人教版(2019)选择性必修第三册 Unit 2 Healthy Lifestyle Project教学设计(表格式)


名称 人教版(2019)选择性必修第三册 Unit 2 Healthy Lifestyle Project教学设计(表格式)
格式 docx
文件大小 202.2KB
资源类型 教案
版本资源 人教版(2019)
科目 英语
更新时间 2024-04-06 06:18:04



学科 英语 年级 高二年级 学期 春季
课题 Project: Do a health survey
学生通过本课时的学习,能够: 综合运用与本单元健康话题相关的英语设计选择题型的问卷、进行调查研究。 用英语描述调查结果、对调查中发现的不良生活方式给出解决建议。
本项目活动(project)是做一项健康调查。学生以小组为单位制作和发放用英语写的调查问卷,收集关于同学生活方式的信息;之后对收集到的信息进行数据统计和分析;最后,用英语准备一个书面的调查报告,针对调查中发现的不良生活方式给出解决建议。 教学重点: 与本单元健康话题相关语言的综合运用; 根据调查结果撰写英语调查报告。 教学难点: 调查问卷中的问题设计。
Activity 1:Plan your survey PurposeTo find out how well your classmates are looking after their healthRespondents Your classmatesSample Size40 (the number of your classmates)TypeA Multiple-choice questionnaire
As we all know, a survey form is called a questionnaire which gives a list of questions of different types to gain useful information from the respondents. Four types of questions: Confirmation Questions, Multiple-choice Questions, Scale Questions, and Open-ended Questions. An example a multiple-choice question. How often do you skip meals A. Never B. Once a day C. Several times a week D. Others____ The respondents can choose one from the answers A, B, C, and D. They are also welcome to fill in the blank in option D. 设计说明:通过介绍调查问卷的基本设计要素,让学生明确本堂课调查问卷设计的目的、对象、数量以及形式等。 Activity 2:Make your survey 1. Brainstorm the questions for the questionnaire. Brainstorming plays a very important role for us to collect questions. (1)We think from two different aspects in this case, physical and mental. There are some ideas in Part 1 on P23 for your reference. For Physical Health Ask questions about what to eat and drink, such as staple foods, snacks, drinks and other substances,etc. Ask questions about what to do with one’s body, such as sitting, exercise, sleeping, etc. For Mental Health Ask questions about what people do in their spare time, such as reading, watching TV, using phone/internet, playing video games, etc. Ask questions about what people do to feel better when they are stressed, unhappy, or angry. Ask questions about what to do with one’s mind, such as learning new things for fun, doing creative activities. (2) Please make a list of questions that can probably be used in the survey. About diet habits: How often do you skip meals How often do you have fruit How often do you drink soft drinks that contain sugar How often do you have fried food Which of the following snacks do you like About exercise habits: How often do you do sports or exercise Usually, do you exercise alone or with a friend/family member What kinds of sports do you do regularly About sleeping habits: How many days do you sleep for 8 hours or more each week Do you feel it’s easy to fall asleep Do you use your mobile phone in bed What do you usually do before going to bed Do you feel sleepy in class About spare time: What do you spend most of your spare time doing How many hours do you play with your phone every weekend About emotion management: How often do you feel depressed What do you do when you feel stressed or depressed About social relationship: If you can choose, who would you rather spend time with 2. Learn about the Dos and Don’ts of Survey Questions Before you start designing the questionnaire. I would like to give you some tips. (1) Do be clear and specific in your questions: What do you usually do × What do you usually do in your spare time √ (2) Do be polite: Do you waste time playing with your phone × How many hours do you play with your phone every weekend √ (3) Don’t ask double-barrelled questions,i.e. two questions at once: Do you feel it’s easy to fall asleep and get up early × (4) Don’t ask irrelevant questions: Where did you grow up × (When you are finding out about health habits.) (5) Don’t include words that could be misunderstood: Do you do this frequently × (6) Don’t intrude on the respondent’s privacy: What’s your name × 3. Write down the questions to make your own questionnaire. Choose 15-20 questions you listed in the brainstorm, add options and make it a questionnaire. Apply Dos and Don'ts principles in your survey. Here is an example. How often do you skip meals A. Never B. once a day C. several times a week D. others____ An example of the questionnaire: To find out how well my classmates are looking after their health, I am conducting a survey on your health habits. It will take about 10 minutes to complete the following survey. Thank you very much! Part 1 1. How often do you skip meals A. Never B. Once a day C. Several times a week D. Other:________ 2. How often do you play sports or do exercise A. Never B. Once a day C. Several times a week D. Other:________ 3. How long do you sleep for every night A. Less than four hours B. Less than seven hours C. More than seven hours D. More than ten hours 4. How long do you spend sitting each day A. More than seven hours B. More than three hours C. Less than three hours D. Less than an hour 5. How often do you walk or run more than one kilometer A. Never B. Once a month C. Once a week D. Every day E. Other:________ 6. How much water do you drink everyday A. None B. One to two glasses C. Three to four glasses D. More than four glasses 7. How many kinds of fruits and vegetables do you eat each day A. None B. One to two C. Three to four D. More than four 8. What do you usually eat for a snack A. Sweets B. Fast food C. Bread D. Fruit E. Other:________ 9. Which of these activities do you do regularly A. Walking B. Running C. Swimming D. Cycling E. Other:________ Part 2 1. What do you spend most of your spare time doing A. Playing computer games B. On social media C. Reading D. Being outside E. Playing sports 2. How many hours are you looking at a screen for each day A. Less than one hour B. Less than two hours C. More than two hours D. Five hours or more 3. How often do you feel stressed A. Never B. Sometimes C. Often D. Very often E. Always 4. How often do you feel depressed A. Never B. Sometimes C. Often D. Very often E. Always 5. What do you do when you feel stressed A. Play games B. Talk to my family C. Hang out with friends D. Exercise E. Nothing 6. How often do you do something creative A. Never B. Once a month C. Once a week D. Every day 设计说明:通过头脑风暴、学习基本规则和设计选项这三个步骤,指导学生形成自己的个性化调查问卷。 Activity 3:Distribute the survey. There are several ways to distribute the survey. Print as many copies as you need or use online tools. To make it easier, online survey tools are encouraged to be used to help you make, distribute, and collect your questionnaires. Here is an example: https://www./ 设计说明:介绍常用的分发调查问卷的方式,并推荐学生使用网络软件制作、分发和收集问卷。 Activity 4:Analyse your survey results. Creating pie charts, bar charts are two common ways of summarizing data. Using online tools or creating them in Word, Excel or PPT would save you a lot of time. Take the one on P23 for example, it shows us that about 37% of students in your class never skip meals, 50% of them skip meals once a week, and 8% of them skip meals several times a week. 设计说明:通过示范,告知学生可以使用饼图,柱状图等分析调查问卷中收集的数据。 Activity 5:Prepare your report. 1. Find out the most common problems. After reading all the results, you will easily find the most common problems existing among your classmates. For mine, the most common problems are as the following: the students spent too much time in front of computer screens or phones. the students do not drink enough water everyday. the students often feel stressed. 2. Think of the solutions to these problems. Problem1: the students spent too much time in front of computer screens or phones. Solutions: keep track of screen time--aware of the time, take up a hobby Problem 2: the students do not drink enough water every day. Solutions: Carry a refillable water bottle, Refill the water bottle three times a day Problem 3: the students often feel stressed. Solutions: Exercise more, Talk to their friends, teachers and family members. 3. Form a report to give general recommendations Para 1: Introduction Para 2: Problem 1- solutions Para 3: Problem 2- solutions (Para 4: Conclusion) Example: This is the report for your reference: We asked our classmates a series of questions about their physical and mental health. They gave many different answers, but we found some common lifestyle problems in our results. A common problem is the time spent in front of computer screens or phones. We recommend keeping track of screen time by using a tracking app. When we are aware of the time we are spending, we are more likely to spend less time. We also recommend taking up a hobby that can be done instead of screen time.Another problem many students have is not drinking enough water. It is very important for your health, so we recommend carrying a refillable water bottle with you everywhere and filling it up at least three times a day. A common mental health problem is that students often feel stressed, which sometimes makes them depressed. We recommend exercise, not only because it is good for your physical health, but also because it is good for your mind. Exercising outside in the fresh air or even going for a walk can help calm your mind and make you feel less anxious or depressed. 设计说明:通过分析调查问卷的结果找出常见的健康问题,针对这些问题给出可行的解决方案,再根据调查报告的结构和常见的句式形成最后的报告。教师给出示范供学生参考。 Assignments 1. Finish your survey and prepare your survey report. 2. Finish the exercise on the worksheet. 设计说明:学生根据上课所学完成自己的问卷调查,分析调查结果并形成调查报告。