人教版(2019)必修 第三册Unit 1 Festivals and Celebrations课文学习&知识讲解学案(含答案)


名称 人教版(2019)必修 第三册Unit 1 Festivals and Celebrations课文学习&知识讲解学案(含答案)
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资源类型 教案
版本资源 人教版(2019)
科目 英语
更新时间 2024-04-06 17:41:26


新课学习必修第三册 Unit1(课文学习&知识讲解)
目录 围 新课学习:学习新课文 重点解析:考点快速记忆 小试牛刀:词句精练+能力提升
Festivals are celebrated all around the world.They have a wide range① of origins② , such as the seasons of the year,religions③ , famous figures④ , and important events.Every festival has its different customs and unique⑤ charms⑥.However ,no matter how different they may seem ,all over the world ,the spirit of sharing joy⑦ ,
gratitude⑧ , love,or peace is common in all festivals.
Of all the traditional festivals ,the harvest⑨ festival can be found in almost every culture.This important agricultural⑩ festival takes place after all the crops have been gathered in.People celebrate to show that they are grateful for the year’s supply of food.In ancient Egypt , the harvest festival was celebrated during the springtime—the Egyptian harvest season.It featured a parade and a great feast with music ,dancing ,and
sports.Today,in some European countries,people decorate churches and town halls with flowers and fruit,
21 and get together to celebrate over a meal.During the Mid-Autumn Festival in China,families gather to admire。
the shining moon and enjoy delicious mooncakes.
Customs play a significant。role in festivals,but sometimes they can change over time.With the development
of modern society and the spread of new ideas , some traditions may fade away。 and others may be
24 25 26
established。.One example is the typical。Chinese Spring Festival custom of lighting firecrackers。to drive away
27 28
。the evil。spirits and celebrate the new year.Nowadays,many big cities have given up this custom in order to
avoid air pollution.Another example is Halloween,which slowly became an exciting festival for children,in spite
of。its religious origins【1】.
【1】which 引导的非限制性定语从句,修饰先行词 Halloween;关系代词 which 在定语从句中作主语。
30 31
Festivals are becoming more and more commercial。,with businesses taking advantage of。the celebrations
32 33
【2】.Online shopping websites。and social media。apps have made it much easier for the public to spend more
on gifts for their loved ones.Although some believe festivals should not be commercialised ,others believe the
increase in spending is good for the economy and public happiness.
【2】属于“with+宾语+宾补”结构,在句中作伴随状语,宾语为 businesses,宾补为现在分词短语 taking
advantage of the celebrations。
34 35 36 37
Festivals are an important part of society.They reflect。people’s wishes,beliefs。,faiths。,and attitudes。
towards life.They are occasions。that allow us to relax and enjoy life,and forget about our work for a little while
【3】.They help us understand where we came from,who we are,and what to appreciate。【4】.And if you study
festivals carefully,you may be surprised to find that different cultures actually have a lot in common。 after all
【3】关系代词 that 引导的定语从句,修饰先行词 occasions,that 在从句中作主语。
【4】“特殊疑问词+不定式”结构,在句中作 understand 的宾语。
【5】不定式短语 to find...after all 作原因状语, that 引导的宾语从句作 find 的宾语。
Festivals around the world have different origins.However,they have a lot 1. common in the spirit of sharing joy,gratitude,love or peace.Every culture may have the harvest festival 2. takes
place after all the crops 3. (gather) in.People from different countries celebrate it 4.
(show) their gratitude for the year’s supply of food in different ways.With the 5. (develop) of
modern society,customs which play a 6. (significance) role in festivals have been changing in spite
of their religious
7. (origin) nowadays.Some festivals 8. (become) more and more commercial, with business 9. (take) advantage of the celebrations.Being 10. important part
of society,festivals reflect people’s wishes,beliefs,faiths and attitudes towards life.
dress ( sb. ) up 穿上盛装;装扮 dress sb. /oneself up as 把某人/自己 打扮成…… ...给某人穿衣服 dressed adj. be dressed in …=be wearing
congratulation n. 贺词【pl.】 祝贺【U】 v. 向 …道贺 祝贺某人 offer/express one’s congratulations on sth. congratulate sb on (doing) sth
attend v. 出席,参 加;照料,看护 attend a wedding/meeting attend school/classes attend to sb. attend to sth.
after all 毕竟, 终究,还是 all in all in all 最重要的是,尤其是 first of all
range n.一系列, 范 围,界限 v.包 括,(在一定范围 内)变化 一系列 …; 广泛的;各种各样的 =a variety of 在 … 范围之内 beyond /out of range 包括从 … 到 … 之间= vary from… to … range between …..and … … 在 … 到 … 的范围变动
origin n. 起源;起 因;出身 by origin adj.原来的,起初的; 创新的,独创的;原版的;原件的 n.原件,原作 adv. 原来,起初 = at first vi 起源 originate from
figure n.人物;数 字;身材 v.认为, 认定 a public figure/face keep one’s figure have a good figure figure out =work out
grateful adj. 感激 的 n. 感激,感谢 adv. 感激地 be grateful/thankful to sb. for sth. = thank sb for sth I would be grateful if you could/would...=I would appreciate it if you could/ would... show/express one’s gratitude to sb for sth
decorate v. 装饰, 装潢 n.装饰,装饰品 decorate... with... be decorated with
significant adj. 有 重大意义的,显著 的 n. 重要性,意义 adv.
It is significant/important that sb(should) do sth … .. a significant difference between...and... be significant/important for sb/sth = be of significance/importance to sb/sth 对 … 重要
attach (great/little) importance/significance to (doing) sth 认为…… (很/ 几乎不)重要
typical adj. 典 型 的,有代表性的, 平常的 adv. 典型地,具有代表性地 be typical of sb./sth. sth be unique to sb 某物为某人所独有 It is typical of sb. to do sth.
occasion n. 特别 的 事,适当的机会 adj. 偶尔的,偶然的 adv. 有时,偶尔 on occasion
pleased adj. 高 兴 的;满意的 v. 请/使人高兴/使人满意 (n.)高兴,愉快 adj.令人愉快的;使人高兴的(指事情) adj.令人愉快的,舒适的(指事情) be pleased with.... =be satisfied with be pleased to do sth. be pleased that....高兴.....
set off 出发 动身= 同 set out ;使(炸 弹)爆炸;激起, 引起 留出时间,把 …放在一旁 set up set about (doing )sth. set down 写下,记下=write down set an example to sb. set out
fancy adj. 精致的, 花哨的 , 昂贵的 vt. 想要, 自认为 是 n. 想象力,爱 好,想要 a fancy western restaurant fancy doing sth. =feel like doing like fancy that…..想象/认为 … .. fancy sb ./oneself as /to be 想象/认为某人是 … … . have a fancy for
respect v.尊重, 尊敬 n.尊敬,敬 重 方面 respect sb.(for sth.) respect oneself have /show respect for … gain/win/earn the respect of sb. lose sb’s respect out of respect with respect to in every respect
1.After the party, most guests left, with only two of them (remain) in the host family, (help) him
clean up.
2.The young man was caught (steal) a car.
3.He was just about to sit down when he felt something (move) near his feet .
4.It was a really (terrify) experience. Afterwards, everybody was very (shock) .
5.The flowers (smell) sweet in the botanical garden attract the visitors to enjoy the beauty of nature .
6.We found the house easily with the little boy (lead) the way .
7.On the bank of the river, we found him (lie) on a bench, with his eyes __ (fix) on a kite in the sky.
8. The offer has yet to be accepted by the lawyers (represent) the victims.
9. The little boy is (please) to see his parents.
10. (Wrestle) is a sport where two people fight and try to throw each other to the ground.
11. I was (absolute) angry with him because he made the same mistake again.
12. The boss suggested making the most of those last precious (moment).
13. Lawyers help others and (respect) by people.
14. He was (horrible) burnt so he was rushed to the hospital.
15. We chatted (brief) about the weather before we parted.
16. The audience (clap) and cheered when she stood up to speak.
17. I didn’t fancy (swim) in that water.
18.. Jack is late again. It is typical him to keep others waiting.
19. There is a general (believe) that things will soon get better.
20. There are many shops in the (commerce) heart of the city.
People celebrate festivals all around the world. As we all know, festivals have 1. wide range of origins. Of all the 2. (tradition)festivals, the harvest festival can be found in almost every culture. People celebrate it to show that they are grateful 3. the year’s supply of food. With the 4. (develop) of modern society, some traditions may fade away and others may be established. Nowadays, many big cities in China 5. (give) up the typical custom of lighting firecrackers 6. (avoid) air pollution. With businesses 7. (take) advantage of the celebrations, festivals are becoming more and more commercial. 8. some believe festivals should not be commercialized, others believe the increase in spending is good for the economy and public 9. (happy). And if you study festivals carefully, you may
be surprised to find that different cultures 10. (actual) have a lot in common after all.
Unique New Year's Traditions from Around the World
How do you celebrate New Year's Eve If I had to take a guess, you probably celebrate New Year's Eve surrounded by family and friends, enjoying drinks of your choice and watching the ball drop with Dick Clark.
1 Listed below are five of the top ten “Unique New Year Traditions from Around the World” .
1 .Breaking Dishes on Neighbor's Door
A strange Danish New Year tradition, depending on how you look at it, is throwing dishes at neighbor's door. 2 The family with the tallest tower of broken plates ,glasses, cups and other crockery is considered to be the
luckiest person because it symbolizes their large amount of loyal friends.
2 .Talking to Spirits
Talking to spirits is a part of Mexican belief. Mexicans strongly believe that they can communicate with the souls of their dead loved ones. 3 And this is not done at home on an individual basis but is a legal Mexican practice. Taos Inn, in New Mexico for example, offers 15 minutes session of spiritualism and meditation for $15.6.
Not a bad price for some helpful guidance!
3 .Wearing Polka Dots
Imagine streets full of people wearing polka dots and dining room tables full of round shaped food and fruits on one single day of the year. 4 Philippines believe that this will bring them prosperity by associating the
round dots to coins and wealth.
4 .Burning Scarecrow Dummy
Ecuador has a unique custom of crafting scarecrows and then burning them at midnight. They adorn them and fill the scarecrows with newspapers and pieces of wood. As midnight approaches, everyone gathers outside their home and each family burns their own scarecrow. 5 The scarecrow also scares away bad luck, which in turn,
fills their new year with luck and happiness.
A .New Year's Eve is considered the best time to communicate with dead spirits to convey a message or ask for
B .It is also believed in the Irish culture that this act will help them get rid of bad luck.
C .Have you ever imagined how New Year's Eve would look in another country
D .This all actually happens in the Philippines on New Year's Eve every year.
E .Strangely ,this makes them happy instead of annoying them.
F .We all want to start a new fresh year with renewed enthusiasm and hope.
G .The tradition says that this destroys all the bad things that took place in the past months.
“Rosie the Riveter( 铆工)” is the name of a fictional character who came to symbolize the millions of real
women who filled America’s factories during World War Ⅱ.
After the Japanese bombing of Pearl Harbor in December 1941, the male workforce was called to fill the ranks of the U.S. military. The U.S. government conducted extensive campaigns to encourage women to join the
Saturday Evening Post’s cover artist, Norman Rockwell, is generally credited with creating one of the popular “Rosie the Riveter” images used to encourage women to become wartime workers. Rockwell’s image features a strong woman taking her lunch break with a rivet gun on her lap. Her lunch box reads “Rosie”. Rockwell’s “Rosie”poster appeared on the cover of the May 29th, 1943 edition of the Post, which was then one of the nation’s most popular magazines. In addition to Rockwell’s “Rosie”, however, another image was to become the more
commonly known “Rosie the Riveter” image.
In 1942, J. Howard Miller was hired by the Westinghouse Company to create a series of posters to motivate female employees. One of these posters became the famous “We Can Do It!” image—an image that in later years would also become known by many as “Rosie the Riveter”. The poster used exclusively within Westinghouse factories was only displayed for two weeks in February 1943. It was only in 1982—some 40 years later—that this
image began to be associated with “Rosie the Riveter” .
Both images—Rockwell’s and Miller’s—were used to help motivate the World War Ⅱ workforce, but in Miller’s case, perhaps only at Westinghouse factories. And in later years, up to the present time, both of the images have become iconic(偶像的)symbols of women’s struggles for rights and are occasionally adapted for other causes
and political campaigns as well.
1.According to the passage, what problem was the USA faced with after the Japanese bombing of Pearl Harbor
A.Shortage of food. B.Economic crises.
C.Population boom. D.Lack of workforce.
2.Which of the following posters was created by Norman Rockwell
3.What does the underlined word “exclusively”mean
A.Quite. B.Only.
C.Perhaps. D.Often.
4.Compared with Miller’s image, Rockwell’s .
A.is more meaningful at the present time
B.was more practical in recruiting soldiers
C.was more popular during the wartime
D.was more realistic in describing women新课学习必修第三册 Unit1(课文学习&知识讲解)
目录 围 新课学习:学习新课文 重点解析:考点快速记忆 小试牛刀:词句精练+能力提升
Festivals are celebrated all around the world.They have a wide range① of origins② , such as the seasons of the year,religions③ , famous figures④ , and important events.Every festival has its different customs and unique⑤ charms⑥.However ,no matter how different they may seem ,all over the world ,the spirit of sharing joy⑦ ,
gratitude⑧ , love,or peace is common in all festivals.
Of all the traditional festivals ,the harvest⑨ festival can be found in almost every culture.This important agricultural⑩ festival takes place after all the crops have been gathered in.People celebrate to show that they are grateful for the year’s supply of food.In ancient Egypt , the harvest festival was celebrated during the springtime—the Egyptian harvest season.It featured a parade and a great feast with music ,dancing ,and
sports.Today,in some European countries,people decorate churches and town halls with flowers and fruit,
21 and get together to celebrate over a meal.During the Mid-Autumn Festival in China,families gather to admire。
the shining moon and enjoy delicious mooncakes.
Customs play a significant。role in festivals,but sometimes they can change over time.With the development
of modern society and the spread of new ideas , some traditions may fade away。 and others may be
24 25 26
established。.One example is the typical。Chinese Spring Festival custom of lighting firecrackers。to drive away
27 28
。the evil。spirits and celebrate the new year.Nowadays,many big cities have given up this custom in order to
avoid air pollution.Another example is Halloween,which slowly became an exciting festival for children,in spite
of。its religious origins【1】.
【1】which 引导的非限制性定语从句,修饰先行词 Halloween;关系代词 which 在定语从句中作主语。
30 31
Festivals are becoming more and more commercial。,with businesses taking advantage of。the celebrations
32 33
【2】.Online shopping websites。and social media。apps have made it much easier for the public to spend more
on gifts for their loved ones.Although some believe festivals should not be commercialised ,others believe the
increase in spending is good for the economy and public happiness.
【2】属于“with+宾语+宾补”结构,在句中作伴随状语,宾语为 businesses,宾补为现在分词短语 taking
advantage of the celebrations。
34 35 36 37
Festivals are an important part of society.They reflect。people’s wishes,beliefs。,faiths。,and attitudes。
towards life.They are occasions。that allow us to relax and enjoy life,and forget about our work for a little while
【3】.They help us understand where we came from,who we are,and what to appreciate。【4】.And if you study
festivals carefully,you may be surprised to find that different cultures actually have a lot in common。 after all
【3】关系代词 that 引导的定语从句,修饰先行词 occasions,that 在从句中作主语。
【4】“特殊疑问词+不定式”结构,在句中作 understand 的宾语。
【5】不定式短语 to find...after all 作原因状语, that 引导的宾语从句作 find 的宾语。
Festivals around the world have different origins.However,they have a lot 1. common in the spirit of sharing joy,gratitude,love or peace.Every culture may have the harvest festival 2. takes
place after all the crops 3. (gather) in.People from different countries celebrate it 4.
(show) their gratitude for the year’s supply of food in different ways.With the 5. (develop) of
modern society,customs which play a 6. (significance) role in festivals have been changing in spite
of their religious
7. (origin) nowadays.Some festivals 8. (become) more and more commercial, with business 9. (take) advantage of the celebrations.Being 10. important part
of society,festivals reflect people’s wishes,beliefs,faiths and attitudes towards life.
1.in 2.that/which3.have been gathered4.to show5.development6.significant7.origins8.are becoming9.taking10.an
dress ( sb. ) up 穿上盛装;装扮 dress sb. /oneself up as 把某人/自己 打扮成…… dress sb./oneself in......给某人穿衣服
dressed adj. 穿着衣服的 be dressed in 穿着…=be wearing
congratulation n. 贺词【pl.】 祝贺【U】 congratulate v. 向 …道贺 congratulations to sb. on sth.祝贺某人 offer/express one’s congratulations on sth. 向某人致以祝贺 congratulate sb on (doing) sth 就 … 向某人祝贺
attend v. 出席,参 加;照料,看护 attend a wedding/meeting 参加婚礼/会议 attend school/classes 上学/上课 attend to sb. 照料某人 attend to sth. 专心于某事
after all 毕竟, 终究,还是 all in all 总的来说 above all 最重要的是,尤其是 in all 总共,共计 first of all 首先
range n.一系列, 范 围,界限 v.包 括,(在一定范围 内)变化 a wide range of 一系列 …; 广泛的;各种各样的 =a variety of within/in range 在 … 范围之内 beyond /out of range 在 … 范围之外 range from… to…包括从 … 到 … 之间= vary from… to … range between …..and … … 在 … 到 … 的范围变动
origin n. 起源;起 因;出身 by origin 出身;籍贯 original adj.原来的,起初的; 创新的,独创的;原版的;原件的 n.原件,原作 originally adv. 原来,起初 = at first originate vi 起源 originate from 起源于某地
figure n.人物;数 字;身材 v.认为, 认定 a public figure/face 一位公众人物 keep one’s figure 保持体形 have a good figure 身材好 figure out 理解;想出;计算出 =work out
grateful adj. 感激 的 gratitude n. 感激,感谢 gratefully adv. 感激地 be grateful/thankful to sb. for sth. 因某事而感激某人= thank sb for sth I would be grateful if you could/would...=I would appreciate it if you could/ would... show/express one’s gratitude to sb for sth 因某事向某人表达感谢
decorate v. 装饰, 装潢 decoration n.装饰,装饰品 decorate... with... 用……装饰…… be decorated with 装饰着……
significant adj. 有 重大意义的,显著 的 significance n. 重要性,意义 significantly adv. It is significant/important that sb(should) do sth … ..很重要。 a significant difference between...and... ……和……有明显差别 be significant/important for sb/sth = be of significance/importance to sb/sth 对 … 重要 attach (great/little) importance/significance to (doing) sth 认为…… (很/ 几乎不)重要
typical adj. 典 型 typically adv. 典型地,具有代表性地
的,有代表性的, 平常的 be typical of sb./sth. 是某人/某物的特点(典型) sth be unique to sb 某物为某人所独有 It is typical of sb. to do sth.某人经常/一贯做某事
occasion n. 特别 的 事,适当的机会 occasional adj. 偶尔的,偶然的 occasionally adv. 有时,偶尔 on occasion 有时;偶尔
pleased adj. 高 兴 的;满意的 please v. 请/使人高兴/使人满意 pleasure (n.)高兴,愉快 pleasing adj.令人愉快的;使人高兴的(指事情) pleasant adj.令人愉快的,舒适的(指事情) be pleased with.... 对...感到满意/高兴 =be satisfied with be pleased to do sth.高兴做某事 be pleased that....高兴.....
set off 出发 动身= 同 set out ;使(炸 弹)爆炸;激起, 引起 set aside 留出时间,把 …放在一旁 set about (doing )sth. 着手去做某事 set an example to sb. 给某人树立榜样 set up 设置,建立,开办 set down 写下,记下=write down set out 动身,启程
fancy adj. 精致的, 花哨的 , 昂贵的 vt. 想要, 自认为 是 n. 想象力,爱 好,想要 a fancy western restaurant 豪华西餐厅 fancy doing sth. 想要做某事=feel like doing like fancy that…..想象/认为 … .. fancy sb ./oneself as /to be 想象/认为某人是 … … . have a fancy for 爱好,喜好
respect v.尊重, 尊敬 n.尊敬,敬 重 方面 respect sb.(for sth.) 因某事尊重某事 respect oneself 自重,自尊 have /show respect for……尊敬/尊重 … gain/win/earn the respect of sb. 赢的某人的尊敬 lose sb’s respect 失去某人的尊重out of respect 出于尊重with respect to 关于,就 …而言in every respect 在每个方面
1.After the party, most guests left, with only two of them (remain) in the host family, (help) him
clean up.
2.The young man was caught (steal) a car.
3.He was just about to sit down when he felt something (move) near his feet .
4.It was a really (terrify) experience. Afterwards, everybody was very (shock) .
5.The flowers (smell) sweet in the botanical garden attract the visitors to enjoy the beauty of nature .
6.We found the house easily with the little boy (lead) the way .
7.On the bank of the river, we found him (lie) on a bench, with his eyes __ (fix) on a kite in the sky.
8. The offer has yet to be accepted by the lawyers (represent) the victims.
9. The little boy is (please) to see his parents.
10. (Wrestle) is a sport where two people fight and try to throw each other to the ground.
11. I was (absolute) angry with him because he made the same mistake again.
12. The boss suggested making the most of those last precious (moment).
13. Lawyers help others and (respect) by people.
14. He was (horrible) burnt so he was rushed to the hospital.
15. We chatted (brief) about the weather before we parted.
16. The audience (clap) and cheered when she stood up to speak.
17. I didn’t fancy (swim) in that water.
18.. Jack is late again. It is typical him to keep others waiting.
19. There is a general (believe) that things will soon get better.
20. There are many shops in the (commerce) heart of the city.
1. remaining, helping 2.stealing 3.moving 4.terrifying ,shocked 5.smelling 6.leading 7.lying ,fixed
8.representing 9. pleased10.Wrestling 11.absolutely12.moments13.are respected14.horribly
15. briefly16.clapped 17. swimming 18. of 19. belief mercial
People celebrate festivals all around the world. As we all know, festivals have 1. wide range of origins. Of all the 2. (tradition)festivals, the harvest festival can be found in almost every culture. People celebrate it to show that they are grateful 3. the year’s supply of food. With the 4. (develop) of modern society, some traditions may fade away and others may be established. Nowadays, many big cities in China 5. (give) up the typical custom of lighting firecrackers 6. (avoid) air pollution. With businesses 7. (take) advantage of the celebrations, festivals are becoming more and more commercial. 8. some believe festivals should not be commercialized, others believe the increase in spending is good for the economy and public 9. (happy). And if you study festivals carefully, you may
be surprised to find that different cultures 10. (actual) have a lot in common after all.
1. a 2. traditional3. for4. development 5. have given6. to avoid7. taking8. Although9. happiness10. actually
Unique New Year's Traditions from Around the World
How do you celebrate New Year's Eve If I had to take a guess, you probably celebrate New Year's Eve surrounded by family and friends, enjoying drinks of your choice and watching the ball drop with Dick Clark.
1 Listed below are five of the top ten “Unique New Year Traditions from Around the World” .
1 .Breaking Dishes on Neighbor's Door
A strange Danish New Year tradition, depending on how you look at it, is throwing dishes at neighbor's door.
2 The family with the tallest tower of broken plates ,glasses, cups and other crockery is considered to be the
luckiest person because it symbolizes their large amount of loyal friends.
2 .Talking to Spirits
Talking to spirits is a part of Mexican belief. Mexicans strongly believe that they can communicate with the souls of their dead loved ones. 3 And this is not done at home on an individual basis but is a legal Mexican practice. Taos Inn, in New Mexico for example, offers 15 minutes session of spiritualism and meditation for $15.6.
Not a bad price for some helpful guidance!
3 .Wearing Polka Dots
Imagine streets full of people wearing polka dots and dining room tables full of round shaped food and fruits on one single day of the year. 4 Philippines believe that this will bring them prosperity by associating the
round dots to coins and wealth.
4 .Burning Scarecrow Dummy
Ecuador has a unique custom of crafting scarecrows and then burning them at midnight. They adorn them and fill the scarecrows with newspapers and pieces of wood. As midnight approaches, everyone gathers outside their home and each family burns their own scarecrow. 5 The scarecrow also scares away bad luck, which in turn,
fills their new year with luck and happiness.
A .New Year's Eve is considered the best time to communicate with dead spirits to convey a message or ask for
B .It is also believed in the Irish culture that this act will help them get rid of bad luck.
C .Have you ever imagined how New Year's Eve would look in another country
D .This all actually happens in the Philippines on New Year's Eve every year.
E .Strangely ,this makes them happy instead of annoying them.
F .We all want to start a new fresh year with renewed enthusiasm and hope.
G .The tradition says that this destroys all the bad things that took place in the past months.
1 .C 【解析】根据下文的“Listed below are five of the top ten ‘Unique New Year Traditions from Around the
World’ .”可知,此处是要讲述其他国家的除夕夜,故 C 项正确。
2 .E 【解析】根据上文的“throwing dishes at neighbor's door”和下文的“The family with the tallest tower of broken plates, glasses, cups and other crockery is considered to be the luckiest person”可知,当地人喜欢这样做,
这会让他们高兴而不是生气,故 E 项正确。
3 .A 【解析】根据上文的“Mexicans strongly believe that they can communicate with the souls of their dead
loved ones.”可知,新年前夜被认为是与死灵沟通的最佳时机。故 A 项正确。
4.D 【解析】根据下文的“Philippines believe that this will bring them prosperity by associating the round dots to
coins and wealth.”可知,此处讲述了每年发生在菲律宾新年前夕的事情,故 D 项正确。
5.G 【解析】根据下文的“The scarecrow also scares away bad luck, which in turn, fills their new year with luck
and happiness.”可知,稻草人会打破噩运,带来好运,故 G 项正确。
“Rosie the Riveter( 铆工)” is the name of a fictional character who came to symbolize the millions of real
women who filled America’s factories during World War Ⅱ.
After the Japanese bombing of Pearl Harbor in December 1941, the male workforce was called to fill the ranks of the U.S. military. The U.S. government conducted extensive campaigns to encourage women to join the
Saturday Evening Post’s cover artist, Norman Rockwell, is generally credited with creating one of the popular “Rosie the Riveter” images used to encourage women to become wartime workers. Rockwell’s image features a strong woman taking her lunch break with a rivet gun on her lap. Her lunch box reads “Rosie”. Rockwell’s “Rosie”poster appeared on the cover of the May 29th, 1943 edition of the Post, which was then one of the nation’s most popular magazines. In addition to Rockwell’s “Rosie”, however, another image was to become the more
commonly known “Rosie the Riveter” image.
In 1942, J. Howard Miller was hired by the Westinghouse Company to create a series of posters to motivate female employees. One of these posters became the famous “We Can Do It!” image—an image that in later years would also become known by many as “Rosie the Riveter”. The poster used exclusively within Westinghouse factories was only displayed for two weeks in February 1943. It was only in 1982—some 40 years later—that this
image began to be associated with “Rosie the Riveter” .
Both images—Rockwell’s and Miller’s—were used to help motivate the World War Ⅱ workforce, but in Miller’s case, perhaps only at Westinghouse factories. And in later years, up to the present time, both of the images have become iconic(偶像的)symbols of women’s struggles for rights and are occasionally adapted for other causes
and political campaigns as well.
1.According to the passage, what problem was the USA faced with after the Japanese bombing of Pearl Harbor
A.Shortage of food. B.Economic crises.
C.Population boom. D.Lack of workforce.
2.Which of the following posters was created by Norman Rockwell
3.What does the underlined word “exclusively”mean
A.Quite. B.Only.
C.Perhaps. D.Often.
4.Compared with Miller’s image, Rockwell’s .
A.is more meaningful at the present time
B.was more practical in recruiting soldiers
C.was more popular during the wartime
D.was more realistic in describing women
[语篇解读] 本文为记叙文,介绍了二战期间两幅海报的由来。
1.D 细节理解题。本题题干意为:根据本文,在日本轰炸珍珠港后,美国面临什么问题 根据第二段内容可
知:1941 年在日本轰炸珍珠港后,男性劳动力被应征入伍。美国政府鼓励女人成为劳动力。由此可见本题答案
为 D 项(劳动力短缺) 。A:食物短缺;B:经济危机;C:人口激增。
2.A 细节理解题。本题题干意为:下面海报中哪张海报是 Norman Rockwell 创作的 根据第三段对海报的描 述“Rockwell’s image features a strong woman taking her lunch break with a rivet gun on her lap. Her lunch box reads ‘Rosie’.”(在 Rockwell 所创作的那幅图上,一个强壮的女人在午饭休息时,大腿上还放着一支铆钉枪。她
的餐盒上写着“Rosie” 。)可知图 A 为正确答案。
3.B 猜测词义题。本题题干意为:画线词“exclusively”的意思是什么 根据画线词所在句子中的“only”可推知 exclusively 意为“仅仅”,故答案为 B 项。
4.C 推理判断题。本题题干意为:与 Miller 的画作相比,Rockwell 的画作 。结合第三段中的“Rockwell’s ‘Rosie’poster..., which was then one of the nation’s most popular magazines.” 和第 四段 中 的 “The poster used exclusively within Westinghouse factories was only displayed for two weeks in February 1943. It was only in 1982—some 40 years later—that this image began to be associated with ‘Rosie the Riveter’.”可推知:在二战期间
Rockwell 的画作比 Miller 的画作更流行。故答案为 C 项。
高级语块 fictional character 虚构的人物
长难句 Saturday Evening Post’s cover artist, Norman Rockwell, is generally credited with creating one of the popular “Rosie the Riveter” images used to encourage women to become wartime workers.用于鼓励女性成为战 时工人的流行海报之一的“ 铆工露丝”形象的创作被普遍归功于《星期六晚邮报》的封面艺术家 Norman
本句 的主干是:Saturday Evening Post’s cover artist is generally credited with creating one of the popular “Rosie the Riveter” images;Norman Rockwell 作 同位语, 过去分词短语 used to encourage women to become
wartime workers 作后置定语。