人教版(2019)选修三Unit 4 Adversity and Courage Using Language(2)_ Reading and Writing-教学设计(表格式)


名称 人教版(2019)选修三Unit 4 Adversity and Courage Using Language(2)_ Reading and Writing-教学设计(表格式)
格式 docx
文件大小 626.6KB
资源类型 教案
版本资源 人教版(2019)
科目 英语
更新时间 2024-04-07 22:01:26



学科 英语 年级 高二年级 学期 春季
课题 Using Language (2): The reward for perseverance
学生通过本课时的学习,能够: 1.获取有关留在象岛的船员生活信息; 2.掌握“回忆录”的写作特点; 3.撰写有关沙克尔顿及其“坚忍号”船员南极探险的故事评论。
本课时内容为“坚忍号”南极探险故事的延续,是一篇回忆录,文章以“坚忍号”大厨的口吻生动地描绘了象岛上船员的生活。文章结构清晰,基于故事背景,描写了船员们在象岛上面临的困难、解决措施,积极的生活态度和团队精神,以及最终所有船员获救的结果。 象岛上的船员们在面临饮用水短缺、生火困难、食物单一、天气恶劣等诸多问题的情况下,凭借积极的心态和团队协作精神,在逆境中坚持数月,最终成功获救,这种精神能鼓励学生即使面对困境,也应积极应对,永不言弃。 教学重点:获取有关留在象岛的船员生活信息;
Activity 1:Lead in Look at the pictures to get the background information about this passage. Shackleton and five members left Elephant Island to look for rescue while other crew members stayed on the island. 设计说明:通过观看P39 Reading and Thinking及P42 Using Language (1)的截图,回顾本单元前期内容并获取本课时的故事背景。 Activity 2:Predict 1. What would the crew members suffer on Elephant Island Hunger and thirst, extreme weather, illness, loneliness, helplessness... 2.If you were one of the crew members on the island, what would you do to cheer yourself up Play the Banjo and hold some activities. 3.Would they be rescued at last How do you know Yes, by focusing on the title of this passage. 设计说明:基于活动1的故事背景,让学生预测留在象岛船员可能面临的困难,并设想如果自己是其中一员,会如何使自己振作起来。同时通过预测船员最终是否获救,引导学生关注文章标题的提示作用。 Activity 3: Activity 3: Identify the writing style What is the writing style of this passage A memoir. A memoir is a personal narrative that focuses more on the feelings, emotions, and memories that are important to the author. Find out the basic elements of the memoir and fill in the blank. MemoirWhothe remaining crew membersWhenafter Shackleton and the boat sailed awayWhereon Elephant IslandWhatsuffered hardships and tried to stay alive Whywaited for Shackleton to rescue themHowHow did they deal with the hardships
设计说明:通过分析文体,明确回忆录的基本特征,同时基于回忆录的六要素,获取本文的基本信息。 Activity 4: Read for structure 1. Scan the text and divide it into four parts. Part 1 para.1 A. Problems they faced and the solutions Part 2 para.2-4 B. Background of the story Part 3 para.5 C. The result: they were finally rescued Part 4 para.6 D. Things that helped them deal with the difficulties 2. Read the passage again and finish the mind map. 设计说明:基于活动3对文体的把握和梳理,通过给课文进行分段以及完成思维导图的形式,帮助学生获取文本细节信息,进一步了解故事内容。 Activity 5: Activity 5: Retell the story with the structure and mind map After Shackleton and other five members sailed away from Elephant Island, the crew members left on the island tried all they could to stay alive while waiting for rescue. They got drinking water from melted ice and burned animal fat for fire, solving food problems by varying the meals of sea animals. And they had to be careful not to go outside to often so as to avoid getting ill. With so many difficulties and challenges, however, their discipline and team spirit kept them optimistic and eased their fears in a positive and successful way. Their optimism and faith in Shackleton had helped them persevere in staying alive for so long. And in return for their trust, Shackleton paid them back by his commitment to save them at last. 设计说明:基于对“回忆录”的文体特征、文章结构以及思维导图细节信息的挖掘,通过复述文本的方式,帮助学生重新回顾文本内容,并为撰写有关沙克尔顿及其“坚忍号”船员南极探险的故事评论做准备。 Activity 6: Discuss 1. What were the dangers of living on the island The dangers of living on the island were the changing temperatures, lack of food and water, and the black smoke from burning animal fat. 2. What do you think were the key reasons for their survival I think the key reasons for their survival were their discipline and positive mental attitude, as well as the reliability of Shackleton. If you were one of the men on Elephant Island, would you have trusted Shackleton Why or why not I would have trusted Shackleton as he was a man of honour and would do all he possibly could to save us. How would you describe Shackleton Shackleton is a calm, wise, selfless, responsible leader and explorer. His actions and qualities gave the crew members strong belief that he would come back to save them and he would make it. How would you describe the crew members Why In my opinion, the crew members are very brave, though a few of them are not very positive, and all of the crew members were at times worried and desperate about their situation, which was completely reasonable and understandable. On the whole, however, they remained positive. This was mainly because all the crew members trusted Shackleton deeply and they knew he would do his best to save them. 设计说明:通过提问居住在象岛存在的危险以及船员们获救的主要原因,学生能基于文本对故事背后的人物品质加以分析,为活动7写作部分的人物性格分析做好准备。同时,通过让学生站在船员角度,讨论是否会相信关沙克尔顿这一问题,能让学生在理解文本内容的同时提其批判性思维。 Activity 7: Write an essay Based on the diary entries and the memoir you have read, write an essay about the story of Shackleton and his men on the ship Endurance. What kind of information should we gather for an outline of this essay A brief summary of the story, what you think about the characters, your overall impressions of the story. Fill in the blanks to write an outline of this essay. Paragraghscontentexamples and detailsParagraph 1A brief summary of the storywho / what / when / where / why / howParagraph 2What you think about the charactersactions / words / relationship / your comments Paragraph 3Your overall impressions of the storyWhat I like most about the story is... The spirit of Shackleton and his crew members leave me a deep impression ...
Finish your essay based on the outline. This story is about the 1914 -1916 expedition by Ernest Shackleton to make the first land crossing of Antarctica. For this task he used the ship Endurance with a 28-man crew aboard. However, they faced great troubles when the ship got stuck in the ice and they had to abandon the ship. Consequently, they had to face the extreme weather as well as a dangerous environment with limited supplies on Elephant Island. Luckily, Shackleton and other five members left the island to look for rescue and manage to save them at last. Shackleton is described as calm and brave and takes his crew’s safety very seriously. In addition, the rest of the crew are also brave and overall positive. This was helped by the good relationship Shackleton had with his crew who trusted him and knew he would do his best to save them. What I like most about this story is Shackleton’s perseverance in getting help and the crew’s bravery in surviving for so long. My impression of them is very positive as they must have struggled greatly in such a position of adversity. I felt very happy when I learnt that the whole crew survived at last. 设计说明:基于对本单元所学内容的整体把握和对主人公沙克尔顿和其他船员的人物分析,制定故事评论和人物评论的提纲,撰写有关沙克尔顿及其“坚忍号”船员南极探险的故事评论。 Assignment 1. Polish your writing; 2. Do some research on a famous person who is optimistic and has persevered in adversity, then write a brief summary of his / her story. Sima Qian was a Chinese historian born around 145 BCE. He is famous for his work Historical Records, covering 2,000 years of Chinese history. In 99 BCE he became involved in the Li Ling affair. The general was defeated and captured along with Li Guangli, Emperor Wu’s brother-in-law. Sima Qian was the only person to defend Li Ling and the Emperor took this as an attack on his brother-in-law. Sima Qian was sentenced to death but was given the option of castration instead. He was then imprisoned for three years. Despite this great challenge, he continued with histories and developed many innovative techniques, such as interviewing, visiting actual sites, and examining documents from different regions and times. He knew his work was more important than his own personal suffering and is today considered the father of Chinese historiography. 设计说明:将本单元所学内容进行迁移,进一步深化学生对乐观和坚毅等品质的理解和欣赏,并通过撰写人物事迹提升英语写作水平。