人教版(2019)必修第二册Unit 5 Music Words and expressions 学案(无答案)


名称 人教版(2019)必修第二册Unit 5 Music Words and expressions 学案(无答案)
格式 docx
文件大小 22.9KB
资源类型 教案
版本资源 人教版(2019)
科目 英语
更新时间 2024-04-08 12:20:09



Uint5 Words and Expressions
1. classical adj.古典(文艺)的; 经典的;传统的
【拓展】 _________ adj. 典型的,有代表性的;优秀的, 第一流的 ;
n. (书、电影、歌曲)经典、优秀的作品; 优秀典范
_________ n. 阶级,社会等级;班级
_________ v. 将…分类/归类
2. energy n. 能量;能源;精力
_____________ adj.精力充沛的;积极的 ______________ adv.
1)To his satisfaction, the poet found the composer _________(energy).
2)She's always full ____ energy .
3)She put all her ________ (energy) into her work.
4)(2018.全国I)Timing out may renew your mindset and ________ (energy), particularly in solving problems.
【拓展】选词填空: energy/strength/ power/ force
1)Matters of this kind should be solved in a peaceful way instead of by means of _______.
2)She interviewed six women who had reached positions of great _________ and influence.
3)The ability to keep calm is one of her many ____________.
4)Since I started eating healthily. I’ve got much more _______.
3. soul n. 灵魂
heart and soul ____________ touch one’s soul _______________
4.composition n. 成分; (音乐/艺术/诗歌的)作品; 作文
【拓展】 ___________ vt. 组成; 创作 ___________ n. 作曲者; 作曲家
be composed of = ___________________=__________________=__________________
The ___________ which was __________ by the ___________is _________ of many modern and classical elements (元素).
5.opportunity n. 机会 抓住机会 ___________ the opportunity
6.perform vi.& vt. 表演;履行;执行
perform an operation/an experiment ________/__________
perform one’s duty/ promise 尽某人的_______/________
____________n. 表演者;演员 ____________ n. 表演,演出;表现
1) Computers can _________ all kinds of tasks.
2)She ________ an important role in our organization.
3)The play was first _________ in 1987.
4)The engine seems to be __________ well.
5)But I still feel for Song and her fellow ___________ who had worked so hard to put on a stellar(一流的) ___________.
7. enable vt. 使能够;使可能
able adj. _______ ________ n. 能力 unable adj. _________
disabled adj. ___________ disability n. ___________
1)The software ________you to access the Internet in seconds.
2)The road was so narrow that cars were _______ to pass.
3)The kind old couple has altogether taken in10 _______ children.
4)What rules are used for assessing a student's _______
8. prove vt. 证明;展现;证实 证明是 _________ n.证明;证据
(1)【连系动词】prove(to be)+n./adj. 证明是……被发现是...
【翻译】The report finallly proved to be false news. __________________________________。
(2) vt. prove sth to sb 向某人证明……
It has been / is proved that ... 据证明/事实证明……
1)Margaret proved herself ______(be) a good mother.
2) Just give me a chance and I'll prove it _____ you. 
3) (2020·江苏高考)He proved _______ it’s not what happens to us that determines our lives
4) (2021·浙江1月)Unfortunately we forgot to weigh them before taking out their insides, but I was determined ________(prove) my point.
5) (2022.新高考全国I) “I ____________ (prove) that it’s possible for blind people to do such a thing.” Cao trembled.
9. award n.奖;奖品 vt.授予
10. fall in love with... 爱上(强调动作)
be in love with... 爱上(强调状态)
The couple ___________________ each other for almost 20 years.
=It’s almost 20 years since the couple ______________ with each other at first sight.
11. original adj. 原来的;独创的;原作的,非复制的 n. 原件;原作
_____________ adv. 原来;本来;最初 __________ n. 源头;起因;起源
___________ vt. 起源;发源
12. stage n.(发展或进展的)时期;阶段; (多指剧场中的)舞台
13. capable adj. 有能力;有才能的 = competent
_________ adj. 没有能力的
be capable ___ (doing) sth 能够做某事
14. relief n. (焦虑、痛苦的)减轻或消除;
_____ relief 如释重负;松了口气
_____ one’s relief 令某人欣慰的是
_____ is a relief to do sth. 做某事很放心/舒心
________ vt. 减轻,缓解 _____________ adj.感到宽慰的,放心的
1) _____ her relief,her younger brother recovered quickly after operation.
2) She smiled _____ relief after she heard her son survived in the disaster.
3) His mother was________(relieve)to see him happy again.
15. cure n.药物;治疗;(解决问题、改善糟糕情况的)措施
a cure ____ sth. 某(疾病)的治疗方法;某(问题)的解决方法
cure sb. ____ sth. 治愈某人的……(疾病);改掉某人的…(坏习惯)
1) There is still no cure ______ AIDS.
2) I finally cure him ______ his bad habits.
3) He told us that his operation had been performed before, so his disease could __________(cure).
16. absorb vt.吸引注意力;吸收;使并入
___________ adj. 被……吸引住的;专心致志的
be/get absorbed in sth. /sb. ___________________
absorb oneself ____ ... 专心于;全神贯注于
1)Nowadays, one of the common phenomena is to see ordinary people listening to music with headphones, __________ (absorb) themselves in their own world.
2)The surrounding small towns have been absorbed _____ the city.
3)Plants absorb carbon dioxide ______ the air and moisture from the soil.
4)She seemed totally __________(absorb) in her book.
17. unemployed adj. 失业的;待业的
_________ v. 雇佣;使用 _____________ n. 雇用;职业;就业 _______________n. 失业
___________ n. 雇工;雇员 ___________ n. 雇主;老板
18. impact n. 影响,强大作用 v. 影响
have an impact on/upon 对……有影响
= have an effect/influence on/upon
19. aim n.目的;目标 vt.&vi. 力求达到;力争做到;瞄准 vt.目的是;旨在
___________adj. 漫无目的的;无目标的
___________adv. 漫无目的地;无目标地
v. aim to do sth 目的在于/旨在做某事
aim ____ sth. 以...为目标
aim ____ (doing) sth.=be aimed at 瞄准;针对.目的在于
n. _____ the aim of (doing)    为了做某事
20. set sth up 安装好(设备或机器)
21. equipment n.[U]设备;装备 【拓展】一件设备 ________________
22.try out (for...) 参加…选拔/试演; 测试; 试验
tryout n. 试验;选拔赛
23. talent n. 天才;天资;天赋=gift
have a talent / gift for 有……的天资/天赋
be talented / gifted in 在……方面有才能
1)Most people believe the best way to build a great team is to gather a group of the most ______ (talent) individuals.[2019·北京卷]
2)He had a gift _______ music when he was just 6 years old, so we all consider him to be a ___________ (talent) musician.
24. assume vt. 以为;假设; 承担(责任) ______________ n. 假定, 假设, 承担
assume sb./sth. ____ ____ 假定/假设某人/某物为
It is assumed _____ ... 人们认为…(it形主)
assuming (that) ... conj.假设/假定…(单独用)
1. _________ that I am chosen to be a leader, I will organize many colorful activities.
2. On the ___________ that I am chosen to be a leader, I will organize many colorful activities.
2. It was impossible to make ____________ about people's reactions.
3. We were wrong __________ she'd agree.
4. It is ________ that drinking tea can refresh ourselves.
25. addition n. 添加;加法;增加物
26. ache v. / n. 疼痛
___________/ _____________/ _____________ 头痛/胃痛/牙痛
27. treatment n. 治疗;对待;处理 __________ v. 对待;治疗;款待
28. lean v. 依靠;倾斜 leant/leaned—leant/leaned
29. get through 完成,度过,接通电话;通过;用完
写出get through的不同含义:
1) I've been trying to phone Charles all evening, but there must be something wrong with the network; I can't seem to get through. ________
2) Luckily, the gap in the fence was just wide enough for the sheep to get through. _____
3) The little boy got through all his money in just one week and had to ask his mum for some more. _____
4) Let's start — there is a lot to get through. _____
30. satisfaction n. 满足;满意;欣慰
_________ vt. 使满意 __________ adj. 满意的 ___________ adj. 令人满意的
___________ adj. 满意的;符合要求的
be/feel satisfied/pleased/content/happy with 对……感到满意
1)To the ___________ of the boss, his products could _______ the need of the customer.
2)It would be a most __________ job to help young people to become the best that they can be.
31.being n. 身心;存在;生物
come into being/existence 形成; 产生
32. various adj. 各种不同的;各种各样的
_________ vi. (根据情况) 变化;改变 __________ n. 变化;多样(化)
33. rhetorical devices 修辞手法
metaphor _______ personification ________ repetition ________ simile ________