人教版(2019)选修三Unit 3 Environmental Protection Opening Page & Reading and Thinking-教学设计(表格式)


名称 人教版(2019)选修三Unit 3 Environmental Protection Opening Page & Reading and Thinking-教学设计(表格式)
格式 docx
文件大小 1.1MB
资源类型 教案
版本资源 人教版(2019)
科目 英语
更新时间 2024-04-07 21:55:59



学科 英语 年级 高二年级 学期 春季
课题 Climate Change Requires the World’s Attention
学生通过本课时的学习,能够: 1.通过快速阅读,抓取段落关键词,获取文本基本信息厘清文本主线; 2.通过细读和绘制图表,掌握全球变暖的原因、危害和措施的信息; 3.通过进一步思考,反省自身做法,培养环境保护意识,明确作者写作意图; 4.通过分析文本语言特点,明确说明文的语言特征;
本文是一篇说明文,文本结构清晰,按照“现象、案例、原因、危害、措施”的逻辑顺序展开,环环相扣,步步深入。第一段首先用统计图直观呈现气候现状:全球气候变暖。第二段用饿死的北极熊的例子和照片来具体说明气候变暖的影响,从而帮助读者初步感知气候变暖给地球带来的负面影响。文本第三段介绍两种温室效应,探讨气候变暖背后的原因。第四段揭示气候变暖的后果,即极端天气、自然灾害的频次增多,造成生命和财产的巨大损失。第五段,亮出观点,呼应标题,并号召全球携起手来,采取相应对策,减少碳排放。同时,也号召个人减少生活中的碳排放,宣传气候变化的知识 教学重点:了解文本主要内容分,梳理文本机构;用示意图展示温室效应的原理;启发和鼓励学生改变生活方式,减少碳排放;
Activity 1:Lead in 1.Where do you think this photo was taken It was taken in either the Arctic or Antarctica, as those places have large ice sheets like this. 2.What is happening in the photo The iceberg is melting and breaking up. 3.What does this photo make you think of The photo makes me think of the global warming. 设计说明:通过呈现opening page 上的图片,让学生讨论图片的来源、发生了什么,以及背后的原因,激发学生的兴趣,激活学生的背景知识。 Activity 2:Discussing the graph and photo 1.What can you say about the graph and the photo The earth is becoming warmer and warmer. The polar bear is dead 2.What’s the possible relationship between the temperature and the bear Read paragraph 1 and 2 to figure out what is described about the graph and the photo. What does the writer say about the graph “There is little doubt that Earth is getting warmer and warmer.” The writer describes it as “a dramatic change”. What does the writer say about the photo “skin and bones” “the bear appeared to have starved and died.” the bear couldn’t hunt seals as before low sea-ice levels climate change The seriousness of global warming is better illustrated by a real case. 设计说明:音带学生通过描述图表和图片内容,思考气候发生的变化,以及北北极熊死亡的原因,激发学生探究的兴趣,培养他们“看”图说话的能力。根据视频的相关截屏预判细节信息,并学习关键生词的意思,目的是为第一次观看视频、完成相应练习做好准备。 Activity 3: Clarify the structure paragraphkey words1problem2an example3causes4consequences5solutions
Skim the passage and use some key words to clarify the structure of the text. 设计说明:引导学生通过略读确定每段的关键词,了解每段表达的主题,梳理文章结构。 Activity 4: Clarify the causes(para.3) Draw a diagram describing how the greenhouse effect works. Read paragraph 3 and fill in the table. 设计说明:引导学生通过绘制示意图,学习表达信息的新方式,内化所学语内容;引导学生通过表格的形式,梳理自然温室效应和人工温室效应的区别,引导学生注意对比修辞手法的运用。 Activity 5: Understand the consequences(para.4) What are the consequences of global temperature rise Draw a diagram to present the consequences. 设计说明:引导学生带着目标阅读文本,获取相关信息,并通过绘制思维导图,对信息进行梳理和表达,同时将这些信息与自己在活动2中对于全球变暖后果的思考进行比较,拓展思路。提升学生获取与运用信息的能力;培养学生绘制思维导图的能力。 Activity 6: Seek solutions(para.5) What solutions are suggested in the last paragraph Draw a diagram to present the solutions. What will you do to help? 设计说明:引导学生探究问题解决方案,获取相关信息,并通过绘制思维导图,对信息进行梳理和表达。并进行思考自己能做的事,为后续活动做铺垫。提升学生思考能力和解决问题的能力。 Activity 7: Thinking Is the tone of the text subjective or objective Why 2. What is the author’s purpose of writing this passage The author’s purpose is to arouse our awareness of the problem of the rising temperature and appeal to us to take appropriate actions to deal with climate change. 设计说明:引导学生细读文本,思考和探究文本的语言风格,培养学生思辨能力,提升学生的语言分析能力。 Activity8:Assignment 假如你是李华,你非常关心目前的全球变暖问题。请你写一封倡议信给学校的同学们,提倡“低碳生活”(low-carbon life)。要点如下: 1)说明全球变暖问题,简述其原因; 2)提出具体措施; 3)发出倡议。 设计说明:让学生写一篇关于全球变暖有关的倡议信,内化所学语言,提升环境保护的意识。