人教版(2019)选择性必修第三册 Unit 2 Healthy Lifestyle Video Time教学设计(表格式)


名称 人教版(2019)选择性必修第三册 Unit 2 Healthy Lifestyle Video Time教学设计(表格式)
格式 docx
文件大小 831.8KB
资源类型 教案
版本资源 人教版(2019)
科目 英语
更新时间 2024-04-06 06:21:48



学科 英语 年级 高二年级 学期 春季
课题 Did Laughter Evolve to Make Us Healthy
学生通过本课时的学习,能够: 1.通过观看视频,获取视频主要内容,了解大笑的积极作用; 2.了解不同领域专家从不同方面对“大笑”益处的阐释; 3.通过讨论,了解并包容国外对健康生活方式的研究和探索。
本视频介绍了大笑对人们身心健康的积极作用。大笑瑜伽活动能让人们缓解疼痛和抑郁。心脏病防预专家研究发现,大笑能扩张血管、改善血管状况,因而能增进健康,对身心有益。心理学和神经学专家提出大笑是人们的直觉语言,有利于沟通。 视频中的大笑瑜伽活动的场景和专家的讲述能拓展学生的视野,帮助学生了解国外对健康生活方式的研究和探索,懂得大笑对身心健康的作用。 教学重点:了解不同领域专家从不同方面对“大笑”益处的阐释;
Activity 1:Share your knowledge about laughter. What makes people laugh Jokes, puns, comedies, something fun and amusing. What can people benefit from laughter Happiness. 设计说明:让学生分享对“笑”的已有认知,是为激活学生的背景知识。 Activity 2:Get prepared for viewing Read the lead part on P24 and find out more benefits of laughter. Laughter is a natural medicine for preserving our health. It helps us to ease pain, feel good, keep the blood vessels healthy, and is good for our soul and heart. Look at the pictures below and answer the questions. What do you think these people are doing Are they singing, practicing laughter yoga or doing belly laughs A belly laugh: a deep hearty laugh, a loud, uncontrolled laugh. Laughter yoga (LY) : LY combines laughter exercises with yoga breathing techniques which brings more oxygen to our body and brain making us feel more energetic and healthy. Why do you think they are doing this? To amuse themselves To tell everyone how happy they are To reduce the likelihood of a heart attack or stroke(中风) Match the words with their meaning. self-preservation: protection of yourself cholesterol: a chemical substance found in your blood (胆固醇) instinctive language: the language you have without thinking or reasoning tease out sth.: succeed in obtaining sth. social context: social environment, interaction 设计说明:让学生根据视频的相关截屏预判细节信息,并学习关键生词的意思,目的是为第一次观看视频、完成相应练习做好准备。 Activity 3: Watch the video to check the answers. Watch the video for the first time to check the answers in Before You Watch. After watching it, check the answers. People in the pictures are doing belly laughs to reduce the likelihood of a heart attack or stroke. They feel happy and relaxed. 设计说明:让学生观看视频,目的是验证看前预判是否正确。 Activity 4: Watch the video for key information. Watch the video for the second time and fill in the blanks. ExpertsHow does laughter evolve to make us healthy Dr Alex Eingorn (Laughter Yoga Leader and Chiropractor)Laughter is one of the natural, built-in mechanisms(机制) that we have for self-preservation and health. Debra Corwin (Laughter Yoga Leader )Laughter Yoga is a way for people to use laughter to help them feel better, to ease pain and depression. It's a way to get into your inner child and it's a lot of fun.Dr Michael Miller ( Director of Centre for Preventative Cardiology — University of Maryland Medical Centre)Laughter not only makes us feel good but it has a direct effect on our blood vessels, which control the likelihood of us developing a heart attack or a stroke. Laughing on a regular basis is good for our soul and our heart.Dr Robert Provine (Professor of Psychology and Neuroscience)Laughter is a kind of instinctive language that exists before we learn to talk. It evolved to change the behavior of other individuals.
After watching it, check the answers. 3. Identify the speakers. Dr Alex Eingorn (Laughter Yoga Leader and Chiropractor /'ka ropr kt /脊椎指压治疗师;脊骨神经科医生) He practices laughter yoga with people and considers laughter as a mechanism for self-preservation and health. Debra Corwin (Laughter Yoga Leader) She practices laughter yoga and talks about the benefit brought by practicing Laughter Yoga. Dr Michael Miller (Director of Centre for Preventative Cardiology / kɑrd 'ɑl d i/防预心脏病学中心—University of Maryland Medical Centre) He tells us how laughter would affect our blood vessels and heart. And there is a logo of the Centre for Preventative Cardiology on his medical uniform. Dr Robert Provine (Professor of Psychology and Neuroscience心理学和神经科学) He focuses on the function of laughter in communication. 设计说明:让学生再次观看视频,目的是获取关键信息,了解不同领域专家从不同角度分析“笑”的益处。 Activity 5: Watch the video for more specific information. Watch and answer the following questions. What do adults not necessarily remember Adults don't necessarily remember how to have fun. How does laughter change our body When you have 5-10 minutes of laughter you can burn up to 40 calories. And laughter helps to opening up your blood vessels Why is laughing contagious(具有感染性) Laughter is a way of communication. When someone is laughing, we are more likely to laugh too. How do mothers and babies communicate through laughter A mother will tickle the baby and the baby will smile and laugh. And the mother will do more of that. If the baby does not like it, the baby will fuss or cry and the mother stops. Check the answers to the above questions. 设计说明:让学生最后一次观看视频,目的是获取细节信息,了解各位专家如何证明自己的观点。 Activity 6: Reflect on the benefits of laughter conveyed by the video. To conclude, how can we physically and mentally benefit from laughter Physically, laughing can help to relieve stress and tension in the body, reduce the likelihood of getting cholesterol diseases, boost the immune system, and improve circulation. It can also provide a workout for the muscles of the face, chest, and abdomen, and even burn a few calories. Mentally, laughing can help to reduce anxiety and depression, increase happiness and positive emotions, and improve overall mood. It can also help to build social connections and strengthen relationships, as it is often a shared experience that brings people together. What do you think of practicing laughter as a way to preserve your health Would you give it a try It seems to be embarrassing to practise laughing to preserve our health, as it has not been yet widely accepted in China. However, if we feel self-conscious about laughing, try to remind ourselves that laughter is a natural and positive expression of emotions. We might also try finding a supportive community or group that practices laughter exercises or activities, which can help us feel more comfortable and confident in laughing. Remember, laughter can have many benefits for your physical and mental health, so it's worth incorporating it into your life as much as possible, whether that means watching funny movies, spending time with loved ones who make you laugh, or trying out laughter exercises. 设计说明:作为视频的观后活动,本活动引导学生总结“大笑”各人们身体和精神上带来的益处,同时也鼓励学生打破固有的思维局限,尝试用“大笑”这种方式锻炼身体。 Assignment Explore: Besides laughter, what else evolves to make us mentally and physically healthy There are many other things that can help to promote health and well-being besides laughter. Here are a few examples: Exercise: Regular physical activity can help to improve cardiovascular health, boost mood and energy levels, and reduce the risk of chronic diseases such as diabetes, obesity, and heart disease. Healthy diet: Eating a balanced diet that is rich in whole foods such as fruits, vegetables, whole grains, lean proteins, and healthy fats can help to maintain a healthy weight, improve digestion, and reduce the risk of chronic diseases. Sleep: Getting enough restful sleep is essential for overall health and well-being. It can help to lower stress levels, improve cognitive function, and boost immune function. Social connections: Building and maintaining strong social connections can help to reduce feelings of loneliness and isolation, improve mental health and well being, and even reduce the risk of chronic diseases. Meditation and mindfulness: Practicing meditation and mindfulness can help to reduce stress and anxiety, improve focus and concentration, and promote a sense of calm and well-being. Finish the exercise on the worksheet. 设计说明:让学生思考除了“大笑”以外,其他可以促进人们身心健康的方式。目的是引导学生将本单元所学的内容联系自身生活,提高健康生活的意识,培养健康生活的习惯。