人教版(2019)选择性必修 第四册Unit 1 Science Fiction Reading and thinking Satisfaction Guaranteed教学设计(表格式)


名称 人教版(2019)选择性必修 第四册Unit 1 Science Fiction Reading and thinking Satisfaction Guaranteed教学设计(表格式)
格式 docx
文件大小 78.4KB
资源类型 教案
版本资源 人教版(2019)
科目 英语
更新时间 2024-04-06 10:35:22



新人教版英语选择性必修四 Unit 1 Science Fiction reading and thinking Satisfaction Guaranteed教学设计
“Satisfaction Guaranteed”选自新人教版高中英语选择性必修四第一单元,该课为阅读课,授课学段为高二年级。该课为科幻小说节选,主题语境上属于人与社会主题,探索人与机器人的关系。本节课是阅读课。因此,教学重点为通过阅读节选语篇训练学生的阅读理解能力,引导学生在故事情境中探索任务情感变化,辩证思维人机异同,发展思维。教学难点是如何在非连续性语篇中快速掌握篇章逻辑脉络,并合理开展想象,预测结局。在该阅读课中,教师要通过对预设问题的解决开展合作式学习、探究式学习来挖掘深层含义,让学生吃透文本,发展思维,帮助学生在梳理女主角情感变化的基础上,理解人机异同,引导学生结合语篇内容与自己的认知,对人类与机器人的关系展开初步探讨,落实英语学科核心素养。
Teaching Theme Satisfaction Guaranteed
Teaching Objectives
1. Figure out the development of the story and clarify the relationship between characters;
2. Predict the ending and find out how Claire’s emotion changed;
3. Summarize and comprehend the similarities and differences between a robot and a human-being;
4. Explore the relationship between human-beings and robots and the development of AI in the future.
Teaching Key & Difficult Point
Enable students to find out how Claire’s emotion changed and the relationship between human-beings and robots.
Teaching Method Task-based method Teaching Aid Multimedia, a robot
Steps Teachers Students Purpose
Lead-in Start the class with a robot performance and introduce the topic: robot. Watch the robot performance and get to know the topic of this class. To arouse students’ interest of robot
Pre-reading 1. Put forward 2 questions: ●How do robots already help humans in their lives today ●What do you think a domestic robot could do for a family 1. Provide some background information of the author and Three Laws of Robots. 2. Introduce the five elements of reading a story. Brainstorm and answer the questions and get some basic and related information of the author and the topic. To inspire Ss to find out the use of robots in daily life. To equip Ss with relevant background information
While-reading Read the story through analyzing the five elements one by one. 1. Setting Who: When: Where: What &why 2. Characters: Find out the relationship between characters. 3.Plot Claire_______ Tony. (beginning)Tony ________Claire. (development) Tony was unwilling to ______her. (climax) (Ending) 4.Conflict What is the conflict Encourage students to guess the ending] [Play the audio and show the ending part to students 5. Emotion change Q: Has Tony’s feeling towards Claire changed Then inspire students to analyze the similarities and differences between robots and human-beings. Language Point: more like A than B Read the story quickly to figure out the basic information of the story, the relationship between characters, and the plot. Try to find out the conflict of this story through group discussion. Clarify the emotion changes of Claire by filling in the blanks with the help of the handout. Discuss and explore whether Tony’s feeling towards Claire changed, thus to summarize the similarities and differences between robots and humans. To lead students get a comprehensive understanding of this story and find out the emotion changes, thus to enable students to understand that it is the real emotions that distinguishes human-beings and robots.
Post-reading Present a video clip of Chat-GPT to show the amazing power of AI, and inspire students to explore the 2 questions within groups. 1.How will the relationship between human beings and AI develop in the future 2.Will AI replace human-beings in the future Watch the video and try to have a glimpse of the amazing power of Chat-GPT and AI. Work in groups to make a further exploration of the relationship between human beings and AI in the future. To inspire students to understand the power of AI and have a critical thinking on the relationship between human-beings and AI.
Homework 1. Retell the story according to Claire’s feeling changes. 2. Prepare the text-based drama and present it next class. Clarify the emotion changes of Claire and retell it. Prepare and rehearse the drama. To enhance Ss’s understanding of the story.
Blackboard design Satisfaction Guaranteed Emotion changes: Rejective-Acceptant-Trusting- Proud- Attracted- Heart-broken
课后反思 通过授课过程及观看课后录像,总结本堂课有待提升的地方,如下: 1. 学生对于该话题语料积累较少,课堂输出时有一定难度,在以后有关科技类话题授课时,提前给学生准备相关语言素材,便于学生积累; 2. 各个环节之间的流畅性有待进一步提升; 3. 互动需更加流畅,要给予学生更加清晰易懂的提示与指导; 4. 问题设置的趣味性可改进,以鼓励更多学生主动参与到课堂中; 5. 个人口语表达能力及素养还有较大提升空间