宣传页两种应用文体的文体结构和语言特征。 Activity 5: Learn the useful expressions So how to make an announcement attractive and appealing Please find out and learn the useful expressions and sentence patterns in the text. 1. The highlight of this exhibition is … 2. In time, he gained recognition as one of the greatest artists China has ever known. 3. This painting, showing …, was made with extraordinary skill. 4. While the artists who made these great works are not known, they showed great skill in creating these beautiful pieces. 5. It didn’t really begin to show expansion until… 6. Chinese sculpture thus found itself highly influenced by … 7. They are of exceptional beauty and quality. 8. History is brought to life. 9. This is just a small taste of what is in store for you in this exhibition. We guarantee that…… 10. No photos or food and drink are allowed in the museum. 设计说明:学生找出并学习文中的优美表达和有用句型,尤其是关于刻画艺术品细节的宣传句式,进行有效的语言输入,为写作环节打下扎实的基础。 Activity 6: Write an announcement You are now going to write an announcement for art club members about a trip to see an exhibition. 1. Brainstorm the details about the exhibition and take notes. (1) What is the exhibition about What are the highlights When are you going Where shall you meet (5) How are you going to get there (6) What should you bring 2. Write your announcement based on your notes. To: the City Museum From: the school gate at 8:30 a.m. next Sunday by bus Subject: “Amazing Chinese Paintings” Highlights: some ink wash paintings by Qi Baishi 3. Pay attention to the structure and language of the announcement. (1) Brief introduction: theme/ purpose/ location Highlights and significance Useful information: opening time/ requirements 4. Use the checklist to check your own writing. Is the announcement clear and to the point Is the language attractive and appealing Is all the necessary information about the exhibition included Do you use correct grammar, punctuation, and spelling 5. Read and learn the sample writing. An Art Exhibition Announcement In order to appreciate Chinese artwork, a visit to the exhibition “Amazing Chinese Paintings” will be organized next Sunday. Everyone should arrive at the school gate at 8:30 a.m. and we will set off to the City Museum by bus. A variety of wonderful Chinese paintings by famous artists will be on display. The highlights of the exhibition are several ink wash paintings by Qi Baishi, who gained recognition as one of the greatest artists China has ever known. The paintings showed great skill in creating these beautiful pieces. Besides, we will enjoy some paintings by other famous painters, which are also of high rank. We guarantee that the exhibition will transport you to another time with its amazing collection of works. No one will be admitted into the exhibition after 4:30 p.m. on weekends. Photos are not allowed and do not talk loudly in the museum. Have fun! 设计说明:学生通过头脑风暴列出公告的要点,并根据笔记和所学内容完成一则主题展览公告,在真实情景中进行仿写,运用所学句型表达,学以致用。完成以后,学生对照评价标准进行自评,找出不足之处。最后,通过学习范文,进一步理解公告的写作要点和有效表达。 Assignment 1. Explore: Turn to others sources for more announcements of the art exhibition and learn from them. 2. Write: Finish and revise your announcement. 设计说明:学生在课后通过互联网搜索、博物馆实地考查等多种途径寻找更多的艺术展览公告或者宣传手册,进一步了解主题展览公告的特点和写作技巧。通过对评价标准的对照和对范文的学习,课后精修自己的习作,提升应用文写作能力和语言综合应用能力。