

名称 2024届高考英语复习T8联考读后续写讲评课件(共17张PPT)
格式 pptx
文件大小 1.9MB
资源类型 教案
版本资源 通用版
科目 英语
更新时间 2024-04-07 19:47:42



1. 我在学校下班后回家,坐电梯回公寓,遇到邻居Mrs. Lim 也一起坐电梯;
2. 电梯坏了,飞速下降到5楼,Mrs. Lim 歇斯底里,情绪失控;
3. 忽然Mrs. Lim 呼吸困难,我帮忙松开衣服领子;我们等待救援。
第二段:电梯间遇到邻居Mrs. Lim, 一起坐电梯上楼。
第三段:电梯出故障,飞速下降到五楼。我们吓得魂不附体,Mrs Lim完全失控。
“我们出不去了!”她脸色苍白地喊道。它变成了一个无色的面具。我不能再浪费时间了。我立刻按了电梯里的铃。这声音确实震耳欲聋,但我还有别的选择吗 林太太泪流满面。我尽了最大的努力安慰她,告诉她一切都会好起来的,我们需要想办法安全出去。林太太开始呼吸困难,我立刻帮她坐下,解开她的衣领。
考生刚开始拿到文本会有无从下手的感觉。但请考生注意: 大问题——被困电梯轿厢---解决----我们脱困;小问题----Mrs. Lim 在电梯轿厢情绪失控且呼吸困难---解决----我解开她衣领---安抚她 ---情绪逐渐控制好。然后在绝望中等待希望的到来---firefighters 最终来到我们身边。
设计难点在第一段,firefighters 没来之前,怎么安排情节内容。考验学生的叙事能力。轿厢内人物是我和Mrs Lim,我是主角。所以故事的走向都由我定夺。笔者设计:时间过得非常慢 (感受)---再次打电话确认(说)---得知救援火速赶来(听)---感到如释重负(感受)---安抚Mrs. Lim (做)---耐心等待(做)。利用五感来编排叙事,请借鉴。
根据故事情节需要,续写的第二段增加firefighters (第二段首句中出现)。一般不要随便增加人物,借用原文本的人物进行续写即可。但脱困类文本,如果没有出现急救人员,考生为照顾情节设计,可以安排firefighter/ rescue workers/ emergency responders.
本文还可以设计增加到场的人物有 lift repairman ,因为电梯坏了; 又或者 增加medical workers 到场,因为Mrs Lim 呼吸困难,可能需要professional medical care / treatment。续写一般不增加新角色,但本文确实可以增加,也符合本文续写故事的情境---生与死的困境,交给专业人员处理比较好。
一、惊险的心理感受: ( heart 来展示心惊肉跳的感觉)
1. When he realized the gravity of the situation , his heart almost froze in his chest.
2. As the rumbling train was coming increasingly close, DiPinto’s heart was brought into mouth.
3. His heart was almost beating out of his chest as he heard the terrible sound of the speeding train.
4. Heart in mouth, DiPinto was at a loss what to do.
5. His mind raced fast and then he took quick action.
1. ( blood 来表现)
When he realized the seriousness/ severity of the situation , his blood ran cold.
2. (mind 几乎一片空白)
His mind almost went blank when he heard the roaring of the upcoming train.
3. (wit n. 才智) --sb be scared/ frightened /terrified out of one’s wits 吓得魂不附体
The speeding train scared DiPinto out of his wits.
1. (time来表现)
We were racing against time.
2. (困在困境中的人的时间感)
Time seemed to freeze and every minute felt like centuries.
1.A wave of despair overwhelmed me/ swallowed me.
2. I was floating in a world of despair.
3. We were left helpless and desperate.
五、 助人 脱困 +脱困后 的心理感受
1. Thanks to his quick response and timely / professional rescue, Janice had a narrow escape/ had a near brush with death. What a relief.
1.Janice , who had recovered completely, together with her husband and her cute 7- year-old old, went to visit DiPinto to express their heartfelt gratitude for what he did that night.
2.The next day, DiPinto, still worried about Janice, went to hospital to visit Janice, who was still unconscious but alive. Her husband conveyed their family’s gratitude to him for his brave and selfless gesture.
七、救人者 如何营救
1. The rescue workers assessed the situation first and then launched the rescue task/ mission in an organized way.
2.After what seemed like centuries, Janice was pulled out of the minivan.
3. Seeing the kid get out of the lift car, safe and sound, we breathed/ heaved a sigh of relief.
【词句点拨】 Notes
1. gather my composure: 保持冷静
2. have a shot at: 尝试去做某事 (通常表示成功的可能性不是很高)
3. on the other end of the line: (idiom) 在电话的另一头
评析:这属于"习语" (idiom) 的范畴。可以增加文章的地道程度。正所谓:If you can pull off some idioms in your story-telling, your writing will sound more idiomatic!
4. stuffy adj. 闷热的
5. stumbling and mumbling: 一边踉跄,一边喃喃自语
评析:伴随状语,此处突出Mrs Lim内心的恐慌,呼应句中的"a wave of panic attack”
6. signaled her to lean against the corner: 示意她倚靠着角落
评析:signal (to) sb. to do sth. 是一个译林版高中英语教材必修三U2 Reading课文关于地震灾害中出现过的动词短语,课文中是“She signalled to her students to exit the classroom in an orderly line covering their heads”。这真是一个万金油动作 (such a handy expression)。
7. a last glimmer of hope: 最后一点希望
8. screamed my lungs out: 放声大叫
评析:有点类似于中文中的“叫破喉咙”,属于夸张手法。但是各种语言当中,有自己约定俗成的修辞,如果学生直译“叫破喉咙”,当然就是Chinglish. 我们平时可以通过阅读和完形,有意识积累一些英文当中的修辞表达。
【词句点拨】 Notes
9. a knight in shining armor: (idiom) 一个在危急时刻出现拯救你的英勇人物
剑桥字典释义:someone who saves you from a difficult or dangerous situation
评析:knight指骑士,armor指盔甲。外媒例句:"You can't be sitting around waiting for a knight in shining armor in a trade to rescue your team," said catcher Mike Piazza. (2000/07/21, New York Times)
10. a massive weight off my shoulder : (idiom) 如释重负
11. slide down :滑下来
12. were lifted out of the predicament: 被解救出困境
评析:predicament n. 困境,近义词有dilemma。
13. I had never felt so alive:我从未感到过自己的生命力如此旺盛
评析:英文意思大概是:It is typically used to express a strong feeling or emotion that the speaker has never experienced before, usually a message of inner strength.
14. take my blessed uneventful life for granted: 把我被保佑的平淡无奇的人生当作理所应当
评析:这里是呼应故事第一段中的“我”的想法"Yet another uneventful day". 平淡是福。在历险脱困后,我开始懂得惜福,构成故事的闭环。