人教版(2019)选择性必修第三册 Unit 1 Art Video Time Qingming Shang He Tu教学设计(表格式)


名称 人教版(2019)选择性必修第三册 Unit 1 Art Video Time Qingming Shang He Tu教学设计(表格式)
格式 docx
文件大小 25.0KB
资源类型 教案
版本资源 人教版(2019)
科目 英语
更新时间 2024-04-06 05:58:28



学科 英语 年级 高二年级 学期 春季
课题 Unit 1 Video Time: Qingming Shang He Tu
学生通过本课时的学习,能够: 1.通过观看视频,获取视频内容的主旨大意和关键信息; 2.学习清明上河图的相关内容,了解其独特的艺术价值和历史文化价值; 3.学会欣赏中国美术,树立保护中国艺术等文化遗产的意识。
该视频介绍了中国的传世名画《清明上河图》,展示了中国北宋时期都城汴京的城市面貌和当时社会各阶层人民的生活状况。视频主要分为三个部分,首先介绍了这幅画作的概况,然后按照从右到左的观赏顺序展示了其内容细节,最后对该画作的独特艺术价值进行了总结。 教学重点:通过观看视频,掌握视频内容的主旨大意和关键有用信息。 教学难点:掌握画作从右到左的细节内容和对该画作独特艺术文化价值的理解。
Lead-in:Talking about the painting Watch a short video and guess: which painting does the video present Talk about Qingming Shang He Tu: 1. Who painted it It was painted by Zhang Zeduan, a court painter for the emperor during the Northern Song Dynasty. 2. What can be seen on the painting It captures the daily life of people from the Song period at the capital, Bianjing, today’s Kaifeng in Henan. 3. What else do you know about the painting Qingming Shang He Tu or Along the River During the Qingming Festival, is one of the most famous Chinese paintings in the world. It shows the festive spirit and prosperous street scene at the Qingming Festival. The entire piece was painted in the handscroll format and the content reveals the lifestyle of all levels of society from rich to poor as well as different economic activities in rural areas and the city. 设计说明:通过短片展示充分激活学生的相关背景知识,引起学习兴趣,并对清明上河图有一个初步的了解。 Activity 1: Preparation for viewing 1. Read the statements below and decide whether they are true [T] or false [F]. (1) Qingming Shang He Tu is no more than 24 cm wide and 520 cm long. (2) The painting was once lost during the Yuan Dynasty and hundreds of copies were made. (3) It is believed that the version in the Palace Museum is the Song Dynasty original painting. (4) The painting shows life along the Yellow River during the Qingming Festival. (5) The painting scroll also includes a short biography of Zhang Zeduan and the seals of its previous owners. 2. Match the words with their meanings. scroll: a long roll of paper for writing on arch: to be in a curved line or shape across sth. emerge: come out into view seal: an official mark stamped to show its authenticity biography: a story of a person’s life written by sb. else claim: affirm; state sth.to be true 设计说明:学生在观看视频前预判相关细节信息,并学习关键词汇的意思,为第一次观看视频、完成相应练习做好准备。 Activity 2: Watching for main idea and useful information 1.Watch the video to check the answers. [F] (1) Qingming Shang He Tu is no more than 24 cm wide and 520 cm long. [T] (2) The painting was once lost during the Yuan Dynasty and hundreds of copies were made. [T] (3) It is believed that the version in the Palace Museum is the Song Dynasty original painting. [F] (4) The painting shows life along the Yellow River during the Qingming Festival. [T] (5) The painting scroll also includes a short biography of Zhang Zeduan and the seals of its previous owners. 2.Watch the video for main idea. The video first gives a brief introduction of the painting, then shows the details of the painting from right to left, and finally sums up the unique artistic value of the painting. 设计说明:学生观看视频找出有用信息,验证看前的预判是否正确,并概括出整个视频的主旨大意。 Activity 3: Watching for key information 1.Watch the first part to fill in the blanks. The painting was on a silk scroll. This amazingly detailed painting became a national treasure. It is exhibited for only brief periods every few years. The characters and objects in the painting show life along the Bian River during the Qingming Festival, a time when Chinese people visit their ancestor’s graves. 2. Watch the middle part to take notes about the details that are displayed in the painting. RightThe Rainbow BridgeThe road and the riverThe countrysideThen we see the Rainbow bridge arching over the river. On both sides of the river are people selling food and drinks, while travelers pass by. The scene soon becomes more crowed. The road beside the river becomes packed with restaurants, and the river becomes full of boats. There are a few houses and a few people travelling back to Bianjing.
LeftThe cityThe first city gateThe roads leading to the cityIn the city, there are butcher shops, doctor’s clinics, hotel inns, houses, and fabric shops. Then we come to the first city gate. Through the gate is passing a line of camels carrying goods. Soon the city begins to emerge. We see temples, inns, and large houses. The roads are now filled with people travelling on foot, and in carts and sedan chairs.
The painting contains three major sections: The right section is the rural area of the city. In the middle section, there are businesses of all kinds. The left section is the urban area around the city gate. At the end of the scroll are seals of its previous owners, poems praising the painting’s beauty, and a note of a short biography of Zhang Zeduan. 3. Watch the last part of the video to answer the question. Why is the painting highly valued It is not only a true work of art, it also gives a rare insight into daily life in ancient China. 设计说明:学生分片段观看视频,找出关键信息,深入了解画作的具体细节内容和艺术文化价值。 Activity 4: Further thinking 1. What does the following statement mean: “This painting’s great appeal is that it provides us with a look into ordinary people’s lives in the Song Dynasty” Who do you think the painting is most appealing to This statement means that the reason why the painting is so appealing is because it gives modern people a snapshot of an everyday moment of the ordinary people in ancient time. I think the painting is most appealing to people interested in our history, society, and culture. 2. What’s the feature of the painting We appreciate the handscroll from right to the left. Characters and objects are focused to show the life of all walks of people in the painting. 3. Do you know of any other paintings like this one For example, “10,000 Miles Along the Yangzi River” by Wang Hui: It is a 53-foot-long scroll showing the length of the Yangzi River with references to China’s culture and traditions. Another example: “A Thousand Li of Rivers and Mountains” by Wang Ximeng: This huge scroll reproduces the magnificent scenery of the mountains and rivers during the Northern Song Dynasty. It is known as one of the “Top ten Chinese Masterpieces”. 设计说明:学生通过深入思考,掌握画作的艺术特征和表现手法,并思考其他类似的中国画作,学会欣赏并保护中国艺术等文化遗产。 Assignment Surf on the Internet for more information about Chinese famous paintings. Choose one and make an introduction in 100 words. 设计说明:学生在课后自主搜索学习更多的中国画作,并仿照本课视频的方式来选择其中一幅画作进行介绍,实现知识的输出和语言运用能力的提升。