【原创精优公开课】Unit 3 Where did you go PB let's talk课件+单元整体教案+动画素材(共40张PPT)


名称 【原创精优公开课】Unit 3 Where did you go PB let's talk课件+单元整体教案+动画素材(共40张PPT)
格式 zip
文件大小 151.7MB
资源类型 试卷
版本资源 人教版(PEP)
科目 英语
更新时间 2024-04-06 13:10:39


Where did you go
人教PEP 六年级下册
PB Let's talk
Unit 3

能理解对话内容, 能用-Where did you go -What did you do -How did you go 问答过去的假期等相关信息等等。
What did you do
I ______________.
ate fresh food
What did you do
I ______________.
went swimming
What did you do
I ______________.
took pictures
What did you do
I ______________.
bought gifts
1. What are they talking about
A. School. B. Holidays.
2. Who did Sarah buy gifts for
A. Amy and John. B. Wu Binbin and Amy.
Wu Binbin and Amy meet Sarah at school.
Listen and circle.
Let’s try
TIPS: 做此类题目, 先读题, 理解题目意图然后在听力过程中抓住重点,从而选出正确答案。
Amy: Hi, Sarah. How was your winter holiday
Sarah: Good! I went to Hangzhou.
Wu Binbin: Who did you go with
Sarah: My parents. We went to see the West Lake. I bought
some gifts. This is for you, Binbin! This is for you, Amy.
Amy and Binbin: Wow, thanks!
Listen and circle.
Let’s try
Listen and circle.
1. What are they talking about
A. School. B. Holidays.
2. Who did Sarah buy gifts for
A. Amy and John. B. Wu Binbin and Amy.
What are they talking about
Lead in
A. The winter holiday.
B. The summer holiday.
What are they talking about
Lead in
A. The winter holiday.
B. The summer holiday.
Here are some pictures of Amy’s trip.
What can you know from the pictures
Day 1
Day 3
Day 4
Day 2
What did Amy do on the first/second/ ... day
Look and guess
Day 1
Day 2
Day 3
Day 4
by plane
went swimming
took pictures
played balls
rode bikes
My family and I went to Sanya.
Where did you go over the winter holiday
Really Did you like it
Yes, it was so warm.
Hainan is far from here. How did you go there
We went there by plane.
She went to Sanya with her family.
1. Where did Amy go over her winter holiday
2. How did Amy go to Sanya
She went by plane.
How was the beach What did you do there
It was beautiful. I took lots of pictures and I also went swimming.
Sounds great! Can I see your pictures sometime
海滩, 沙滩
sometime: 某个时间, 某个时候, 副词。
sometimes: 频度副词, 有时
e.g. I will come to see you sometime.
e.g. I sometimes go to school by bus.
3.What did Amy do in Sanya
She took lots of pictures and went swimming.
How was the beach
It was beautiful.
Sarah: Where did you go over the winter holiday
Amy: My family and I went to Sanya.
Wu Binbin: Really Did you like it
Amy: Yes, it was so warm.
Sarah: Hainan is far from here. How did you go there
Amy: We went there by plane.
Wu Binbin: How was the beach
What did you do there
Amy: It was beautiful. I took lots of pictures,
and I also went swimming.
Sarah: Sounds great!
Can I see your pictures sometime
Amy: Sure.
How was the beach
Amy’s winter holiday
How did she go there
What did she do
Try to finish the mind map.
with her family
took lots of pictures
went swimming
It was beautiful.
by plane
( ) 1. Amy went to Sanya with her friend.
( ) 2. They went to Sanya by plane.
( ) 3. The weather in Sanya is cold.
( ) 4. The beach was very beautiful .
( ) 5. Amy took many pictures and went camping.
Read and tick or cross
Sarah: Where did you go over the winter holiday
Amy: My family and I went to Sanya.
Wu Binbin: Really Did you like it
Amy: Yes, it was so warm.
Sarah: Hainan is far from here. How did you go there
Amy: We went there by plane.
Wu Binbin: How was the beach
What did you do there
Amy: It was beautiful. I took lots of pictures,
and I also went swimming.
Sarah: Sounds great!
Can I see your pictures sometime
Amy: Sure.
Amy’s trip
Day 1
Day 2
Day 3
Day 4
Let me tell you about Amy’s winter holiday. On the first day, Amy … It was a long holiday. Amy enjoyed it very much.
Where did you go last winter holiday
I went to ...
... ...
How did you go there
I went there ...
What did you do there
I ...
Where did you go over your winter holiday
Who did you go with
How did you go there
What did you do
Words bank:
Beijing Dalian Qingdao Hainan
parents, friends,
by plane, by train, by car, ...
rode a horse went swimming
took pictures saw a film

Talk about your winter holiday
Think and say
(拼写, 意思, )
句型 ...
Let’s say
学习词汇:beach, far from, sometime;
学习句型:-Where did you go
-I went to ____.
-How did you go there
-I went there by____.
-What did you do -I +过去时+其他.
1. 听录音跟读let's talk 部分单词和句子。
2. 熟读并背诵talk部分。
3. 抄写talk部分对话一遍。
4. 和你同桌谈论假期,问清楚Where , How, What; 下节课做出汇报。
5. 完成配套练习
人教PEP六年级下册Unit 3 Where did you go
新课标 第一部分 单元教学设计总思路
本本单元是人教版英语(三年级起点)六年级下册第三单元,本单元学习的主题是“Where did you go”。本单元通过不同的场景,提供了表达过去的时间、去了哪里,乘坐什么交通工具的句型结构, 本单元的教学内容和学生的生活实际相关,在组织语言教学时要注重生活化,充分利用教材设定的情境开展活动,运用情境教学法、合作探究法等多种教学方法,帮助学生正确的表达所学语言。鼓励学生大胆说英语、编对话巩固所学知识。同时还要帮助学生自己巩固和归纳不规则动词的变化形式,培养学生的思维能力和记忆能力。本单元所需要掌握的词汇rode a horse, went camping went fishing, rode a bike, hurt my foot,went swimming, took pictures, ate fresh food, bought gifts等过去式短语,这些动词过去式的原形,在五、六年级的教材中已经学过。本单元所需要掌握的句型在前面的教材中没有集中涉及到,但是询问对方曾经做过哪些事情的句型What did you do ...在第二单元已经学过,这个句型的表达问本单元的教学打下了坚实的基础,本单元通过使用过去时态描述已经度过的假期,引导学生回顾交流自己的丰富多彩的假期生活,了解各地的风土人情,并在自己或他人遇到麻烦和困难时,用积极乐观的心态正确面对,学会安慰自己和他人。
围绕单元主题,深挖各课时话题。本单元要学习的核心词汇rode a horse, went camping went fishing, rode a bike, hurt my foot,went swimming, took pictures, ate fresh food, bought gifts等过去式短语 。在单元主题意义的引领下,以“Where did you go” 为主题,教师要注意设计生活化,充分利用教材已经设定的情境开展活动,帮助学生在合作学习中和任务型学习中正确表达所学句型。语篇核心词汇核心句型学习内容学习时长学习目标A learnrode a horse, went camping went fishing, rode a bike, hurt my footWhere did you go I went to ____.What did you do there I +过去时+其他学习5个过去式短语和一般过去时1课时学习核心词汇的音形义, 会用所学词汇和句型问答过去假期的相关情况A talkfell off, mule, could, till1.What happened 2. It looks like a mule! 3. Did you go to Turpan 4. They won't be ready till August.在情境中, 学会谈论过去发生的事情1课时理解对话,在语境中运用所学词汇和句型, B learnwent swimming, took pictures, ate fresh food, bought gifts,How was your summer holiday I was good.What did you do I +过去时+其他等询问过去某个假期等相关问题学习4个过去式单词或短语和一般过去时1课时学习核心词汇的音形义, 会用所学词汇和一般过去时谈论过去发生的事情等B talkbeach, far from, sometime-Where did you go -How did you go there -What did you do 在情境中, 学会表达过去的时间、去了哪里,乘坐什么交通工具的句型结构、1课时理解对话,在语境中运用所学词汇和句型。B Read and writebasket, part, licked, laughed Dad and I wanted to make her happy.Robin played the part of a dog. It was a bad day but also a good day!读课文,会根据课文完成课后练习, 完成听力任务 ,动词过去式的不规则变化。 1课时能够根据课文完成练习,学习听力题型和听力技巧,动词过去式的不规则变化等
新课标 第二部分 分课时教学设计【第 4 课时】
本节课是对话篇, 本课时的主题意义是通过吴斌斌和Amy在学校遇见Sarah,三人谈论寒假活动展开学习;学生在听力部分听取Sarah的寒假活动,她和父母去了杭州喜欢,还给吴斌斌和Amy买了礼物;接着在对话学习,Amy向Sarah和吴斌斌讲述了她寒假去海南的旅行,她和父母坐飞机去三亚度假,在那里拍了很多照片并游泳,三亚的气候宜人,沙滩非常漂亮。从而激发学生在真实的语言情境中来实际应用所学词汇和句型,检验学生对核心词句的掌握。让学生感知本节课句型的语义及语用情景。要求学生在语境中能熟练运用一般过去时,通过what, where, how等问答了解对方的假期时光,学会热爱生活,合理规划自己的假期活动。
核心素养教学目标 学习能力目标: 能在音频和图片语境的帮助下, 理解talk部分对话。运用句子Where did you go... 询问过去假期去了哪里 How did you go 询问交通方式What did you do 询问做了什么事情等相关问题语言知识目标:能在图片和文本语境的帮助下, 理解talk部分对话 熟练运用句型Where did you go... 询问过去假期去了哪里 How did you go 询问交通方式What did you do 询问做了什么事情等相关问题, 大胆说英语。思维能力目标: 能在教师引导下,能够运用所学句型谈论某个假期相关问题,能完成talk后部分说说寒假活动,并进行简单的问答。文化品格目标:通过游戏和小组合作等活动,学会与他人合作学习的能力2.了解英语的语言表达,体会不同的语言魅力,促进心智发展。
重点 能够熟读talk部分对话和情景表演并能通过游戏和小组活动巩固句型。
难点 能在正确的语境中熟练运用所学句子Where did you go... 询问过去假期去了哪里 How did you go 询问交通方式What did you do 询问做了什么事情等相关问题等
教学环节 教师活动 设计意图
Warm-up 播放Tell me about your holiday song. 由听唱活动引入学习话题。
Presentation and practice Game time:打印照片. 巩固词汇和句型Let’s try. Wu Binbin and Amy meet Sarah at school. Listen and circle. TIPS: 做此类题目, 先阅读题目, 搞清楚题目意图和选项内容,然后带着题目抓住重点信息,从而选出正确答案。Let’s try: 呈现听力文本, 边听边核对答案, 并讲解听力技巧。注意抓住重点信息.Lead in:What are they talking about 提出问题A. The winter holiday. B. The summer holiday.Presentation: 播放talk部分动画, 学生模仿跟读。Presentation: 观看动画后, 回答问题What are they talking about A. The winter holiday. B. The summer holiday.选出正确答案, 检测学生阅读能力。Presentation:Here are some pictures of Amy’s trip.What can you know from the pictures 引导学生观察图片, 大胆说一说。Presentation:分解呈现对话文本, 音频跟读, 模仿语音语调, 进一步理解课文, 根据课文提出问题解决问题, 边学边检查学生理解程度,对课文中的生难词beach, far from, sometime,和重点句型进行讲解-Where did you go -How did you go there -What did you do 帮助学生对课文理解。Answer the questions:根据课文回答问题Try to finish the mind map.Read and tick or crossPresentation:再次播放talk部分动画, 学生模仿跟读, 进一步熟悉课文。Listen and imitate:播放音频, 学生模仿跟读, 注意语音语调, 发音准确。Practice:1. 发音正确 2. 流利朗读3. 有感情的朗读Practice:Read and fill完成补充内容。Good memory: 根据课文补全对话,Let’s talk: 小组进行情景表演1. 流利地朗读。2. 流利地表演。3.有感情地表演Practice:Amy’s trip!Ask and answer: 呈现例子,先讲解句型, 依次从询问地点, 出行方式, 做了什么灯方面熟悉句型,练习对话.Practice:Talk about your winter holiday.给出文本框架, 学生两人一组进行问答I can say:要点回顾: 鼓励学生大胆说说自己今天所学, 学习要点是什么, 学生在回顾中加深记忆, 巩固所学。 话题导入Free talk在教师和同伴的帮助下,通过小组探讨对语篇中的语言、行为以及同伴的表现进行多元评价,并能提出自己的看法和建议音视频帮助学生理解课文课文精读, 语言点学习和运用引导学生积极参与互动和交流,学生能主动分享个人对该主题已有的知识、经验,教师根据需要调整提问教师观察学生完成任务的积极性和准确性,并及时予以指导和反馈,以评估此活动的有效度。小组合作教师创设情境,观察学生对此情境的兴趣和参与度。更好的掌握新授内容对话练习, 巩固单词和句型Play部分角色扮演要点回顾课堂练习
Summary and Homework Summary学习词汇:beach, far from, sometime;学习句型:-Where did you go -I went to ____.-How did you go there -I went there by____.-What did you do -I +过去时+其他.Homework1. 听录音跟读let's talk 部分单词和句子。 2. 熟读并背诵talk部分。3. 抄写talk部分对话一遍。4. 和你同桌谈论假期,问清楚Where , How, What; 下节课做出汇报。5. 完成配套练习 课堂总结对学习成果的巩固。
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