人教版(2019)必修 第一册Welcome Unit-Unit2知识回顾 &限制性定语从句(含答案)


名称 人教版(2019)必修 第一册Welcome Unit-Unit2知识回顾 &限制性定语从句(含答案)
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资源类型 教案
版本资源 人教版(2019)
科目 英语
更新时间 2024-04-06 16:39:06


限制性定语从句(关系代词)&必修第一册 WelcomeUnit-Unit2
目录 温习知识:温习知识(词汇,易错考点) 语法导航:温习语法知识 写作导航:温习重点写作 小试牛刀:核心单词语法填空+真题演练
Welcome Unit
1.anxious adj. 焦虑 的;不安的 用法: be anxious sb. =be worried/concerned about sb. 为某人担心 be anxious sth. 为某事忧虑 be anxious for… =be eager for/be keen on … be anxious (for sb.) to do sth. 渴望某人做某事 be anxious that… 渴望 ……(从句谓语用“should+动词原形” , should 可以省略) 拓展: n.焦虑;担心 adv. 焦虑地;不安地
annoyed adj.恼怒的; 生气的 用法: be/get annoyed with sb. be annoyed at/about/by sth. be annoyed to do be annoyed that…恼怒的是…… 拓展: adj.使恼怒的;使烦恼的 vt.使恼怒;使生气;打扰 n.恼怒,烦恼;使人烦恼的事
frightened adj.惊吓 的;害怕的 用法: be frightened of (doing) sth. 害怕某物/(做)某事 be frightened to do sth. 害怕做某事 be frightened to death be frightened that... 害怕...... 拓展: adj. 引起恐惧的;令人害怕的 v.使惊吓;使惊恐 n.惊吓,恐怖;使人惊吓的经历
impression n. 印象; 感想 用法: get/have a good/bad .impression of... leave/make/give a(n)...impression on sb. (be) under the impression that...
拓展: vt.使钦佩;给... 留下深刻的好印象; vi. 留下印象;引人注目 用法: impress sb. with sb./sth. 某人/某物给某人留下深刻的印象 be impressed with/by sth. It impresses sb. that....... 令某人敬佩的是....... impress sth./itself on one’s mind/memory 把某事铭记于心 impress sth. on/upon sb.= impress on/upon sb. sth. 使某人意识到某事 拓展: adj.令人赞叹的;令人敬佩的
concentrate vt.&vi. 集中(注意力) ;聚 精会神 用法: concentrate (sth.) on (doing) sth. 拓展: n.集中;专注;关注
explore vt.&vi.探索; 勘探 n.探索;勘探;探究 n.探险者;勘探者
confident adj. 自信 的;有把握的 拓展: n.信心;信任 用法: be/feel confident about … 对……有信心 be confident of (of) doing sth 对(做)某事有把握 be confident that … 确信…… have confidence in … 对……有信心 have confidence to do sth. 有信心做某事 with confidence 有把握地
curious adj.好奇的; 求知欲强的 拓展: n.好奇心;求知欲 adv.好奇地;奇怪地 用法: be curious about 对 …感到好奇 be curious to do sth 对做某事感到好奇 It is/was curious that … ……不寻常
personality n.性格; 个性 n.人;个人 adj.个人的;私人的
1.He got (annoy) with the (annoy) flies flying around him when he was reading a
2.Music seems to quiet her (anxious) and loneliness.
3.On arriving at the tea house, the foreign students were (impress) by the unique tea pots and tea
4.We had lots of fun at Mary’s party last Sunday and it was an (impress) memory.
5.With his diligence and (concentrate) , he is bound to succeed in entering his ideal university.
6.By giving kids a lot of praise, parents think they’rebuilding their children’s (confident) , when, in
fact, it may be just the opposite.
7.After you complete the (register) , you may begin working on the project.
8.The twins have the same look but they have different (personal) .
9.In order to make further progress in the field of science, we should be curious everything around. 10.A sudden stop can be a very (frighten) experience, especially if you are travelling at a high
11.Helen was to death when she saw the scene. She hid herself in the corner,
shaking with . (frighten)
12. by the highly accomplished , the new was supposed to have consumers(消费者) beating a path to our door (design).
1 Teenage Life
volunteer n. 志愿 者 vt. & vi. 自愿去 做 用法: volunteer to do sth. 志愿做某事 volunteer for... 自愿为 …服务 拓展: adj. 自愿的 adv. 自愿地,主动地
prefer vt.较喜欢; 更喜欢 n. 喜好;偏爱 have a preference for... 偏爱…… 用法: prefer A to B prefer (doing) sth. prefer (doing) sth. to (doing) sth. prefer (sb) to do sth. prefer to do ... rather than do ...=would do... rather do...=would rather do...than do...
actually adj. 事 实 上;的确;实际上 拓展: adj. 实际的,真实的 实际,真实;现实情况,事实
confusing adj. 难以理解的,不清 楚的 拓展: vt. 使糊涂,使迷惑;混淆;使更难于理解 adj. 糊涂的,迷惑的 n. 困惑;混淆;困窘;混乱局面
fluent adj.流利, 文字流畅;通畅的 用法: be fluent in 在…… (方面)流利/熟练 拓展: adv. 流利地;流畅地 . (尤指外语)流利,流畅;熟练 自如
graduate v.获得学 位,大学毕业;毕 业 n.大学毕业生; 毕业生 用法: graduate ... 毕业于…… (学校) graduate … 于 … (专业) 毕业;毕业典礼 after graduation 毕业后
recommend vt. 推 荐;介绍;劝告; 用法: recommend sb./sth.to sb. recommend sb. as/for. 把某人/某物推荐给某人 推人任... (职务) /到... (岗位)
建议 recommend sth. 建议做某事 recommend sb. to do sth. 建议某人做某事 recommend that...(should) do... 建议 …(虚拟语气) 扩展: n. 正式建议,提议;推荐信;推荐,介绍
advanced adj.先进 的;高级的,高等 的 拓展: n 前进;进展,进步 v.发展,进步 in advance(= ahead of time/schedule)预先,事先 in advance of... (时间上)在 …之前;(发展上)超越 方面取得进展
obviously adv. 显 然,明显地;显而 易见 拓展: adj 明显的,显然的,易理解的;公认的 It is obvious(to sb. )that(对人来说,)显然
quit vi. &n.停止, 戒掉, 离开(工作 职位,学校等), 离任,离校;搬离 (住处) 用法: 停止(做)某事 quit one’s job 离职 quit school 退学 quit as 辞去 …职务
responsible adj.负 责的,有责任的; 成为起因的 用法: be responsible for … 是引起 … 的原因 拓展: 责任;职责,义务
a sense of responsibility take/have responsibility for.. take on responsibilities 责任感 对 … 责/有责任 承担责任
solution n.解决 办法,处理手段 用法: a solution to (doing) sth … … … 的解决办法 想出/找到/寻找解决方法
practise vt.&vi. 练 习,训练;经常做; 从事 用法: practise sth. 练习做某事 practice as… 从事…… (职业) 拓展: practice n. 实践; 惯例;习惯;训练;练习;风俗;惯常做的事 in practice 实际上,事实上 put …into practice 把……付诸实践 adj. 熟练的,老练的 adj. 实际的,真实的;切实可行的
1. Once you are (confidence) about yourself, problems are just stepping stones to success.
2. After (graduate) from a junior middle school, he was lucky to be admitted to a key senior high
3.They thought for a long time ,but still couldn't think of a (solve).
4. We come together because we share interests and (responsible).
5.From his look, I can say this is a situation for him.(confuse)
6. He speaks English well indeed, but of course not as (fluent) as a native speaker does.
7.The character was (obvious) wrong but he didn't pick it out, which suggested how careless he was.
8.The course isn't designed for beginners, but suitable for (advance) learners.
9.Though brought up in the US, I would choose Chinese food in (prefer) to western food.
10.The soldier preferred (die) rather than give in.
11.My parents are well content (live) in the country.
12.I do (actual) think that things have improved.
13.The guidelines also recommend that theatergoers (wear) facial masks during shows.
14.I know it's hard to understand and it's (confuse)
15. China is doing well, much better than the West, and it is clear and (obviously).
16."The app is a useful tool for tourists to make holiday plans," said Li Chaoyi, a high school
(graduate) in Taiyuan, capital city of the province.
Unit 2 Travelling around
apply vi 申请;请求; vt 应用;使用 vt. 勤 奋工作;努力学习 v. 适合,适用;有关, 涉 及 vt.涂,敷,施 用法: apply (to…) … (向 … )申请 … apply to do sth. 申请做某事 apply sth. to sth./ doing sth. 将某物应用到某物/ 做某事上 be applied to … 应用于······
apply sth. to sth. 拓展: 把某物涂在某物上 n. 申请(表);应用;涂抹;应用程序 n. 申请人 adj. 应用的;实用的
amazing adj .令人 惊奇的;令人惊喜 的 用法: be amazed at/by/that... 对………感到惊讶 be amazed to do sth.惊讶地做某事to one's amazement令某人惊讶的是in amazement惊讶地
拓展: vt.使惊奇,使惊愕 n.[U]惊奇,惊愕,惊诧 adj. 惊奇的,惊喜的
arrangement n .安 排,筹备;布置, 安排方式;商定, 约定 用法: (为…)作安排 arrive at/come to/conclude an arrangement(with sb.) (与某人)谈妥/达成协议 拓展: arrange vi.&t. 安排,筹备;整理,布置 arrange sth/that... 安排某事/ …
arrange to do sth. arrange for sb./sth. to do sth. 安排做某事 安排某人/某物做某事
powerful adj. 有 权势的,有影响力 的;强有力的;效 力大的;强壮的 拓展: n.控制力;统治;能力;权力;能量;电力供应 adj. 无影响力的;无权的;无能为力的
take control of 控制,支配,操纵 用法: get/ lose control over… 对 …控制/失去控制
gain control over oneself out of control 克制住自己 无法控制 不受控制 处在控制之下
recognize vt. 辨别 出;认出 vt. 承认; 意识到; (正式) 认可;公认 用法: recognize sb./sth. by/from … 通过 ……/从……认出某人/某物 recognize… to be/as.承认认为.....是.....be recognized as …被认为是..... ;被公认为 … … .recognize that/wh-从句承认/意识到 …It is recognized that …人们公认/意识到 … .
拓展: adj.容易认出的,易于识别的 n. 认识;承认;认可
admire vt. 钦佩; 赞赏 用法: admire sb./sth. for sth. 因某事钦佩/赞赏某人/某物 admire sb. for doing sth. 赞赏某人做某事 拓展: n. 钦佩者,赞赏者;追求者,爱慕者 adj. 可钦佩的;值得赞赏的;令人羡慕的 n.[U] 钦佩;赞赏
contact vt. 联络; 联系 n. 联系,接触 用法: 与......保持联系 lose contact with 与......失去联系 get into/make contact with … 与......取得联系
check vt.检查;核 对 用法: 查明,结账离开 (在旅馆,机场等)登记;报到
request n.要求,请 求 vt. 请求,要 求 用法: make a request for 提出要求
at one’s request=at the request of sb. by request request sb. to do sth. request sth. from sb. 应某人的请求 应邀 要求某人做某事 向某人要求某物
unbelievable adj. 难 拓展: believable adj. 可相信的
以置信的,惊人的 n. 信心,信仰,相信 v. 相信,看作,认定
beyond belief believe sb. believe in sb. 难以置信地 相信某人(所说的话) 相信某人
comment n. 评论, 议论 v. 发表意见 评论 用法: make comments/ a comment on/about … make a comment that … comment that … comment on/upon … 对 …发表评论 对 …发表评论 评论 … 评论 …
1.His (apply)for membership of the club was rejected.
2.To her , we were not at her deed.(amaze)
3.I can't afford the time to go travelling with you. I have to make (arrange) for the art exhibition next
4.Ann had changed so much that I could hardly her; she had changed beyond .(recognise)
5. My luggage should arrive on the next (fly).
6.More than one thousand people were killed when a (power)earthquake struck Western Indonesia at
the end of September.
7. The talks will focus on (economy) development of the region.
8. Mandarin is the (office) language of China.
9. His achievement earned him respect and (admire).
10. Some of these chemicals are (extreme)dangerous.
在复合句中, 修饰名词或代词的从句叫定语从句。被定语从句修饰的词叫先行词, 引导定语从句的词叫
关系词,关系词有两种: 关系代词 who,whom,whose, that,which,as 和关系副词 when,where, why.
关系代词 3 个作用: 1)连接作用 2)替代作用 3)在从句中充当成分:作主语/宾语/表语/定语。
如下图所示: 先行词 + 关系词 + 定语从句
↓ ↓ ↓
Two thirds of the people who lived there were dead or injured.
关系代词 指代 在从句中的成分
that 人/物 主语/宾语/表语
which 物 主语/宾语/表语
who 人 主语/宾语/表语
whom 人 宾语
whose 人/物 定语
(一)that 和 which
1.用 that,不用 which 的情况 ①当先行词为不定代词: everything,anything,nothing, all, any, much, many, some, few, little, none 等或当先行 词 被 no, some, any, all, much, little 等词修饰时,只 能用 that。 To get the job started, all I need is your permission.要 开始工作,我所需要的是你的许可。 Is there anything I can do for you 有什么要我做的事 吗 He answered few questions were asked by the reporters.他几乎没有回答记者提问的问题。
②当先行词被 the only, the very, the same 等词修饰时。 That’s the only thing we can do now This is the very pen I am looking for. 这正是我找的 钢笔。
③当先行词被序数词、形容 词最高级修饰时。 This was one of the most interesting books were sold in this book store.这是这家书店售出的最有趣的书之一。 The first thing should be done is to get some food.该 做的第一件事是弄点吃的。
④当先行词中同时包括人 和物时。 I’m going to talk about the countries and people I have visited.我要谈论一下我访问的国家和人民。
⑤当要避免与疑问词which 重复时。 Which is the T-shirt fits me most 那件体恤衫最适合我?
2.用 which,不 用 that 的情况 ①在非限制性定语从句中 Football, is an interesting game, is played all over the world.全世界都踢足球,它是有趣的运动。
②介词提前时,不用 that, This is the room my father lived last year.
而用 which,介词不提前时, 用 that 和 which 都可。 = This is the room my father lived in last year. 这是 我父亲去年居住过的房子。
(二) the same…as…和 the same…that …
①the same…as…表示“ 类似 的一 个,而不是同一个” (相似性) ②the same…that…表示“ 同一个 ” (同一性) I have bought the same watch you have. 我买了一块和你的一样的手表。(相似的,非同一个) This is the same watch I lost. 这就是我丢的那块手表。(同一个)
1.关系代词的 省略 关系代词做宾语时, 在限制 性定语从句中可省略, 在非 限制性定语从句中不省略。 Hangzhou is a beautiful city I always want to visit. (在 限制性定语从句中作 visit 的宾语,可以省略) 杭州是我总想参观的一个美丽城市。 Hangzhou , I visited last week, is a beautiful city.(在 非限制性定语从句中作 visited 的宾语,不可省略) 杭州是一个 美丽的城市,我上周去参观过。
2.从句中代词 的重复多余 定语从句中的引导词指代 先行词, 从句中不能再出现 指代该先行词的代词。 The book that I read it yesterday is very interesting. ( × ) The book that I read yesterday is very interesting. ( √ ) 我昨天读的那本书很有趣。
3.what 不引导 定语从句 定语从句中有关系代词 that 和 which 而没有 what ,what 可以引导名词性从句。 All we need is a supply of oil. (that 引导定语从句, 修饰先行词 all) we need is a supply of oil. (what 引导主语从句) 我们需要的是石油供应。
4.that 不 引 导 非限制性定 语从句(用逗 号隔开) 在非限制性定语从句, 不能 用关系代词 that。如果指代 “人” ,用 who/ whom,指代 “物” ,用 which。 The basketball star, tried to make a comeback, attracted lots of attention. 这位打算复出的篮球明星引起了很多 关注。 He has become a doctor, he wanted to be. 他成为了一名医生,这是他以前一直梦想的。
5.whose+n. = the+n +of which =of which+the+n. 名词之前必须有 the。 I live in the room window/the window of which / of which the window faces south.我住在窗子朝南开的房间里。
6. 定语从句中的主谓一致: 关系代词在定语从句中做主语时,从句谓语 通常与先行词在人称和数上保持一致。 注意:当先行词为“oneof +复数名词”时定 语从句的谓语动词用复数形式;当先行词为 He is a good student who to help others. 他是一个乐于助人的好学生。 They are good students who to help others. 他们是乐于助人的好学生。 He is one of the students who praised.
) (
“the(only/very)oneof+ 复数名词 ”时定语 从句的谓语动词用单数形式。 他是一个受到表扬的学生之一。 He is the one/ the only one of the students who praised. 他是唯一一个受到表扬的学生。
) This is the boy with he talked. This is the ring on she spent 1000 dollars.
. . 用 whom,指物只用 which
1.He must begin at the bottom. 千里之行,始于足下。
2.He laughs best . 谁笑到最后,谁笑得最美。
3.Nothing is too difficult to the man . 世上无难事,只要肯登攀。
4.God helps those . 自助者天助之。
5.Not all is gold. 闪光的不都是金子。
1.She never gives in to those have money.
2.This is the best film has been shown so far in the city.
3.February is the only month has fewer than 30 days.
4.My son made notes of everything he read.
5.Will you show me the girl name is Wei Fang
6.Please pass me the book is lying on the table.
7.My grandparents like stories endings are happy.
8.Yuan Longping is a Chinese rice scientist is leading a search to develop“sea rice”.
9.The teacher I like best often encourages me to fight for my dream.
10.Children diet is high in fat will gain weight quickly.
Good morning, everyone! my opinions what to learn in
senior high school with you.
日 , we’ll experience a challenging life. First of all,
the learning methods you and . As for
me, I methods to achieve my goals and
benefited me a lot. What’s more, we should others. Not only teachers,but also
classmates, .
Last but not least, my advice after-class
activities, which can .
No pains, no gains. Hope you have a colorful and fruitful life here.
大家早上好! 我很荣幸能在这里和你分享一下我对高中学习的看法。
在未来的三年里,我们将经历一个充满挑战的生活。首先, 找出适合自己的学习方法和养成良好的学 习习惯是非常重要的。至于我,我 曾经尝试有效实现我的目标的方法和预习和课后复习所教的真地使我受
益。此外,我们应该与他人和谐相处。我们 不仅应该尊敬老师,而且 我们也应该对同学友善(友好/真诚),
这对营造和谐的氛围很有帮助(定语从句)。最后但并非最不重要的, 我的建议是, 你应该 发展一些爱好或参
Dear Chris,
I’m writing to tell you that this Saturday. our class, I
sincerely .
We will gather at the school gate and at 8:00 am. The bus will our transportation. We
will and enjoy our picnic lunch there, so please
you lunch. At about 2:00 pm ,we will and at
about 5.00pm. You may and an umbrella or a raincoat is also
necessary . Please .
Your participation can surely our trip and we are all looking forward
your coming.
我们将在校门口集合,8:00 出发。公共汽车将 作为我们的交通工具。我们将登上山顶, 在那里享受我们 的野餐午餐,所以请带上一些食物作为午餐。下午 2 点左右,我们将沿着另一条路下山,下午 5 点左右返 回学校。你可以带着相机来记录美丽的风景,雨伞或雨衣也是必要的 以防你遇上雨。请 抽出一点时间来参
您的参与一定会为我们的旅行增添欢乐,我们都 期待着您的到来。

Today was my first school day in senior high school. I was a little anxious because wanted to make a good first (impress) on others. In the morning, I had my first maths class. I found it was difficult, worried me a lot. (lucky), the teacher and most classmates were kind friendly. The teacher even told a funny story, making everyone laugh. In the afternoon, we had interesting chemistry class in the newly-built lab. However, a guy beside me always tried to talk to me. What he did stopped
me from (concentrate) on the interesting experiment, and all that (annoy) me greatly.
By the end of the day, my worry isappear). I no longer felt awkward or (frighten).
Instead, I began to feel lot more confident. I believe I can make many new friends and live a wonderful life

Adam is a freshman at senior high school.__ 1._(go) from junior high school to senior high school is __2.__ really big challenge to him. The first week was a little confusing. First, he had to think very carefully about which courses he wanted to take.__3._ the help of the school __4.__(advise) he chose the suitable ones. Chinese is a very difficult language, __5._ he hopes to be fluent when he graduates. As for extra-curricular __6._(activity), he tried to join the school football team, but the coach refused because of his poor performance.__7.__(obvious), he was unhappy ,but he won’t quit. He joined a volunteer club instead. Every Wednesday, he works at a soup kitchen and __8._(hand) out food to homeless people in the community. He is happy to be here, though he is worried about keeping up with the other students in his __9._(advance) course and it’ll be quite difficult __ 10.__(get) used to all
the homework. He will be well prepared for university or whatever else comes in the future.

Xu Xiuzhen, a 75-year-old lady, has been acting as at our guide for over 20 years in Yangshuo ,
Guilin,1. is a city known both in China and abroad for its beautiful landscape. 2. she attended only primary school when she was young, she can now speak approximately 1l foreign languages 3. (fluent).Since 20 years ago, tourists 4. (show) affection for Yangshuo,including a great many foreigners. In order to make a 5. (live),Xu Xiuzhen began to sell water. However, she could hardly make any money at first because foreigners didn't understand her accent. She tried to imitate the 6. (pronounce) of the foreigners, take notes and learn them 7. heart. If she came across tourists who could speak both Chinese and a foreign language, she would ask them to translate their words many times so that she could remember them 8. (well).It is in this way that the old granny masters 11 languages, such as English, French, Russian, ROK. Now, she has no difficulty at all 9. (communicate) with foreign friends in simple
oral English. She is also 10. (refer) to as Mama Moon for her kindness among tourists.
2023 年普通高等学校招生全国统一考试(新高考全国Ⅰ卷)
阅读下面短文,在空白处填入 1 个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。
Xiao long bao (soup dumplings), those amazing constructions of delicate dumpling wrappers, encasing hot, 36 (taste) soup and sweet, fresh meat, are far and away my favorite Chinese street food. The dumplings arrive steaming and dangerously hot. To eat one, you have to decide whether 37 (bite) a small hole in it first, releasing the stream and risking a spill (溢出), 38 to put the whole dumpling in your mouth, letting the hot soup explode on your tongue. Shanghai maybe the 39 (recognize) home of the soup dumplings but food
historians will actually point you to the neighboring canal town of Nanxiang as Xiao long hao’s birthplace. There you
will find them prepared differently- more dumpling and less soup, and the wrappers are pressed 40 hand rather than rolled. Nanxiang aside, the best Xiao long bao have a fine skin, allowing them 41 (lift) out of the steamer basket without allowing them tearing or spilling any of 42 (they) contents. The meat should be
fresh with 43 touch of sweetness and the soup hot, clear and delicious.
No matter where I buy them, one steamer is 44 (rare) enough, yet two seems greedy, so I am always
left 45 (want) more next time.限制性定语从句(关系代词)&必修第一册 WelcomeUnit-Unit2
目录 温习知识:温习知识(词汇,易错考点) 语法导航:温习语法知识 写作导航:温习重点写作 小试牛刀:核心单词语法填空+真题演练
Welcome Unit
1.anxious adj. 焦虑 的;不安的 用法: be anxious for sb. =be worried/concerned about sb. 为某人担心 be anxious about sth. 为某事忧虑 be anxious for… =be eager for/be keen on… 渴望…… be anxious (for sb.) to do sth. 渴望某人做某事 be anxious that… 渴望 ……(从句谓语用“should+动词原形” , should 可以省略) 拓展: anxiety n.焦虑;担心 anxiously adv. 焦虑地;不安地
annoyed adj.恼怒的; 生气的 用法: be/get annoyed with sb. 生某人的气 be annoyed at/about/by sth. 因某事生气 be annoyed to do 因做 … … .而感到生气 be annoyed that…恼怒的是…… 拓展: annoying adj.使恼怒的;使烦恼的 annoy vt.使恼怒;使生气;打扰 annoyance n.恼怒,烦恼;使人烦恼的事
frightened adj.惊吓 的;害怕的 用法: be frightened of (doing) sth. 害怕某物/(做)某事 be frightened to do sth. 害怕做某事 be frightened to death 怕得要死 be frightened that... 害怕...... 拓展: frightening adj. 引起恐惧的;令人害怕的 frighten v.使惊吓;使惊恐 fright n.惊吓,恐怖;使人惊吓的经历
impression n. 印象; 感想 用法: get/have a good/bad .impression of... 对 … 的印象好/不好 leave/make/give a(n)...impression on sb. 给某人留下 … … . 的印象;对某人有......影响/
起......作用 (be) under the impression that... 以为 ……, (通常指)误认为...... 拓展: impress vt.使钦佩;给... 留下深刻的好印象; vi. 留下印象;引人注目 用法: impress sb. with sb./sth. 某人/某物给某人留下深刻的印象 be impressed with/by sth. 对...... 印象深刻 It impresses sb. that....... 令某人敬佩的是....... impress sth./itself on one’s mind/memory 把某事铭记于心 impress sth. on/upon sb.= impress on/upon sb. sth. 使某人意识到某事 拓展: impressive adj.令人赞叹的;令人敬佩的
concentrate vt.&vi. 集中(注意力) ;聚 精会神 用法: concentrate (sth.) on (doing) sth. 专注于(做)某事 拓展: concentration n.集中;专注;关注
explore vt.&vi.探索; 勘探 exploration n.探索;勘探;探究 explorer n.探险者;勘探者
confident adj. 自信 的;有把握的 拓展: confidence n.信心;信任 用法: be/feel confident about … 对……有信心 be confident of (of) doing sth 对(做)某事有把握 be confident that … 确信…… have confidence in … 对……有信心 have confidence to do sth. 有信心做某事 with confidence 有把握地
curious adj.好奇的; 求知欲强的 拓展: curiosity n.好奇心;求知欲 curiously adv.好奇地;奇怪地 用法: be curious about 对 …感到好奇 be curious to do sth 对做某事感到好奇 It is/was curious that … ……不寻常
personality n.性格; 个性 person n.人;个人 personal adj.个人的;私人的
1.He got (annoy) with the (annoy) flies flying around him when he was reading a
2.Music seems to quiet her (anxious) and loneliness.
3.On arriving at the tea house, the foreign students were (impress) by the unique tea pots and tea
4.We had lots of fun at Mary’s party last Sunday and it was an (impress) memory.
5.With his diligence and (concentrate) , he is bound to succeed in entering his ideal university.
6.By giving kids a lot of praise, parents think they’rebuilding their children’s (confident) , when, in
fact, it may be just the opposite.
7.After you complete the (register) , you may begin working on the project.
8.The twins have the same look but they have different (personal) .
9.In order to make further progress in the field of science, we should be curious everything around. 10.A sudden stop can be a very (frighten) experience, especially if you are travelling at a high
11.Helen was to death when she saw the scene. She hid herself in the corner,
shaking with . (frighten)
12. by the highly accomplished , the new was supposed to have consumers(消费者) beating a path to our door (design).
1. annoyed annoying 2.anxiety3. impressed 4. impressive5.concentration 6.confidence 7.registration
8.personalities 9.about 10. frightening11.frightened frightening fright 12.Designed designer design
1 Teenage Life
volunteer n. 志愿 者 vt. & vi. 自愿去 做 用法: volunteer to do sth. 志愿做某事 volunteer for... 自愿为 …服务 拓展: voluntary adj. 自愿的 voluntarily adv. 自愿地,主动地
prefer vt.较喜欢; 更喜欢 preference n. 喜好;偏爱 have a preference for... 偏爱…… 用法: prefer A to B 喜欢 A 多于 B prefer (doing) sth. 更喜欢/宁愿…… prefer (doing) sth. to (doing) sth.喜欢……而不喜欢……prefer (sb) to do sth.宁愿(某人)做某事
prefer to do ... rather than do ...=would do... rather do...=would rather do...than do... 宁愿 做 …而不愿做 …
actually adj. 事 实 上;的确;实际上 拓展: actual adj. 实际的,真实的 actuality 实际,真实;现实情况,事实
confusing adj. 难以理解的,不清 楚的 拓展: confuse vt. 使糊涂,使迷惑;混淆;使更难于理解 confused adj. 糊涂的,迷惑的 confusion n. 困惑;混淆;困窘;混乱局面
fluent adj.流利, 文字流畅;通畅的 用法: be fluent in 在…… (方面)流利/熟练 拓展: fluently adv. 流利地;流畅地 fluency. (尤指外语)流利,流畅;熟练自如
graduate v.获得学 位,大学毕业;毕 用法: graduate from... 毕业于…… (学校) graduate in … 于 … (专业)
业 n.大学毕业生; 毕业生 graduation 毕业;毕业典礼 after graduation 毕业后
recommend vt. 推 荐;介绍;劝告; 建议 用法: recommend sb./sth.to sb. recommend sb. as/for. recommend doing sth. recommend sb. to do sth. recommend that...(should) do... 扩展: recommendation 把某人/某物推荐给某人 推人任... (职务) /到... (岗位) 建议做某事 建议某人做某事 建议 …(虚拟语气) n. 正式建议,提议;推荐信;推荐,介绍
advanced adj.先进 的;高级的,高等 的 拓展:advance n 前进;进展,进步 v.发展,进步 in advance(= ahead of time/schedule)预先,事先 in advance of... (时间上)在 …之前;(发展上)超越 make an advance/advances in.…=make progress in 方面取得进展
obviously adv. 显 然,明显地;显而 易见 拓展: obvious adj 明显的,显然的,易理解的;公认的 It is obvious(to sb. )that(对人来说,)显然
quit vi. &n.停止, 戒掉, 离开(工作 职位,学校等), 离任,离校;搬离 (住处) 用法: quit (doing)sth 停止(做)某事 quit one’s job 离职 quit school 退学 quit as 辞去 …职务
responsible adj.负 责的,有责任的; 成为起因的 用法: be responsible for … 拓展: responsibility a sense of responsibility take/have responsibility for.. take on responsibilities 是引起 … 的原因 责任;职责,义务 责任感 对 … 责/有责任 承担责任
solution n.解决 办法,处理手段 用法: a solution to (doing) sth … … come up with/find/seek a solution … 的解决办法 想出/找到/寻找解决方法
practise vt.&vi. 练 习,训练;经常做; 从事 用法: practise doing sth. 练习做某事 practice as… 从事…… (职业) 拓展: practice n. 实践; 惯例;习惯;训练;练习;风俗;惯常做的事 in practice 实际上,事实上 put …into practice 把……付诸实践 practiced adj. 熟练的,老练的 practical adj. 实际的,真实的;切实可行的
1. Once you are (confidence) about yourself, problems are just stepping stones to success.
2. After (graduate) from a junior middle school, he was lucky to be admitted to a key senior high
3.They thought for a long time ,but still couldn't think of a (solve).
4. We come together because we share interests and (responsible).
5.From his look, I can say this is a situation for him.(confuse)
6. He speaks English well indeed, but of course not as (fluent) as a native speaker does.
7.The character was (obvious) wrong but he didn't pick it out, which suggested how careless he was.
8.The course isn't designed for beginners, but suitable for (advance) learners.
9.Though brought up in the US, I would choose Chinese food in (prefer) to western food.
10.The soldier preferred (die) rather than give in.
11.My parents are well content (live) in the country.
12.I do (actual) think that things have improved.
13.The guidelines also recommend that theatergoers (wear) facial masks during shows.
14.I know it's hard to understand and it's (confuse)
15. China is doing well, much better than the West, and it is clear and (obviously).
16."The app is a useful tool for tourists to make holiday plans," said Li Chaoyi, a high school
(graduate) in Taiyuan, capital city of the province.
1.confident 2.graduation/graduating3.solution 4.responsibility 5.confused; confusing6.fluently 7.obviously
8.advanced 9.preference 10.to die 11.to live 12.actually 13.wear 14.confusing 15.obvious 16.graduate
Unit 2 Travelling around
apply vi 申请;请求; vt 应用;使用 vt. 勤 奋工作;努力学习 v. 适合,适用;有关, 涉 及 vt.涂,敷,施 用法: apply (to…) for … (向 … )申请 … apply to do sth. 申请做某事 apply sth. to sth./ doing sth. 将某物应用到某物/ 做某事上
be applied to … apply sth. to sth. 拓展: application applicant applied 应用于······ 把某物涂在某物上 n. 申请(表);应用;涂抹;应用程序 n. 申请人 adj. 应用的;实用的
amazing adj .令人 惊奇的;令人惊喜 的 用法: be amazed at/by/that... 对………感到惊讶 be amazed to do sth.惊讶地做某事to one's amazement令某人惊讶的是in amazement惊讶地
拓展: amaze vt.使惊奇,使惊愕 amazement n.[U]惊奇,惊愕,惊诧
amazed adj. 惊奇的,惊喜的
arrangement n .安 排,筹备;布置, 安排方式;商定, 约定 用法: make an arrangement/arrangements (for..) (为…)作安排 arrive at/come to/conclude an arrangement(with sb.) (与某人)谈妥/达成协议 拓展: arrange vi.&t. 安排,筹备;整理,布置 arrange sth/that...安排某事/ …arrange to do sth.安排做某事arrange for sb./sth. to do sth.安排某人/某物做某事
powerful adj. 有 权势的,有影响力 的;强有力的;效 力大的;强壮的 拓展: power powerless n.控制力;统治;能力;权力;能量;电力供应 adj. 无影响力的;无权的;无能为力的
take control of 控制,支配,操纵 用法: get/ lose control over… 对 …控制/失去控制
gain control over oneself beyond control out of control under control 克制住自己 无法控制 不受控制 处在控制之下
recognize vt. 辨别 出;认出 vt. 承认; 意识到; (正式) 认可;公认 用法: recognize sb./sth. by/from … recognize… to be/as. be recognized as … recognize that/wh-从句 It is recognized that … 拓展: recognizable recognition 通过 ……/从……认出某人/某物 承认认为.....是..... 被认为是..... ;被公认为 … … . 承认/意识到 … 人们公认/意识到 … . adj.容易认出的,易于识别的 n. 认识;承认;认可
admire vt. 钦佩; 赞赏 用法: admire sb./sth. for sth. 因某事钦佩/赞赏某人/某物 admire sb. for doing sth. 赞赏某人做某事
拓展: admirer admirable admiration n. 钦佩者,赞赏者;追求者,爱慕者 adj. 可钦佩的;值得赞赏的;令人羡慕的 n.[U] 钦佩;赞赏
contact vt. 联络; 联系 n. 联系,接触 用法: keep in contact with … 与......保持联系 lose contact with 与......失去联系 get into/make contact with … 与......取得联系
check vt.检查;核 对 用法: check out check in 查明,结账离开 (在旅馆,机场等)登记;报到
request n.要求,请 用法: make a request for 提出要求
求 vt. 请求,要 求 at one’s request=at the request of sb. by request request sb. to do sth. request sth. from sb. 应某人的请求 应邀 要求某人做某事 向某人要求某物
unbelievable adj. 难 以置信的,惊人的 拓展: believable adj. 可相信的 belief n. 信心,信仰,相信 believe v. 相信,看作,认定 beyond belief难以置信地believe sb.相信某人(所说的话)believe in sb.相信某人
comment n. 评论, 议论 v. 发表意见 评论 用法: make comments/ a comment on/about … make a comment that … comment that … comment on/upon … 对 …发表评论 对 …发表评论 评论 … 评论 …
1.His (apply)for membership of the club was rejected.
2.To her , we were not at her deed.(amaze)
3.I can't afford the time to go travelling with you. I have to make (arrange) for the art exhibition next
4.Ann had changed so much that I could hardly her; she had changed beyond .(recognise)
5. My luggage should arrive on the next (fly).
6.More than one thousand people were killed when a (power)earthquake struck Western Indonesia at
the end of September.
7. The talks will focus on (economy) development of the region.
8. Mandarin is the (office) language of China.
9. His achievement earned him respect and (admire).
10. Some of these chemicals are (extreme)dangerous.
1.application 2.amazement , amazed , amazing 3.arrangements 4. recognised , recognition 5.flight
6.powerful 7.economic 8.official 9.admiration 10.extremely
在复合句中, 修饰名词或代词的从句叫定语从句。被定语从句修饰的词叫先行词, 引导定语从句的词叫
关系词,关系词有两种: 关系代词 who,whom,whose, that,which,as 和关系副词 when,where, why.
关系代词 3 个作用: 1)连接作用 2)替代作用 3)在从句中充当成分:作主语/宾语/表语/定语。
如下图所示: 先行词 + 关系词 + 定语从句
↓ ↓ ↓
Two thirds of the people who lived there were dead or injured.
关系代词 指代 在从句中的成分
that 人/物 主语/宾语/表语
which 物 主语/宾语/表语
who 人 主语/宾语/表语
whom 人 宾语
whose 人/物 定语
(一)that 和 which
1.用 that,不用 which 的情况 ①当先行词为不定代词: everything,anything,nothing, all, any, much, many, some, few, little, none 等或当先行 词 被 no, some, any, all, much, little 等词修饰时,只 能用 that。 To get the job started, all that I need is your permission.要开始工 作,我所需要的是你的许可。 Is there anything that I can do for you 有什么要我做的事吗 He answered few questions that were asked by the reporters.他几 乎没有回答记者提问的问题。
②当先行词被 the only, the very, the same 等词修饰时。 That’s the only thing that we can do now This is the very pen that I am looking for. 这正是我找的钢笔。
③当先行词被序数词、形容 词最高级修饰时。 This was one of the most interesting books that were sold in this book store.这是这家书店售出的最有趣的书之一。 The first thing that should be done is to get some food. 该做的第 一件事是弄点吃的。
④当先行词中同时包括人 I’m going to talk about the countries and people that I have
和物时。 visited.我要谈论一下我访问的国家和人民。
⑤当要避免与疑问词which 重复时。 Which is the T-shirt that fits me most 那件体恤衫最适合我?
2.用 which,不 用 that 的情况 ①在非限制性定语从句中 Football, which is an interesting game, is played all over the world.全世界都踢足球,它是有趣的运动。
②介词提前时,不用 that , 而用 which,介词不提前时, 用 that 和 which 都可。 This is the room in which my father lived last year. = This is the room (that/ which) my father lived in last year. 这是 我父亲去年居住过的房子。
(二) the same…as…和 the same…that …
①the same…as…表示“ 类似 的一 个,而不是同一个” (相似性) ②the same…that…表示“ 同一个 ” (同一性) I have bought the same watch as you have. 我买了一块和你的一样的手表。(相似的,非同一个) This is the same watch that I lost. 这就是我丢的那块手表。(同一个)
1.关系代词的 省略 关系代词做宾语时, 在限制 性定语从句中可省略, 在非 限制性定语从句中不省略。 Hangzhou is a beautiful city(that/which)I always want to visit.(在 限制性定语从句中作 visit 的宾语,可以省略) 杭州是我总想参观的一个美丽城市。 Hangzhou ,which I visited last week, is a beautiful city.(在非限 制性定语从句中作 visited 的宾语,不可省略) 杭州是一个美丽 的城市,我上周去参观过。
2.从句中代词 的重复多余 定语从句中的引导词指代 先行词, 从句中不能再出现 指代该先行词的代词。 The book that I read it yesterday is very interesting. ( × ) The book that I read yesterday is very interesting. ( √ ) 我昨天读的那本书很有趣。
3.what 不引导 定语从句 定语从句中有关系代词 that 和 which 而没有 what ,what 可以引导名词性从句。 All that we need is a supply of oil. (that 引导定语从句, 修饰先行 词 all) What we need is a supply of oil. (what 引导主语从句) 我们需要的是石油供应。
4.that 不 引 导 非限制性定 语从句(用逗 号隔开) 在非限制性定语从句, 不能 用关系代词 that。如果指代 “人” ,用 who/ whom,指代 “物” ,用 which。 The basketball star, who tried to make a comeback, attracted lots of attention. 这位打算复出的篮球明星引起了很多关注。 He has become a doctor, which he wanted to be. 他成为了一名医生,这是他以前一直梦想的。
5.whose+n. = the+n +of which =of which+the+n. 名词之前必须有 the。 I live in the room whose window/the window of which / of which the window faces south.我住在窗子朝南开的房间里。
6. 定语从句中的主谓一致: 关系代词在定语从句中做主语时,从句谓语 通常与先行词在人称和数上保持一致。 注意:当先行词为“oneof +复数名词”时定 语从句的谓语动词用复数形式;当先行词为 “the(only/very)oneof + 复数名词 ”时定语 从句的谓语动词用单数形式。 He is a good student who likes to help others. 他是一个乐于助人的好学生。 They are good students who like to help others. 他们是乐于助人的好学生。 He is one of the students who were praised. 他是一个受到表扬的学生之一。 He is the one/ the only one of the students who was praised. 他是 唯一一个受到表扬的学生。
7.关系代词前有介词时(介词提前).指人只 用 whom,指物只用 which This is the boy with whom he talked. This is the ring on which she spent 1000 dollars.
1.He who would climb the ladder must begin at the bottom. 千里之行,始于足下。
2.He laughs best who laughs last. 谁笑到最后,谁笑得最美。
3.Nothing is too difficult to the man who will try. 世上无难事,只要肯登攀。
4.God helps those who help themselves. 自助者天助之。
5.Not all that glitters is gold. 闪光的不都是金子。
1.She never gives in to those have money.
2.This is the best film has been shown so far in the city.
3.February is the only month has fewer than 30 days.
4.My son made notes of everything he read.
5.Will you show me the girl name is Wei Fang
6.Please pass me the book is lying on the table.
7.My grandparents like stories endings are happy.
8.Yuan Longping is a Chinese rice scientist is leading a search to develop“sea rice”.
9.The teacher I like best often encourages me to fight for my dream.
10.Children diet is high in fat will gain weight quickly.
1.who 2.that 3.that 4.that 5.whose 6. which/that 7. Whose 8. who/that 9. who/whom/that
19. whose
Good morning, everyone! It is my honor to be here to share my opinions on what to learn in senior high
school with you.
日 In the coming three years, we’ll experience a challenging life. First of all, it’s of great importance to find
out the learning methods which are suitable for you and form /develop a good study habit. As for me, I used to
try effective methods to achieve my goals and previewing lessons and reviewing what had been taught after
class really benefited me a lot. What’s more, we should live in harmony with others. Not only should we
show(have) respect for teachers,but also we should be kind(friendly/sincere) to classmates, which is of great
help to create a harmonious atmosphere.
Last but not least, my advice is that you should develop some hobbies or take part in after-class activities,
which can not only make yourselves relaxed but also build up your strength/body.
No pains, no gains. Hope you have a colorful and fruitful life here.
大家早上好! 我很荣幸能在这里和你分享一下我对高中学习的看法。
在未来的三年里,我们将经历一个充满挑战的生活。首先, 找出适合自己的学习方法和养成良好的学 习习惯是非常重要的。至于我,我 曾经尝试有效实现我的目标的方法和预习和课后复习所教的真地使我受
益。此外,我们应该与他人和谐相处。我们 不仅应该尊敬老师,而且 我们也应该对同学友善(友好/真诚),
这对营造和谐的氛围很有帮助(定语从句)。最后但并非最不重要的, 我的建议是, 你应该 发展一些爱好或参
Dear Chris,
I’m writing to tell you that we intend to climb the Mount Hua this Saturday. On behalf of our class, I
sincerely invite you to go with us.
We will gather at the school gate and set out at 8:00 am. The bus will serve as our transportation. We will
climb to the top of the Mount and enjoy our picnic lunch there, so please take some food with you as lunch. At
about 2:00 pm,we will go down the hill along another path and return to our school at about 5.00pm. You may
carry a camera to record the beautiful scenery and an umbrella or a raincoat is also necessary in case you are
caught in a rain. Please spare some time to join us.
Your participation can surely add happiness to our trip and we are all looking forward to your coming.
我们将在校门口集合,8:00 出发。公共汽车将 作为我们的交通工具。我们将登上山顶, 在那里享受我们 的野餐午餐,所以请带上一些食物作为午餐。下午 2 点左右,我们将沿着另一条路下山,下午 5 点左右返 回学校。你可以带着相机来记录美丽的风景,雨伞或雨衣也是必要的 以防你遇上雨。请 抽出一点时间来参
您的参与一定会为我们的旅行增添欢乐,我们都 期待着您的到来。

Today was my first school day in senior high school. I was a little anxious because wanted to make a good first (impress) on others. In the morning, I had my first maths class. I found it was difficult, worried me a lot. (lucky), the teacher and most classmates were kind friendly. The teacher even told a funny story, making everyone laugh. In the afternoon, we had interesting chemistry class in the newly-built lab. However, a guy beside me always tried to talk to me. What he did stopped
me from (concentrate) on the interesting experiment, and all that (annoy) me greatly.
By the end of the day, my worry isappear). I no longer felt awkward or (frighten).
Instead, I began to feel lot more confident. I believe I can make many new friends and live a wonderful life
1. impression 2.which 3.Luckily 4.and 5.an
6.concentrating 7.annoyed 8.had disappeared 9.frightened 10.on

Adam is a freshman at senior high school.__ 1._(go) from junior high school to senior high school is __2.__ really big challenge to him. The first week was a little confusing. First, he had to think very carefully about which courses he wanted to take.__3._ the help of the school __4.__(advise) he chose the suitable ones. Chinese is a very difficult language, __5._ he hopes to be fluent when he graduates. As for extra-curricular __6._(activity), he tried to join the school football team, but the coach refused because of his poor performance.__7.__(obvious), he was unhappy ,but he won’t quit. He joined a volunteer club instead. Every Wednesday, he works at a soup kitchen and __8._(hand) out food to homeless people in the community. He is happy to be here, though he is worried about keeping up with the other students in his __9._(advance) course and it’ll be quite difficult __ 10.__(get) used to all
the homework. He will be well prepared for university or whatever else comes in the future.
1.going 2.a 3.with 4.adviser 5.but 6.activities 7.obviously 8.hands 9.advanced 10.to get.

Xu Xiuzhen, a 75-year-old lady, has been acting as at our guide for over 20 years in Yangshuo ,
Guilin,1. is a city known both in China and abroad for its beautiful landscape. 2. she attended only primary school when she was young, she can now speak approximately 1l foreign languages 3. (fluent).Since 20 years ago, tourists 4. (show) affection for Yangshuo,including a great many foreigners. In order to make a 5. (live),Xu Xiuzhen began to sell water. However, she could hardly make any money at first because foreigners didn't understand her accent. She tried to imitate the 6. (pronounce) of the foreigners, take notes and learn them 7. heart. If she came across tourists who could speak both Chinese and a foreign language, she would ask them to translate their words many times so that she could remember them 8. (well).It is in this way that the old granny masters 11 languages, such as English, French, Russian, ROK. Now, she has no difficulty at all 9. (communicate) with foreign friends in simple
oral English. She is also 10. (refer) to as Mama Moon for her kindness among tourists.
1.which 2Though/Although/while 3.fluently 4.have shown 5.living 6.pronunciation 7.by 8.better
9.communicating 10.referred
2023 年普通高等学校招生全国统一考试(新高考全国Ⅰ卷)
阅读下面短文,在空白处填入 1 个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。
Xiao long bao (soup dumplings), those amazing constructions of delicate dumpling wrappers, encasing hot, 36 (taste) soup and sweet, fresh meat, are far and away my favorite Chinese street food. The dumplings arrive steaming and dangerously hot. To eat one, you have to decide whether 37 (bite) a small hole in it first, releasing the stream and risking a spill (溢出), 38 to put the whole dumpling in your mouth, letting the hot soup explode on your tongue. Shanghai maybe the 39 (recognize) home of the soup dumplings but food historians will actually point you to the neighboring canal town of Nanxiang as Xiao long hao’s birthplace. There you will find them prepared differently- more dumpling and less soup, and the wrappers are pressed 40 hand rather than rolled. Nanxiang aside, the best Xiao long bao have a fine skin, allowing them 41 (lift) out of the steamer basket without allowing them tearing or spilling any of 42 (they) contents. The meat should be
fresh with 43 touch of sweetness and the soup hot, clear and delicious.
No matter where I buy them, one steamer is 44 (rare) enough, yet two seems greedy, so I am always
left 45 (want) more next time.
【答案】36. tasty 37. to bite 38. or 39. recognized 40. by 41. to be lifted 42. their 43.
a 44. rarely 45. wanting
1 考查形容词。句意:小笼包(汤包),那些精致的饺子皮,包裹着热腾腾的美味汤和甜甜的鲜肉,是我最喜
欢的中国街头小吃。形容词需修饰后面的名词 soup(汤),故空格需用 tasty“美味的 ”作定语,故填 tasty。
2 考查非谓语动词。句意:吃小笼包的时候,你必须要决定是先咬一个小口流出汤汁,还是把整个小笼包放 进嘴里,让热汤在舌头上爆炸。 decide to do sth.“决定做某事 ”,用不定式作宾语,空处与后面 to put 并列
作宾语,故填 to bite。
3 考查连词。句意:吃小笼包的时候, 你必须要决定是先咬一个小口流出汤汁, 还是把整个小笼包放进嘴里,
让热汤在舌头上爆炸。 whether...or... “是……还是…… ”,固定搭配,根据句意,故填 or。
4 考查非谓语动词。句意:上海可能是公认的小笼包之乡,但美食历史学家会告诉你,邻近的运河小镇南翔 才是小笼包的发源地。空格在名词 home 前面作定语, recognize 与 home 是逻辑上动宾关系, 需填过去分词
recognized 作定语, recognized“被公认的 ”也可以看作是形容词作定语。故填 recognized。
5 考查介词。句意:在那里,你会发现它们的制作方式不同——更多汤包,更少的汤,包子皮是用手压的,
而不是擀出来的。 by hand“用手 ”是固定搭配,根据句意,故填 by。
6 考查非谓语动词。句意:除了南翔,最好的小笼包有一个精致的,可以让它们从蒸笼篮中拿出来,而不会
撕裂或溢出里面的东西。根据搭配 allow sb. to do sth.“允许某人做某事 ”可知, 空格需用动词不定式作宾语
补足语,补足语 lift out 与宾语 them(指代小笼包) 是逻辑上的动宾关系, 空格需填动词不定式的被动式 to be
lifted。故填 to be lifted。
7 考查代词。句意:除了南翔,最好的小笼包有一个精致的外皮,可以让它们从蒸笼篮中拿出来,而不会撕
裂或溢出里面的东西。修饰后面的名词 contents(东西)需用形容词性物主代词 their。故填 their。
8 考查冠词。句意:肉应该是新鲜的,有一点甜味,汤应该是热的,清澈的,美味的。 a touch of “一点点;
稍许 ”,常用搭配, touch“轻微;稍许 ”常用作单数。故填 a。
9 考查副词。句意:无论我在哪里买, 一蒸笼都不够,而两蒸笼又显得太贪心了,所以我总是想下次再买。
修饰形容词用副词作状语, rarely“少有 ”,故填 rarely。
10 考查非谓语动词。句意:无论我在哪里买, 一蒸笼都不够,而两蒸笼又显得太贪心了,所以我总是想下 次再买。分析句子可知,此处考查“leave sb+宾语补足语 ”,本句是被动语态, want 是主语补足语,根据
句意, I 与 want 之间是主动的逻辑关系,用现在分词 wanting。故填 wanting。