人教版(2019)选择性必修第三册 Unit 4 Adversity and Courage Project-教学设计(表格式)


名称 人教版(2019)选择性必修第三册 Unit 4 Adversity and Courage Project-教学设计(表格式)
格式 docx
文件大小 317.6KB
资源类型 教案
版本资源 人教版(2019)
科目 英语
更新时间 2024-04-07 22:00:44



学科 英语 年级 高二年级 学期 春季
课题 Project: Give a report on people who persevere
学生通过本课时的学习,能够: 1.以具有坚毅品质的人物为话题作报告; 2.通过讨论,培养学生在面临困境时克服困难并坚持不懈的品质。
本课时项目的话题为“以具有坚毅品质的人物为话题作报告”。古今中外有许多著名人物,尽管屡遭挫折和苦难,仍以坚忍不屈的精神和毅力挑战自我,取得卓越的成绩。项目内容主要包括讨论并确定话题报告候选人、搜集基本信息、制作报告大纲、完成并分享主题报告等。 教学重点:搜集相关具有坚毅品质的人物事迹,并制作相关人物报告的大纲;
Activity 1:Lead in Look at the pictures and answer the questions. 1. Based on what we have learned in this unit, do you remember who he is He is Ernest Shackleton. 2. Can you summarize his story briefly Ernest Shackleton went on an expedition to Antarctic on the ship Endurance, during which he met a lot of difficulties, leaving some of his crew members on Elephant Island. However, Shackleton never gave up and finally succeeded in rescuing his crew members. How would you describe him based on his story Shackleton is a man who has encountered adversity but has persevered. 设计说明:通过呈现本单元阅读课主人公Ernest Shackleton的照片,引导学生回顾“坚忍号”南极探险的相关故事,并引出“具有坚毅品质的人”这一概念。 Activity 2:Discuss in groups Brainstorm and make a list of more people who have encountered adversity but have persevered and overcome the difficulties. Chopin, Sima Qian, Beethoven and so on. What kind of information should we have if we want to conduct a research on these people Name, country, gender, occupation, challenges, achievement, influence and so on. Choose three candidates who persevere to do your research on and pay attention to: Were the candidates from different countries Did they face different challenges Had they made great contributions in their fields Why have they impressed you most Finish the basic information of your candidate based on the example of Chopin. Example of Chopin Name: Frédéric Francois Chopin (March 1, 1810 - October 17, 1849) Gender: male Occupation: composer and pianist Country: Poland Challenges: suffered from tuberculosis and problems with heart 设计说明:通过让学生开展头脑风暴,列出更多具有坚毅品质的著名人物。在此基础上,挑选其中三位人物作为候选人,引导学生讨论需要关注哪些人物基本信息,并以肖邦为例,帮助学生搭建基本人物信息框架。 Activity 3: Gather information for the report What else information should we gather for a report Basic background information about the person Challenges that this person faced How he/she overcame the difficulties His/Her subsequent achievements His/Her attitudes towards life and challenges Watch a short video about Yuan Longping and answer the questions. (1). Why did Yuan Longping value the title so much this time To train the talent for all countries, especially for developing countries, was one of his lifelong wishes. (2). What was Yuan Longping’s dream His dream was that his super hybrid rice plant as high as the sorghum, and the panicle as large as the broom, and the grain as big as the peanuts. 设计说明:在获取活动2的基本人物信息后,进一步讨论需要补充的其他信息。同时通过观看小视频,了解袁隆平对科学的热爱与奉献精神,并为后续列出相关的人物提纲提供信息。 Activity 4: Create an outline 1. Complete the following chart to create an outline. People who persevereBasic informationScientific workAttitudesDate of birth, birthplaceTask and difficultiesTowards the honorEducationResearchesTowards future researchAchievementsDiscoveries...
2. Finish the information of Yuan Longping based on the above chart. Then introduce Yuan Longping to your partner. 3. Apart from the content, what else should we pay attention to when giving a report We should also pay attention to the language and pictures. 设计说明:引导学生基于袁隆平的科学家身份,从他的基本信息、科学研究工作、个人态度三方面出发,列出人物报告的提纲。同时引导学生关注人物报告除了内容外,还需注意语言并添加图片信息。 Activity 5: Turn your outline into a report Based on your outline of Yuan Longping, please finish your report. Recognized as the “father of hybrid rice”, Yuan Longping was born in Beijing in 1930 and graduated from Southwest Agricultural College in 1953. In order to deal with the problem of food shortages due to the severe famine at that time, he made up his mind to study rice breeding. In 1966, “the three-line matching method” was first proposed by Mr Yuan. Nevertheless, it’s awfully tough to remove stamens manually for the mass production of hybrid seeds, because rice was a kind of plant from self-pollination. In addition, heterosis featured obviously only in the first generation of hybrids, which must be prepared for every planting cycle. These difficulties, however, motivated Mr Yuan and his team to research more. In 1970, they eventually discovered “wild abortive”. With the development of the three-line breeding method, Mr Yuan continued to pursue breakthroughs to make the process of seed production easier. Mr Yuan Longping generates high-yield hybrid rice by proposing plant genetic theories and achieving practical field production. His legacy is not only the progress of hybrid rice — but his curiosity, devotion, courage, perseverance, diligence, cooperation and selflessness have left an indelible spiritual wealth to us all. 设计说明:基于袁隆平的人物报告大纲,通过结合人物报告内容,并关注语言及图片等,引导学生给出完整的人物报告,并为后续撰写屠呦呦的人物报告提供模板。 Activity 6: Practice Besides Yuan Longping, threre is a very famous female scientist in our country. And she was awarded the Nobel Prize in 2015. Do you know who she is Tu Youyou. Finish the outline of Tu Youyou to get prepared for your report. Basic information: Date of birth: 30 December, 1930 Birthplace: Zhejiang Province, China Education: graduated from Peking University Medical School in 1955 Achievements: discovery of “artemisinin”; winner of the Nobel Prize for Physiology or Medicine Scientific research: Task and difficulties: Task is to find a cure for malaria. Difficulties are limited resources, not enough staff and poor working conditions. Researches: tested more than 240,000 chemicals 2. researched hundreds of traditional recipes 3. tested herself Discovery: artemisinin Attitudes: Towards the honour: not interested in fame Towards future research: feels it’s a recognition and motivation for all scientists in China 设计说明:基于袁隆平的完整人物报告,罗列出国内另一位伟大的女性科学家——诺贝尔奖获得者屠呦呦的人物报告大纲,强化学生对本课时项目主题的理解和运用。 Assignment Finish the report on Tu Youyou based on the outline. On 7 December, 2015, Tu Youyou was awarded a Nobel Prize for her discovery of artemisinin, a life-saving drug for malaria. Tu Youyou majored in medicine in university and later studied Chinese medicine with experts in the field. In 1969, Tu Youyou was given the mission to set up a team to find a cure for malaria. When worldwide scientists failed to find a cure using modern chemicals, Tu Youyou turned to Chinese herbs for help. Despite their limited resources and hundreds of failed experiments, they found a possible chemical. In order to test the medicine, Tu Youyou and her team tested the medicine on their own bodies. They finally discovered the most effective drug to cure the disease. Although Tu Youyou has won the Nobel Prize and become well-known, she is uninterested in fame and prefers to continue her research. 设计说明:巩固本课时所学内容,基于屠呦呦的人物大纲完成对主题为“以具有坚毅品质的人物为话题”的项目报告,并学习屠呦呦的科学精神和坚毅品质。